At the start of 2024 I switched over from blogging on and using my own server space on to using the Blogger platform because I was totally over the ever increasing complexity of using WordPress, and the hits on my old blog had dropped by more than 90%.
It used to be worth the extra effort back when I was getting hundreds of thousands of hits, but these days, now that everything I post is grey-listed to oblivion, I can't be arsed jumping through hoops, and I wanted to go back to the simplicity that I used to enjoy back in 2014.
Using Blogger this year has been good, as I can just about post content with my eyes closed, and even after 10 years of not using it, everything was exactly where I remembered, and it all worked well. I hate Google, but I like their Blogger platform
But there are three problems I really have to address now...
1. Blogger is owned by Google, and Google are evil deep state data spies and globalist scum. I am using their platform, so they are having their evil way with my content, and also there could well be some unspoken line in the sand that I may one day cross, that will cause them to totally blacklist my blog, or even shut it down all together. This is my enemies space, so by using it I am arguably a hypocritical sell out.
2. The hit count is terrible. Despite pretty much posting something every day all year, this blog has had very little traffic. Only about 100 hits a day, and not only is that amount not increasing, but every time it gets up above about 150 hits a day it seems to then drop back down to about 50. I suspect that is because searches for my content just don't come up with any results linking to this blog.
My old Wordpress blog is certainly grey listed to some extent, and the hits are pretty crap on that blog too these days, but at least the search results are a bit better for content on my old blog.
3. There is no longer any capacity to put anchor points on pages. Apparently Google removed that feature at some point. It doesn't matter for blog posts, but for longer pages, a menu is often needed. I'd like to add more pages with longer content in the future, because most of my posts are fairly short, but without an index long pages may not be very useful.
Nevertheless, in 2025 I'm planning to continue using Blogger because it's simple to use and makes posting on line easy and fun like it used to be in the early days.
But this is by no means an endorsement of Blogger, I keep backups of everything in case they shut my blog down, and I'm not expecting much in the way of hits. This little blog is for my own amusement, I've given up any illusions of changing the world!