Wednesday, 12 March 2025


If my blogs were still getting thousands of hits per day, like they were before the covid hoax, some geek would probably read this and tell me I was talking complete bollocks.

But that won't happen because barely anyone reads my posts anyway, and the comments are turned off, because 99.99% of comments these days are AI spam.

By 2023 the hits on my WordPress blog had dropped from 2000 a day to about 50 and I couldn't be bothered soldering on with the complexities of WordPress any longer. 

 I have always found Blogger much quicker and easier to use, even if it is owned by evil Google, so I thought sod it, I'll go back to simple old Blogger, I might as well because probably nobody will see my posts anyway.

At the start of 2024, I stopped posting on and started posting on a brand new Blogger blog with my URL pointing at it. Everything seemed to work OK, and I still really like the Blogger interface, but it got bugger all hits, only about 100 a day. Admittedly I did almost nothing to promote it, but that is not very inspiring.

Then right at the end of 2024 I started having technical issues with it. Firstly a post disappeared, and then the colours of my text and links started changing all by themselves. I was unable to change them back, and at one point it had black text on a black background with dark blue links. So it was totally unusable.

Not able to fix it, I thought, "Oh well, I'll start over again with another new Blogger blog for 2025". Which I did, and it all worked perfectly as far as the colours went, but not surprisingly there was no increase in hits. "Too bad" I thought, as that seems to be happening to everyone posting none "woke" content on the woketard controlled internet.

Then to my surprise, the hits on my now archived Blogger 2024 blog started climbing. I wasn't posting any new content on it, but had since changed the background colours to shades of grey, so that the text was visible again. 

I thought it looked hideous, but after having another crack at fixing it I gave up trying to do the black background, and made it bright purple instead. Just like my first website from 1998.

And this is where I'm at now - my current blog, is looking how I want it to, and all working perfectly, but it could take all year to build up more traffic (if it ever does), while my buggy purple archived blog is now getting 3x as many hits and seems to be growing, without any new content.

Which got me thinking, "What would happen if I started copying all the new posts from my current blog back across to my old blog? Would that make it get more traffic? Or would it just become more heavily grey listed, and actually have a drop in traffic? There is really only one way to find out isn't there? Yes I'm going to do an experiment. I can't help myself...