I've been wasting my time blogging for years now. I started in 1998 and as recently as 2017 it was still an exciting and developing hobby, I was improving my writing, earning money, interacting online, & getting thousands of hits.
By comparison it sometimes seems a bit lame now, because these days I'm grey-listed online, I have very little audience, the entire internet appears to be mainly AI, and all the blockchain platforms (Steemit, Hive, Flote, Blurt etc), are dead or dying, so realistically I had two choices, continue posting essentially just for myself without caring too much about hits, (because let's face it, I 'm not getting many), or quit altogether.
But I like blogging and I think it helps me to get my ideas in order, improves my writing, and posting online works like having a muse, so it potentially makes me more creative. So I'm continuing to blog but with a new approach.
I'm using Blogger rather than WordPress because it's quick and simple, I'm posing a mixture of both short new content and updated re-posts of my old content, with very few new long posts. And I'm aiming to have fun and get my thoughts in order rather than to change the world.
To see some content that might change the world I highly recommend the websites of Joachim Bartoll or Jason Christoff