Saturday, 15 June 2024


It wasn't until I tried looking at my Facebook feed on my tablet that I realised just what a bunch of crap most people see when they look at Facebook. And that wasn't even using the mobile version! I never look at the internet using a phone but apparently 98% of Facebook users are doing just that.

STEP 1 - Use a computer or laptop, not a mobile phone or tablet.

Usually I look at Facebook on my PC or laptop, either using Windows 7 (Yes I still use Windows 7, but this will work on Win 10 as well) or Linux (I use Linux Zorin or Mint but this would be the same on any distro). It won't work on Android, and I don't know about Apple or Windows 11 because I've never used them.

STEP 2 - Add the Facebook Purity app (aka Fluff Busting Purity or FBP) to your browser - (this doesn't override Facebook's default settings as fully as it used to, and won't lock FB into a chronological feed anymore, but never mind, see step 3). This can get rid of a lot of crap. I go into settings and hide all the right and left sidebar links as well as turning off pretty much everything.

STEP 3 - Get a chronological feed - This is the most essential thing to do with Facebook really, otherwise it is unusable. It's pretty easy to do, but you sometimes have to reset it because FB keeps trying to force your feed back to their controlled algorithm. 

Click on the nine little dots icon in the top right to open the Menu, then select "Feeds"

 STEP 4 - Use a good browser. It's all quite beyond me how this stuff works, but oddly I find Firefox is hopeless for viewing Facebook, while the Firefox fork Waterfox works best. Vivaldi or Brave both work OK as well. (I never use Chrome because I think it sucks, so I'm not sure how well that runs with FB)

For use on Windows or Linux I highly recommend the Waterfox browser. It's not widely used, but it's really good browser - like a faster version of Firefox with better privacy.

STEP 5 - Ad Blockers. I always use five ad blockers which is probably complete overkill, but they all seem to get along happily together so why not? I'm not really using them for Facebook in particular, they are there to block all advertising. It's probably not really possible to block all the advertising on FB, but I certainly see a lot less "sponsored posts" on my computer than on my tablet. Sometimes I go to the trouble of blocking particular advertisers, but mostly I just ignore them.

The five free ad blockers I use are Adblock Plus, Adblocker for YouTube, Adblocker Ultimate, AdGuard Adblocker, and uBlock Origin

I don't know which of these ad blockers is best so I just install all five of them - when it comes to ads I figure more blocking is better! This review on Techradar ranks uBlock Origin as #1 so I gave it a picture.

THE FINAL SOLUTION - Delete all the numpties. Find like minded friends, and bin any woketards. The days of signing up for Facebook using your real name and linking up with all your relatives and old friends is really over in this day and age in my opinion. I know a lot of people are still into that, but if you have been trying expose the globalist narratives, you probably have learned the shortcomings of that approach over the past five years in particular.

If you exclusively stick to being friends with people who can tell the difference between shit and chewed dates, a FB feed can be surprisingly good. Personally, I have given up arguing with anyone online, and just let any remaining tards of any kind block or unfriend me.