Monday 27 May 2024


Barry is a gay marxist, married to a tranny…

Way back when Barry was “president” I did this blog post about him. Back then very few people believed that he was gay and “Michelle” was a tranny. A lot more people do now! But to tell the truth I think he is far from being America’s FIRST gay president – after doing more research I’m convinced that most if not all of America’s “first ladies” were actually trannies, right from the outset, which means that if the presidents were really married to them, then they would be gay as well (but that was not always the case, because many of the “marriages” were fake)

The Tragic Background Of Barack Obama aka; Barry Soetoro

1,956: Ann appears to be around 14 years old, so this is maybe 1956. Left to right: Ann Dunham (1942-1995), Stanley Armour Dunham (1918-1992), and wife Madelyn Lee Payne (1922)

1956: Ann (Barry’s Mother) appears to be around 14 years old, so this is maybe 1956. Left to right: Ann Dunham (1942-1995), Stanley Armour Dunham (1918-1992), and wife Madelyn Lee Payne (1922 Peru-2008 Hawaii)

A boy named Stanley is traumatized and abandoned.1926: Eight year old Stanley Dunham discovers his mother’s body after she has committed suicide. Stanley’s father then abandons the traumatized boy, leaving Stanley in the care of his maternal grandparents in El Dorado, Kansas.

obama sealed

Stanley is psychologically devastated by suicide and abandonment

Stanley Dunham becomes a troubled teen.

The emotionally damaged boy grows into a rebellious teenager. Stanley punches his High School principal and becomes a drifter, hopping rail cars to Chicago, then California, then back again. At age 20, he marries Madelyn Payne on the night of her Senior Prom.

The hurt little boy grows into an angry and unstable young man. (Sound familiar Barry?)

Just before leaving to fight in World War II in 1942, Stanley impregnates Madelyn. A girl is born on November 29, 1942. Because Stanley wanted a son, he names the girl after himself – Stanley Dunham! (Middle name of Ann)

Psycho Stanley fathers a girl – names her Stanley!!!

What kind of a psycho names his daughter Stanley?

Stanley Ann Dunham endures childhood trauma.

After the war, the Dunham’s bounce around the country for 15 years – moving to California, back to Kansas, to Seattle, WA, to Mercer Island, WA, and finally to Hawaii. Stanley is teased about her boyish name at every new school she attends. The instability of constantly moving, the teasing/bullying over her strange name, and the constant reminder that her father wanted a boy – will combine to turn young Stanley Ann into a traumatized psycho like her father.

A girl named Stanley is teased about her boyish name.

Stanley Ann Dunham becomes a troubled teen.

Obama’s Idiocracy

At 17, Stanley Ann now goes simply by “Ann”. By this time, she has already embraced Marxism (as had her father), is posing naked for a Communist named Frank Marshall Davis, bashing America, and having sexual relations with older black men.

Barry Soetoro‘s mentor, Frank Marshall Davis had a passion for photography and pornography..

Ann is impregnated by one of two Black Communists.



1960: Still a 17 year old college freshman, Ann becomes pregnant. She claims that a Kenyan Marxist named Barack Obama (who she met in a Russian language class) is the father. Obama is a drunk who, apparently unbeknownst to Dunham at the time, has his own wife and kids back in Kenya. It has since become apparent that Ann was also having sexual relations with another black man during this time – the admitted Communist Frank Marshall Davis.

Obama looks nothing like his Kenyan father, but resembles Frank Marshall Davis very much!

Barack Obama Jr. is abandoned by his Kenyan father.

Less than four years into the unlikely marriage, Ann divorces the drunken Kenyan bigamist. Barack Sr. returns to Africa in 1964. Little “Barry” experiences his first abandonment. Barry will briefly see his alleged father again in 1968, when he is about eight years old, only to have to say goodbye to him. Barack Sr. will later be killed in a drunk driving accident in 1982.

Little Barry’s fragile psyche was doomed from the start.

Barack Obama’s Indonesian stepfather Lolo Soetoro; biological mother Ann Dunham; and half-sister Maya Soetoro-Indonesian. Has same Hawaii birth certificate (COLB) as Barry/Barack.

Barack Obama’s Indonesian stepfather Lolo Soetoro; biological mother Ann Dunham;
and half-sister Maya Soetoro-Born In Indonesia. Maya has same Hawaii birth certificate (COLB) as Barry/Barack.

Lolo Soetoro: the exchange student saga that brought Obama to Indonesia

Ann remarries an Indonesian man and settles there.

In 1965, Ann marries Lolo Soetero. She, Lolo, and little Barry settle in Indonesia. (Ann and Lolo will divorce in 1980)

Stanley Ann has a baby girl with her new husband.

Ann hires a transvestite to be Barry’s nanny!

Already a full-fledged feminist Marxist, Ann Soetero hires ‘Evie”, (a known a transsexual / transvestite!) to care for young Barry. In 2012, it was revealed that Nanny Evie is now a broke homosexual prostitute.

Barack Obama’s “transgender ex-nanny"In this Friday, Jan. 27, 2012 photo, Evie, also known as Turdi, the former nanny of U.S. President Barack Obama, stands at the doorway of her room at a boarding house in a slum in Jakarta, Indonesia. Evie, who was born a man but believes she is really a woman, has endured a lifetime of taunts and beatings because of her identity. Nobody knows how many transgenders live in the sprawling archipelagic nation of 240 million, but activists estimate 7 million. However, societal disdain still runs deep - when transgenders act in TV comedies, they are invariably the brunt of the joke. (AP Photo/Dita Alangkara)

Barack Obama’s “transgender ex-nanny”
In this 2012 photo, Evie, also known as Turdi, the former nanny of U.S. President Barack Obama, stands at the doorway of her room at a boarding house in a slum in Jakarta, Indonesia. Evie, who was born a man but believes she is really a woman, has endured a lifetime of taunts and beatings because of her identity. Nobody knows how many transgenders live in the sprawling archipelagic nation of 240 million, but activists estimate 7 million. However, societal disdain still runs deep – when transgenders act in TV comedies, they are invariably the brunt of the joke. (AP Photo/Dita Alangkara)

Desperate and destitute, old Evie survives by prostitution. Obama won’t lift a finger to help!

Young Barry is bullied by his Asian classmates.

The only Black boy in an Indonesian school, Barry is outcast and bullied as “the boy with big ears.”

Little Barry Soetero doesn’t fit in.

Ann’s baby Girl.

Maya Soetoro Is Obama's 1/2 Sister.

Maya Soetoro Is Obama’s 1/2 Sister.

  • Ann has a baby girl, then dumps Barry on her parents in Hawaii .

Ann’s Parents.

Barry Soetoro (Name From Indonesia) With Maternal Grand Parents.

Barry Soetoro (Name From Indonesia) With Maternal Grand Parents. Madelyn Payne (1922 Peru – 2008 Hawaii) & Stanley Dunham (1918 – 1992).

Little Barry is again traumatized by the pain of rejection. After having a daughter with Lolo, psycho Ann ships 10 year old Barry off to Hawaii to be raised by his grandfather.

Barry’s little psyche is sent from the frying pan into the fire!

Barry S. with Grand Parent Stanley Dunham

Barry S. with Grand Parent Stanley Dunham

Grandpa introduces Barry to a Black Communist bi-sexual.

Grandpa Dunham is friends with the Communist bi-sexual Frank Marshall Davis. Davis will become a mentor to young Barry. It was Davis, an avid photographer, who took the nude photographs of young Ann Dunham. Davis tells of his sexual deviance in a book entitled “Sex Rebel Black“, (written under the pen name of Bob Greene) In lurid detail, he describes 3-way sex sessions between himself, his wife, and a young girl named “Ann.”

Teenage Barry is lazy student and a heavy drug user.

By the end of High School, generations of family dysfunction and painful rejection will have already shaped the man that Obama will become. By his own adult admission, Obama wastes his High School years as a heavy pot smoker and a mediocre student.

A self-described “lazy student”, Obama has a passion for smoking marijuana.. (later on cocaine)

Larry Sinclair & Barack Obama Doing Cocaine And Male Male Sex.

Larry Sinclair & Barack Obama Doing Cocaine And Male Male Sex.

  • Barack Obama moves onto cocaine and homosexuality.

After High School, Obama is a mediocre college student at Occidental College in California. His drug use continues and it appears that he has embraced the homosexual lifestyle.

The Men Barack Obama Has Dated or Had Strangely Intimate Relationships With that No One Can Explain:


Image result for Obama and Pakistani Gay Boyfriend

Obama and Pakistani Gay Boyfriend

1980’s: Young Obama is plugged into the Globalist-Communist Presidential Pipeline.

At some point during the 1980’s, Frank Marshall Davis, and others above him, plug “Barack Obama Jr.” into the subversive network of Professor William Ayers. Ayers and his wife, Bernadine Dohrn, are former FBI fugitives and founders of the Communist/Terrorist Weather Underground. The psycho Obama is to be decorated with phony Ivy League degrees and groomed to be “the first Black President.”


The Illustrated Protocols Of Rothschild’s Zionism

1990’s: Communist “Reverend Wright” finds a “beard” to hide Obama’s homosexuality.

If Obama was to become President, he will need a wife and kids to conceal his homosexuality.

The radical Marxist “Reverend” Jeremiah Wright specializes in finding unwanted women to marry the men in the closet like Obama.

This of course does not answer who killed the gay men at Racist Rev. Wright’s so-called Church.

Donald Young's Mother

Donald Young’s Mother

Barry Soetoro – America’s first FOREIGN president

Many Americans don’t realize they have “elected” a president whom they know very little about.

Researchers have discovered that Obama’s autobiographical books are little more than PR stunts, as they have little to do with the actual events of his life. The fact is we know less about President Obama than perhaps any other president in American history and much of this is due to actual efforts to hide his record. This should concern all Americans.

A nation-wide network of researchers has sprung up to attempt to fill in the blanks, but at every opportunity Obama’s high-priced lawyers have built walls around various records or simply made them disappear. It is estimated that Obama’s legal team has now spent well over $1.4 million dollars blocking access to documents every American should have access to. The question is why would he spend so much money to do this?

The president who campaigned for a more “open government” and “full disclosure” will not unseal his medical records, his school records, his birth records or his passport records. He will not release his Harvard records, his Columbia College records, or his Occidental College records—he will not even release his Columbia College thesis. All his legislative records from the Illinois State Senate are missing and he claims his scheduling records during those State Senate years are lost as well. In addition, no one can find his school records for the elite K-12 college prep school, Punahou School, he attended in Hawaii.

What is he hiding? Well, for starters, some of these records will shed light on his citizenship and birth.

For example, Obama’s application to Punahou School – now mysteriously missing – would likely contain a birth certificate. And, according to attorney Gary Kreep, “his Occidental College records are important as they may show he attended there as a foreign exchange student.” Indeed, Obama used his Indonesian name “Barry Soetoro” while attending Occidental. Kreep has filed lawsuits challenging Obama’s eligibility to be president and as part of his lawsuit he requested Obama’s records from Occidental. However, Obama’s lawyers quickly moved to stop Occidental from honoring this request.

Furthermore, now that at least three document authentication experts have declared the scanned “Certificate of Live Birth” Obama’s campaign team gave to a pro-Obama website to be an obvious phony; we know that he is hiding something here as well.

Over 49 separate law suits have been filed on the eligibility/birth certificate issue alone, with several of the suits making it all the way the United States Supreme Court, only to be denied a full hearing.

What’s more, there are questions about how he paid for his Harvard Law School education since, despite a claim by Michele Obama, no one has produced any evidence that he received student loans. The Obamas will not release any student loan details despite repeated requests from the Chicago Tribune. However, it appears that his Harvard education may have been paid for by a foreign source. Khalid Al-Mansour, an advisor to Saudi prince Al-Walid bin Talah, told Manhattan Borough president, Percy Sutton, that he was raising money for Obama’s Harvard tuition. Incidentally, Prince Tala is the largest donor to CAIR, a Muslim group declared by the U.S. Government in 2007 as an unindicted co-conspirator in a terrorist financing trial. At least three of CAIR’s leaders have been indicted for terrorist activities. Al-Mansour’s admission opens up speculation as to whether Muslim interests have assisted Obama’s career in the hope he would eventually be in a position someday to promote their interests.

More recently, it was discovered that Obama’s Selective Service card may have been doctored. Federal law requires all American males to register for the Selective Service (the draft) in case a major war broke out. Blogger Debbie Schlussel has discovered solid evidence that Obama’s Selective Service registration form was submitted not when he was younger as required, but rather in 2008 and then altered to look older. Indeed, the forgers forgot to alter the “Document Location Number” which shows that it is clearly a 2008 form. This is fraud and it’s a felony and Schlussel’s allegations are backed up by Stephen Coffman, a former high-ranking Federal agent. Moreover, the document shows a September 4th, 1980 date and the location of the transaction as Hawaii, but at that time Obama was thousands of miles away attending Occidental College in Los Angeles.

The real reason why Obama probably did not submit this form as a teenager is that he assumed his Kenyan or Indonesian citizenship exempted him from this requirement. But clearly, as he grew older and entered politics, he saw that any documents revealing a foreign birth – Selective Service registration, birth certificate, school applications, etc – would be problematic if he ran for the presidency. Thus, it is not a coincidence that every document which contains information about his birth or citizenship is either missing, sealed, or has been altered.

Indeed, everywhere one looks into Obama’s background, we find sealed records, scrubbed websites, altered documents, deception and unanswered questions. Can anyone imagine for a second if John McCain or George Bush had blocked access to his school, medical, and birth records? It would have been headlines in their case,  but as with everything else concerning Obama, the media has given him a pass on this.

Of all these marvels, the latest mystery and probably most perplexing is that of Obama’s social security number. It appears that Obama has multiple identities in term of possessing numerous social security numbers. Orly Taitz, an attorney who has filed numerous suits against Obama regarding his eligibility to serve as president, appears to have been the first to discover this. In her suit, representing a number of military officers who are refusing to serve under an ineligible commander in chief, she hired private investigator Neil Sankey to conduct research on Obama’s prior addresses and Social Society numbers. Using Intelius, Lexis Nexis, Choice Point and other public records, Sankey found around 25 Social Security numbers connected with Obama’s name.

However, it may not be as many as 25, since Sankey also searched using closely related names such as: “Barak Obama,” “Batock Obama,” “Barok Obama,” and “Barrack Obama.” There may very well be some Kenyans living in America with the same last name and a similar first name. In any case, I will exclude these records for the purpose of this research and focus only on names spelled exactly like his name. Moreover, we can verify many of the Social Security numbers as valid since they’re connected to addresses at which we know Obama resided. Needless to say, there are also a slew of address and social security numbers connected to addresses in states that Obama has no known connection to.

In Obama’s home state, Illinois, Sankey tracked down 16 different addresses for a Barack Obama or a Barack H. Obama, of which all are addresses he was known to have lived at. Two Social Security numbers appear for these addresses, one beginning with 042 and one starting 364.

In California, where Obama attended Occidental College, there are six addresses listed for him, all within easy driving distance of the college. However, there are three Social Security numbers connected to these addresses, 537 and two others, each beginning with 999.

There are no addresses listed in New York where he attended Columbia University, but there is one listed for him in nearby Jackson, NJ, with a Social Security number beginning with 485.

In Massachusetts – where Obama attended Harvard Law School – we find three addresses, all using the 042 Social Security number. After Obama was elected to the United States Senate in 2005, he moved into an apartment at 300 Massachusetts Ave NW; the Social Security number attached to that address is the 042 one. Yet, three years later, Obama used a different Social Security number for an address listed as: 713 Hart Senate Office Building. This was the address of his United States Senate office. This Social Security number began with 282 and was verified by the government in 2008.

This mystery grows even stranger as other addresses and Social Security numbers for Barack Obama appear in a dozen other states not known to be connected to him. Again, I am excluding those records names not spelled exactly like his name.

  • Tennessee, one address with a Social Security number beginning with 427
  • Colorado, one address, with a Social Security number beginning with 456.
  • Utah, two addresses, with two Social Security numbers beginning with 901 and 799.
  • Missouri has one address and one Social Security number beginning with 999.
  • Florida has two addresses listed for his him, three if you count one listed as “Barry Obama.” One is connected to a Social Security number beginning with 762.
  • In Georgia there are three addresses listed for him, all with different Social Security numbers: 579, 420, and 423.
  • In Texas there are four different addresses listed for him, one is connected to Social Security number 675.
  • There are two addresses listed for Barack Obama in Oregon and one address listed for him in  the states of Wisconsin, Michigan, South Carolina, and Pennsylvania.

All told, there are 49 addresses and 16 different Social Security numbers listed for a person whose name is spelled “Barack Obama.” In some cases, the middle initial “H” is listed. If you were to expand the search to include closely related names such as: “Barac,” “Barak,” and “Barrack” Obama, you would find more than a dozen additional addresses and Social Security numbers.

Finally, the one Social Security number Obama most frequently used, the one beginning with 042, is a number issued in Connecticut sometime during 1976-1977, yet there is no record of Obama ever living or working in Connecticut. Indeed, during this time period Obama would have been 15-16 years old and living in Hawaii at the time.

Nevertheless, all this mystery surrounding Obama appears to be a generational thing. Researchers have discovered nearly a dozen aliases, at least two different Social Security numbers, and upwards of over 99 separate addresses for Ann Dunham, his mother. We do know she worked for the ultra liberal Ford Foundation but we also know she may have earned some income from pornographic poses, as evidenced by photos recently discovered by some researchers—how embarrassing. The only thing researchers are able to find out about Obama’s mother is the fact she made porn. I’m sure that’s a first for presidential mothers.

But we also know that Obama’s mother and grandparents associated with Communist Party leaders such as Frank Marshall Davis, a man who, according to Obama’s book, Dreams from my Father, was his main mentor during much of his Hawaiian boyhood (although Obama tried to disguise his identity in his book). During the Cold War, Davis was named by congressional investigators as a key member of a secretive pro-Soviet networked that existed in Hawaii at that time.

The lack of documents regarding Obama also extends to his mother and to his grandparents. Indeed, researchers have been unable to find marriage licenses for his mother’s two marriages, assuming she was ever legally married. Ditto goes for the marriage license for Ann’s parents. They cannot find birth certificates for her, her parents, or for even for her grandparents. Even more so, despite Obama’s boast of his grandfather’s military service, there’s no record of that either. For reasons no one knows, much of Obama’s life, his mother’s life and his grandparent’s life has been erased from the records as if they never existed.

But why would someone obtain so many Social Security numbers? According to investigators, those who create additional Social Society numbers are typically engaged in criminal activities such as Social Security fraud, tax fraud, real estate fraud, campaign

“Madeline Dunham was a volunteer at the Oahu Circuit Court probate department and had access to the Social Security numbers of deceased people.

contributions fraud, voter fraud and so on. While the private investigator who compiled this list says multiple social security numbers does not automatically prove there’s criminal activity involved, he states that “having said that, I have personally experienced many, many cases where such information has led to subsequent exposure of fraud, deception, money laundering and other crimes.“What is interesting to note is that Obama’s grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, was a volunteer at the Oahu Circuit Court probate department and had access to the Social Security numbers of deceased people.

It is clear that more research needs to be done on this issue.

The Western Center for Journalism



Saturday 25 May 2024

Of course men should be able to compete as women


Anyone who complains about men competing as women is just a sexist bigot!

This is all perfectly fair and reasonable:

In 2018 a biological male who identifies as a transgender woman won a women’s world championship cycling event.

Rachel McKinnon, a professor at the College of Charleston, won the women’s sprint 35-39 age bracket at the 2018 UCI Masters Track Cycling World Championships in Los Angeles.

“Focusing on performance advantage is largely irrelevant because this is a rights issue. We shouldn’t be worried about trans people taking over the Olympics. We should be worried about their fairness and human rights instead.”

McKinnon also compared restrictions on biological males competing in women’s events to racial segregation.

“This is bigger than sports, and it’s about human rights,” McKinnon said to USA Today.

“By catering to cisgender people’s views, that furthers transgender people’s oppression. When it comes to extending rights to a minority population, why would we ask the majority? I bet a lot of white people were pissed off when we desegregated sports racially and allowed black people. But they had to deal with it.”

Friday 24 May 2024


 This is easy - always USE CASH, and refuse to trade with any business that doesn't take cash. It may be easy but it is also really important. So DO IT!

Thursday 23 May 2024



For some reason it amused me to repost my old post that Goofle blacklisted my entire domain for in 2016, back again on their own blogging platform...

Controlling and Censoring Internet Content

Glogle have certainly developed a very fast and efficient search engine, but amongst other things, Gooble are accused of censoring the internet, controlling content and manipulating search results. There is an ever growing stack of evidence that Gooogle are attempting to censor and control content on the internet, for example attempting to restrict access to videos such as the one showing the BBC reporting the collapse of WTC Building 7, 26 minutes before it happened. (the video is still available from the Live_leak website)

When I first wrote this page it was all a bit of a theory, but lately I’ve been finding out first hand about Goosle’s massive power to control what is seen on the internet. Because some of my pages contravened Goofle’s “guidelines” they black listed my entire domain – – meaning that none of the sites on our server got many search hits anymore. So in order to get the sites back into the mighty Gloople engine I’ve pulled some pages offline alltogether, edited others, and moved any that may cause problems (such as this one) to other servers. This is an effectively an example of Gooble censoring the internet.

Does Goople control internet content? – well right now I am censoring my own websites because of pressure from Gloosle, so I’d have to say “YES”!

And when I started looking into F@cebook, gMaul, U-Tub, W1kipedia, and other Gloonle services, it struck home how in the not too distant future Goofle will be able to exert massive social control, re-write history, and control flows of information. (And the George Orwell book “1984” did hint at this type of thing!)

Plans include “Wik1pedia 3.0” that will replace Goodle as the Ultimate Answer Machine. It is planned as a “Global Brain” covering all domains of human knowledge, that can reason and deduce answers instead of just providing information like a search engine. (sounds arseum dude!)

If you would like further evidence relating to any of the following issues, its all out there on the net, but as it’s probably not in my best interest to link directly to a lot of anti Googgle websites, you will have to do your own surfing. I recommend using a search engine – but probably not Goofle for this one!

What effect does a Gootle blackisting have on page hits? – Here’s a chart showing the weekly hits to one of the pages on this site before and after blacklisting. I think it would be hard to come up with a more effective way to censor internet content!

Spying on its users

Clearly Googie is collecting the personal data of its users, and has created a vast database. Over the years, Go0gle has collected a massive amount of data, and the company admits that in nine years of operation, it has never knowingly erased a single search query. 99% of its revenue comes from selling advertising that is specifically targeted to a user’s interests.

Googlee’s cookies don’t expire until 2038. When you use the company’s search engine or visit any affiliated sites, it will record what you search for and when, which links you click on, and which ads you access. Goople’s cookies can’t identify you by name, but they log your computer’s IP address – as a metaphor, Goosle doesn’t have your driver’s license number, but it knows the license plate number of the car you are driving. Goozle owns roughly half of the entire search market and processes more than 3 billion searches a month.

If you are a Gmail user, Gookle stashes copies of every email you send and receive. If you use any of its other products – G0ogle Maps, Fro0gle, Gougle Book Search, Gooogle Earth, G00gle Scholar, Talk, Images, Video, and News – it will keep track of which directions you seek, which products you shop for, which phrases you research, which satellite photos and news stories you view, and so on. There is nothing to prevent Gootle from combining all of this information to create dossiers on its customers.

Total hypocrisy over privacy issues

Goodle L@rry P@ge* or $ergey Br1n, the founders of Goosle, and you’ll find more than a million entries each. But there’s very little about P@ge’s and Br1n’s personal lives – they have carefully insulated their lives – putting their homes under other people’s names, choosing unlisted numbers, abstaining from posting anything personal on web pages.

This obsession with privacy may explain Goovle’s reaction when El1nor M1lls, a reporter with the tech news service c–net, ran a search on Gooqle ceo Er1c Schm1dt and published the results: Schm1dt lived with his wife in Athert0n, California, was worth about $1.5 billion, had bought around US$140 million Gootle shares that year, was an amateur pilot, and had been to the Burning Man festival. Goowle claimed that the information was a security threat, and announced it was blacklisting c–net’s reporters for a year. (The company eventually backed down) It was an interesting response given that the information M1lls published was far less intimate than the details easily found online on most of us. But then, this is something of a pattern with Goojle: When it comes to information, Goorle knows what’s best.

Censoring whenever it is more expedient and profitable

As the company is publicly traded, it has a legal responsibility to its shareholders and bottom line that overrides any higher calling. As far back as 2002, it removed links to an anti-Scientol0gy site after the Church of Scient0logy claimed copyright infringement.

Many website operators have complained that Googal pulls ads if it discovers words on a page that it apparently has flagged, although it will not say what those words are.

Googley’s preferred method of banning a site is to delist its primary domain URL – eg. – from the Goocle search index. Gooxle can easily reduce a site’s page rank, or just eliminate it entirely.

Assisting the Chinese Government to censor and repress its population

Goog1e are working closely with the Chinese government, and have temporally wiped entire news websites such as “Space-War” from their search engine for being critical of the Chinese.

The present Chinese government is no less totalitarian than it was when the PLA massacred up to 2600 protesters and injured 10,000 more at Tiananmen Square on June 4th 1989. Political dissidents are often arrested or executed.

US companies like Googlle, Microsoft and Yahoo have been complicit in helping the Chinese government locate and arrest Chinese bloggers who post even mild criticism of the government.

To see an example of the Google Chinese censorship in action, try doing a search for Tiananmen Square – firstly in the US Goggle, then in the Chinese version of Goople – the results are certainly somewhat different.

Shaped by the lowest common denominator

Perhaps more than any other search engine Gooyle’s results are shaped by the flows of arguably the stupidest people on the internet. While more “discerning” searchers may tend to choose a search engine of their own selection, Gooale acts a default search engine for the masses – over 36 billion searches a year. It’s not that all Goofle users are morons, just that most morons use Gloobal.

It ranks its search results by what is most popular amongst Glogle users, so creating a vast self generating feedback loop. What is popular becomes more popular. This is common to most search engines, but Guugle is more insular, and it’s users tend to be more retarded, so the effect is exaggerated.

For example, if the most popular search subject on the net is Britney Spears, and the majority of Goofle users can’t spell Bitney, then a site that has 600 misspelling of Brotney’s name may find itself more popular than it really should be. Especially if it also includes the words nekid, pichers, and Speers….

Just try a search on Goosle for “nekid brinty speers” to see this in action. Hint – click on the page that’s named “Best Search Match” ! (actually this may not work so well anymore as this is one of the pages I had to pull offline ðŸ™‚

Covering up 911 Information

Goodle have regularly been accused of attempting to censor sites and videos showing information about 911 that is embarrassing to the official US Government position. For example, Googlee Video were caught on numerous occasions resetting viewing figures for AIex J0nes Terr0r St0rm video, to keep it from going higher in the viewing charts.

Keeping a lid on the new stories

Gloople’s attempts at censorship seem to be fairly ineffective in the long term. But while they are unable to keep information off the net, what they do manage to do, along with most mainstream American media, is to keep a lid on the new stories long enough for the public to lose interest.

Ch@rlie $heen’s comments on the 911 cover up, and the temporary blocking by Gargol of all references to these comments, are a prime example of this. When a well known American actor comes out on TV, and talks openly about the 911 cover up. it should be big news – bigger than stories about Britney and Paris. But it disappeared without trace in all mainstream media. (Goagle are certainly not alone on this)

The transcripts of what Charlie Sheen said are easily found on Goolle now – but they weren’t in the week after his interview. And this temporary censorship is a very effective technique to bury new stories.

Funded by the CIA

Goosel are accused of having a long term relationship with the CIA. R0bert D@vid SteeIe, an ex-CIA agent, has claimed that CIA seed money helped get the company off the ground, and named Goofle’s CIA contact as Dr. RIck Steinhe1ser. An example cited of the effect of this CIA influence is that press releases critical of D1ck Cheeney didn’t make it to Gookle News even though they were carried by PR News-Wire.

Generally, most of Godal’s attempts at censorship appear to be exactly what the CIA would like to do if they controlled Goople. Could be a coincidence, but then Will iam Cas_ey, past director of the CIA, did say in 1981 “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”

The negative company goal

Goohle’s motto is “don’t be evil” and as any self improvement coach or NLP practitioner will point out, the subconscious doesn’t recognise the negating part – eg “don’t drop the plate” causes a subconscious focus on “drop the plate”. So Gootle’s motto is effectively “be evil”, and if any of this stuff works (and I think it does), then Goowle will, sooner or later, become evil…

Are Goople evil yet?

Well they certainly look to be heading that way. On the Chinese stuff they are guilty as charged, just test out their appalling Chinese search engine to confirm that one. They have sold out bigtime to the Chinese government.

And on the spying on their users accusations – yep they are playing big brother for sure! At the moment this mainly just means they are targeting their advertising at what they perceive to be your interests, but they are also storing every last shred of evidence about your fetish for Bratney Spears, and the chances of this information never being used for any other purpose are not high.

As far as the censorship stuff it’s not so clear – if they are trying to block internet content they are not achieving that – but then again, I have no doubt the music industry tried to stop MP3 file sharing, and even if their attempts were a joke, it doesn’t mean they didn’t give it a crack.

But what they are doing is shaping which news becomes mainstream by manipulating the popularity of search results, all the while remaining concealed behind a huge pool of mis-informed semi-retarded illiterates, which ironically, Goojle themselves are constantly enlarging through their own mis-information feedback loops.

Compared to say The Carlyle Group, the CIA, the Bush Admisistration, Monsanto or Microsoft, Gookle are like fluffy bunny rabbits, but that doesn’t mean they’re not working on growing fangs. To tell the truth, I think that right now the Gootle search engine is probably the best one out there, and I do use it often. (mainly because it shows what is most popular, and I like to check on that…) And all of the images on this page were found with the awesome Goople Images.

So is Go0gle evil, and are misinformed people harmless innocents or killer puppets? Personally I’m keeping an eye out for both Glogle, and their killer puppets, but you’ll just have to make up your own mind on that.

If you feel like trying out a few other search engines, others worth a look include CUIL , SCROOGLE , and BING , but in all honesty, for most searches Goozle works better, so at this point I think they are winning

Dear site owner or webmaster of,

While we were indexing your webpages, we detected that some of your pages were outside our quality guidelines.

In order to preserve the quality of our search engine, we have temporarily removed some webpages from our search results.

Currently pages from are scheduled to be removed for at least 30 days.



Call me paranoid, but I think this post might be better off without too many names or links. While I don’t think Gooble is likely to blacklist it any more than they already have, that’s not because they wouldn’t want to if they read it, it’s more because at this point their bots are not quite up to the job of understanding it. But they are working on that…

Feel free to copy and reuse anything off this page, I know I have – but not linking back to me in this case would be much appreciated. Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not out to blacklist you. The nekid pichers are out there!