SIFT TOP 5 MOST POPULAR BLOG POSTS THIS MONTH (Scroll down to see the latest posts)

Showing posts with label frot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label frot. Show all posts

Saturday, 29 March 2025


 Now that I have two different versions of my SIFT blog battling it out with each other in the wild seas of the deep state controlled internet, each desperately trying to gain authentic hits in an endless stream of fake AI traffic, I'm back to my original existential battle of purple vs. black.

 My original from 1998 was purple and that was a fairly controversial choice, with one website reviewer saying my site was a garish abomination that burned out his eyeballs and left him a gibbering wreck.

For my second version in 2000 I switched to the more subdued and conservative black. At that point black websites were less common than they are now, and it had a certain dark and stylish menace about it. I liked the look and after that I tended to stick with black websites. 

Over the past few weeks as I've been switching back and forth from cool looking black to wild looking purple, it's made me appreciate the differences. Black is calming and works better as a backdrop to galleries of images. But purple stands out amongst so many colourless sites and really makes a bold statement. It says "This blog is purple". 

I'm not sure which is "better" but I have to say the purple one is growing on me. Both sites are gaining more traffic, and I'm going to continue posting the same content on them both and see what happens.

Here is a screenshot of my newer black SIFT blog with posts staring Jan 1 2025 (so only three months of posts). It is displayed here using the new FLOORP browser that I highly recommend, and which I use as my default desktop browser.  It is a Japanese privacy fork of the Firefox browser available for both Windows and Linux (but not Android)

And here is a screenshot of my older and now purple SIFT blog, with posts starting Jan 1 2024 (so there are nearly 18 months of posts now). It is displayed here using the BRAVE browser, that I do think is quite stylish once all the junk is removed, but it lacks some features that I like to have. For that reason Brave is my second choice of the Chromium based browsers, with my first choice being Vivaldi.

I'm still deciding which one to direct the URL to, at the moment it's pointing at the black blog. But the purple blog has been getting more hits, so I've been thinking about switching the URL back over to that instead. 

But posting on both blogs is a bit of a pain in the arse, mainly because I keep noticing typos in my posts later on, and having to go back and fix them twice. I'll continue posting on both up until the end of March, but then I'll choose one blog and stick with that from April the 1st.

So then, black or purple?... I've been wrestling with this life defining question for 27 years now and I still haven't resolved it. Maybe the answer is unknowable.

Tuesday, 31 December 2024


 This blog is now an archive, I was having some technical issues with it, so I've moved over to a brand new one - my new SIFT 2025 blog is HERE.

A year ago when I stopped posting on my old self hosted WordPress blog, I called the last post "THE END OF AN ERA" and after eight years of posting on that blog it certainly felt like it.

This Sift 2024 blog was much shorter lived. I started out the year saying I would post whatever and whenever, but soon became totally anal and ended up doing at least one blog post of some sort every day for the entire year. 

 That probably was a bit excessive for a blog that was only getting just over 100 hits a day, especially when I suspect many of those hits are bots of some sort anyway. But ironically the number of hits here on this now archived blog have increased in 2025 after I have stopped using it and moved over to my new blog, and they now seem to be increasing every day.

For 2025 I was considering quitting doing blog posts altogether, and only posting new pages from time to time. But I must admit to being a bit addicted to posting something every day, even if it's a bit crap. 

So I set up a new Blogger blog for 2025 where I plan to pretty much carry on just the same. Possibly one day I might set up another self hosted website with a bigger menu and more pages, but in the shorter term I'll keep things simple and continue using Blogger because it's quick and easy.

Wednesday, 4 December 2024


In Cuba Street, Wellington, back in the 90’s, they probably did

When a friend said she remembered Cuba Street as being “bohemian” in 97, I laughed and said that by 97 it had already become a safe space for office dwellers to visit and pretend they were living dangerously.

Later I dug out my “Cuba Street 92” calendar from my treasure trove – all of these photos are from that calendar and were taken in 91. When we opened our bike shop “Cycle Services” in 1991, Cuba Street was not just where you went for a grunty coffee or some second hand stuff, it was also the first place to go to for drugs and prostitutes.

Now I’ll go on about drugs a bit here. I was new to all this scene, and to me “drugs” basically meant smoking some pot or maybe spotting some oil.

As a cyclist I was pretty familiar with ephedrine which was actually still legal in NZ in 91 and was very popular, used as a sort of everyday speed. When it was outlawed it just went underground like all the other drugs.

Most people use coffee for the same purpose now. And coffee in Cuba St was said to be some of the strongest in the world.

The first time I walked in on a drug deal my eyes nearly popped out of my head. A respectable looking man in a suit, with a large brief case, had it open and was discussing bulk pricing with a couple of our bike shop customers on the huge range of drugs that he had samples of.

Apart from pot, the popular one in Wellington in those days was acid. But you could buy anything you wanted really, including heroin. I was told the cocaine was a rip off in NZ, and that was why nobody here was much into it.

What Wellington was infamous for in 91 was glue sniffers. And sometimes Cuba St was like zombie dawn of the dead. Deranged glue sniffers everywhere, staggering about, holding their plastic bags and drooling.

Some of the people on the street were fairly tough, and just up the road was the BP’s (Black Power) who ran a tinny house ($20 foil wrapped servings of pretty average pot). But you didn’t take photos of the BP’s, you casually crossed the road when you saw them coming, so there are no photos of them here!

This was in the days before digital cameras, and mobile phones had only just come out. They cost $3000 and were the size of a brick. This next photo was taken in front of the second hand book shop next door to us (note our Cycles Peloton sign in the top left). And the poor guy in the photo was stabbed to death a few months later…

Our neighbours on the other side were Midnight Espresso, the legendary coffee shop, and this is a young Geoff Marsland (Havana Coffee Works) in our doorway

Although I did have a camera, I didn’t take many photos because buying film and developing it was expensive. Part of why I started taking thousands of photos when I got my first digital camera a decade later is because I knew just what I had missed getting photos of back in the early 90’s. And some of them would have been quite something.

I guess this is all looks like a window back to an old forgotten time now, but as a young and impressionable munter, this was the environment that shaped me. And even now I’m partly still a guy from old time Cuba St, rather than an over the hill computer addict.

When I hear millennials getting offended by lame bullshit I wish I could push a button and transplant them to Cuba Street in 91. It was an amazing place, but some of them might just have gotten their whingeing faggy heads smacked in…

Those were awesome times back in the days before computers.

And getting “offended” wasn’t that viable an option

All photos taken by Barry Thomas

Saturday, 30 November 2024


Looking over what's left of the traffic to my old blog, one of the most popular posts this past year was an old cut and paste post exposing the fake moon landing.

 It's been over half a century since the "moon landing" didn't happen, and it boggles my mind that there are still people only now grasping that it was fake. But maybe it's a gateway point for normies to slowly grasp other more recent deceptions. Like 911, or climate change, or "covid-19" for starters...

Sometimes the masses seem to move so slowly it's like watching paint dry or something, but what the hell, if the moon landing is a starting point, we can revisit that moronic spectacle yet again. Get your duct tape out!


So you still think America actually landed men on the moon? Well, think again. Here is proof that the moon landings in the late 60’s and early 70’s were all a big lie.

To see the full story, check out the MOON LANDING page.

Thursday, 14 November 2024


In times gone by, we used to read fiction to explore imaginary realities. Now we live in a reality so bizarre even Philip K Dick probably would have needed to up his drug intake to deal with it...

I once read a short story by Philip K Dick. It was called “The Martian Anal Division”, and it was about a parallel version of our world in which everything was run by and for the benefit of small but cunning Martian invaders.

“They live in tiny spaceships which they insert into their subjects anal passages. From deep within human anuses they emit their instructions, which their followers hear as a voice in their anus telling them what to do. These people are known as the Martian Anal Division (MAD).

One of the key symptoms of people who are controlled by Martians up their arses is that they not only want to do what the Martians tell them to, but that they also want to force everyone else to do it as well. They often revert to the phrase “for the greater good”, and want to bring in “laws” in the hope that they can force other people to “conform” to the wishes of the voices in their arses.

In an attempt to get a better handle on controlling the non-MAD population, they introduce social engineering such as water fluoridation (make the population sick and obedient), vaccinations (make them sick and infertile), fear of “terrorism” (submit to more laws and surveillance), fear of viruses, fear of various “global apocalypses” (submit to more restrictions and taxes), and wars (the ultimate control system)

They also direct everyone with an anal implant to watch more TV, where they can obsess over misinformation called “news”, listen to angry black men making guttural rhyming noises about hoes, yos, and bros, become jealous over the size of the breast implants of women who sing the things that the voices in their arses are saying, and enjoy watching stocky men in tight shorts battling each other over leather balls.

Luckily, for all their cunning, the Martians have some serious flaws in their evil plan. When they insert their micro spacecraft into their victim’s anal passages, it tends to block their elimination of waste matter. So their victims slowly fill up with shit.

Already pressurized to bursting point, when they are confronted by people who refuse to conform, they start to turn purple and run around in circles making squawking noises like a chicken having an epileptic fit. Sometimes the backed up gasses start to escape from their arse like a loud rumbling fart, while sometimes they just blow up like an American false flag terrorists bomb”

Monday, 9 September 2024



It’s hard to believe now, but back in the 80’s there were several really good rap albums. My own favourite is “Paul’s Boutique” by the Beastie Boys from 1989

Before you say Jews can’t rap (although that is usually pretty accurate), check this out:

The last good rap album I ever heard was “Traction” (1994) by New Zealand band Supergroove.

And before you say Kiwis can’t rap check this out:

I’ve long wondered why rap music turned to shit a full 10 years before all other music turned to shit.

And then I read this and everything made sense.

I have no idea who the guy was who wrote this, but that is the point really – if anyone knew who he was he probably would have been suicided…

Yeah, this does all sound like it could be true to me:

“After more than 20 years, I’ve finally decided to tell the world what I witnessed in 1991, which I believe was one of the biggest turning point in popular music, and ultimately American society.

I have struggled for a long time weighing the pros and cons of making this story public as I was reluctant to implicate the individuals who were present that day.

So I’ve simply decided to leave out names and all the details that may risk my personal well being and that of those who were, like me, dragged into something they weren’t ready for.

Between the late 80’s and early 90’s, I was what you may call a “decision maker” with one of the more established company in the music industry. I came from Europe in the early 80’s and quickly established myself in the business. The industry was different back then.

Since technology and media weren’t accessible to people like they are today, the industry had more control over the public and had the means to influence them anyway it wanted.

This may explain why in early 1991, I was invited to attend a closed door meeting with a small group of music business insiders to discuss rap music’s new direction. Little did I know that we would be asked to participate in one of the most unethical and destructive business practice I’ve ever seen.

The meeting was held at a private residence on the outskirts of Los Angeles. I remember about 25 to 30 people being there, most of them familiar faces.

Speaking to those I knew, we joked about the theme of the meeting as many of us did not care for rap music and failed to see the purpose of being invited to a private gathering to discuss its future.

Among the attendees was a small group of unfamiliar faces who stayed to themselves and made no attempt to socialize beyond their circle. Based on their behavior and formal appearances, they didn’t seem to be in our industry.

Our casual chatter was interrupted when we were asked to sign a confidentiality agreement preventing us from publicly discussing the information presented during the meeting. Needless to say, this intrigued and in some cases disturbed many of us.

The agreement was only a page long but very clear on the matter and consequences which stated that violating the terms would result in job termination. We asked several people what this meeting was about and the reason for such secrecy but couldn’t find anyone who had answers for us.

A few people refused to sign and walked out. No one stopped them. I was tempted to follow but curiosity got the best of me. A man who was part of the “unfamiliar” group collected the agreements from us.

Quickly after the meeting began, one of my industry colleagues (who shall remain nameless like everyone else) thanked us for attending. He then gave the floor to a man who only introduced himself by first name and gave no further details about his personal background.

I think he was the owner of the residence but it was never confirmed. He briefly praised all of us for the success we had achieved in our industry and congratulated us for being selected as part of this small group of “decision makers”.

At this point I begin to feel slightly uncomfortable at the strangeness of this gathering. The subject quickly changed as the speaker went on to tell us that the respective companies we represented had invested in a very profitable industry which could become even more rewarding with our active involvement.

He explained that the companies we work for had invested millions into the building of privately owned prisons and that our positions of influence in the music industry would actually impact the profitability of these investments.

I remember many of us in the group immediately looking at each other in confusion. At the time, I didn’t know what a private prison was but I wasn’t the only one. Sure enough, someone asked what these prisons were and what any of this had to do with us.

We were told that these prisons were built by privately owned companies who received funding from the government based on the number of inmates. The more inmates, the more money the government would pay these prisons. It was also made clear to us that since these prisons are privately owned, as they become publicly traded, we’d be able to buy shares.

Most of us were taken back by this. Again, a couple of people asked what this had to do with us. At this point, my industry colleague who had first opened the meeting took the floor again and answered our questions. He told us that since our employers had become silent investors in this prison business, it was now in their interest to make sure that these prisons remained filled.

Our job would be to help make this happen by marketing music which promotes criminal behavior, rap being the music of choice. He assured us that this would be a great situation for us because rap music was becoming an increasingly profitable market for our companies, and as employee, we’d also be able to buy personal stocks in these prisons.

Immediately, silence came over the room. You could have heard a pin drop. I remember looking around to make sure I wasn’t dreaming and saw half of the people with dropped jaws.

My daze was interrupted when someone shouted, “Is this a fucking joke?”

At this point things became chaotic.

Two of the men who were part of the “unfamiliar” group grabbed the man who shouted out and attempted to remove him from the house. A few of us, myself included, tried to intervene. One of them pulled out a gun and we all backed off. They separated us from the crowd and all four of us were escorted outside.

My industry colleague who had opened the meeting earlier hurried out to meet us and reminded us that we had signed agreement and would suffer the consequences of speaking about this publicly or even with those who attended the meeting.

I asked him why he was involved with something this corrupt and he replied that it was bigger than the music business and nothing we’d want to challenge without risking consequences.

We all protested and as he walked back into the house I remember word for word the last thing he said, “It’s out of my hands now. Remember you signed an agreement.” He then closed the door behind him. The men rushed us to our cars and actually watched until we drove off.

A million things were going through my mind as I drove away and I eventually decided to pull over and park on a side street in order to collect my thoughts. I replayed everything in my mind repeatedly and it all seemed very surreal to me. I was angry with myself for not having taken a more active role in questioning what had been presented to us.

I’d like to believe the shock of it all is what suspended my better nature. After what seemed like an eternity, I was able to calm myself enough to make it home. I didn’t talk or call anyone that night. The next day back at the office, I was visibly out of it but blamed it on being under the weather.

No one else in my department had been invited to the meeting and I felt a sense of guilt for not being able to share what I had witnessed. I thought about contacting the 3 others who wear kicked out of the house but I didn’t remember their names and thought that tracking them down would probably bring unwanted attention.

I considered speaking out publicly at the risk of losing my job but I realized I’d probably be jeopardizing more than my job and I wasn’t willing to risk anything happening to my family.

I thought about those men with guns and wondered who they were? I had been told that this was bigger than the music business and all I could do was let my imagination run free. There were no answers and no one to talk to.

I tried to do a little bit of research on private prisons but didn’t uncover anything about the music business’ involvement. However, the information I did find confirmed how dangerous this prison business really was. Days turned into weeks and weeks into months.

Eventually, it was as if the meeting had never taken place. It all seemed surreal. I became more reclusive and stopped going to any industry events unless professionally obligated to do so. On two occasions, I found myself attending the same function as my former colleague. Both times, our eyes met but nothing more was exchanged.

As the months passed, rap music had definitely changed direction. I was never a fan of it but even I could tell the difference. Rap acts that talked about politics or harmless fun were quickly fading away as gangster rap started dominating the airwaves.

Only a few months had passed since the meeting but I suspect that the ideas presented that day had been successfully implemented. It was as if the order has been given to all major label executives. The music was climbing the charts and most companies when more than happy to capitalize on it.

Each one was churning out their very own gangster rap acts on an assembly line. Everyone bought into it, consumers included. Violence and drug use became a central theme in most rap music.

I spoke to a few of my peers in the industry to get their opinions on the new trend but was told repeatedly that it was all about supply and demand. Sadly many of them even expressed that the music reinforced their prejudice of minorities.

I officially quit the music business in 1993 but my heart had already left months before. I broke ties with the majority of my peers and removed myself from this thing I had once loved. I took some time off, returned to Europe for a few years, settled out of state, and lived a “quiet” life away from the world of entertainment.

As the years passed, I managed to keep my secret, fearful of sharing it with the wrong person but also a little ashamed of not having had the balls to blow the whistle. But as rap got worse, my guilt grew.

Fortunately, in the late 90’s, having the internet as a resource which wasn’t at my disposal in the early days made it easier for me to investigate what is now labeled the prison industrial complex.

Now that I have a greater understanding of how private prisons operate, things make much more sense than they ever have. I see how the criminalization of rap music played a big part in promoting racial stereotypes and misguided so many impressionable young minds into adopting these glorified criminal behaviors which often lead to incarceration.

Twenty years of guilt is a heavy load to carry but the least I can do now is to share my story, hoping that fans of rap music realize how they’ve been used for the past 2 decades. Although I plan on remaining anonymous for obvious reasons, my goal now is to get this information out to as many people as possible.

Please help me spread the word. Hopefully, others who attended the meeting back in 1991 will be inspired by this and tell their own stories. Most importantly, if only one life has been touched by my story, I pray it makes the weight of my guilt a little more tolerable”

Want to see this bullshit actually starting out back in 91? – Ice T – Original Gangster

Now watch his moronic video and say this isn’t part of a zionist control plan:

And read the comments underneath and say it didn’t inspire some retards to get their sorry arses straight into a prison!

Share this about a bit – I suspect that was the authors intention

SO HOW MORONIC WERE ICE T’s LYRICS? – just try this utter crap for size:





A tricky question is how much of rap is done from within and how much from above? I think all popular music is being done from above, and modern musicians are too talentless to write any of it themselves, but there are lots of agendas – transgender and satanism being big ones at the moment…

These two tranny freaks are quite a story – Start with swapping their sexes over and then throw in some satanic shit..