Tuesday 11 June 2024




If nuclear bombs don’t really exist that would be a good thing. Wouldn’t it? – it means all the nuclear Armageddon is all just moronic fudporn and we are not in any danger of being nuked.

The catch is it also means that pretty much everything else we have been told is fictional as well. And that really upsets people who like to believe the official narratives.

This 16 page document is a good intro to the fake nukes scam:


American school kids being indoctrinated in 1962:

My old blog post about hiroshima-and-nagasaki has some interesting photos

And this video does a great job of covering one of the major aspects of the hoax



See more nuclear content here: https://blurtlatam.intinte.org/nuclear/@samstonehill/the-nuclear-scam-exposed


As we are now being bombarded with a never ending stream of misinformation, almost nothing we are told by the mainstream or the "alternative" media is true, and we need to rapidly adapt in order to outwit the deep state and their attempts to program us. When they make mistakes we can pounce upon those mistakes and use them to our advantage.

A big mistake they are making right now is attempting to roll out AI as fast as they can, when AI is actually pretty hopeless and by no means up to the job. 

On a platform like YouTube, Google is using AI to create hundreds of millions of fake views, to write millions of comments that are endlessly recycling the previous comments, to promote any videos that push their agendas, and even to create and narrate increasingly crappy videos.

Many people are not consciously aware of any of this, but an increasing number of us can see it a mile away. On a platform like Facebook, the CIA is attempting to run all the censorship using AI and again, it is not up to the job. They are failing to block all the non approved content, so they are trying to bury it with mountains of AI created fake content.

The opportunity to post information exposing the deep state agendas and to mock their short comings on Facebook, the most deep state controlled of all the social media platforms, has never been greater.

And that is because the deep state are LAZY, GREEDY, PSYCHOPATHS who want to use AI to control us. But their AI sucks. That is another reason we can beat them.


Monday 10 June 2024


This is a desktop wallpaper image of Paris - I wonder if many people notice the chemtrails? Probably not, most normies wouldn't notice if the deep state stuck a needle in them and injected them with poison. Oh yeah...

Sunday 9 June 2024





In times gone by, we used to read fiction to explore imaginary realities. Now we live in a reality so bizarre even Philip K Dick probably would have needed to up his drug intake to deal with it...

I once read a short story by Philip K Dick. It was called “The Martian Anal Division”, and it was about a parallel version of our world in which everything was run by and for the benefit of small but cunning Martian invaders.

“They live in tiny spaceships which they insert into their subjects anal passages. From deep within human anuses they emit their instructions, which their followers hear as a voice in their anus telling them what to do. These people are known as the Martian Anal Division (MAD).

One of the key symptoms of people who are controlled by Martians up their arses is that they not only want to do what the Martians tell them to, but that they also want to force everyone else to do it as well. They often revert to the phrase “for the greater good”, and want to bring in “laws” in the hope that they can force other people to “conform” to the wishes of the voices in their arses.

In an attempt to get a better handle on controlling the non-MAD population, they introduce social engineering such as water fluoridation (make the population sick and obedient), vaccinations (make them sick and infertile), fear of “terrorism” (submit to more laws and surveillance), fear of viruses, fear of various “global apocalypses” (submit to more restrictions and taxes), and wars (the ultimate control system)

They also direct everyone with an anal implant to watch more TV, where they can obsess over misinformation called “news”, listen to angry black men making guttural rhyming noises about hoes, yos, and bros, become jealous over the size of the breast implants of women who sing the things that the voices in their arses are saying, and enjoy watching stocky men in tight shorts battling each other over leather balls.

Luckily, for all their cunning, the Martians have some serious flaws in their evil plan. When they insert their micro spacecraft into their victim’s anal passages, it tends to block their elimination of waste matter. So their victims slowly fill up with shit.

Already pressurized to bursting point, when they are confronted by people who refuse to conform, they start to turn purple and run around in circles making squawking noises like a chicken having an epileptic fit. Sometimes the backed up gasses start to escape from their arse like a loud rumbling fart, while sometimes they just blow up like an American false flag terrorists bomb”

Saturday 8 June 2024

Why is Greg Anderson still on Facebook?

Who on earth is Greg Anderson and why is he still on Facebook? - As recently as 2023 I was regularly using five social media platforms, (Facebook, Twitter, Hive, Blurt, & Bastyon), but like any addiction, I wasn’t exactly happy about it, so I finally gave up the lot, and went cold turkey for one month. At the end of the month I was only too pleased to have seen the arse end of four of them, but surprisingly, (and yes, I know it’s the most deep state platform of the lot), the only one I missed was Facebook.

I am a real person, but I update my online identities more often than Firefox changes versions, so I have to use a spreadsheet to remember them all. What I’m looking for on FB is interesting content from like minded people. If you have also come to the conclusion that nearly everything we have been programmed to believe is a lie, then we may be on the same page.
I live in Wellington, New Zealand, which I suspect is one of the most libtard cities in the entire world, and have offended more people online over the past two decades than I can shake a stick at. If you are a sensitive petal we are probably not on the same page. But I don’t take all this stuff super seriously on FB, and am more likely to briefly mock earnest woketards than engage in long winded disagreements with them.

Friday 7 June 2024

Thursday 6 June 2024



I never use Twitter but I did set up an account there years ago to suss it out. I called my account "X" and used a white X logo on a black background. When they rebranded Twitter as "X" they also used a white X on a black background, and I was pretty astonished!


It's safe to say Twitter's moronic new name "X" went down like a lead balloon, just like Facebook's attempted switch to "Meta" but these globalist platforms don't seem to grasp that after building up a brand name for years (with the lucky choice of a memorable name being a big key to their past success), trying to swap those names for forgettable futuristic AI new world order names just won't work out well.

What is great to see is that these billion dollar globalist platforms are run by dickheads too clueless to understand basic principles of branding and marketing. Hopefully they fuck up all their other evil plans to this extent.
After Elon Musk (fake globalist puppet boy) claimed to be against censorship, "X"  started increasing it's censorship with a deranged new "X" censorship "woman" (Linda Yaccarino) who looks like a jewish tranny, acts like a Bond villain, and keeps saying "lawful but awful" content will be blocked.

So what will "lawful but awful" include?

One American commentator came up with this list:
1. criticizing/questioning jews, israel, or the hollowcost
2. criticizing blacks or BLM
3. criticizing/questioning the federal government
4. criticizing faggots/dykes/trannies
5. criticizing dei/esg in our schools and businesses
6. criticizing/questioning "the science"
7. criticizing the Ukraine
8. criticizing the medical and military industrial complexes
9. criticizing the illegal alien invasion and our porous borders
10. criticizing/questioning the agendas of the wef, the un, nato, etc.


Wednesday 5 June 2024


My geek secret – I am dirty and bad. I use Windows 7

Although I like to tell everyone I’M NOT A GEEK, I do have more than a dozen computers, laptops,  & tablets.

The reason I reassure myself that I’M NOT A GEEK is that I find it a bit of a struggle to understand all this stuff.

But back in the day I used to do web pages about Microsoft operating systems as I slowly learned about them – so I had pages about Windows 2000, XP, and 7

Then Windows 8 came out, and I gave up. What a pile of shit it was.

And these days most people seem to just accept Windows 10/11 as the new normal.

They don’t bother to question that crap any more than all the other mainstream programming.

And that is what Windows 10/11 really are – social programming rather than an operating system.

Although I do still use Windows 7, (along with Linux Mint and Android) I would never use Windows 10/11.

When 10 first came out, in 2015, rather than doing a post about it I just posted a copy of this review as an explanation of why I will never use it.

If people still haven’t woken up to what Microsoft is all about, they may not be the sharpest tools in the shed.



There is a line and Microsoft have crossed it with Windows 10 – I don’t plan to ever use it, which is why I have copied this information from another site rather than researching it for myself

There are two kinds of issues with the Windows operating systems created by Microsoft. Problems common to every version of Windows, and problems specific to Windows 10.

Problems which are present in every version of Windows

No enforced file system and registry hierarchy (I have yet to find a single serious application which can uninstall itself cleanly and fully). The $USER directory in Windows, specially in Windows 10, is an inexplicable mess.
svchost.exe (the whole philosophy of preserving RAM this way became outdated years ago).
No true safe mode (rogue applications may easily run in it).
No clean state (for most OEM installations out there).
The user as a system administrator (thus viruses/malware – most users don’t and won’t understand UAC warnings).
No good packaging mechanism (MSI is a fragile abomination).
No system wide update mechanism (which includes third party software).
In certain cases it’s extremely difficult to find drivers for your hardware devices.
Windows is extremely difficult to debug.
Windows boot problems are too often fatal and unsolvable unless you reinstall from scratch.
Windows is hardware dependent (especially when running from UEFI).
Windows updates are terribly unreliable, very slow (to install) and they also waste disk space.
Windows keeps trying to reinstall failed updates over and over (in certain cases every such cycle of “updating” can render you PC disabled for hours!).
There’s no way to cleanly upgrade your system (there will be thousands of leftovers), etc.
Windows OS installer doesn’t give a damn about other OSes installed on your PC and it always overwrites the MBR. In case of already existing Windows installations, it sets the newly installed Windows as the default OS – no questions asked. In case of UEFI booting of other non Windows OSes is unsupported and Windows actively prevents this.
WinSxS, though a neat idea, turned into some madness: Windows keeps the versions of files the user won’t ever need: for instance the English version of Windows will have copies of files for many other languages irrespective of the chosen locale or MUI.
Cryptic error messages (considering the size of the OS (>9GB as of Windows 10) this practice is simply ridiculous).
Most malware writers target Windows as the most popular desktop OS, so it has the biggest number of viruses among all other OSes (over five thousand new viruses daily).
Windows loves thrashing your HDD.
Microsoft has gone crazy: KB3083710 which is a prerequisite for Windows 10 upgrade is being foisted on Windows 7 users as a security/mandatory update.
Devastating Windows rot.


Issues specific to Windows 10

Windows 10 features an EULA which grants Microsoft the rights to use any content found on your PC: “you grant to Microsoft a worldwide and royalty-free intellectual property license to use Your Content”. You can read Microsoft’s response here which paints everything in a positive light however after Snowden’s leaks it’s hard if not impossible to take them seriously.

Windows 10 spies on you and even more so on your children aka phones home (welcome NSA/CIA/thoughtcrime/1984)! (Microsoft added spying features to Windows 7/8 as well)

Windows 10 is a beta quality release (at the time of writing, – August, 2015):
Microsoft hides the information about Windows 10 updates, so often you won’t even know what certain updates are aimed to fix or improve. Also Windows 10 updates may have unintended consequences and unannounced changes in behaviour (it’s already been confirmed).

Many users report that their sound card stopped working after upgrading to Windows 10.

Windows 10 updates/upgrade can send your PC into an infinite loop.

In certain cases Windows 10 may kill your display if you are an unlucky owner of a laptop made by Alienware, LG or Samsung.

You’ve got no real control over crucial features of the OS:
Windows 10 will have no service packs which means it will always be a work in progress and you are a perpetual beta tester.
Forced upgrades you cannot opt out of (and Microsoft have borked quite a lot of them recently so prepare to see your Windows die after installing a new portion of updates – actually Microsoft has already borked one update, read horror stories about KB3081424).

Windows 10 features terrible UI inconsistency, not limited to:
Two kinds of fonts antialiasing (ClearType v2 for classic applications and some awful dirty grayish shit for Modern apps).
All kinds of varying visual decorations and styles (some people have discovered up to seven varying styles in Windows 10).
Absolutely dissimilar classic and modern (PC settings) control panels.
Different fonts faces and sizes all around.
Different styles of settings for modern apps.
Absolutely different context menus and their appearance in different applications and apps.

Terrible hardly configurable appearance, dubious design choices and extremely limited functionality (vs Windows 7/XP):
Two Control Panels with absolutely zero thought given to how they differ and why each one should be used.
Some Control Widgets are spread between the two Control Panels which is utterly confusing (e.g. Users Management).
No Windows classic UI for windows decorations. Windows decorations can hardly be configured at all in Windows 10.
An awful choice of colors/palette.
Absolutely awful, childish and amateurish icons as if we live in the era of 8bit displays (only rivalled by those in Windows 3.1 from 1992). Windows 2000 in 1999 looked better than Windows 10 in 2015.

A big number of Windows 10 apps are still NOT on par with their classical counterparts from Windows 7/Vista/XP (many features are missing or many options are not configurable).
The start menu is an unusable abomination. Applications are listed as a list which is nigh impossible to scroll.

Windows 10 sucks terribly if you are an unlucky user of a metered Internet connection:
It features huge mandatory system and apps updates (you cannot disable them, you can only postpone the system reboot after their installation).
As if it wasn’t enough, Windows 10 gets downloaded automatically if you run Windows 7 or 8.1. We are talking about 3 gigabytes of data some people absolutely do not need.

It uses your free bandwidth to distribute updates to other users nearby you.
With Wi-Fi sense enabled anyone you have in your Skype, Outlook or Hotmail contacts lists — and any of your Facebook friends — can be granted automatic access to your Wi-Fi network as long as they’re within range.
A newly created user profile weighs over 300MB (!) while containing zero (!) information about the user.
A newly created user profile is populated with all the default apps instead of giving the user a choice.

Microsoft has lost its mind and they now desperately try to foist/force Windows 10 on unsuspecting users.


Some ways to fix/configure Windows 10

Do not install it or “upgrade” to it if you’re running Windows 7

If you did, read further:
Install Classic Shell aka Windows 7 (XP) Start Menu for Windows 10.
Uninstall/remove most built-in Metro/Modern apps in Windows 10 (quiet a lot of them are immutable and cannot be uninstalled no matter what):
Fire up administrator’s PowerShell (Start -> Search -> Power -> Right mouse click -> Run as Administrator).
Run (copy and paste):
Get-AppXPackage -User | Remove-AppxPackage (remove the user’s apps)
Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Remove-AppxPackage (remove all system wide apps)
Disable Windows 10 most spying/tracking/call home features (you may also try the DoNotSpy10 application but I don’t recommend it).
You can disable built-in torrent-like/bandwidth sharing feature by going to the Start Start button icon ˇ, then Settings > Update & security > Windows Update, and then select Advanced options.
The other things mentioned above cannot be fixed unfortunately (UI inconsistency, two Control Panels, very little UI customizability, disabling of updates, etc.).


Busting Windows 10 myths

There are many myths that are spread on pro-Microsoft forums and websites, and I want to take a bit of time to debunk some of them.

Windows 10 is more secure than any previous version of Windows

This is complete bollocks. Windows 10 offers exactly zero new protection mechanisms to the end user vs. Windows 7. I haven’t forgotten that Windows 8/10 apps run a sandbox and they are all verified by Microsoft, that’s true, but most of them are made purely for content consumption (so they won’t cut it for power users), besides people will still download executables from the Internet and run them relentlessly. Normally you should never run Windows without a decent antivirus installed (Microsoft Security Essentials is not an AV your can rely on, in fact you’re crazy if you believe it protects you). Head to av-comparatives and check out their real world tests to see what’s best for you. According to various AV comparisons MS Security Essentials misses over 10% of in-the-wild viruses (i.e. over five hundred new viruses every day).

The truth is there are some new security features but they are invisible for most users out there.

Windows 10 is a more modern OS

What does it mean it’s more modern? How exactly do Windows 7 and 8 differ from Windows 10? This is more bulllshit from the Microsoft fanboys.

Windows 10 is faster

There’s no discernible difference in speed between Windows 7, 8 and 10. Windows 10 features an improved memory handling for certain multithreaded applications like WinRAR but most other applications have the same performance.

“I have installed Windows 10 and it feels faster”, right, like with every Windows release it feels fast when you install it from scratch. Then, strangely, it slows down significantly.
