SIFT TOP 5 MOST POPULAR BLOG POSTS (Scroll down to see the latest posts)

Sunday, 16 March 2025


This post is mainly to help me keep track of what on earth I'm doing with them all.

we first registered the domain back in 1998, it wasn't used for any websites at that point, and we mainly used the "SIFT" name for a range of t-shirts parodying the "SHIFT" motor-cross clothing brand.


The first SIFT blog was set up in 2002 using Adobe Dreamweaver (back when it was cheap, & Adobe wasn't yet evil) and hosted on That blog is long gone now, but backup copies of it are on Wayback Machine dating back as far as 2003, and even back then I was already going hard out about a range of subjects including 911. 

It was quite cool really with its red white and blue on black colour scheme, exploding head gifs, and twin vertical menus. Looking at it a quarter of a century later, I'd even say it was ahead of it's time. All the subsequent SIFT blogs are modeled on it to some extent.


 The first SIFT blog using the Blogger platform was set up in 2009 mainly just to test out Google Blogger. 

I had other websites on the go, and never took that one very seriously, but I did do occasional short posts on it right up to 2015. It's still on there but despite having been online for over 15 years, it's only had 88,500 hits, an average of 16 hits per day. So it's never been exactly pumping!


As a bit of an experiment in 2022 I set up a SIFT blog on our FROT server using WordPress - The problem was that by then (during the Covidhoax) everything on our server was grey listed and getting barely any hits. So I soon gave up on that experiment, and didn't do much with it, but it is still online. 


Disillusioned with my FROT blog, that was still only getting around 50 hits a day post covid hoax (down from over 2000 a day before covid), in late 2023 I decided to switch back to using Blogger, and at the start of 2024, I stopped posting on altogether and started only posting on a brand new Blogger blog with my URL pointing at it.

Apart from only getting about 100 hits a day, that went OK, until the end of 2024 when it started having technical issues. Firstly a post disappeared, and then the colours of my text and links started changing all by themselves. I was unable to change them back, and at one point it had black text on a black background with dark blue links. So it was totally unusable.

I temporally got it visible by putting it back to the grey default theme, although it looked hideous in grey, but after having another crack at fixing it I gave up trying to do a black background, and made it bright purple instead. Just like my first FROT website from 1998.

I stopped using it altogether at the end of 2024 and made it an archive, but then the hits started climbing, so I decided to keep on using it for now, and started copying all my new posts across to it. And that is why I now have a bright purple mirror of my current black SIFT blog.


 Not able to properly fix my 2024 Blogger blog, I started over again with another new Blogger blog for 2025. Which all worked perfectly as far as the theme and formatting went, but not surprisingly the hits stated out really low again, as they always do on new sites.

This is my current blog, and it's where I'm posting my new content first, but I only realised after about six weeks that choosing the URL "sift2025" wasn't the sharpest of ideas, because it will look out of date next year. 

So I later decided to set up another new blog with the URL "sift-nz" which is more timeless, and depending on how things go, I might eventually switch over to using that one. But in the meantime, this is my primary blog and it's where the URL is pointing to.


 After making various changes to my blogs such as changing themes to try them out, I found that it was all too easy to stuff up a bunch of settings, and have to waste ages sorting them out. So I decided to set up a blog purely for test purposes. It just has a few samples of my posts, so I can play around and test things out without worrying if anything goes horribly wrong.

I only used the 911 URL for this because it was available and easy to remember. I did used to do a lot of posting about the 911 psyop back in 2002, but I'm long over researching that old dinosaur these days. (It's in the too easy basket, along with other classics like "moon landing")


The newest sift-nz blog is a copy of my current blog that was only set up 15 March 2025.  Being brand new it's not really getting any hits apart from my own refreshes, but it has two purposes. If anything goes wrong with my 2025 blog, I can switch over to this copy of it, and also, in the future, if this blog is eventually getting as many hits as my older 666 & 2025 blogs, I can swap over to it and have a better URL. 

Possibly neither of these things will ever happen, but I figure it might be a good idea to have a backup blog. I don't trust Google for obvious reasons so I also have all this content backed up offline, and if it ever gets censored by Google I will set up a seventh SIFT blog, probably going back to using WordPress but hosted on a new server space that isn't grey listed.

In the meantime, the sift-nz blog is set up to look the same as my 2025 one, except it doesn't have all my blog content, or most of the extra content like links, pages, or image galleries.