Saturday, 14 September 2024
Friday, 12 July 2024
Remembering Ian Curtis
Yesterday I posted a link to a Joy Division playing their song "Transmission" on a friends Facebook timeline - I described it as "The tightest performance of all time"
It even looks like something classic, beyond its time or place of origin even as it was a clear product of both -- one of Peter Saville's earliest and best designs, a transcription of a signal showing a star going nova, on a black embossed sleeve. If that were all Unknown Pleasures was, it wouldn't be discussed so much, but the ten songs inside, quite simply, are stone-cold landmarks, the whole album a monument to passion, energy, and cathartic despair.
The quantum leap from the earliest thrashy singles to Unknown Pleasures can be heard through every note, with Martin Hannett's deservedly famous production -- emphasizing space in the most revelatory way since the dawn of dub -- as much a hallmark as the music itself. Songs fade in behind furtive noises of motion and activity, glass breaks with the force and clarity of doom, and minimal keyboard lines add to an air of looming disaster -- something, somehow, seems to wait or lurk beyond the edge of hearing.
But even though this is Hannett's album as much as anyone's, the songs and performances are the true key. Bernard Sumner redefined heavy metal sludge as chilling feedback fear and explosive energy, Peter Hook's instantly recognizable bass work was at once warm and forbidding, and Stephen Morris' drumming smacked through the speakers above all else. Ian Curtis synthesizes and purifies every last impulse, his voice shot through with the desire first and foremost to connect, only connect -- as "Candidate" plaintively states, "I tried to get to you/You treat me like this."
Pick any song: the nervous death dance of "She's Lost Control"; the harrowing call for release "New Dawn Fades," all four members in perfect sync; the romance in hell of "Shadowplay"; "Insight" and its nervous drive toward some sort of apocalypse. All visceral, all emotional, all theatrical, all perfect -- one of the best albums ever.
Thursday, 20 June 2024
In this time of information overload, we are being bombarded with rapid fire misinformation as part of a deep state plan to leave us more confused than we were to begin with. Key tools that are being used against us include disorder and complexity.
“Order and simplification are the first steps toward the mastery of a subject” - Thomas Mann
As a tactic to thwart this psychological attack, I plan to present information in bite sized chunks, ideally a couple of pictures with a couple of short paragraphs. So somewhere mid way between a blog post and a meme.
Tuesday, 11 June 2024
As we are now being bombarded with a never ending stream of misinformation, almost nothing we are told by the mainstream or the "alternative" media is true, and we need to rapidly adapt in order to outwit the deep state and their attempts to program us. When they make mistakes we can pounce upon those mistakes and use them to our advantage.
On a platform like YouTube, Google is using AI to create hundreds of millions of fake views, to write millions of comments that are endlessly recycling the previous comments, to promote any videos that push their agendas, and even to create and narrate increasingly crappy videos.
The opportunity to post information exposing the deep state agendas and to mock their short comings on Facebook, the most deep state controlled of all the social media platforms, has never been greater.
And that is because the deep state are LAZY, GREEDY, PSYCHOPATHS who want to use AI to control us. But their AI sucks. That is another reason we can beat them.
Thursday, 25 April 2024
While staring at a half naked photo of Justine Blubber I started wondering what the real reason is that young people have all taken to defacing themselves with the most appallingly crap tatts in the history of humanity.
Back in the old days sailors and prisoners used to get tattoos and everyone else used to take one look at them and make a mental note to avoid giving them a job.
The number of people getting tattoos has gone up greatly in the past 20 years, especially among those people under the age of 30. The other side to all this is that the tattoo removal industry is now bigger than the tattoo industry. Around 40 million Americans are tattooed, and around 7 million of them are already seeking tattoo removal.
As you might expect the number keeps going up as people accidentally catch sight of themselves in a mirror or a photo and start thinking things like “Why have I got a bunch of utterly meaningless words tattooed all over me”.
People really hate thinking for themselves, so to avoid this horrible experience they copy other people, and for some reason they think the things that they copy are just random fashions, but they never are. Fashions, just like smoking, feminism, low-fat diets, and pretending there are more than 2 sexes, are all designed to further social and money making agendas.
Tattoos serve several purposes; first and foremost they program people to later accept the idea of micro-chip implants which is one of the new world order plans. They also give people the illusion that they are expressing themselves, when in fact they are just willingly falling in line to do their part in submitting to another globalist agenda. Rather than forcing people to submit, it works much better to have them happily paying to submit.
Like all social engineering there are secondary financial benefits, and making people sick is nearly always one of them, because sick people are a profitable industry. As with fluoride and chlorine in the water supply, aluminum and mercury in vaccines, and GMO's and Canola oil in the food supply, tattoo ink includes hormone disrupters and carcinogenic ingredients, so they tick that box too.
Tattoo removal technology is constantly improving – but at
the moment it is slow, painful, and leaves scarring. As it develops it
will become increasingly popular, and it is already a bigger industry
than tattooing. The very same people who are promoting morons like
Justin Blubber also have investments in the tattoo industry and will now
be fully moving into the tattoo removal industry as well. Trying to
pick the next big thing in cryptos is tricky but investing in the tattoo
removal industry is a no-brainer.
That is the best reason I can come up with why the quality of tattoos has gone backward for the past twenty years. Lets face it though, they were always a bunch of crap artistically (would you ever want a tattoo as desktop wallpaper?), but at least in the 90’s some effort was made to do a decent job - I used to work a few doors along from Roger’s Tatooart, one of New Zealand’s top tattoo shops, so I saw skilled tattoo’s everyday, and they were a hell of a lot better than the slop most people are getting today.
Recently I was buying some food at our local organic shop on a warm day when next thing I knew I nearly dropped my bottles of A2 milk from the shock of seeing a bloody awful tattoo of a skull on the shoulder of a woman in a singlet.
From that point on I realised that every person in the shop had at least one tattoo (no, most tattoo ink is neither organic nor vegan) and I kept seeing feminists with bad haircuts all inked up with tattoos that even prisoners would once have considered a bit rough. The guy who sits on the footpath outside everyday asking for small change actually has far better tatts than many of the feminists in the organic shop.
A few extra fun tatt facts
In the UK there has been a more than 400 percent increase in tattoo removal in the past 10 years, often inspired by celebrities who ironically inspired the tattoo trend in the first place.
An employer survey cited over 70 percent of business owners registered an unfavourable view of job applicants with tattoos.
A laser tattoo removal typically costs around 10 times the amount of getting one.
Tattoo removal is the largest growth sector in cosmetic procedures worldwide
Tattoo inks often include phthalates (hormone disrupters)
and dibutyl phthalate and benzoprene - well-documented skin carcinogens.
Monday, 15 April 2024
The greedy bike companies have milked the golden goose to death, selling NZ$10K - $15k bikes to clueless numpties by convincing them cycling is all about having a flash bike. But it never was and the lie will take them down.
Bikes like this are sitting unsold on shop floors for NZ$11,500, but who on earth is spending that much on a bike in a recession?
Big companies like Trek and Giant are now announcing massive cut backs, along with half price sales, as they just can't move all the unsold bikes.
If the ride was say up to the top of a 500m hill and then back down again, a hardtail XC bike would only be about 1 min slower than a big flash freeride rig coming down, but easily 15 mins faster going up, so 14 mins faster overall in an actual real world ride.
The latest $12k mountain bikes are basically only at the point MX bikes were at 30 years ago, but without a motor.
Sunday, 18 February 2024
Recently I've cut down the amount of time I'm spending on both blogging and social media.
How this will all play out in the long term is hard to pick. It may be that a total melt down will eventually lead to a new and improved economy and society, or it may not, but either way, I don't think there is much chance of stopping the process now. That car has already left the road.
Re-reading the book "Beyond Positive Thinking" by Robert Anthony, I'm reminded again that we tend to get what we believe we will get. So it's all a bit of a conflict, because I'd have to live in some sort of grand delusion to convince myself that things are about to go well over the next three months, but there is no point wallowing in misery.
We are all parts of a much bigger picture, and it seems there is not much point in continuing to warn people that the shit is going to hit the fan. It has already hit the fan, so now I’m probably better off to just keep my mouth shut and try to avoid eating any more shit.