Sunday 11 February 2024



Over the past 15 years I’ve had five Facebook accounts which is quite a lot for an introvert who doesn’t even like Facebook.

My original one was was set up in 2007 using a burner email. Even back then I knew it was best to be as anon as possible online. In the early days FB was relatively free and uncensored and I posted a lot of anti-vax and “conspiracy” stuff as well as some fairly deranged and out there content that wouldn’t be allowed on any mainstream social media platforms these days.

The official history of FB is entirely fabricated to hide it’s origins as a Mossad/CIA social programming platform, but it appears to have been initially trialed on American university students from around 2004 while the mind controlled C-grade actor known as “Mark Zuckerburg” (fake name) was set up as the front man. The same process was later repeated with “Elon Musk”

Prior to 2007 I had been using MySpace, and FB had just started to overtake MySpace when I started using it. For the first couple of years my account worked quite well but over time they started censoring more content, and then in 2010 my entire account just disappeared. Presumably FB deleted it. (I don't have any screenshots from that account)


For some reason I set up a new account in 2010 using my real name and mainly became “friends” with people I knew or had some connection with in “real life” (so I only had about 200 “friends”). That was a mistake! For the first few years things mostly didn’t go too badly although I did have a few big online fall-outs. But from around 2014 when I was increasingly posting “anti-vax” content I found out that most of my “friends” were not on the same page as me at all, and about half of them unfriended me.

In 2016 I stopped using FB altogether and moved mainly to the blockchain site Steemit. I thought of FB as just being a platform for mind programmed sheeple and for a while enjoyed getting paid to post on a blockchain instead. But when the covidhoax got going in 2019 I went back to FB, still using my real name account, and found 500 like minded new “friends”. 

Then I let rip, using that account regularly for two years, before it finally dawned on me that posting anti-vax, anti-government, and anti-covid content using my real name on a deep state platform while living in NZ was not a good idea. In November 2021 I did one last post but otherwise stopped using that account.


Tom Anderson is the name of the guy who founded MySpace and was the first friend for all new account sign ups. But the main reason I called myself Tom Anderson was because of Neo in “The Matrix” whose real name was Thomas Anderson. 

Once that account was set up I quickly re-friended my 500 new friends who knew what day it was, and started letting rip again. But by this time FB was cracking down and my account kept getting suspended. It rapidly became clear I needed a backup account so I could rotate them.


For obvious reasons “Greg Anderson” seemed like a suitable name for my next account. For the next 18 months I swapped back and forth between being “Tom” and “Greg” as the accounts were constantly suspended. But I did manage to learn faster than FB’s AI and eventually I got to the point where I could mostly work out what would get my account suspended and alter it as required. 

That, combined with FB relaxing their censorship as their usage declined with the total balls up that is Meta, has meant that I've now managed to be “Greg” for six months straight with no suspensions or black listings.


Early in 2023 when both my accounts were suspended I set up another account named “Ian Anderson” (leader of Jethro Tull) as a third back up account but as things worked out I never ended up needing to use that account, and my friend list on it is only about half done.



Saturday 10 February 2024


Some good ones...bloody roo shaggers

1. The Australian Alps get more snow than the Swiss Alps.
2. 90% of Australians live on the coast.
3. Tasmania has the cleanest air in the world.
4. The Great Barrier Reef is the largest ecosystem in the world. It is made up of nearly 3,000 individual reefs and can be seen from space.
5. Australia has over 60 separate wine regions.
6. Fraser Island is the largest sand island in the world.
7. The Indian Pacific train has the longest straight section of train track in the world.
8. The Great Ocean Road is the world's largest war memorial.
9. 80% of Australian animals are unique to Australia.
10. 5 km of Uluru (formerly Ayers Rock) is underground.
11. Australia has the world's longest golf course measuring more than 1,350 kms long.
12. Australia is home to 21 of the world's 25 most venomous snakes.
13. Perth is the only city in the world which can have aircraft land in its CBD.
14. Australia is bigger than we realise, it's almost the same size as mainland USA.
15. The largest cattle station in the world is located in Australia, Anna Creek Ranch in South Australia and it's bigger than Israel.
16. The first Police Force in Australia was made up of the most well-behaved convicts.
17. It would take around 29 years to visit one new Aussie beach every day – there are 10,685 of them!
18. AFL invented to keep cricketers fit in the off season, there are claims that the game may have been influenced by Indigenous Australians.
19. The world's largest rock is not actually Uluru, but Mount Augustus in Western Australia and actually twice the size.
20. Australia is the 6th largest country in the world.
21. There are 1 million camels that roam wild in Australia's deserts, the largest number of purebred camels in the world, they are exported to the Middle East.
22. You can fly from Perth to Melbourne faster than you can fly from one end of Western Australia to the other.
23. There are over 60 different types of kangaroos and a baby kangaroo when born is only about two centimeters long.
24. Aboriginal culture is the oldest on Earth – it is estimated that the continent's original inhabitants, the aboriginal people, have been in Australia for between 40,000-60,000 years.
25. Australia has 19 World Heritage Listed sites.
26. 91% of the country is covered by native vegetation.
27. 33% of Australians were born in another country.
28. Over 300 different languages and dialects are spoken in Australia including 45 Indigenous languages. In fact, 21% of Australians don't speak English at home!
29. WA is home to what is believed to be the oldest evidence of life on Earth – the Stromatolites.
30. Australia is the only continent in the world without an active volcano.
31. In Australia, sheep out number people 2.5 to 1 (in 2020).
32. Australia was the second country in the world to give women the right to vote in 1902.
33. Per capita, Australians spend more money on gambling than any other nation, with over 80 percent of Australian adults engaging in gambling of some kind.
34. Canberra was selected as the capital because Sydney and Melbourne could not stop arguing which city should be the capital.
35. Australia is home to the longest fence in the world, the Dingo Fence. Originally built to keep dingos away from fertile land, the fence is now 5,614 km long.
36. The Australian dollar is considered to be the most advanced currency in the world – its waterproof, made of polymer and notoriously hard to counterfeit.
37. Australia is the only continent covered by a single country.
38. The world's oldest fossil was discovered in Australia – 3.4 billion years old.
39. Australia has around 600 varieties of eucalypt trees.
40. Australia was one of the founding members of the United Nations.
41. Stonemasons in Australia instituted the 8-hour working day back in 1856.
42. In Aboriginal culture women are not allowed to play the didgeridoo.
43. The venom of the elusive platypus can kill a small dog.
44. Australia's most deadly marine animal is the Box Jellyfish and is responsible for more deaths per year than snakes, sharks and saltwater crocodiles.
45. The only two mammals in the world that lay eggs are found in Australia – the echidna and platypus.
46. Before the arrival of humans, Australia was home to megafauna, three-metre tall kangaroos, seven-metre long goanna's, horse-sized ducks and a marsupial lion the size of a leopard.
47. Both kangaroos and emus lack the ability to walk backwards. This was the reason they were chosen for Australia's coat of arms – to symbolise a country always moving forward.
48. The termite mounds that can be found in Australia are the tallest animal-made structures on earth.
49. Australia is home to more than 1,500 species of spiders.
50. The Great Victoria Desert is bigger than the whole of the United Kingdom.



One of the most controversial topics online at the moment (apart from the covidhoax) is TRANNIES. I make a point of using the word “TRANNY” because it triggers LIBTARDS and WOKETARDS, and I also try to put some key words in CAPS because that seems to trigger them as well, which is always a bonus.

Now by the term “TRANNY” I’m referring to people who are playing the role of appearing to be the inverse of their biological gender. One of the more approved words for people with this MENTAL DISORDER is “TRANSVESTITE”. I’m not referring to the transmission systems in cars, which are also called trannies by some mechanics.

The subject has opened up over the past few years, and some TRANNIES are now widely accepted as being MEN IN DRAG, like Michelle Obama (AKA Michael Robinson) but, even that glaringly obvious example took nearly a decade before a lot of people finally saw it.

The next level of trannies are also reasonably obvious, but still a big stretch for most NORMIES. The more obvious ones include European royalty, Hollywood actresses, American “first ladies”, “female” pro athletes, and many “female” politicians. These are mostly Male To Female TRANNIES (MTF). There are also some Female to Male (FTM) TRANNIES but those are rarer and generally harder to spot.

Part of what makes all this more confusing, is that as part of the psyop a lot of “TRANSVESTIGATORS” are actually controlled opposition shills. One of their key tactics is to repeat the mantra “EVERYONE IS AN INVERT” so claiming that pretty much all celebs of any sort are trannies. This is utter bollocks, but it damages the credibility of real transvestigators.

For example, some of them are even claiming male body builders like Arnold Schwarzenegger are biological females. These sort of unlikely claims remain uncensored on mainstream platforms while more legitimate transvestigations are generally taken down hard.

Arnie in this old photo doesn’t appear to be packing much heat, but otherwise has no female features apart from lack of body hair, and that would be waxed or shaved

Transvestigations are another one of the key psyops designed to create uncertainty and confusion (Operation Chaos), and because many people have been reacting fairly badly to this new area of confusion I recently promised several friends I would try to do a blog post with a simple checklist to make this all a bit easier. Depending on what categories were included and how they were split up, the number could have ranged from as low as 10 right up to about 30.  The choices of which measurements and characteristics to include is fairly arbitrary but the used ones are all fairly easy to spot and may be significant, particularly if a lot of them occur together

Just because a person has a few of these characteristics (Except for #1) it by no means proves they are a biological male. The typical sort of score of the suspicious looking “females” we are looking into, is at least 10, and usually more. So it is pretty high really. Recently I watched a Korean movie (Parasite, 2019) and all the female actresses would get a very low score as far as I could tell. That NEVER happens in recent Hollywood movies. Never…

OK, let’s rip into it:


# 1. Having a COCK

Yes, this is for real, let’s not beat around the bush here, it’s a major give away. Mostly they keep them well hidden, but not always, and it’s not only Michelle Obama who tends to let things out of the bag sometimes. “Lady Gaga” likes to wave his dick around onstage, and there are quite a few others who look damn strange in a swimsuit.

Michael Robinson scores very high on this checklist – hard to beat in fact!

Pamela Anderson used to pack her lunch much better back in Baywatch days!

#2. Having a brow ridge

Apart from #1, this list is in random order. But it is very rare for females to have a brow ridge. Brow ridge reduction is one of the key surgery procedures done in  Facial Feminization Surgery (FFS),  a set of surgical procedures that alter typically male facial features to make them closer in shape and size to typical female facial features. It includes various bone and/or soft tissue procedures such as foreheadplasty to change the shape of the forehead bone or move the frontal hairline, brow lift, rhinoplasty, cheek implantation, and lip augmentation as well as facial hair removal. – http://aaronstonemd-plasticsurgery

#3. Having an Adam’s apple

Some women do have visible Adam’s apples, but the shape is usually different to male ones, and they are seldom large angular bulges. One of the reasons Sandra Bullock is so often discussed in transvestigation circles is that she has a very masculine Adam’s apple, along with a wide range of other masculine features, along with an unusual name. (Names are frequently another area of interest)

Males tend to have a much more prominent Adam’s apple than females. The Adam’s apple can be reduced with a procedure called a “tracheal shave” or “Chondrolaryngoplasty”. This is best done via an incision in the natural neck skin crease above the Adam’s apple to give the least noticeable scar. It is not always possible to make a large Adam’s apple invisible with this procedure, rather the intent is to change it from the masculine 90 degree Adam’s apple angle to a more feminine 120 degree Adam’s apple angle – http://aaronstonemd-plasticsurgery

#4. Male Q-angle

This is one of the measurements that cannot be easily disguised, nor can it be changed by surgery. So it is a key factor to check out. Typically, for men, the angle is around 12° while, for women, the angle Q angle is 17°. Some of the controlled mainstream medical sites that tend to promote misinformation, are attempting to claim there is no real difference in Q-angle. But there is.

This picture of Cameron Diaz is very revealing. She racks up quite a few points here, including #1, Q-angle, and several others we’ll be getting to soon.

#5. Shoulders wider than hips

This is one of the most basic ratios, and often one of the easiest to spot so is frequently discussed. Yes there are all sorts of body shapes, and not all women have wide hips. But as with all of these measurements, shoulders wider than hips is just another point. Typically men have shoulders around 3x the width of their head, while women have a shoulder width around 2.5x their head width. And their heads are also usually smaller as well.

Sarena Williams is a good case study – “she” fails pretty much everything on this list, as do most pro women’s tennis players. Certainly she scores here on shoulders wider than hips!


This one is of particular interest to me because I fail it quite markedly. Generally a male’s third finger (ring finger) is slightly longer than their first finger (index finger), while a female’s index finger is slightly longer. But in my own case, my index finger is 8mm longer than my third finger, and that’s why I drop a point on this checklist. Various commentators have drawn conclusions about the significance of these ratios, including homosexuality and prostrate cancer, but there is very little consensus, other than most females have a longer index finger.

This also sometimes been called 2D:4D ratio, and there have been claims of it being linked to verbal aggression, and risk taking, but these seem to be from studies that were getting funding to essentially prove that males tend to be more aggressive than females, so not exactly ground breaking research.


Generally hands and feet are proportional to overall height, and certainly most tall women have fairly large feet. It’s easier to discuss foot size here rather than hand size because they have actual numbered sizes for feet, but hand and foot sizes generally match each other. I’m referring to US Men’s shoe sizes here (which are one size larger than UK/NZ/Aus sizes – eg. US12 = UK 11 ).

When looking at female celebs and models in particular a common point of note is that they seem to have unusually large hands and feet. Generally men have larger foot to height ratios than females, but this is not always consistent and should only be taken as another one of the measurements. For example, I have a male friend who is 6″1′ and has US9 feet, (overall his smallish feet are the only point he drops), while I also have a female friend who is 6″1″ as well but has US men’s size 12 feet (she scores two points overall, one for her large feet, and another one for her tall overall height).

Cindy Crawford scores another point for her US10 feet…


As western populations have become increasingly obese over the past 50 years, it has become fashionable to be “skinny”, particularly for women, But women naturally have a higher body fat ratio than men. This subject is very controversial and people will argue about it until the cows come home, but to keep things really simple here, and using round numbers, I’ll just say that while a very high portion of both males and females in western societies are overweight, for males it is generally not ideal to have less than 5% body fat, and for females sub 10% is potentially unhealthy. For example, women with sub 10% body fat are often infertile.

American actress Sarah Hyland is another one of many celebs who look unnaturally thin. This may all be a result of eating disorders, but on this list looking skeletal earns another point.


As well has having ultra low body fat, so being unlikely to become pregnant anyway, many “female” celebs have been caught using MOON BUMPS which are a real give away. The two main balls ups that tend to occur when using moon bumps are that they slip down, in some cases very noticeably, or they briefly fold up in the middle when the expectant mother is sitting down. In some cases these incidences are captured on film and some end up going viral for a short while before being deleted from the internet.

Meghan Markle is the most legendary example of moon bump slippage, as hers was dropping out all over the place, while the mainstream desperately tried to cover the whole story up as a “conspiracy theory”.

These embarrassing moments were quickly deleted!

Along with moon bumps there are also cases of no backstory, a classic example being Michelle Obama/Michael Robinson who is supposedly birth mother to two daughters but that entire story falls to bits as soon as it is looked into. New Zealand ex “prime minister” Jacinda Ardern’s pregnancy story is another rabbit hole of epic proportions. She may have successfully worn the moon bump, but the rest of that story is full of holes.


The Adonis Belt, which is a visible V in the lower belly area, only occurs in (fit) male bodies, and would never usually be seen in a biological female, so having one of these is a real give away. Some celebs like Pink and Cameron Diaz like to show off their Adonis belts at the beach. While I’m tempted to give this measurement double points, everything here only scores one point.

Pink’s Adonis belt is really quite impressive. Most men would be very proud of that.

Having an Adonis belt is another point on the scoreboard for Cameron Diaz

#11. NO ARSE

Arses come in all sizes and shapes, but no arse at all screams schoolboy, rather than woman. While breasts can easily be boosted with silicon implants (and pretty much all “female” actresses of both sexes have breast implants), arses are harder to fake and implants are more likely to go horribly wrong. So an astonishing number of celeb “sex symbols” seem to have no back end.

Catherine Zeta Jones likes to shake her booty

Portia De Rossi really has the whole package


Masculinization is when a female takes on male characteristics. I left this one to last because it often stirs up the most resistance and outrage. Some women will argue that transvestigators are picking on post menopausal women who have low estrogen, and their more masculine appearance is normal. But this characteristic applies to a wide range of “women” with ages ranging down to as low as early 30’s, and often includes some quite unusual aging.

Here the actresses Emma Watson and Bonnie Wright from the Harry Potter movies are both shown aged approx 20 and then again around 30. They are fairly typical examples, and anyone who researches the Harry Potter books or movies will find a rabbit hole of such epic proportions that this will barely even be surprising amongst all the other dark secrets. Again this characteristic is not being held to be “proof” of transgenderism, but is just one more point out of more than a dozen.


I decided to stop here at a dozen, or I’d be going on endlessly, but there are quite a few other features of note. Here are another half dozen I have left out:



These are also some non- biological markers that are commonly taken to be  red flags, here are three of the most frequently observed ones:

REVEALING NAMES – Sometimes these come in the form of masculine surnames such as Katie PERRY or Katherine ROSS. Sometimes it’s first names like TAYLOR Swift or GLENN Close. And sometimes the names are just plain revealing, in a variety of ways, such as Sandra BULLOCK or Courtney COX.

ILLUMINATI HAND SIGNS – The most common one is the “ALL SEEING EYE”, but there are quite a few others that are commonly displayed, like “666” and “Sign Of The Horns”.

GIVES OFF A MALE VIBE – Yeah, this one is very vague, and causes a lot of indignant outrage. I’m not talking here about the physically repulsive examples, often playing the role of politicians etc, but the supposedly “HOT” celebs. These “women” are heralded as sex symbols and ideal examples of the female form. So why is it that so many heterosexual man find them not just unattractive, but downright creepy. It could be just the overall fakeness, but I think there is an undefinable feminine vibe that men find attractive, and these “women” just don’t have it.

Angela Jolie gives off many different vibes, none of them feminine!

Jessica Simpson certainly scores very highly on this list, but there is something more than the biological markers, something that screams “I’M A MAN IN DRAG!”

 Now, armed with this checklist, you will never see most Hollywood actresses or American first “ladies” in quite the same light again.

Jacqueline LEE Kennedy

Betty Ford




I wonder if one day American normies will realise that EVERY FIRST "LADY" IN AMERICAN HISTORY WAS A BIOLOGICAL MALE. Not just Big Mike, ALL OF THEM...

Happy Rockefeller and his husband Nelson Rockefeller 1963

Friday 9 February 2024


Jamie Lee Curtis has raised her son as a daughter.

This is all totally normal and anyone who thinks that Jamie or Lee are male names, or that "she" looks like a man, or that more than half the Hollywood elite are inverts is a conspiracy theorist.

You would have to be crazy to think this hot actress looks like a man...

 But like many things, "Transvestigations" have become part of operation chaos and nothing is what it appears. What initially got me wondering about Jamie Lee Curtis (apart from her insider family connections, and all that creepy shit with her deranged looking son in drag) was the movie "A Fish Called Wanda" (1988). 
I really like that movie, it's hilarious, and Jamie Lee Curtis stars in it. It's the only movie I've ever seen with her in, she spent most of her career doing "slasher flicks" which I have no interest in. 
In one scene in "A Fish Called Wanda" she dresses as a man, with a fake mustache. But the more interesting parts are where she appears just in her underwear. Without the big padded shoulders she usually wears, she is still tall and thin with long limbs, and she has a fairly large head with a big jaw. But she also has some female curves including hip and lower back curves. Unless she is using an excellent body double in those scenes I think she does look like a biological female.
So what is going on? My best guess is that she is really female but is intentionally trying to appear more masculine, as well as working the tranny son angle, all to create more confusion. There are lots of trannies in Hollywood, but playing both sides is always a key Illuminati tactic. So I'll put Jamie Lee Curtis in the "too hard" basket for now. But if you haven't seen it, "A Fish Called Wanda" (1988) is well worth a download!