Sunday 14 April 2024




As a music fan and a “conspiracy theorist” I've long been confused and conflicted about The Beatles. Maybe part of what keeps pulling me back to look at them is that I know I have never fully understood this story, but I suspect that it ties into almost every deep state cover up for the past 60 years.

And another aspect is that despite living on the opposite side of the globe (I’m not a flat earther), my mother is from Liverpool, and I spent some time there staying with relatives as a child. People I spoke to who lived there in the early 60’s never saw or heard of them back then, and were stunned when they became “bigger than Jesus” all around the world.


On the one hand I think they performed some of the greatest pop songs ever written. They have influenced most of my favourite bands – everyone from Split Enz to Joy Division. But my favourite Beatles track, “Rain” was never even on an album…


On the other hand I hate some of their music as much as any music I’ve ever heard. For example, I think the album “Sgt. Peppers Lonely Heart’s Club Band” is horrible – really creepy. And that is just based on the music, let alone the fact that it’s filled with satanic and deep state references from the cover to the final track.


They put out all sorts of amazing and really advanced music, but as soon as you start delving into the rabbit hole that is The Beatles, the cover ups and mismatched stories are endless.


There are so many conflicting theories it’s hard to know where to start. But here are three things I am certain of. There was more than one person playing the role of “Paul McCartney”, they did not write nor play all the music that is credited to them, and John Lennon was not assassinated in 1980.





Saturday 13 April 2024




 There I was looking at the TAGS on this blog and got a nasty surprise when I saw that there were 33 TRANNY tags. That's getting a bit too masonic for comfort, so I'd better knock out a quick new tranny post & make it 34!

The whole tranny thing is a giant psyop and like most psyops one of the goals is to create confusion and uncertainty. While there are certainly some screamingly obvious men in drag like "Michelle Obama", most of them are much harder to spot. 

One of the tactics that has been widely used for over 50 years is to find people who's gender is dubious, and actively promote them. They are made famous BECAUSE their gender is pretty vague, and this is then enhanced to the nth degree.

In pop music this practice goes back over 50 years, and the Tavistock Institute has always been a hotbed of transgenderism. David Bowie is a prime example:

 Despite having just posted a checklist a few days ago of how to spot a tranny, the truth is I have no idea what sex David Bowie really was/is (his death is also said to have been faked), and like many celebs it's really hard to tell.

You’ve got your mother in a whirl
’cause she’s not sure if you’re a boy or girl.

And maybe that is the main reason they became celebs in the first place. But for the record, yes I really do think Taylor Swift is a biological male.

Friday 12 April 2024


"The Culture of Africa is varied and manifold, consisting of a mixture of countries with various tribes depicting their unique characteristics and traits"



Thursday 11 April 2024


Who? - Fiona Apple McAfee-Maggart (DOB 77.09.13) is an American singer-songwriter. She released five albums from 1996 to 2020, one of which was called "Fetch the Bolt Cutters"
"in order to feel safe while home alone, Apple "would roller-skate around the dining-room table 88 times, 88 being the number of keys on the piano."
 Junker JU 88 (it's amazing how often the number 88 pops up!)

 "That's how the public sees me, as this pretty little girl, and I'm sure Sony's very happy about that. Because if you're pretty, you're more marketable. But that's wrong. And that's what puts pressure on me more than anything. I hate it. When I was younger and ugly, nobody liked me. Now people like me because I'm pretty? "

Read More:

Wednesday 10 April 2024

Sandra Oh No!

 Sandra Oh - Sandra Miju Oh (born July 20, 1971) is a Canadian and American actress. She is known for her starring roles as Rita Wu in the HBO comedy series Arliss (1996–2002), Dr. Cristina Yang in the ABC medical drama series Grey's Anatomy (2005–2014), and Eve Polastri in the BBC America spy thriller series Killing Eve (2018–2022). She has received two Golden Globe Awards and four Screen Actors Guild Awards.

 In 2019, Time magazine named Oh one of the 100 most influential people in the world.

This person is a woman right?

Tuesday 9 April 2024


 Nothing happened did it? I thought there would at least be a short internet failure somewhere, but much FUDPORN, so little to show for it!

In America, the Federal Highway Administration issued a warning: Don’t watch and drive. "Don't watch the eclipse while driving" said Shailen Bhatt, the Federal Highway Administrator, in a briefing on Friday.

That was valuable advice...

The next total solar eclipse is due on August 6 2026 so we only have 28 months to prepare for it. It will be far worse than than yesterday's one so start prepping now. Buy supplies and start stocking up.

Monday 8 April 2024


This movie from 1987, based on a Norman Mailer book, got terrible reviews when it came out, and many people consider it to be appalling. In some ways it is, but I have to say I still think it is one of the most entertaining movies I've ever seen.

I have just watched it again, and still found it enthralling. Yes the acting is a bit odd, but compared to the limp, woke, turgid crap that passes for movies these days, this is a work of sheer genius.

The reviews are terrible but ignore them, reviewers don't know shit from chewed dates. And this movie is definitely chewed dates!

This review is quite entertaining really:

 "Tough Guys Don’t Dance is trash, but it’s amusingly self-important trash, a film that lays open the vanities and miscalculations of the creative force behind it"

"For bad movie fans, it’s a masterpiece of over-ripe dialogue, ridiculously melodramatic situations, and rabid, macho posturing that curdles the moment it hits the screen. Over 30 years later, we’re still talking about Tough Guys Don’t Dance"