Wednesday, 30 October 2024


 How many different Stephen Hawkings were there?

Looking just at his front teeth there were clearly at least two!

Miles Mathis has written hundreds of essays, and I think some of them are great. They are all on his website so why on earth would I be re-posting any of his content? (And no, I haven’t asked him for permission) – Simply because his way of posting everything as PDF’s is a bit of a pain the arse sometimes and occasionally I would like to just be able to link to a webpage with one of his essays on it. 

And also, his entire website is a grotty looking mess in my humble opinion, all mixed up posts with a urine yellow background colour with no indexing. Back in 2001 when I was designing websites I would have had a fit!

Stephen Hawking died and has been replaced – by Miles Mathis  

(First published April 17, 2015)

I have written several papers critiquing Stephen Hawking, including a long one on his Brave New World series for the BBC. But this is my first paper really linking my science research with my faked events research. I will use simple photo analysis and facial analysis to quickly show you the current Stephen Hawking is not the same person as the original Stephen Hawking.

This should not surprise you too much, especially if you know something about ALS. ALS is Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease. We are told Hawking has had ALS for over 52 years, which is a record by many decades. Jason Becker is the only person I have heard of who has lived more than 20 years with the disease, so there is about a three-decade difference between the longest survivor and the second longest survivor. That is a more than 100% difference between first and second place. It would be like Justin Gatlin running the 100 meters in 9.8 seconds,
and Usain Bolt beating him with a time of 4.5 seconds. In other words, statistically it doesn’t happen.

The average survival time for ALS is four years. When Hawking was first diagnosed in 1963, doctors gave him two years to live. And yet here we are, 52 years later and counting. Should you believe it? Well, no. Like Becker, it appears the real Hawking did beat the odds and live for about 20 years. But at some point he was replaced. I have no proof he died, but I assume that is why they replaced him.

He was a very useful public relations entity for physics, and they didn’t want to lose him. But rather than speculate on that, let us go right to the evidence. I won’t call it proof, since of course you are free to disagree with me. This is an opinion piece, not a court transcript; and even if it were a stamped court finding, you would be free to disagree with it. You don’t have to agree with anything anyone tells you, ever. Remember that. This paper is nothing more than presented evidence, evidence
I find compelling. If you also find it compelling, fine. If you don’t, also fine.

The picture under title is the real Hawking. Notice the longish face and skinny neck. Also notice the dark brown hair. Here is another picture of the real Hawking:

Let that etch into your brain. This is also Hawking, a few years later:

You see that his hair is turning gray. But the thing to notice here is his teeth. Pretty awful, right? Well, it gets worse.

He is now fully gray, and he has pretty much lost his lower teeth. I am not a dentist and don’t know exactly what is going on there, but it looks like those teeth have been filed down or chipped down, with only stub fillings left. The next step would be dentures, right?

Well, no. The next step, apparently, was going from gray to blonde, even in the eyebrows, and a whole new set of old yellow teeth. He also bought some new fat cheeks. Amazing right? Actually, that is the replacement. That isn’t Hawking, as I hope you can see now that I point it out. 

Go back two photos and compare the teeth directly. Not even close. They found a guy with the same nose and big ears, but otherwise they don’t look that much alike. This is the guy you have been looking at for the past thirty years. Which means Hawking might not have written A Brief History of Time, which came out in 1988. I haven’t pinpointed the date, but that was about the time they made the switch. My
current guess is early 80’s, which—if true—would mean that book was a forgery.

You will say, “That is just a younger Hawking, before he lost those lower teeth.” No, it isn’t. I just showed you the younger Hawking, and he didn’t look like that. Compare them side by side.

Besides, the first picture is Hawking from the 1970’s. The second is Hawking from the 1990’s. Amazing that he aged 20 years with a debilitating disease and got younger looking at the same time, isn’t it?

Hawking was still looking young in 2007, when he went aboard the ZeroG Plane:

See how it says “zero g” on his shirt? That is from when he went up in the plane, which was in 2007. He was supposed to be 65 in 2007. Looks great for 65, eh? Unfortunately, he already looked older than that in 1982, 25 years earlier:


1982 vs 2007

His face also got shorter. Normally your face will get longer as you age, not shorter.
Here is a more recent photo of the impostor:

Again, the teeth are the clue. This may be the same guy as our blonde impostor, but it certainly isn’t Stephen Hawking. Go back to the earlier photos. Those four lower teeth were supposed to be gone decades ago, filed down to filling nubs. Are we supposed to believe they regrew? Do those look like caps or dentures to you? Would you pay a dentist to replace your teeth with those? No, we are supposed to believe that is what he has left of his real teeth, obviously. But I have just shown you why that cannot be the case.

Here is a photo I found of the blonde impostor where is it really easy to see he isn’t Hawking:

That picture is from a foreign magazine, I guess, since it seems to have been suppressed in the US and on the internet. I only found one copy of it, and the full-size image is gone. The website has been scrubbed. This makes me think photos of this guy have normally been retouched to make him look a bit more like Hawking.

And here is a really weird one, although I bet you won’t see it until I point it out:

Well, did you find the problem? This time it is with the hands. Look at the coloration and texture. Those are waxwork hands. If you can’t see it there, maybe you can see it here:

Another reason I noticed the hands is that they don’t look like ALS hands. In Hawking’s biography, they admit that his fingers had already begun to curl in the 1960’s. Those with this disease not only can’t straighten their fingers, they can’t straighten their wrists. In older pictures of Hawking, he has badly curled wrists, with his left hand normally bent sideways. So how did his hands suddenly get so
smooth and relaxed in his 70’s?

Many of the photos of Hawking have been faked, as you might expect given what we just discovered. Take a look at these two, for instance:

Those are both sold to us as wedding pictures of Hawking and Elaine Mason. So how many times did they get married, and how many wedding dresses did Mason have? I knew these were faked even before noticing the two wedding dresses, because this is the real Hawking, not the blonde impostor. But Mason married the blonde impostor, so I knew these photos must be faked. How did I know this was Hawking so fast? Look at the photo of him from the side. See how skinny his neck is and how it slopes up quickly to meet his skull? Then he has a protruding rear skull. The blonde impostor doesn’t have that. The shape of his skull is entirely different, and it is very obvious from the side. The real Hawking was always much more bony and angular.

I also beg you to notice again how old Hawking looks there. That was supposed to be 1995 (but it was really 1984-ish). Then how did he look like this in 2007?

dated 1995 but actually ~1984 / 2007

Twelve (actually 23) years later with a debilitating disease, and he looks ten years younger? How does that work? Where did he get those cheeks?

If this analysis is true, it would mean that Hawking’s recent books are forgeries, unless he wrote them from beyond the grave (or is still alive as a brain in a tank somewhere). And it would mean his recommendation in 2012 that Peter Higgs get the Nobel Prize was a forgery. The only person recommending anything in that case would be this impostor.

You may say something like, “Yes, I see what you are saying, but I am going to withhold judgment until this breaks in the press. If you are right, it can’t stay hidden. Someone will sue or something and a judge will decide.” 

To this I say, don’t hold your breath. These things do stay out of the mainstream
press indefinitely, since the press is controlled. For example, the truth about the Lincoln assassination still hasn’t come out in the mainstream, 150 years later. Odds are, no one will ever decide this for you, so you have to do your own research. If you doubt my analysis, do your own. 

This is how things now work, and if you want to know something, you have to research it and make your own decision. Which is why I don’t mind putting this on my science site. That is what science is, after all. Not accepting someone else’s decision—which would be belief by hearsay or reputation. Science is studying the facts
yourself and coming to your own conclusions. You cannot do science second hand. You can learn from a teacher, but ultimately you have to be your own scientist.

But let’s not quit there. I would really like to know if Hawking’s famous book is a forgery. I have proposed before that the sales numbers for that book were faked, since they aren’t believable. But if we can show that Hawking was already gone before the book came out, that would go a long way to proving the sales figures were also faked. If they can fake the author they are hardly going to stick at faking the sales numbers, are they?

Since most of the photos of Hawking on the internet are conveniently not dated, this line of research is difficult. So let’s go to his biography to see if we can find other clues to the date of the switch. We find the important paragraph at Wikipedia without much effort:

During a visit to the European Organisation for Nuclear Research on the border of France and Switzerland in mid-1985, Hawking contracted pneumonia, which in his condition was life-threatening; he was so ill that Jane was asked if life support should be terminated. She refused but the consequence was a tracheotomy, which would require round-the-clock nursing care, and remove what remained of his speech. [55] [56] The National Health Service would pay for a nursing home, but Jane was determined that he would live at home. The cost of the care was funded by an American foundation. [57] [58] Nurses were hired for the three shifts required to provide the round-the-clock support he required. One of those employed was Elaine
Mason, who was to become Hawking’s second wife.

Wow. It’s all there, we only have to unwind it. First of all, if you have had ALS for 23 years and have pneumonia to the point that doctors are recommending life support be terminated, a tracheotomy isn’t going to cure you immediately. A tracheotomy is just the procedure of drilling a hole in your windpipe so you can breath through it instead of your nose or mouth. But the problems obviously went far beyond that, or they wouldn’t have been recommending life support termination. He was probably
losing control of his diaphragm, and couldn’t fill his lungs on his own. 

That is what happens with ALS, you know: you lose control of parts of your body one by one, until you finally lose control of them all.

We aren’t told why a tracheotomy suddenly allowed him to go off the ventilator, for instance. So none of this makes any sense. If you have any doctor friends, ask them what they think of this paragraph at Wikipedia. They may tell you the truth.

This makes the likely date of the switch 1985, which is three years before A Brief History of Time came out. And it looks like Elaine Mason married the blonde impostor, not Hawking. Which brings us to the next clue:

By December 1977, [Hawking’s first wife] Jane had met organist Jonathan Hellyer Jones when singing in a church choir. Hellyer Jones became close to the Hawking family, and by the mid-1980s, he and Jane had developed romantic feelings for each other.

“By the mid-1980’s.” That confirms the date of 1985 as the date of the switch. If Hawking died in 1985, Jane would of course be free to move on to Jones. This would also absolve her of any taint of adultery, so my reading is actually less sordid (and more believable) than the mainstream reading. It explains all the partner switches in the 1980’s.

To continue to pursue this line of reasoning, let us look at a clue hidden (probably on purpose) here. The cost of his care was funded by an American foundation. That probably didn’t jump out at you, since it is written in a language to make it disappear for most people. But that very language acted as a red flag for me. So what American foundation funded this? It took some digging, but it is the MacArthur Foundation. This is a huge red flag, since John D. MacArthur was the owner of Bankers Life and Casualty, one of the largest insurance firms. 

At the time of his death he was said to have been one of the three richest men in the US. So we should look at his foundation like we look at the Rockefeller Foundation or the Ford Foundation: that is to say, with high suspicion.

MacArthur owned Bankers Life from 1935 to 1978. In that year, most of his wealth went into his Foundation, we are told. Curiously, in the next year, 1979, a large financial services holding company
called Conseco (now CNO) was born. It immediately began buying up insurance companies, including
Bankers Life and Casualty. Get ready for this: it bought Bankers Life in 1986, the very same year the MacArthur Foundation began funding Hawking. Coincidence? We’ll see.

We are told CNO purchased Bankers Life for 118 million, which seems absurdly low for the company of the 3rd richest man in the US. How did MacArthur become a multi-billionaire from such a measly company? These are the questions you should be asking.

Forbes listed CNO with a revenue of 4.5 billion in 2007. This despite the fact that CNO had gone through the third largest bankruptcy (after Enron and Worldcom) in US history in 2002. Also despite the fact that CNO is listed with only four subsidiaries, including Bankers Life, Colonial Penn, Washington National, and 40/86. Something doesn’t add up here. Neither does MacArthur’s Wikipedia page, which is ridiculously short for someone who was recently the 3rd richest man in the US. In fact, if you Google John MacArthur without the middle initial, it takes you to first to John F. MacArthur, a radio pastor. Yes, I am sure he is more important to US history
than the 3rd richest man in the US, with a Foundation endowed in the amount of 6 billion.

But back to MacArthur’s Wikipedia page. It says he was born a poor black child in rural Mississippi. Just kidding, that is a line from Steve Martin’s The Jerk. But seriously, his official bio says he and his siblings grew up in poverty, the children of an itinerant Baptist preacher. That is a bit hard to believe, considering that all his surviving brothers also became rich and/or famous. They admit that of his older brother Charles MacArthur, the famous playwright who was part of the Algonquin Round Table, dated
Dorothy Parker, and married Helen Hayes. 

But they forget to tell you of Alfred, who also made a mint in insurance; and Lawrence Telfer MacArthur, who was a publisher. So all four brothers just happened
to scratch their way out of crushing poverty into wealth and fame? Sure they did. Because America is just that kind of place.

A clue may be found by looking at Catherine T. MacArthur’s family. Her family name was Hyland, and we are told her father was part of the Irish Catholic political machine in South Chicago, holding several local and state positions. That should be another red flag, and may be a clue as to how the MacArthurs advanced. Chicago politics has long been famous for its corruption, and even Wikipedia says, The political environment in Chicago in the 1910s and 1920s let organized crime flourish to the point that
many Chicago policemen earned more money from pay-offs than from the city.

This is when Catherine MacArthur’s father would have been rising in Chicago politics.
We see similar fed flags when we return to John D. MacArthur’s page. In addition to his insurance companies, he was also known as a Palm Beach, FL, real estate mogul, buying up large parts of Palm Beach and Sarasota in the 1960’s. 

Even the PalmBeachPost admits their city has long been a bed for organized crime, although they forget to tell you that organized crime was taken over by the Feds
decades ago. Private mobsters no longer exist, having been absorbed by the more powerful families that run the US government. 

As with all other business, the past 50 years has seen a monopolization of all lucrative operations by “investment firms”, “holding companies” and of course banks. Since these banks and other huge companies are fronts for the same few families, there is no longer any room for mobsters or any of the rest of those people. They went extinct some time in the 1960’s. All the Godfather movies and Soprano shows are just misdirection to make you think organized crime still exists in the old way. It doesn’t. 

They have found ways to steal much larger sums of money without
getting their hands dirty or their names in the paper—with absolutely no risk of getting caught. They do it by stealing from you under the aegis of the Federal government.

Anyway, so that is who funded the Hawking impostor after 1985. But why? Well, we have seen all sorts of weirdness afoot in physics and other science since then. I haven’t made up this weirdness, you know, I just circle it and comment on it. See my paper on Hawking’s Brave New World, if you haven’t already. See my paper on Y uri Milner and the Fundamental Physics Prize. See my paper on the Higgs
Boson announcement, which I show was faked from the ground up. See my paper on Alan Guth and the faked gravity wave research and promotion which preceded his 2014 Kavli Prize. 

Well, the reason for all this weirdness is the reason for all the other weirdnesses in the Modern world: money. Physics has become a giant cash cow, milked straight from the various national treasuries by the usual suspects.

Hundreds of billions of dollars are siphoned from the people of Europe, China, Russia, and the Americas via these fake programs. And Hawking was an important PR personality in the early 1980’s, one they didn’t want to lose. He was a top salesman of their various boondoggles, and he became an even better salesman once he was replaced by an impostor. Once he was replaced, his puppeteers had complete control over the product they were creating, with no fear that the real Hawking might develop scruples.

Remember, this is exactly what they did in art in the 20th century. They got rid of all the real artists and replaced them with impostors. The scheme was slightly different, in that they didn’t replace Rodin and Monet and Whistler with look-alikes in 1900. Instead, they just replaced the entire field with their own manufactured mannequins over a generation or two. But the Modern artists have been impostors
one way or the other. They certainly aren’t artists by the old definitions, since they can’t create anything beautiful or interesting. They are just PR personalities, the faces that front the fakery.

In the very same way, physics has been taken over. Just as the Modern artists are incapable of real art, the Modern physicists are incapable of real physics. So instead they manufacture some huge pile of equations that seems (to some gullible people) to resemble physics or math, and then sell it to Congress or Parliament as cutting-edge. The important thing is not that any physics or art gets done, but that money flows from the treasury. It is all a colossal scam, of earth-shattering proportions. And I mean that literally. All the societies of this Earth are being shattered by this rampant fakery. 

They are coming apart at the seams. Not only are they being milked dry of all revenues—revenues that could and should be going to real programs—but they are being milked dry of all inspiration, all creativity, all good will, and all belief in humanity. Human potential is shriveling up like a spider on a hot sidewalk under a magnifying glass, and these rich families are the magnifying glass.

It has to stop. It has gotten so bad, the rich are actually undercutting themselves. For money to be worth anything there has to be something worth buying. The rich can no longer collect art, since they have destroyed it. They can no longer have the joy of underwriting real science, since they have destroyed it. They can’t collect books or poetry, since they have destroyed both literature and poetry.

They can’t enjoy the company of innocent youths, since they have destroyed the innocence of youth. They can’t enjoy love, because they have destroyed it for profit. They can’t enjoy beautiful architecture, because they have destroyed it. And they can’t enjoy the feeling of a day well spent, because their days aren’t well spent. That is the thing about dirty money and a dirty conscience: no matter how much you spend, you can’t hire someone to clean it.

[I am rushing this into print with only a few days research, since I predict they will announce his death very very soon.]

Addendum, April 22, 2015: Two days after this paper went up, there was an internet death hoax for Hawking. Someone got over a million hits at Facebook with this hoax. I read that two ways: 1) the widely publicized hoax acts to cover this paper a bit, because some will dismiss my title without reading the paper, thinking it is linked to the hoax. For this reason, I assume the death hoax was started by the same people that are behind the longterm Hawking hoax. 2) We have seen that these internet
death hoaxes often now precede a real death announcement. See the strange goings-on before the announcement of Robin Williams’ death (which I assume was faked like the rest). 

This confusion is created on purpose, because it prevents most people from making any sense of the news. Confusing news prevents questions—perhaps surprisingly—because it causes most people’s brains to shut down.

You would think confusing news would create questions, and in a few people it still does. But in the majority of people, very confusing news acts as its own shield. If enough confusion is created, the reader or viewer will just see a tangled web he has no hope of unwinding, causing him to accept whatever he is told and “move on.” For this reason, I will double down on my prediction that the real death announcement of Hawking is coming soon. 

However, we know they are reading my papers, so they may stall just for the purpose of nixing my prediction. At any rate, my intuition tells me the blonde impostor died recently and they are already stalling. Maybe they are looking for another replacement, who knows. I think it will be hard to find someone who looked like the blonde impostor did at the end.

Addendum, April 25 2015: We already have new evidence for my claim that the Hawking impostor is also dead, in that his current appearances are via hologram. Last night he appeared in Sydney via hologram, but these 3D images cannot be confirmed to be live. Like any other images, holograms can be taped and played back later. 

I will be told he responds to live questions, but that can be explained in
any number of ways, included planted questions. But even if we assume or prove the questions are live and not planted, the responses of Hawking all have to be interpreted, which allows for any amount of trickery. From visual and aural clues alone, there is no way to tell what Hawking is responding to, which you will have to admit is convenient.

There is now a follow-up to this paper from 2018. At that time, the Daily Mail in London published a piece based on my research here and admitted I was right. Two months later MI5/6 retired the project, with the announcement of Hawking’s death, 33 years late.


It’s the dark ages now and things are different. After using the internet for over 25 years, these days I keep finding that bookmarks I click on seem to have disappeared – it’s not just Fakebook and Twatter that are censoring everything – the whole internet is being purged of real information, and flooded with propaganda.

Despite living in the globalist puppet state of New Zealand, I still have a large server space that can’t easily be censored, as well as multiple social media accounts that don't readily trace back to my real identity, so I’m in a position to be able to share good content here online, and I aim to keep doing so. My blogs are non-profit, I’m just aiming to spread information around.

One shift in mindset that I think we all need to do, is to let go of outdated ideas like “copyright”. We are all on the internet, anyone can copy and paste anything in seconds. I have over 1000 web pages of original content online that anyone can copy and repost. Good! – I hope they do. (a link back to  or  is always appreciated)

If you are the author of something I have reposted here and would like me to remove it, feel free to email me, and I’ll happily take it down. Although you might have a hard time finding any of my email addresses. But if you are some lawyer threatening to sue me for copyright infringement on the other hand – your reply is in the mail…

Tuesday, 29 October 2024


Going back to an old post I did on Steemit more than six years ago, it struck me that while the israel situation seemed pretty bad back in 2017, things are a great deal worse now. But the list of companies included here to boycott was solid.

 And yes, I have boycotted nearly all of them, the exceptions being a few of the computer related ones like Dell and Intel. Steemit turned out to be a deep state and probably jewish owned psyop that I was later black listed on for posting content like this.


Most people are aware of the conflict between Israel and Palestine, and some even believe Israel’s actions are reasonable. But the four maps of Palestine / Israel below tell a very different story.

Even if the UN plan, in 1946, to take part of Palestine and create the new country of Israel was in some way fair (and I am far from convinced that it was), what has occurred over the past 70 years is one of the most outrageous injustices of the past century.

Israel have gone on to take nearly all of the rest of Palestine by force, and are using divide and conquer tactics to gradually carry out genocide on the original inhabitants.


When you buy products made in Israel or made by companies who fund Israel, you are contributing to the Israeli economy and supporting the massacre and genocide of the Palestinians, who have been surrounded and gradually wiped out by the Israeli military over the past 70 years.

I’ve had several people suggest that I need to label my posts satire if I am taking the piss, which is fair enough, and this post is NOT SATIRE…

When I first started out on Steemit last August, there were several subjects that I avoided getting into because I didn’t want to start a bunch of arguments, and one of those was the Zionist genocide of Palestine.

But a couple of days ago I watched this short video from @truthseekereport of a hall of French students protesting an Israeli ambassador. And it reminded me that if everyone keeps looking the other way like they have for the past 70 years because we are too scared to speak out, then we are all going to end up like the Palestinians.

Steemit is hopefully a place where we can be free to start exposing this stuff, because the rest of the internet certainly isn’t.

Yes it probably is too late to help them, but if we don’t stand up to this it will soon be too late for all of us. The Zionists won’t be stopping with Palestine – they already own America, along with most of the world, and they have one hell of a plan in motion.

Finding up to date information about any of this is difficult because it’s so heavily censored. Some of the following company information comes from an old site called Boycott Israel Today –

This cartoon can be freely reproduced by individuals and organizations that support Palestinian rights.

Here are five of the most widely known companies who are funding the Zionist military that it would be good to boycott first – not only are they supporting the Palestinian genocide, they are all selling utterly toxic crap too.

Coca Cola


A detailed account of Coca-Cola’s links to Israel is provided here:

From 1966 Coca-Cola has been a staunch supporter of Israel. In 1997 the Government of Israel Economic Mission honored Coca-Cola at the Israel Trade Award Dinner for its continued support of Israel for the last 30 years and for refusing to abide by the Arab League boycott of Israel.

Every year Coca Cola bankrolls the American-Israel Chamber of Commerce Awards which honors companies that have contributed most to the Israeli economy. In 2009 a Coca-Cola sponsored award went to Israel’s Lobby AIPAC for its successful lobbying of the Senate to reject of the UN call for “immediate ceasefire” and endorse the continuation of the Israel military assault on Gaza.

In 2008 Coca-Cola tasked the Israeli venture capital Challenge Fund to locate suitable investments in Israel with a promise of “a blank cheque” . This agreement is exceptional in the Israeli venture capital industry.

In 2009 Coca-Cola hosted a special reception at the Coca-Cola world headquarters to honour Brigadier-General Ben-Eliezer. Ben-Eliezer is a wanted war criminal, during the Six-Day War his unit was responsible for the execution of over 300 Egyptian POWs. Under Sharon, Ben-Eliezer served as Defence Minister presiding over the massacre at Jenin.

For the past two decades, nearly every year, Coca-Cola has sponsored the JCC Maccabi Games whose stated aim is to cultivate Jewish youth in an informal setting to “encourage their identification with the state of Israel”. As part of this, Coca Cola has sponsored young children to visit Israeli military bases and spend time with war criminals in order to engender empathy, in their own words “visit an air force base.. talk with the pilots that are the elite Israel Defense Force fighters of the army”

Coca-Cola Israel, Israel’s third largest food & beverages company, owns dairy farms in the illegal Israeli settlements of Shadmot Mechola in the Jordan Valley and a plant in the industrial zone of Katzerin in the occupied Golan Heights.

For more enthusiastic endorsement, see my Coca-Cola webpage


McDonald’s Corporation is a major corporate partner of the Jewish United Fund and Jewish Federation. According to the Jewish United Fund, through its Israel Commission it “works to maintain American military, economic and diplomatic support for Israel; monitors and, when necessary, responds to media coverage of Israel”.

The Jewish United Fund also runs “Fun-filled Summer Family Missions to Israel” where families get to “visit an army base and meet with Israeli soldiers” and “visit our sister city, Kiryat Gat and see the important work we are doing there”. Kiryat Gat is built on stolen Palestinian land – the lands of the villages of Iraq Al Manshiya and Al-Faluja whose residents were ethnically cleansed in 1949 in contravention of International Law.

Through its “Partnership to Israel” programme, the Jewish United Fund provides $1.3 million annually to help further settlement and development of Kiryat Gat. The Jewish Federation, through its Israel Action Network is tasked to fight “efforts to boycott Israeli products” and “campaigns, such as equating Israel with apartheid South Africa”.

Another way McDonald’s supports the Jewish United Fund is by running a partnership scheme whereby they will match any donation an employee make to the Jewish United Fund with its own equal size donation.

McDonald’s first restaurant in the Middle East was in Israel, opened in 1993, since then it has 160 restaurants in Israel (1996) with a 60% market share, employing around 4000 Israelis. Since April 2009 McDonald’s has also opened 15 branches of McCafe chain in Israel, with plans to open 10 new branches every year.

McDonalds discriminates against its Arab workers, in 2004 it sacked an Arab worker in Israel because she was caught speaking arabic to another Arab employee. Arabic, along with Hebrew, is the official language of Israel spoken by 20% of the population.


Nestlé is the world’s largest food company, it owns 53.8% share of leading Israeli food manufacturer Osem, an investment worth over $850 million.

In June 2002 Nestle opened its Research & Development Centre in Israel, in Sderot. And since then it has steadily increased its investment in Israel, its initial 10% stake in Osem has now grown to a controlling 53.8%. Nestle also owns Nespresso Israel Ltd in Tel Aviv which supplies coffee brewing equipment. In 2010 Nestle acquired a 51% stake in Israeli babyfood company Materna Laboratories for $72 million.

Nestle has 9 factories in Israel, which after China(18) and Russia(11) is the highest number in any country in Asia – disproportionately high when one considers its size and population.

Nestlé also owns 30% stake in L’Oréal, another company on the boycott list.


Image – High profile Zionist product placement is standard practice in almost all “American” movies

Howard Schultz, the founder, chairman, president and chief executive officer of Starbucks who also owns 31.6 million shares of Starbucks stock (worth around $1.4 billion in Nov 2011) is an active zionist.

In 1998 he was honoured by the Jerusalem Fund of Aish HaTorah with “The Israel 50th Anniversary Friend of Zion Tribute Award” for his services to the zionist state in “playing a key role in promoting close alliance between the United States and Israel”.

The ultra-right wing Jerusalem Fund of Aish HaTorah funds Israeli arms fairs chaired by the butcher of Jenin, General Shaul Mofaz, and the zionist media pressure group, they were also implicated in the production and distribution of the infamous islamophobic film ‘Obesession’. Starbucks proudly displayed the award on the company’s website under the section of ‘awards and accolades’ the Starbucks company has won, however, once the boycott started to bite the award mysteriously disappeared from its website.

Howard Shultz’s work as a propagandist for Israel has been praised by the Israeli Foreign Ministry as being key to Israel’s long-term PR success. On April 4th 2002, whilst the Israeli army was slaughtering Palestinians in Jenin, Howard Shultz made a provocative speech blaming the Palestinians, suggesting the intifada was a manifestation of anti- Semitism, and asked people to unite behind Israel. Starbucks also sponsors fund raisers for Israel.

At a time when other businesses were desperately pulling out of Israel, Starbucks decided to help Israel’s floundering economy and open Starbucks in Israel. The venture failed but Shultz vowed Starbucks would “return to Israel in due course”.
Starbucks had outlets in US bases in Afghanistan and Iraq, and even at the illegal torture centre in Guantanamo Bay.

Customer Relations say “Starbucks has the deepest respect and admiration for U.S. military, who risk their lives to protect Americans and our values of freedom and democracy”. Petty Officer Barry Tate who was serving in Guantanamo Bay agreed that Starbucks was helping “lift the morale” of the guards and interrogator’s at Guantanamo Bay.



SodaStream is an Israeli company manufacturing and distributing home carbonating devices and flavorings for soft drinks. The company’s main plant is located in the industrial zone of Mishor Edomim which is an illegal Israeli settlement in the West Bank.

Kav LaOved, the NGO committed to protecting the rights of disadvantaged workers in Israeli companies, has reported that SodaStream factory workers, in particular Palestinians, are paid less than half the minimum wage and has described the working conditions in the factory as “one of the worst”, with workers being fired if they complain of the conditions.

SodaStream brands include: SodaStream, Soda-Club, AlcoJet, Sprudelino, Aquabar, Gazoz, Aquafizz, Aquabubbler, Penguin, Sodamaker, Fountain Jet and Edition1. Its products are available in Argos, Asda, Comets, Currys, Harvey Nichols, Homebase, John Lewis, Robert Dyas, Selfridges and House of Fraser.

Now for the tricky one – the Zionist companies are mostly producing utter crap – but there is one exception – INTEL – I’ve tried AMD and they suck – so boycotting INTEL isn’t an easy option…



Intel is one of the biggest supporters of Israel. Their very first development center outside the US was opened in Haifa in 1974. Since then they have continued pouring investment in to Israel. By 2000 they employed over 4000 Israelis. Exports from their Lachish-Qiryat Gat plant in israel total $3 million a day at peak capacity – approximately $ 1 billion a year.

The Intel plant at “Qiryat Gat” is built on land Israel confiscated from the Palestinian villages of Iraq al Manshiya. Iraq al Manshiya was a village of 2000 people living in 300 houses with two mosques and one school. The original Palestinian inhabitants were terrorized out of the village and then the whole village was razed to the ground to prepare the way for the new Israeli settlement of Qiryat Gat. The remaining population from Iraq al Manshiya was not allowed to return.


I would have preferred to just copy and paste a list, but it’s really hard to find any good ones so I compiled this myself. I suspect it’s just the tip of the iceberg – please comment with any others I’ve missed out,

I have now included Apple, Microsoft and Ford, along with 70 other new additions – this is already much bigger than I anticipated

For me it’s really only the computer stuff that’s a problem – otherwise I wouldn’t touch most of this crap with a 10 foot pole.

20th Century Fox
Aero Polo
After Eight
Ambi Pur
Apax Partners
Apex Supply
Aqua Velva
Arsenal Football Club
Banana Republic
Baskin Robbins
Bath & Body Works
Bobbi Brown
Body Mist
Britannia Pacific
Bumble & Bumble
Calvin Klein
Carnival Cruises
Century 21
Charles Schwab Corp.
Cisco Systems
Columbia Pictures
Cross & Blackwell
Delta Galil
Donna Karan
Douwe Egberts
Dream Works
Dunkin’ Donuts
Estée Lauder
EXPO Design Centres
Express stores
Felix cat food
Festival Records
Georgia Lighting
Giorgio Armani
Gold Coast Bulletin
Goldman Sachs
H&R Block
Harper Collins
Hear Music
Helena Rubinstein
Henri Bendel
Herald Sun
Home Depot
Hot Potato
HP foods
Hugo Boss
Intimate Brands
Isrotel Hotels
JC Penny
Jo Malone
Johnson & Johnson
Jonny Rockets
JPMorgan Chase
Just My Size
Kate Spade
Kenneth Cole
Kia Orange
La Mer
La Roche-Posay
LA Times
Lancome Paris
Lerner New York
Lewis Trust Group
Loews Corporation
Maison Cafe
Marks & Spencer
Mast Industries
Mirabilis and ICQ
Mushroom Records
National Geographical
Neiman Marcus
New World Entertainment
New York & Company
New York Post
News Corporation
News of the World
Nur Die
Nursery World
Oculus VR
Oracle Corporation
Outer Banks,
Progressive Insurance
Protalix BioTherapeutics
ProtoGeo Oy
Pure Life
Quality Street
Quark Pharmaceuticals
Ralph Lauren
Redken 5th Avenue
River Island
Royal Carribean Cruises
Sara Lee
Seattle Coffee
Sun Microsystems
Sunday Mail
Sunglass Hut
Superior Coffee
Taro Pharmaceuticals
Teva Pharmaceuticals
The Limited Inc
The Sun
The Telegraph
The Times
Time Life magazine
Time Warner
Tommy Hilfiger
Toys R Us
Universal Studios
Victoria’s Secret
Villager’s Hardware
Warner Brothers
White Barn Candle Company
Wynn Hotels

 “For over 20 years California’s technology industry has been channeling billions of dollars to finance the growth of Israeli tech firms”


When I was researching this post I found the subject is censored like nothing else I have ever tried to find online.
And I am regularly searching for stuff like false flags, vaccinations, and conspiracies.

For obvious reasons I never use Google, but I usually use DuckDuckGo – it’s not perfect, but it’s less censored than Google.
But in this case the results were clearly being manipulated.

And here is something I haven’t seen before – I couldn’t even pin some of the links to Pinterest and got this message:

For anyone looking for further information on Zionist related subjects – here are five other links from my blog:








 There seems to be an unwritten rule that if you have a huge website with masses of amazing "conspiracy" content going right back to the 90's, you have to leave the site looking like it did in 1998 and never update it's appearance or organise it properly. Here are some classic examples of must see sites that look like something the cat dragged in:












Monday, 28 October 2024


Reading some of my old blog posts, five years ago I seemed to know all sorts of things that I'm not so certain of now. While I did make quite a few accurate predictions back then, I probably wouldn't have anticipated that I'd end up knowing less in the future than I did then.

And watching some podcasts lately I've come to the conclusion that the longer they drag on for, the less worthwhile stuff is actually said. Podcasts used to typically be about 15 to 45 minutes long which is plenty long enough. But now, some of them are going on for several hours. If someone can't say their piece in under an hour they are wasting everyone's time.

Like a bunch of fat whales queuing up at McDonald's for a big feed of shit, most of what we are getting served online is not doing us any good. It's time for a better diet!


Here is a 26 minute podcast/audio where Amazing Polly totally nails it:

 Although I later came to the realisation that "Amazing Polly" was a shill, when I watched this podcast I thought it was great to see someone online expressing this poibt - what she says here is something I often feel myself, and I get the feeling she was for real in this one, because I recognize the tone of her voice!

Although personally I don't trust Jim Carrey an inch, and I think "The Truman Show" was the illuminati doing one of their reveals (she doesn't mention that part).

Another one of my wild speculations is that Jim Carrey was playing a CGI version of Joe Biden

Saturday, 26 October 2024


 This blog is an update of my old Blogger blog that I started in 2007 and stopped updating in 2015. The original blog is still online here

This blog looks pretty much identical, as it is essentially a copy of the original, only missing two features - a picture of "HOT RETRO BIKER CHICK" (I have no idea where that picture originally came from), and a massive list of search tagwords.

In the eight years that I never posted anything there, it still got over 50,000 hits. Why was that? I can only think it was because of all those tag words in the footer. They were popular searches of their time, with lots of misspellings of Britteny Speers and other celebs who were engaged in scandals around 2007, but the tags all look pretty deranged now.


I would have done a post with a copy of the list here, just in case they are still a hit magnet, but I tried that and the post was immediately blocked. It seems Goosle has much more stringent AI censorship now. If you would like to view the original list it can be seen HERE on my WordPress blog, or it still remains there uncensored in the footer of my original Blogger blog.