The first one in that post was Eurythmics "Love Is A Stranger" which soon leads to the question "is Annie Lennox a tranny?" My response to that is "no, I think she is a biological female who often did her best to look masculine".
so much in "Addicted to Love" where apart from tearing off her wig in a
slightly provocative way a couple of times, and wearing a man's suit at
the end when she seems to become robotic, she mostly looks feminine,
but in "I Love to Listen to Beethoven",
she does a very good impression of being a tranny. And that video is
arguable far more satanic as well. It certainly is creepy...
But none of the videos are hard out in your face number of the beast style heavy metal videos. There were no end of those in the 80's but they always seemed a bit tongue in cheek. I went back and had a look at Iron Maiden "Number Of The Beast" (1982) to revisit that old dinosaur. It really is utter crap isn't it?
The satanic book cover I included in the post, is one I'm currently reading, but it's so revolting I suspect it's actually a psyop written by a fake whistle blower in order to give the impression that satanists are all running around chopping people up and eating them, in order to make us truthers more scared of them.
In fact I suspect most satanists are just inbred trannies who spend their time casting spells on cakes that look a bit like people, and eating those.
For anyone interested in learning more about the satanic influences in modern music I recommend Mark Devlin's "Musical Truth" series of books.
video for "Come to Daddy" was filmed on the same council estate where
Stanley Kubrick shot many scenes in A Clockwork Orange. It opens with an
old woman walking a dog in a grimy, industrial setting. The dog
urinates on an abandoned television lying on the pavement, causing it to
sputter unexpectedly into life, and a distorted and warping headshot of
Richard D. James chants the lyrics.
This unleashes a spirit,
accompanied by a gang of small children, all of whom bear James'
grinning face and who appear to inhabit the abandoned buildings. The
children go around wreaking havoc, trashing an alley and chasing a man
into his car. A thin man emerges from the television, screams in the
woman's face, then gathers the children around him.