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Showing posts with label siftings. Show all posts

Monday, 17 March 2025


Bleeding Aussie Roo Shaggers

As a Kiwi, sometimes I am horrified to be mistaken for an Aussie. Usually by Americans. 

So now I’m going to explain some key differences between Kiwis and Aussies. People in other countries often assume that because we are neighbours, we are just like each other, and great mates as well. But nothing could be further from the truth. We are more like North and South Korea, Serbia and Croatia, or England and Ireland.

First the big issue, the elephant in the closet. Aussies shag Kangaroos. It is a bizarre obsession, and they do it constantly. In a desperate attempt to cover up this national embarrassment they have even made up a story that Kiwis shag sheep. So despite the fact that this has never happened, they always refer to us as “sheep shaggers”


And the next big one is that they can’t speak English properly. So again they have made up a story to cover up the embarrassing truth. Because there are some vowels they can’t pronounce, they claim that they have no issues with their own speech, and it’s Kiwis that are wrong.

The most famous example is “fish and chips” Aussies can’t pronounce either of these words so they say “feesh and cheeps”. Although anyone who can speak English properly can hear this obvious balls up, as a cover story they accuse Kiwis of saying “fush and chups”


Then there is the whole Rugby thing. Aussies are obsessed with Rugby, it’s their national sport, but they are not very good at it. In fact every time there is a NZ vs Aus test match they get totally spanked by the All Blacks, and have their arses handed to them on a plate.


So in typical Aussie fashion they have invented their own version of Rugby that no other country plays. It’s even called “Aussie Rules”. Odd looking men in tight shorts wrestle about in a homoerotic fashion in front of stadiums filled with drunken Aussies fantasizing that they are watching some public roo shagging.


Another issue of great contention is the Pavlova theft. Australia was originally set up by the English as a penal colony – a place to ship all their criminals to, and get rid of them once and for all. So Aussies, in between shagging kangaroos, like to steal things. It’s in their blood.

At some point they decided to steal our national pudding, claim they invented it, and then to add insult to injury, they now claim we stole it from them.


An area that Australia really is world famous for, is feminism. NZ was the first country in the world to give women the vote, and New Zealand is ranked number 4 behind Iceland, Norway and Sweden on the Women in Work Index.

Australia meanwhile, is just famous for its angry militant feminists.

An Aussie “feminist” called Clementine Ford regularly makes headlines for saying things like “Have you killed any men today? – If not, why not?” And the scary thing is that she is not a stand up comedienne taking the piss out of femnazis. She is a regular Aussie femnazi!


While these things are some of the more critical issues for any Kiwi to keep in mind, I suppose I had better add in another key fact for overseas readers. Australia is a vast desert with hardly any people in it, just millions of dingos and kangaroos. They have the most poisonous spiders and snakes of any country, their rivers are filled with crocodiles and the surrounding sea is filled with sharks.


New Zealand has no dangerous or poisonous animals. None at all. We just have millions of sheep and soft cuddly possums. Australia has possums too, but theirs are really ugly looking things. And that is an analogy for the whole NZ vs Aus thing. Yes we have similarities, but in every case NZ is totally superior.

A NZ possum – we have over 30 million of these cute animals, and they are treated like a national treasure

Australia has more than 30 creatures that can kill someone in less than the time it takes to post a Twitter status update “I’ve been swimming with some friendly jellyfeesh but now I feel a bit sheet so I’m going to…”


Both countries are well aware of these underlying truths, but only one has dedicated the past century to making up ever more deranged stories in a desperate attempt to disguise the fact that they can’t say “chips”


Wednesday, 25 December 2024



I'm going to be having a break from hard out blogging 😎 - Best wishes for the new year!

Tuesday, 17 December 2024



Some good ones...bloody roo shaggers

1. The Australian Alps get more snow than the Swiss Alps.
2. 90% of Australians live on the coast.
3. Tasmania has the cleanest air in the world.
4. The Great Barrier Reef is the largest ecosystem in the world. It is made up of nearly 3,000 individual reefs and can be seen from space.
5. Australia has over 60 separate wine regions.
6. Fraser Island is the largest sand island in the world.
7. The Indian Pacific train has the longest straight section of train track in the world.
8. The Great Ocean Road is the world's largest war memorial.
9. 80% of Australian animals are unique to Australia.
10. 5 km of Uluru (formerly Ayers Rock) is underground.
11. Australia has the world's longest golf course measuring more than 1,350 kms long.
12. Australia is home to 21 of the world's 25 most venomous snakes.
13. Perth is the only city in the world which can have aircraft land in its CBD.
14. Australia is bigger than we realise, it's almost the same size as mainland USA.
15. The largest cattle station in the world is located in Australia, Anna Creek Ranch in South Australia and it's bigger than Israel.
16. The first Police Force in Australia was made up of the most well-behaved convicts.
17. It would take around 29 years to visit one new Aussie beach every day – there are 10,685 of them!
18. AFL invented to keep cricketers fit in the off season, there are claims that the game may have been influenced by Indigenous Australians.
19. The world's largest rock is not actually Uluru, but Mount Augustus in Western Australia and actually twice the size.
20. Australia is the 6th largest country in the world.
21. There are 1 million camels that roam wild in Australia's deserts, the largest number of purebred camels in the world, they are exported to the Middle East.
22. You can fly from Perth to Melbourne faster than you can fly from one end of Western Australia to the other.
23. There are over 60 different types of kangaroos and a baby kangaroo when born is only about two centimeters long.
24. Aboriginal culture is the oldest on Earth – it is estimated that the continent's original inhabitants, the aboriginal people, have been in Australia for between 40,000-60,000 years.
25. Australia has 19 World Heritage Listed sites.
26. 91% of the country is covered by native vegetation.
27. 33% of Australians were born in another country.
28. Over 300 different languages and dialects are spoken in Australia including 45 Indigenous languages. In fact, 21% of Australians don't speak English at home!
29. WA is home to what is believed to be the oldest evidence of life on Earth – the Stromatolites.
30. Australia is the only continent in the world without an active volcano.
31. In Australia, sheep out number people 2.5 to 1 (in 2020).
32. Australia was the second country in the world to give women the right to vote in 1902.
33. Per capita, Australians spend more money on gambling than any other nation, with over 80 percent of Australian adults engaging in gambling of some kind.
34. Canberra was selected as the capital because Sydney and Melbourne could not stop arguing which city should be the capital.
35. Australia is home to the longest fence in the world, the Dingo Fence. Originally built to keep dingos away from fertile land, the fence is now 5,614 km long.
36. The Australian dollar is considered to be the most advanced currency in the world – its waterproof, made of polymer and notoriously hard to counterfeit.
37. Australia is the only continent covered by a single country.
38. The world's oldest fossil was discovered in Australia – 3.4 billion years old.
39. Australia has around 600 varieties of eucalypt trees.
40. Australia was one of the founding members of the United Nations.
41. Stonemasons in Australia instituted the 8-hour working day back in 1856.
42. In Aboriginal culture women are not allowed to play the didgeridoo.
43. The venom of the elusive platypus can kill a small dog.
44. Australia's most deadly marine animal is the Box Jellyfish and is responsible for more deaths per year than snakes, sharks and saltwater crocodiles.
45. The only two mammals in the world that lay eggs are found in Australia – the echidna and platypus.
46. Before the arrival of humans, Australia was home to megafauna, three-metre tall kangaroos, seven-metre long goanna's, horse-sized ducks and a marsupial lion the size of a leopard.
47. Both kangaroos and emus lack the ability to walk backwards. This was the reason they were chosen for Australia's coat of arms – to symbolise a country always moving forward.
48. The termite mounds that can be found in Australia are the tallest animal-made structures on earth.
49. Australia is home to more than 1,500 species of spiders.
50. The Great Victoria Desert is bigger than the whole of the United Kingdom.

Friday, 29 November 2024


And this is why Wellington, New Zealand's most LIBTARD city, has been brought to it's knees by "bike lanes". While hundreds of cars are grid locked and dozens of business are closing down because their customers can't park, every 10 minutes a self righteous whale on a bike rides past, gloriously saving the planet from geoengineered "climate change". Even NORMIES are starting to get really pissed off now.

Saturday, 16 November 2024


 If you could time travel which year would you choose to live in? We can’t impartially assess this present time (2024), but it all feels like a massive psyop to me – I wouldn’t rather live in 1914, but I sometimes think I’d rather live in 1994. Yet we have no benefit of hindsight, & things may yet turn out OK.

Tuesday, 12 November 2024


 A good blender can do wonders for your health, with a daily smoothie being transformative!

Monday, 21 October 2024


Converting big old 500cc two stroke motocross bikes to road legal

They pull wheelies when power-band kicks in every gear and geared up they do 190kph

With road tyres on wide rims and big discs they are said to really go like stink & blow away road bikes


Tuesday, 8 October 2024



While so many people are freaking out that a nuclear war is about to start – it might be a good time to point out that nukes are fictional – if you are convinced they exist, don’t make squawking noises, read this:

“There is no chance America dropped any nuclear bombs on Japan. It simply didn’t happen. Japan knows that, Russia knows that, and the only ones who don’t know that are the citizens of the US, who have been propagandized into a state of mass idiocy”

“The whole nuclear scare wasn’t used mainly to keep the Russians at bay (since the Russians also never had any nukes). It was used mainly to keep US citizens in a state just short of panic for 70 years, and to keep military and Intelligence expenditures absurdly high”


Saturday, 14 September 2024


Old photos of Wellington always strike me with just how busy it was - now the streets seem deserted, apart from all the single lane traffic jams, with empty bike lines everywhere

Riddiford Street Newtown, Wellington 1974.

Cuba Street, Wellington 1960


Wednesday, 10 July 2024


 Question for today - Would you wear these sunglasses if they could guarantee to make you 0.000000001% more aerodynamic in the Tour de France, or would you be fearful that they may cause people to laugh uncontrollably and call you a numpty?


Saturday, 29 June 2024


Is a CHUMP better than a BIDET? There are Americans all over the internet posting that Chump is better than Bidet. But the Rotchild dynasty has this sorted!


A BIDET is is a receptacle designed to be sat upon in order to wash a person's genitalia, perineum, inner buttocks, and anus, while a CHUMP is a foolish or gullible person, or a short, thick piece of wood.

And remember Chump on death jabs? - was that clown keen on them or what? - But now he looks better than Biden in a staged "debate" so some Americans worship him...Clown#1 vs Clown #2 - Watch the circus!


Friday, 28 June 2024

Tour de France and Olympics

The Tour starts on Saturday 29 June, and the Olympics 26 July - so they will both be on in France at the same time for a while which is a red flag in itself. 

There is a theory that they will be used by the deep state for various nefarious purposes while the attention of the world is on them, so keep an eye out, including on the sky which could have a lot of chemtrail activity.

Monday, 17 June 2024


 We have both sorts of weather in Wellington NZ - Before and After!