Showing posts with label facebook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label facebook. Show all posts

Tuesday, 6 August 2024


Facebook has been around since early 2004, and recently turned 20. Despite what they might try to make out, it's reasonably well known that it was set up by the deep state for social programing purposes and Mark Zuckerburg is just an actor playing a role. In reality he is as clueless about what he's supposed to be doing as Elon Musk or Joe Biden.

The platform has a long history of trying to censor and control content, and I'm often asked why I would bother posting on a deep state controlled platform that is attempting to program everyone's minds.

Two big plus factors for me are that it's the biggest social media platform by miles, with three billion active users, and I also think it's the best designed all round social media platform - it's really well sorted. 

YouTube is ranked at #2 but it's not actually a social media platform - it's a heavily censored collection of videos with the vast majority of the traffic and comments being very obviously done by AI. Facebook also owns WhatsApp,  Instagram, and a bunch of other platforms..

Admittedly very few of those three billion users are using it on their computers like I am. Something like 98% of Facebook users are viewing it on a mobile phone, so they are seeing a controlled algorithm feed, with all the ads. I'm viewing it on my PC or laptop and seeing a chronological feed with a lot less "sponsored posts". In fact the feed I'm seeing is a surprisingly full on and mostly uncensored exposure of the deep state narrative.

 The majority of Facebook users are apparently Indians using mobile phones, but that is another thing about FB - it's like a vast ocean and you can pretty much stick to your own area, never knowing the rest even exists.

 I don't think I've ever interacted with an Indian on a mobile phone, but who knows, it's possible half my FB friends are actually Indian tech contractors employed by the CIA and pretending to be conspiracy theorists.


Wednesday, 26 June 2024


Yesterday I finally got my main Facebook account (Greg Anderson) up over 1000 friends!

They all appear to be down the rabbit hole to some extent, and I'm pretty certain there are no pro vaxers in there

I want to see if we can start better using the deep state's own platforms to undermine their agendas, and a good tactic is to get big groups of like minded people sharing content and making it go "viral"

Saturday, 15 June 2024


It wasn't until I tried looking at my Facebook feed on my tablet that I realised just what a bunch of crap most people see when they look at Facebook. And that wasn't even using the mobile version! I never look at the internet using a phone but apparently 98% of Facebook users are doing just that.

STEP 1 - Use a computer or laptop, not a mobile phone or tablet.

Usually I look at Facebook on my PC or laptop, either using Windows 7 (Yes I still use Windows 7, but this will work on Win 10 as well) or Linux (I use Linux Zorin or Mint but this would be the same on any distro). It won't work on Android, and I don't know about Apple or Windows 11 because I've never used them.

STEP 2 - Add the Facebook Purity app (aka Fluff Busting Purity or FBP) to your browser - (this doesn't override Facebook's default settings as fully as it used to, and won't lock FB into a chronological feed anymore, but never mind, see step 3). This can get rid of a lot of crap. I go into settings and hide all the right and left sidebar links as well as turning off pretty much everything.

STEP 3 - Get a chronological feed - This is the most essential thing to do with Facebook really, otherwise it is unusable. It's pretty easy to do, but you sometimes have to reset it because FB keeps trying to force your feed back to their controlled algorithm. 

Click on the nine little dots icon in the top right to open the Menu, then select "Feeds"

 STEP 4 - Use a good browser. It's all quite beyond me how this stuff works, but oddly I find Firefox is hopeless for viewing Facebook, while the Firefox fork Waterfox works best. Vivaldi or Brave both work OK as well. (I never use Chrome because I think it sucks, so I'm not sure how well that runs with FB)

For use on Windows or Linux I highly recommend the Waterfox browser. It's not widely used, but it's really good browser - like a faster version of Firefox with better privacy.

STEP 5 - Ad Blockers. I always use five ad blockers which is probably complete overkill, but they all seem to get along happily together so why not? I'm not really using them for Facebook in particular, they are there to block all advertising. It's probably not really possible to block all the advertising on FB, but I certainly see a lot less "sponsored posts" on my computer than on my tablet. Sometimes I go to the trouble of blocking particular advertisers, but mostly I just ignore them.

The five free ad blockers I use are Adblock Plus, Adblocker for YouTube, Adblocker Ultimate, AdGuard Adblocker, and uBlock Origin

I don't know which of these ad blockers is best so I just install all five of them - when it comes to ads I figure more blocking is better! This review on Techradar ranks uBlock Origin as #1 so I gave it a picture.

THE FINAL SOLUTION - Delete all the numpties. Find like minded friends, and bin any woketards. The days of signing up for Facebook using your real name and linking up with all your relatives and old friends is really over in this day and age in my opinion. I know a lot of people are still into that, but if you have been trying expose the globalist narratives, you probably have learned the shortcomings of that approach over the past five years in particular.

If you exclusively stick to being friends with people who can tell the difference between shit and chewed dates, a FB feed can be surprisingly good. Personally, I have given up arguing with anyone online, and just let any remaining tards of any kind block or unfriend me.

Tuesday, 11 June 2024


As we are now being bombarded with a never ending stream of misinformation, almost nothing we are told by the mainstream or the "alternative" media is true, and we need to rapidly adapt in order to outwit the deep state and their attempts to program us. When they make mistakes we can pounce upon those mistakes and use them to our advantage.

A big mistake they are making right now is attempting to roll out AI as fast as they can, when AI is actually pretty hopeless and by no means up to the job. 

On a platform like YouTube, Google is using AI to create hundreds of millions of fake views, to write millions of comments that are endlessly recycling the previous comments, to promote any videos that push their agendas, and even to create and narrate increasingly crappy videos.

Many people are not consciously aware of any of this, but an increasing number of us can see it a mile away. On a platform like Facebook, the CIA is attempting to run all the censorship using AI and again, it is not up to the job. They are failing to block all the non approved content, so they are trying to bury it with mountains of AI created fake content.

The opportunity to post information exposing the deep state agendas and to mock their short comings on Facebook, the most deep state controlled of all the social media platforms, has never been greater.

And that is because the deep state are LAZY, GREEDY, PSYCHOPATHS who want to use AI to control us. But their AI sucks. That is another reason we can beat them.


Saturday, 8 June 2024

Why is Greg Anderson still on Facebook?

Who on earth is Greg Anderson and why is he still on Facebook? - As recently as 2023 I was regularly using five social media platforms, (Facebook, Twitter, Hive, Blurt, & Bastyon), but like any addiction, I wasn’t exactly happy about it, so I finally gave up the lot, and went cold turkey for one month. At the end of the month I was only too pleased to have seen the arse end of four of them, but surprisingly, (and yes, I know it’s the most deep state platform of the lot), the only one I missed was Facebook.

I am a real person, but I update my online identities more often than Firefox changes versions, so I have to use a spreadsheet to remember them all. What I’m looking for on FB is interesting content from like minded people. If you have also come to the conclusion that nearly everything we have been programmed to believe is a lie, then we may be on the same page.
I live in Wellington, New Zealand, which I suspect is one of the most libtard cities in the entire world, and have offended more people online over the past two decades than I can shake a stick at. If you are a sensitive petal we are probably not on the same page. But I don’t take all this stuff super seriously on FB, and am more likely to briefly mock earnest woketards than engage in long winded disagreements with them.