Friday 26 April 2024

Time to make some changes


It’s been over 25 years since I first got an internet connection and took to being online like a duck to water. Back then I had no idea of the downsides and just thought it was all the new frontier. But these days I have a love hate relationship with “the internet”.

Computers are tools, and they certainly have their uses. And we tend to just unquestioningly accept an internet connection as part of that. But shit has gotten out of hand, and I woke up this morning thinking, that’s enough, this is fucking me up and it’s time change how I use the internet.

Watching the sheeple on their zombie phones over the past few years, I feel like very few people seem to see how totally fucked up most of their phone use is. I do have a zombie phone myself but I pretty much refuse to use it, and phones have never held any attraction for me. With their pissy little screens and annoying menus I hate using the fucking things and prefer my 12” tablet or 17” laptop, but nothing really works as well as a keyboard and mouse with a 32” screen on my PC.

Computers can be both practical and creative tools with many uses, and the internet can be very handy as well. But shit has been going backwards for at least the past decade, and most people are as addicted as fuck to an increasing mindless river of utter bullshit, filling up their minds and warping them into an ever more unquestioning flock of terrified sheeple.

We often talk of people being programmed by their televisions, and that certainly is still happening, but the focus on TV is decades behind the times, people are now mainly being programmed by all the crap they allow in from “the internet”. That tool is constantly being used against us.

Sometimes my own internet use is just plain unhealthy. As recently as three years ago my email was a fairly effective means of communication, but as it became increasingly swamped with spam I had to switch to two new accounts on Protonmail that I’m very selective about who I tell about.

 My old accounts were getting over 600 spam emails a day, with very few emails I actually want to see. Although it was fairly obvious that my email was a train wreck, it wasn’t until Google blocked all my emails from Gmail because my domain is blacklisted, that I was finally forced to stop using all my old email accounts. Truth is they did me a favour, highlighting the fact that my email had become a spam stream.

And that pattern repeats across most of my internet usage, with it all just degenerating into a time wasting pile of crap, especially over the past four years. Five years ago I was convinced that blockchain based platforms and cryptocurrencies were the future and I did well with those for a while. But not any more, truth is they have all turned to shit, and the time had come to look at what the fuck I was doing online and ask some hard questions.

Social media is the new TV, more effective deep state programming than TV ever was. This may be a time of rapid change, that could potentially either lead to awakening or enslavement, or both, but to be fairly scathing here, I have never in all my days seen such a bunch of total mind controlled fucktards online as during the covid hoax. Maybe more people are now waking up, but I knew this stuff long before “covid”, and like 911, it’s old news and I’m fully over it.

The platforms I pinned my hopes on – Steemit, Hive, Flote, Blurt, & Bastyon, have all turned to shit, they are now all abject failures, and the deep state controlled platforms like Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Instagram, & TikTok are all even more fucked up than they were when I was blogging about how appalling they were back in 2016. I was right about those, and with the sole exception of Facebook, I have at least managed to stop using them. And again, by black listing my accounts the mainstream platforms did me a favour.

Thanks deep state, by turning the internet into an increasingly obvious sea of fudporn, libtard propaganda, and globalist bullshit you have probably done me another favour. I don’t know how any of this will play out, but at least now I grasp what it is I’ve been addicted to for the past quarter of a century. From now on I plan to use with the internet with more care!

Thursday 25 April 2024



While staring at a half naked photo of Justine Blubber I started wondering what the real reason is that young people have all taken to defacing themselves with the most appallingly crap tatts in the history of humanity.

Back in the old days sailors and prisoners used to get tattoos and everyone else used to take one look at them and make a mental note to avoid giving them a job.

The number of people getting tattoos has gone up greatly in the past 20 years, especially among those people under the age of 30. The other side to all this is that the tattoo removal industry is now bigger than the tattoo industry. Around 40 million Americans are tattooed, and around 7 million of them are already seeking tattoo removal.

As you might expect the number keeps going up as people accidentally catch sight of themselves in a mirror or a photo and start thinking things like “Why have I got a bunch of utterly meaningless words tattooed all over me”.

People really hate thinking for themselves, so to avoid this horrible experience they copy other people, and for some reason they think the things that they copy are just random fashions, but they never are. Fashions, just like smoking, feminism, low-fat diets, and pretending there are more than 2 sexes, are all designed to further social and money making agendas.

Tattoos serve several purposes; first and foremost they program people to later accept the idea of micro-chip implants which is one of the new world order plans. They also give people the illusion that they are expressing themselves, when in fact they are just willingly falling in line to do their part in submitting to another globalist agenda. Rather than forcing people to submit, it works much better to have them happily paying to submit.

Like all social engineering there are secondary financial benefits, and making people sick is nearly always one of them, because sick people are a profitable industry. As with fluoride and chlorine in the water supply, aluminum and mercury in vaccines, and GMO's and Canola oil in the food supply, tattoo ink includes hormone disrupters and carcinogenic ingredients, so they tick that box too.

Tattoo removal technology is constantly improving – but at the moment it is slow, painful, and leaves scarring. As it develops it will become increasingly popular, and it is already a bigger industry than tattooing. The very same people who are promoting morons like Justin Blubber also have investments in the tattoo industry and will now be fully moving into the tattoo removal industry as well. Trying to pick the next big thing in cryptos is tricky but investing in the tattoo removal industry is a no-brainer.

That is the best reason I can come up with why the quality of tattoos has gone backward for the past twenty years. Lets face it though, they were always a bunch of crap artistically (would you ever want a tattoo as desktop wallpaper?), but at least in the 90’s some effort was made to do a decent job - I used to work a few doors along from Roger’s Tatooart, one of New Zealand’s top tattoo shops, so I saw skilled tattoo’s everyday, and they were a hell of a lot better than the slop most people are getting today.

Recently I was buying some food at our local organic shop on a warm day when next thing I knew I nearly dropped my bottles of A2 milk from the shock of seeing a bloody awful tattoo of a skull on the shoulder of a woman in a singlet.

From that point on I realised that every person in the shop had at least one tattoo (no, most tattoo ink is neither organic nor vegan) and I kept seeing feminists with bad haircuts all inked up with tattoos that even prisoners would once have considered a bit rough. The guy who sits on the footpath outside everyday asking for small change actually has far better tatts than many of the feminists in the organic shop.

A few extra fun tatt facts

In the UK there has been a more than 400 percent increase in tattoo removal in the past 10 years, often inspired by celebrities who ironically inspired the tattoo trend in the first place.

An employer survey cited over 70 percent of business owners registered an unfavourable view of job applicants with tattoos.

A laser tattoo removal typically costs around 10 times the amount of getting one.

Tattoo removal is the largest growth sector in cosmetic procedures worldwide

Tattoo inks often include phthalates (hormone disrupters) and dibutyl phthalate and benzoprene - well-documented skin carcinogens.

Wednesday 24 April 2024




For the past few years I’ve been saying that Bill Hicks faked his death from cancer and took on one of his stage personas – he called that person “Alex Jones”

Let’s face it, all the evidence in the world won’t swing the opinion of someone who doesn’t want to see the obvious. We can see that now with the coronahoax.

But just to revisit happier times when we weren’t all looking down the barrel of an Orwellian police state, back when we were researching conspiracies for light hearted fun, rather than having life and death battles with mind controlled cult members, I’ll dig up some old Bill Hicks is Alex Jones infowarp.

To begin with Alex and Bill look almost exactly alike and their facial recognition matches 100%, only it appears Alex has had a nose job, a face-lift and gotten considerably fatter than Bill ever was. Alex definitely dyes his hair, they have two identical moles on the right side of their necks, and even their teeth are a perfect match. They are both famous funny Texans who constantly talk about conspiracy subjects, and they are both very quick to frustration and anger, Alex being well-known for his screaming rants and Bill known for shouting down his audiences and even naming an album “Rant in E Minor.”


Bill wasn’t born in Texas but moved there as a teenager and always idolized cowboys and the Texan spirit. Bill allegedly died of cancer in 1994 but he had no public funeral; Alex came on the scene shortly after Bill’s passing and has no verifiable history before 1994. Alex claims to have gone to Anderson high school but when people call up, Anderson says they have no record of him.


Bill Hicks’ best friend, camera man and producer, co-creator of Sacred Cow productions, was Kevin Booth. Shortly after Bill’s passing, Kevin became Alex Jones’ good friend, camera-man and producer! Bill, Alex, and Kevin were all 3 very outspoken and involved with the Waco, Texas Branch Davidian debacle and there exists video of Kevin and Bill in 1993 outside the Davidian house before the final conflict but no video of Alex. However, a year or two later after Bill’s passing, Kevin was out there again, this time with Alex filming a Waco documentary and rebuilding the Waco church! You can also see here at a Bill Hicks’ 10th Anniversary event, Kevin Booth gets on stage, shows a Hicks’ documentary then says with a smirk, “maybe in some way Bill Hicks is still here with us now” and presents a framed plaque with Bill’s portrait to none other than Alex Jones! WTF!?


Alex claims to be only 39 years old right now, though even after all the plastic surgery, he still looks considerably older. If he was really Bill Hicks then Alex would be 53 now which is closer to Alex’s apparent age. Bill Hicks was also a long-time cigarette smoker and Alex claims to have fought a life-long battle with cigarette addiction himself. Their names even follow the same 4-letter 5-letter pattern, Bill/Alex Hicks/Jones.


Director Richard Linklater was a big fan of Bill Hicks and lamented never being able to work with him, then later Linklater launched Alex Jones’ film career giving him roles in Waking Life and A Scanner Darkly. Bill was well-respected in the comedy community and today Alex is good friends with famous comedians like Joe Rogan and Charlie Sheen. Bill was also a big fan of Andy Kaufman, the comedian who would go to great lengths to disguise himself and create separate personas, much like it seems Bill is doing with this “Alex” character.


Yes, Alex Jones is Bill Hicks…








I used to think lots of people knew that the most annoying man on the internet is a zionist shill.

But no, despite the glaring evidence that he is working for the very same zionists who own youtube, by just giving the irritating prick a bit of censorship and he became an oppressed people’s hero.

Along with Fear Uncertainty and Doubt (FUD), False Flag, and Play Both Sides, another favourite tactic of zionists is The Streisand Effect.


From another of the zionists own websites – Wikipedia – “The Streisand effect is a phenomenon whereby an attempt to hide, remove, or censor a piece of information has the unintended consequence of publicizing the information more widely, usually facilitated by the Internet”

And holy cow, do the evil fuckers know how to milk that one for all it’s worth…

Censoring alex jones will give him a bunch of cred, make him a popular hero, and give some new “alternative” video channel (also to be owned by the zionists) a huge boost.

Wake up sheeple this is what they do every time-BECAUSE IT WORKS!
From alex jones to “president” chump to ted talks to most of the “alt” media including wikileaks – the zionists win this shit over and over using the same bunch of tricks.


There are people presenting real alt news online, but not many people seem to discuss it, because they have been distracted by popular puppets like alex the shill jones. The controlled opposition directs the flow of both mainstream and “alternative” discussion.

So just to make this clear – what I’m saying here is that alex jones is a zionist shill, and his act is yet another con.




Monday 22 April 2024

European royalty have always had the looks

 They are an attractive bunch who have always had the looks to go with their money!

Sunday 21 April 2024


 I'm not sure what to make of some "modernist" art - for example is this painting showing the anticipated audience reaction to this painting by Tala Madani? Or are those men transitioning? So many questions, maybe it's better to stop over analyzing and just enjoy the artistry...

 Tala Madani is worshipped for mocking the very men who probably fund her exhibitions - fat, balding, middle aged men with pervy sexual issues, so she is highly regarded in libtard art poseur circles!

"Tala Madani was born in Tehran, Iran in 1981. She skewers stereotypes in her sharply satirical paintings that evoke clashes of culture: men and women, the rational and the absurd, Western and non-Western"

"Madani’s figurative paintings often feature a riotous cast of middle-aged men, balding and stocky, whose libidinal mayhem wreaks havoc on any situation the artist thrusts them into. Acerbic caricatures of both machismo and a childlike desire for mischief, the physical comedy at work in Madani’s paintings is anchored by intense pleasures, pathos, and a pervasive sense of violence"

"Tala Madani’s paintings depict a universe of splendid transgressions. A brood of babies feasts on a mother made of crap. A toddler wields a penis the size of a go-kart. A man is levitated by the power of his own glowing ejaculate. It’s a funny, horrifying and often hypermasculine place, animated by the mythic logic of the subconscious. To suit her subject, Madani depicts many of these activities in the dark, lit dramatically by flashlights and projectors, as if they were scenes in some sordid farce. Light is a primary force here, just as it is for all painters, but these lights are artificial, invasive beams of unwanted exposure"
 Here are five of her masterpieces



At some point in the past few years, the penny dropped and I realised  Apple, Microsoft, and later, Google, were all set up by the deep state, they were never real businesses – we can use their tools, but they are all playing us.

Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were both actors working for the CIA. Jobs faked his death and Gates was replaced around 2013. As was “Melinda” who is a very obvious tranny. “Bill” probably is as well – they both appear to be inverts.
Linux – is there is something not right about the development and marketing of Linux? – by keeping it hard to use and underground for decades it has never posed a real threat to the deep state operating systems. It slowly improves, but is never really sorted out for mass use. Maybe it’s always been too controlled by geeks, but some distros, like Mint, are so close to being suited to mass use, I always wonder what is holding everything back? Has the deep state infiltrated Linux development too and deliberately held it back?

All those Windows software updates are not just for copying our data, one day all of those programs could “unexpectedly” create irritating and time consuming problems in unison – mass distraction at a key moment, and those trojans are being constantly set up.

Logging us out of accounts and demanding that we SUBMIT (rather than just logging back in) is obvious mind programming. Any site that does that has revealed it’s true intentions. Pay attention to these little signs!

Another trick is spell checkers. Making spell checkers only work properly in US English has forced us to use more US spelling – more programming. But it’s not just our computers that are trying to control us, nearly everything on the internet is a distraction, whether intentional or not, and social media is almost all just there to distract us – that is a major part of how we are being controlled.
Microsoft crossed the line after Win 7 – Microsoft is all spyware but I don’t ever want to use Win 10 on, not even for day to day use and certainly not for anything to do with cryptos.

What I’m using on my computers these days is a mix of both Windows 7 and Linux Mint 21, but I’m gradually moving more to Linux and less Windows. I’m not a tech geek and having used Windows 98, XP, and 7, for quarter of a century, I do find it a stretch fully escaping the clutches of Microscum, mainly because of things like changing from Photoshop to Gimp.

Mint is a decent operating system though, and Gimp is pretty good too. It wasn't a good situation being locked into old software. Photoshop CS6 (2012) was the last version of Photoshop that you could use without having to rent it off Adobe for a monthly fee, which I would never do, so I'm still using an 11 year old program that I will never update. And same with Windows 7 which is now 14 years old (2009).