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Friday, 9 February 2024


Jamie Lee Curtis has raised her son as a daughter.

This is all totally normal and anyone who thinks that Jamie or Lee are male names, or that "she" looks like a man, or that more than half the Hollywood elite are inverts is a conspiracy theorist.

You would have to be crazy to think this hot actress looks like a man...

 But like many things, "Transvestigations" have become part of operation chaos and nothing is what it appears. What initially got me wondering about Jamie Lee Curtis (apart from her insider family connections, and all that creepy shit with her deranged looking son in drag) was the movie "A Fish Called Wanda" (1988). 
I really like that movie, it's hilarious, and Jamie Lee Curtis stars in it. It's the only movie I've ever seen with her in, she spent most of her career doing "slasher flicks" which I have no interest in. 
In one scene in "A Fish Called Wanda" she dresses as a man, with a fake mustache. But the more interesting parts are where she appears just in her underwear. Without the big padded shoulders she usually wears, she is still tall and thin with long limbs, and she has a fairly large head with a big jaw. But she also has some female curves including hip and lower back curves. Unless she is using an excellent body double in those scenes I think she does look like a biological female.
So what is going on? My best guess is that she is really female but is intentionally trying to appear more masculine, as well as working the tranny son angle, all to create more confusion. There are lots of trannies in Hollywood, but playing both sides is always a key Illuminati tactic. So I'll put Jamie Lee Curtis in the "too hard" basket for now. But if you haven't seen it, "A Fish Called Wanda" (1988) is well worth a download!