Back around 2010 I started using Pinterest for all sorts of things and it was really pretty handy. As well as saving images, I was using it for bookmarks, links to videos, reminders, all sorts. But after a while I started getting pissed off with it's woke censorship, and it's approved globalist narrative with rabid libtard leanings.
They started regularly sending me emails saying my content was violating their "community standards" and censoring my pins. That sort of bullshit was fairly new to me 10 years ago, but it was annoying and I stopped using their totally lame gay platform.
Pinterest has always had a bad reputation for deleting content, not just stuff that offends their delicate sensibilities but even for bad behavior like uploading or downloading too much content, so even fully vaxxed, transgender, communist, vegans can find themselves in big trouble. That is part of the reason why Pinterest has been declining in popularity for the past decade.
At the start of this year, to fit in with the new Trump chapter of the circus show, Facebook suddenly pretty much said "Our fact checkers suck balls and you can say whatever you want now. We no longer give a fuck." That got me wondering if Pinterest might also start loosening their big pink butt plug.
Facebook is now working out a lot better for me, and I've only had one suspension so far this year, for posting an image of Hitler in a swastika g-string. And so far this year Pinterest hadn't really bothered me much either. The Hitler g-string picture actually came from Pinterest in the first place.
I'm not really all that into Hitler but I often use him to test just how much the woke libtards on any platform are in bondage to their Zionist owners. So he has been quite handy for my recent testing of Pinterest censorship and algorithms.
It turns out PInterest "community standards" are a complete joke. Basically "CUNTS" are fine, but any mention of "FLUORIDE" is verboten.
And "VACCINATION"is strictly no go as well...
Hitler on Pinterest didn't initially seem to be a major problem. I set up a board called "AD0LF" and soon had 120 cool pins:

But it clearly is a problem because within a day of doing this blog post about it, the cunts deleted my "AD0LF" board, so it looks like they are still watching me like a hawk!
No stress, I was half expecting that to happen, and within an hour of noticing my AD0LF board was gone I had replaced it with a new one with a different name and URL. But I didn't share the link to that board this time, I just posted the URL to my main Pinterest account:

My new HITLER gallery (it was named "ADDY") remained there for about a month, but I guess eventually some sensitive libtard petal had a moan about it, and it's been deleted now. Never mind, I had the images saved, and have now put them all in a new ADOLF HITLER GALLERY here on this blog.
Strangely this post about Pinterest has now moved up into top spot as my most popular most. I wonder if there is any connection? As in did someone with lots of followers share my post, leading to a bunch of people checking out my Pinterest account, and then some arse licker complained about it. Stranger things have happened!
I have to admit, having previously given up all social media, I'm back again blogging on Blogger, sharing stuff on Facebook, and pinning images on Pinterest. That is pretty tragic, and a few years ago I would have mocked myself for being so lame.
But if the entire internet is deep state, why use "alternative" platforms and kid myself they are not run by the same globalists. I'd might as well just use the most convenient CIA/Mossad offerings, and kid myself that by doing so I'm messing with their social programing. Truth is they are probably playing me like fiddle.
This is my old 2024 Blogger accout with the 666 URL. My new 2025 one is HERE.
My main Facebook account is HERE.