Showing posts with label censorship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label censorship. Show all posts

Wednesday 18 October 2023



I never use Twitter but I did set up an account years ago to suss it out. I called my account "X" and used a white X logo on a black background. Now they have rebranded Twitter as "X" and are using a white X on a black background. Yes, I was pretty astonished!


It's safe to say Twitter's moronic new name "X" has gone down like a lead balloon, and as with Facebook's attempted switch to "Meta" they don't seem to grasp that after building up a brand name for years (with the lucky choice of a memorable name being a big key to their past success), trying to swap it for some forgettable futuristic AI new world order name just won't work out well.

What is great to see is that these billion dollar globalist platforms are run by dickheads too clueless to understand basic principles of branding and marketing. Hopefully they fuck up all their other evil plans to this extent.
After Elon Musk (fake globalist puppet boy) claimed to be against censorship, "X" has already started increasing it's censorship with a deranged new "X" censorship "woman" (Linda Yaccarino) who looks like a jewish tranny, acts like a Bond villain, and keeps saying "lawful but awful" content will be blocked.

So what will "lawful but awful" include?

One American commentator came up with this list:
1. criticizing/questioning jews, israel, or the hollowcost
2. criticizing blacks or BLM
3. criticizing/questioning the federal government
4. criticizing faggots/dykes/trannies
5. criticizing dei/esg in our schools and businesses
6. criticizing/questioning "the science"
7. criticizing the Ukraine
8. criticizing the medical and military industrial complexes
9. criticizing the illegal alien invasion and our porous borders
10. criticizing/questioning the agendas of the wef, the un, nato, etc.


Monday 11 September 2023


If everyone is going to celebrate the 911 psyop, it would be good to discuss who really did it.

 This sort of talk certainly winds some people up online, but even on Jewish owned and controlled Facebook, lately the AI is letting us call out the h0l0h0ax right there on the Mossad controlled platform. On the one hand we probably need to ask why, but on the other we might as well let rip!



Saturday 9 September 2023


Posting this picture on Fakebook got my account suspended! Hitler is totally banned on FB - I know that - but that is an egg!

This is Hitler:

Thursday 31 August 2023



Over the past 15 years I’ve had five Facebook accounts which is quite a lot for an introvert who doesn’t even like Facebook.

My original one was called “Wheels Sift” and was set up in 2007 using a burner email. Even back then I knew it was best to be as anon as possible online. In the early days FB was relatively free and uncensored and I posted a lot of anti-vax and “conspiracy” stuff as well as some fairly deranged and out there content that wouldn’t be allowed on any mainstream social media platforms these days.

The official history of FB is entirely fabricated to hide it’s origins as a Mossad/CIA social programming platform, but it appears to have been initially trialed on American university students from around 2004 while the mind controlled C-grade actor known as “Mark Zuckerburg” (fake name) was set up as the front man. The same process was later repeated with “Elon Musk”

Prior to 2007 I had been using MySpace, and FB had just started to overtake MySpace when I started using it. For the first couple of years my account worked quite well but over time they started censoring more content, and then in 2010 my entire account just disappeared. Presumably FB deleted it. (I don't have any screenshots from that account)


For some reason I set up a new account in 2010 using my real name and mainly became “friends” with people I knew or had some connection with in “real life” (so I only had about 200 “friends”). That was a mistake! For the first few years things mostly didn’t go too badly although I did have a few big online fall-outs. But from around 2014 when I was increasingly posting “anti-vax” content I found out that most of my “friends” were not on the same page as me at all, and about half of them unfriended me.

In 2016 I stopped using FB altogether and moved mainly to the blockchain site Steemit. I thought of FB as just being a platform for mind programmed sheeple and for a while enjoyed getting paid to post on a blockchain instead. But when the covidhoax got going in 2019 I went back to FB, still using my real name account, and found 500 like minded new “friends”. 

Then I let rip, using that account regularly for two years, before it finally dawned on me that posting anti-vax, anti-government, and anti-covid content using my real name on a deep state platform while living in NZ was not a good idea. In November 2021 I did one last post but otherwise stopped using that account.


Tom Anderson is the name of the guy who founded MySpace and was the first friend for all new account sign ups. But the main reason I called myself Tom Anderson was because of Neo in “The Matrix” whose real name was Thomas Anderson. 

Once that account was set up I quickly re-friended my 500 new friends who knew what day it was, and started letting rip again. But by this time FB was cracking down and my account kept getting suspended. It rapidly became clear I needed a backup account so I could rotate them.


For obvious reasons “Greg Anderson” seemed like a suitable name for my next account. For the next 18 months I swapped back and forth between being “Tom” and “Greg” as the accounts were constantly suspended. But I did manage to learn faster than FB’s AI and eventually I got to the point where I could mostly work out what would get my account suspended and alter it as required. 

That, combined with FB relaxing their censorship as their usage declined with the total balls up that is Meta, has meant that I've now managed to be “Greg” for six months straight with no suspensions or black listings.


Early in 2023 when both my accounts were suspended I set up another account named “Ian Anderson” (leader of Jethro Tull) as a third back up account but as things worked out I never ended up needing to use that account, and my friend list on it is only about half done.



Thursday 17 August 2023

Tuesday 15 August 2023


Over the past decade I have been suspended, blocked, banned, or shadow banned by many of the mainstream social media and blogging platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Mastodon and Medium. And I’ve been black listed on blockchain sites like Steemit & Hive. The few remaining ones I was allowed to post on uncensored have gone downhill to the point where there are barely any users left – Blurt, Bastyon, and Flote for example have all gone nowhere.

The only two platforms I’m still posting on as of August 2023 are and Blogger after giving up all social media. My real impediment to spreading the word, or any words, is being shadow banned by Google. That has taken the annual hits on my blog down from a peak in 2017 of over four million, down to an all time low of under 58k in 2022 – a decline of 98.5%!

Hits on my blog from 2006 to 2022 (the 2019 stats in grey appear to be a duplicate of 2018), and 2023 in yellow is an estimate.

These days so few people are seeing anything I post I sometimes wonder, "is it worth bothering?" But then, almost as soon as that doubt creeps in, I get fired up again and think "YES IT IS, NEVER GIVE UP!"

I'm going to continue to post whatever I feel inclined to, as I always have, now with my longer posts on WordPress and shorter posts on Blogger. My main change of attitude is that I'm going to ignore the hit counters, and I'm no longer going to distract myself by attempting to increase the traffic by posting links to my posts on Facebook or anywhere else. It's too bad if nobody sees them!

And if Google ever decide to ban me on Blogger, which they certainly could do (although I hope they don't, because it's still my favorite blogging platform in many ways - quick, convenient, and I like most aspects of the design), then, and only then, will I set up a new #2 blog on a different platform and redirect the URL there instead. But unless that happens I plan to continue posting on Blogger, and ignore the fact that I'm using my enemies own platform. (But I do keep backups of all my posts)


Friday 11 August 2023


Back in 2006 when I first started blogging on a new self hosted website set up in April it was a real buzz to watch the traffic increasing almost exponentially each month for the first eight months. Later on I was a bit surprised to see it decline for the first time in 2008 (my first run in with Google), but after that for the next seven years the traffic was pretty constant, mostly slowly increasing, as you might expect with the content also slowly increasing.

Late in 2015 I did a huge upgrade to the site and really got things sorted out. The results soon became evident with rapid growth in 2016 and by 2017 the site was pumping – it got over 4 million page hits that year! But in 2018 the decline began. A lot of my posts already included content about “germ theory” “vaccinations” and “globalists” and I hadn’t even started talking about the “covidhoax” at that point.

In 2019 I was discussing pandemics, eugenics, and a lot of the other Agenda 2030 evil doings. I have no idea when the big decline in traffic really started because oddly my stats for 2019 are identical to 2018. Almost as if they have been replaced... 

But it’s fair to say my site was black listed by Google. The search engine hits from Google have been incredibly low ever since, with the main search engine hits now coming from Yandex and Duckduckgo.

Yandex is a Russian search engine and web portal

Just how much effect on the site traffic does a Google shadow ban have? Well, check this out – my hits in 2022 for the full year were the lowest ever, lower than my hits for 2006 were in just eight months. And the site content in 2006 was only about 60 pages. In 2022 it was more than 600 pages. I have estimated the hits for 2023 based on the first seven months of the year and they do seem to be very slowly increasing. This is mainly due to more people using search engines other that deep state Google. So yes, I’d say Google do control the internet to a huge extent.

Bandwith use and page hits to 2006-2023

This post really sums up what has happened to the internet - 

"It’s very difficult to explain just what shadow-banning is, but you certainly recognize it when you suddenly find your digital persona and works gazing out from within those digitally enforced shadows. When one cannot even pull up one’s own website in any of the popular search engines" 

And yes, right here on Blogger could be where Google decide to crank up their censorship next - that is why I'm doing a lot of backups and double posts - and my next plan is to see if I can start pulling back some of the missing traffic!

And a lot of other people are being censored online as well...

For example, discussion of The Deepopulation Agender is now banned on Blogger. Will this platform get like Fakebook where everyone has to misspell everything that is banned?



Tuesday 8 August 2023


 "How are you going?", a friend who lives overseas asked me a few days ago.

Well it's pissing down as it pretty much always is here in New Zealand in these geoengineered times, and this was my reply:

It's raining as always, it never stops raining here, it's been pissing down for days and the weather forecast is more rain - but that is pretty std these days!
We are doing OK, but all in all it's not the greatest of years, guess we just have to harden up
It has blown my mind just how gullible the mind programed masses have been over the past four years, and I think NZ is fully bankrupt now.
There is an "election" coming up soon but those are totally fake, and whichever puppet is said to "win", the horse faced tranny has already sold NZ to Blackrock (the Rothchilds investment company) late last year before it resigned.

I don't know if it really makes any difference but I'm upping my online activism because this new world order shit is hard to watch! But they have gone so hard out censoring me it makes me think they must fear what I'm saying...