Showing posts with label inspiration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inspiration. Show all posts

Friday, 27 December 2024


Because Blogger is owned by Google, I have been long been expecting my posts to be censored, so I have them all backed up. But in all of 2024, so far, only one post has been deleted. A post about Jason Christoff. 

And strangely my blog now has some strange formatting bugs that started at the same time as the post was censored. No matter what I do in the advanced theme settings, I no longer seem to be able to change the colours of the unvisited links which are now stuck on an unreadable dark blue. It may be coincidence, but I can't help wondering if after a year of working perfectly, Google now want me to stop using their platform? Odd...

It's an interesting example of censorship... Ironically, in censoring this particular post, Google have rekindled my interest in posting online. Why do they care so much? Which part of this information do these globalist data collecting scum fear the most?

My original post was a summary with a link to his excellent list. But if Goggle are censoring him to this extent I'm even more interested now! What exactly was it in my post that triggered Google's AI censorship?



 While investigating the rabbit hole that is mass poisoning using coffee, earlier this year I stumbled upon a researcher called Jason Christoff

Almost all the popular names in the so called alternative health movement are sponsored and therefore controlled by deep state gate keepers like The Wellness Company, who keep them in line by funding them, as well as selling coffee. Jason Christoff appears to be a lone voice in the wilderness exposing what is really going on with coffee. 

And unlike most of those other "influencers" I don't get the impression he is a shill. Check out his list of 20 Truths to Make Your Life Better In 2025 No controlled opposition puppet would post this stuff!

In this list he covers conventional medicine, government, viruses, taxes, fluoride, school, TV, vaccines, evolution, genders, alcohol, coffee, marijuana, media, mind control, Ukraine, Covid 19 and several other topics in a series of concise summaries. The post URL was originally "The Top 25 Lies" so I suspect he toned the list down a bit and cut it back to 20, but he strikes me as a legit voice exposing this stuff, which is very rare.

In fact he has inspired me to do a longer list exposing all these lies and a bunch more, but I'm having a break from "conspiracies" at the moment. 

Truth is, I've been going on about this stuff online for more that 20 years, and I'm a total burnout, with almost no audience left anyway, so it's probably time for me to shut my trap and find some good sources to recommend instead. A great thing about Jason Christoff is that despite being grey listed he still has a large online audience.

Here is what he said about coffee:

"Coffee is healthy". Absolute inversion, completely false. Coffee is the #1 most effective mind control substance ever shoehorned (via social engineering) into our society. Not only does daily caffeine consumption make you extremely unhealthy and guarantees your premature death, but caffeine also primes the human nervous system to be extremely suspectable to all forms of mind control.

Wednesday, 25 December 2024



I'm going to be having a break from hard out blogging 😎 - Best wishes for the new year!

Friday, 20 December 2024


There was a time when music seemed like the real deal but that all ended decades ago.

Most old farts know that John Lydon started the punk scene rolling in 1977 with his band The Sex Pistols.

Never Mind The Bollocks immediately changed the face of music.


Just one year later in 1978, He did it again. With his new band Public Image Ltd (PIL) he invented new wave. But this time it took more than two years for most people to grasp what he had invented. New wave music then changed the entire decade – John Lydon invented the 80’s!

This video is from 1979. 45 years later it’s still mind blowing. Imagine what it must have been like for punters seeing all this for the first time back in 1979.

“PiL managed to avoid boundaries for the first four years of their existence, and Metal Box is undoubtedly the apex. It’s a hallmark of uncompromising, challenging post-punk, hardly sounding like anything of the past, present, or future. Sure, there were touchstones that got their imaginations running — the bizarreness of Captain Beefheart, the open and rhythmic spaces of Can, and the dense pulses of Lee Perry‘s productions fueled their creative fires — but what they achieved with their second record is a completely unique hour of avant-garde noise. Originally packaged in a film canister as a trio of 12″ records played at 45 rpm, the bass and treble are pegged at 11 throughout, with nary a tinge of midrange to be found. It’s all scrapes and throbs (dubscrapes?), supplanted by John Lydon‘s caterwauling about such subjects as his dying mother, resentment, and murder. Guitarist Keith Levene splatters silvery, violent, percussive shards of metallic scrapes onto the canvas, much like a one-armed Jackson Pollock. Jah Wobble and Richard Dudanski lay down a molasses-thick rhythmic foundation throughout that’s just as funky as Can‘s Czukay/Leibezeit and Chic‘s Edwards/Rodgers. It’s alien dance music. Metal Box might not be recognized as a groundbreaking record with the same reverence as Never Mind the Bollocks, and you certainly can’t trace numerous waves of bands who wouldn’t have existed without it like the Sex Pistols record. But like an (imaginary)virus, its tones have sent miasmic reverberations through a much broader scope of artists and genres.”

What initially got me thinking about this was that at some point music ceased to be an art form and became mind programming in every sense. This video explaining the whole thing – from why modern music is unlistenable shit through to why it is obsessed with anuses…

In just 40 years music went from Public Image Ltd to “Little Dickie”. Here is where I take a deep breath and be thankful I have lived in better times.

Monday, 9 December 2024


In these times of relentless FUDPORN we need to pay attention to the stream of utter crap that is being loaded into our brains. Two acronyms I came up with to remind myself of that:

PINE - Positive, Inspiring, Necessary, Entertaining
NUDE - Negative, Unnecessary, Doubting, Eunuch

Tuesday, 3 December 2024


The start of a new month is always the best time to try a monthly challenge. And this is the last month of 2024. Next month will be the start of a new year, and I'm really not sure if I'm up for attempting this one as a new years resolution. To tell the truth I think I might be struggling with this after about two days. 

Last year I decided to quit all social media for a month and did actually manage to do that. Afterwards I went back to using Facebook, but permanently quit all the others, so that worked pretty well. 

For the past quarter of a century I've been digging into various rabbit holes online, and doing my best to convince as many people as possible that the narratives are all false. Not just the "mainstream" narratives, almost everything we are told, is fake. From both sides. Yes there are some bits of truth here and there, but they are like bait on a hook.

At this point I have an urge to rattle off a bunch of examples. But for once I won't do that, because this is my monthly challenge. I'm going to stop posting about all the fake narratives this month and leave that stuff for other people to talk about. This is a multi level game, and we are all being played, including me...

I came up with an acronym, PINE: Positive, Inspiring, Necessary, Entertaining - and for the rest of this month I'm going to aim to make all my online posting (and thinking too, as much as possible) PINE. 

Let's see how this goes!

Friday, 27 September 2024


In the early days with Kim Deal perfectly offsetting Frank Black:

 Their anger and energy live was awesome

But then Frank Black with his massive ego sacked Kim Deal

Decades later they achieved that brilliance once again with the hypnotic Paz Lenchantin replacing Kim Deal on bass

"Amazing live performance! They have Joy Division level intensity"


But then Frank Black sacked Paz too, and the Pixies are no longer great. They were awesome once though!

Thursday, 26 September 2024


Dr Sam has just nailed it again - in just 16:30 she covers an entire overview of the New World Order, and all the filth and corruption of the Rothschilds, Vanguard, Blackrock, and the subservient puppets who are owned by them. There are not many people anywhere in the world who can summarize this stuff at all, let alone do it in just over quarter of an hour. And the fact that she is from Christchurch is pretty awesome really.


Thursday, 22 August 2024

The Most Dangerous Superstition

This is a book that I haven't read yet but am planning to read very soon. As a reminder, Dr Tom Cowan recommended it in his latest podcast this week. 
Something I often think about when reading posts by people who want to try to get "the government" to change things, is that I have no faith whatsoever in "government" or in the process of trying to change anything by attempting to work within their systems. 
I think the NZ "government" is just a lowly division of the globalist scum, who run everything entirely in their interests, against the interests of NZ. But we have all been programmed to believe that we must have a "government", and that we must submit to it. And that is the Dangerous Superstition.

The Most Dangerous Superstition (2011) - by Larken Rose

"When someone looks out at the world and sees all manner of suffering and injustice, stretching back for thousands of years and continuing today, he invariably blames such problems on someone else's hatred, greed, or stupidity. Rarely will someone consider the possibility that his own belief system is the cause of the pain and suffering he sees around him. But in most cases, it is. The root cause of most of society's ills--the main source of man's inhumanity to man--is neither malice nor negligence, but a mere superstition--an unquestioned assumption which has been accepted on faith by nearly everyone, of all ages, races, religions, education and income levels. If people were to recognize that one belief for what it is--an utterly irrational, self-contradictory, and horribly destructive myth--most of the violence, oppression and injustice in the world would cease. But that will happen only when people dare to honestly and objectively re-examine their belief systems. "The Most Dangerous Superstition" exposes the myth for what it is, showing how nearly everyone, as a result of one particular unquestioned assumption, is directly contributing to violence and oppression without even realizing it. If you imagine yourself to be a compassionate, peace-loving, civilized human being, you must read this book."


Wednesday, 26 June 2024


Yesterday I finally got my main Facebook account (Greg Anderson) up over 1000 friends!

They all appear to be down the rabbit hole to some extent, and I'm pretty certain there are no pro vaxers in there

I want to see if we can start better using the deep state's own platforms to undermine their agendas, and a good tactic is to get big groups of like minded people sharing content and making it go "viral"

Thursday, 20 June 2024


In this time of information overload, we are being bombarded with rapid fire misinformation as part of a deep state plan to leave us more confused than we were to begin with. Key tools that are being used against us include disorder and complexity.


“Order and simplification are the first steps toward the mastery of a subject” - Thomas Mann

As a tactic to thwart this psychological attack, I plan to present information in bite sized chunks, ideally a couple of pictures with a couple of short paragraphs. So somewhere mid way between a blog post and a meme.

Saturday, 15 June 2024


Anne's Archive is an amazing resource with over 31 million free ebooks online. It is described as the largest truly open library in human history. All their code and data are completely open source, and the way the site is set up pretty much side steps all issues of copyright (they are only sharing download links rather than the books themselves).

It has 31,603,758 books, and 99,900,496 papers in the database, all available to download. These include a lot of conspiracy books, some of which are heavily censored and hard to find.

I have been asked how it all works so here are some basic instructions showing how to download eBooks:

First go to the Anna's Archive website and enter the author or title you are looking for in the search box -

The results of your search will rapidly appear - now if you want to filter by format tick PDF & EPUB in the file types on the left

After you select the book you want, click on one of the two "slow download" options - If you are new to the site you won't be a paid subscriber but these will still both work fine. Don't get carried away, you can only do about two downloads at a time from each one of the options.
There are daily limits on how many books you can download, I'm not sure what they are, (maybe 10?) because I'm not the only one downloading books on one internet connection. But when you do too many  downloads the site stops working. Leave it a a day and try again. Anne's Archive is certainly not the only site to find eBooks, just the easiest on to use. This website describes a bunch of other ebook download alternative sites

Next, remember to hit the "Download now" link to start the book downloading

Save your eBooks in a folder (don't change or rename this folder once you start using them on your eBook reader or your books will disappear from the reader & you will have to add them again) - I edit the names of the new books before adding them to my eBook reader because the file names of eBooks downloaded through Anne's Archive tend to be very long.

On my Windows PC I use Calibre eBook reader which can be downloaded here

I was trying to keep things simple for people new to eBooks and tested some other more basic eBook readers such as Ice Cream reader, but I prefer having all the features of Calibre (which is free anyway) - it's slightly more complex at first but it does everything I want.

For reading books on an Android tablet or phone I use the Read Era app which is really good. It's not set up for all the more complex text editing stuff that Calibre can do, but is great for displaying and reading your eBook collections. Although its not designed for PC use, it apparently can be installed on a windows PC - I'm about to try doing that and instructions for installing it on a Widows PC are here

Having access to 31 million eBooks is pretty amazing, and before you know it, you can have your own vast library.


Thursday, 16 May 2024



Two of the old websites that I learned a lot from 25 years ago are still online looking pretty much the same.




Monday, 8 April 2024


This movie from 1987, based on a Norman Mailer book, got terrible reviews when it came out, and many people consider it to be appalling. In some ways it is, but I have to say I still think it is one of the most entertaining movies I've ever seen.

I have just watched it again, and still found it enthralling. Yes the acting is a bit odd, but compared to the limp, woke, turgid crap that passes for movies these days, this is a work of sheer genius.

The reviews are terrible but ignore them, reviewers don't know shit from chewed dates. And this movie is definitely chewed dates!

This review is quite entertaining really:

 "Tough Guys Don’t Dance is trash, but it’s amusingly self-important trash, a film that lays open the vanities and miscalculations of the creative force behind it"

"For bad movie fans, it’s a masterpiece of over-ripe dialogue, ridiculously melodramatic situations, and rabid, macho posturing that curdles the moment it hits the screen. Over 30 years later, we’re still talking about Tough Guys Don’t Dance"


Saturday, 6 April 2024


 We all tend to think we understand what is going on, and all the people who are levels behind ourselves in this multi level learning game are retarded. Which they are. But each time we move up a level, our old self was also retarded, compared with our present self. And hopefully that process will keep on repeating.

The past four years have been a real eye opener for me, as they have for many people. It's been one of my hobbies to post things online for over 25 years, as first started out in 1998. It was even once possible to earn some income from blogging, but if you want to post content that is not deep state approved propaganda, it's far harder now than it ever was in the past. Over the past five years the annual hits on my WordPress blog dropped from 4 million to 40k - a 99% drop!


The blockchain platforms I used to earn some income from, have completely turned to shit, with key insider accounts controlling the payouts on the few platforms that remain. And it's safe to say if you were calling out the covidhoax and the death jabs back in 2020, you are not on the insiders reward list. In fact I'm still black listed on several platforms, including Hive where everything I post is automatically down voted.

From 2016 to 2021 I actually did make money online, some from posting, but mostly from buying and selling blockchain tokens. But those are both dead ends now, so it's safe to say I'm not doing it to earn money anymore. In fact I've lost business, and made enemies by being fairly outspoken online, particularly over the past five years. And posting stuff always takes time. Financially I would probably be better off to just shut my face and act like a normie.


The next major reason was to "change the world". Despite being a cynical conspiracy theorist, I did set out with the hope that by posting content it would be possible to "wake up the sheeple". But this multi layered psyop we are all part of is a real mind fuck. If the sheeple haven't woken up by now, my little blog posts are not likely to change much.

My best advice at this point, is if you want to move up a level, go to the website of Miles Mathis and read his essays. Yes, there are hundreds of them - read at least a dozen. By that point you will be well past not just most of what I'm posting, but most of the entire internet. But that is very unlikely to be the final stage of knowledge - it never is! As I kept reading, and thinking about all the new information I was learning, it dawned on me that there is no way one person could do all that research and write all those essays. So "Miles Mathis" would need to be an entire team. And then it all gets very suspect. As it always does.

What comes next I don't know, that is as far as I've got. The world will continue to change with or without any input from me. So changing the world might be an exciting idea in theory, but in practice I'm sort of beginning to understand why all those zen guru teachers say you can only change yourself.


Yes, this is probably the only one that really stacks up. The best way to get my head around something is to present it to others. And I prefer to do that in the form of a blog post. The combination of condensing ideas down to simple and easy to understand lines of text, combined with images, forces me to make my thoughts clearer. If that helps anyone else, that is a bonus. So that is the main reason I'm still posting stuff, and most definitely the reason for this post.


Along with #3 just having fun strikes me as a really good thing to do online, and I am aiming to do this too, alongside making some good notes. If I can manage to do both that would be great. But it probably requires totally letting go of any ambitions to achieve #1 or #2. I'm still gradually letting go of all that outdated get rich and change the world crap!