Wednesday, 5 June 2024



Hand signs of the Illuminati can be flashed in public by puppet world leaders and celebrities while the unsuspecting masses remain ignorant. Only Illuminati insiders seem to be aware of the true meanings hidden behind these signs and hand gestures. 


Here is No.1- The Roc Sign

Pyramid, Eye in Pyramid, Diamond, Triangle, Eye in Triangle, Sign for the Grade of Fire, Triangle of Manifestation

The Roc Sign is made by holding out your palms while touching both your thumbs and index fingers forming a triangle.

The pyramid is an important Illuminati symbol showing their few ruling the many on the bottom type power structure. The symbol becomes more powerful when the sign is done over an eye, representing the All-Seeing eye in a capstone floating over an unfinished pyramid.

The pyramid sign is seen by many researchers to be THE sign of the Illuminati.

Celebrities doing the Roc sign:

Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise

Ben Stiller
Ben Stiller

Al Sharpton
Al Sharpton

Warren Buffett
Warren Buffett

Denzel Washington
Denzel Washington

Christina Aguilera
Christina Aguilera


Victor Cruz
Victor Cruz

Kanye West
Kanye West

James Lebron
LeBron James



other uses of the Roc sign:

The sign has been used previously in many different contexts. In Aleister Crowley’s A.’.A.’., the gesture is the sign for the grade of fire. Wiccans know the symbol as the Triangle of Manifestation.

In the Jewish tradition it was used as the Priestly Blessing of Kohen. Star Trek’s Spock’s Vulcan salute was itself based on this Kohen blessing sign. In Ninja Kuji in magic it is the Kai (在), one of the 9 primary hand symbols used to channel energy.

One of the 9 major signs of the Ninja Kujiin
One of the 9 primary signs of the Ninja Kujiin

Not you too Dora?!?
Dora making a triangle

Fueling the flames
Feminist Gloria Steinem

Diamond Sign Dallas Page


The sign is also done in reverse. Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel used the “Merkel-Raute” as her trademark sign.

Angela Merkel
Angela Merkel


Pope John Paul 2
Pope John Paul 2

Adolph Hitler
Adolph Hitler

To see the other 9 signs go here:

Tuesday, 4 June 2024

Her name was Robert

Alexis Arquette (Birth name: Robert Arquette) 

Arquette was born in Los Angeles, the fourth of five children of Lewis Arquette, an actor and director, and Brenda Olivia, a Jewish actress, poet, theater operator, activist, acting teacher, and therapist. Actors Rosanna, Richmond, Patricia, and David Arquette were his siblings.

In 2004, Arquette expressed an interest in undergoing gender-transitioning medical treatment. He decided against undergoing hormone therapy and kept his choice of whether he underwent gender-affirming surgery private from the media by the time he completed his transition in 2006. His experience was documented in the film Alexis Arquette: She's My Brother, which debuted at the 2007 Tribeca Film Festival. Arquette was a vocal supporter of other transgender people, including Chaz Bono, who transitioned shortly after Arquette.

Arquette contracted HIV in 1987. In later life, he suffered from ill health as a result of being HIV-positive. Amid these increasing complications, Alexis began presenting again as a man in 2013. Brother David Arquette said that Alexis was "gender suspicious" and alternately felt like a man or a woman at different times. Arquette was placed in a medically induced coma and died on September 11, 2016, surrounded by close family, at the age of 47. 

 The official cause of death was cardiac arrest caused by myocarditis stemming from HIV - And what is HIV? - Be sure to watch out for future parallels with COVID injection victims.


Monday, 3 June 2024

Brazil VS England

I'm not a football fan myself, but I wanted to post these two pics to show that England is every bit the equal of Brazil...

Brazil fan

Liverpool fan

Saturday, 1 June 2024


 According to Wikipedia, a QUICKIE is sexual intercourse that a couple may engage in when the time available is minimal. The quickie may arise from a spontaneous sexual desire by the parties, or be a regular or planned arrangement.

 "Because of the limit on available time, foreplay would generally be skipped; the woman may not have enough time to lubricate naturally. In a planned encounter, the partners may dress in a manner that reduces the time needed for undressing. For example, the woman may wear a wide skirt or a front closing dress and open crotch lingerie, thongs to be pushed aside or no underwear, especially pantyhose. The man may dispense with a jacket and belt. A quickie between a heterosexual couple may generally satisfy only the man's sexual desire"
 But that is not what I'm talking about here on this blog. (I never realised Wikipedia were such a bunch of perverts)

  QUICKIE is also a designer and retailer of high end wheel chairs based in Phoenix, Arizona USA.
  But that is not what I'm talking about here on this post either.
 Collins Dictionary has the exact meaning I was looking for:
"A quickie is something that only takes a very short time"
 The reason I was considering using it as a tag is because some of my posts are not really blog posts, they are just one or two pictures and a line or two of text. Any post tagged "quickie" is what might also sometimes be called a "shitpost" or a "tweet". It's something I just quickly threw out there because it caught my eye. 

But then I changed my mind and decided to go with the "siftings" tag instead.

This post has four images and several lines of text, so it NEITHER A QUICKIE NOR A SIFTINGS. But you definitely need to get fully undressed to properly appreciate it...



Friday, 31 May 2024



Back in 1993 I printed this story out and put it up in a shop window where it attracted a crowd of people who stood there reading it! Ten years on I used it in one of my first blog posts, and now over 30 years later here I am re-posting it again because it still cracks me up.

AN UNUSUAL CASE – by William A. Morton, Jr, MD (From an actual medical journal)

One morning I was called to the emergency room by the head ER nurse. She directed me to a patient who had refused to describe his problem other than to say that he “needed a doctor who took care of men’s troubles.” The patient, about 40, was pale. febrile, and obviously uncomfortable, and had little to say as he gingerly opened his trousers to expose a bit of angry red and black-and-blue scrotal skin. After I asked the nurse to leave us, the patient permitted me to remove his trousers, shorts, and two or three yards of foul-smelling stained gauze wrapped around his scrotum, which was swollen to twice the size of a grapefruit and extremely tender.

A jagged zig-zag laceration, oozing pus and blood, extended down the left scrotum. Amid the matted hair, edematous skin, and various exudates, I saw some half-buried dark linear objects and asked the patient what they were. Several days earlier, he replied, he had injured himself in the machine shop where he worked and had closed the laceration himself with a heavy duty stapling gun. The dark objects were one-inch staples of the type used in putting up wallboard. We x-rayed the patient’s scrotum to locate the staples; admitted him to the hospital; and gave him tetanus antitoxin, broad-spectrum antibacterial therapy, and hexaclorophrene sitz baths prior to surgery the next morning.

The procedure consisted of exploration and debridement of the left side of the scrotal pouch. Eight rusty staples were retrieved, and the skin edges were trimmed and freshened. The left testis had been avulsed and was missing. The stump of the spermatie cord was recovered at the inguinal canal, debrided, and the vessels lifated properly, though not much of a hematoma was present. Through-and-through Penrose drains were sutured loosely in site, and the skin was loosely closed. Convalescence was uneventful, and before his release from the hospital a week later, the patient confided the rest of his tory to me.

An unmarried loner, he usually didn’t leave the machine shop at lunchtime with his coworkers. Finding himself alone, he began the regular practice of masturbating by holding his penis against the canvas drive-belt of a large floor-based piece of running machinery. One day, as he approached orgasm, he lost his concentration and leaned too close to the belt. When his scrotum suddenly became caught between the pulley-wheel and the drive-belt, he was thrown into the air and landed a few feet away. Unaware that he had lost his left testis, and perhaps too stunned to feel much pain, he stapled the wound close and resumed his work. I can only assume he abandoned this method of self-gratification.

Thursday, 30 May 2024


After running my WordPress and Blogger blogs side by side for a few months, it become clearer to me that Wordpress just wasn't working very well for me any more.

 WordPress is better for longer posts where the more advanced features on things like formatting and image galleries comes in handy. Because the home feed is just displaying the featured image and the few first lines of text, it works OK for displaying a list of full length blog posts.

What WordPress is not so good for is short posts with just one or two images or one line of text. It rapidly becomes cluttered, and because you need to click on each post to actually view it, it just doesn't work for looking at dozens of short posts (AKA. "shitposts" or "tweets")

 Meanwhile Blogger really comes into it's own for doing short posts, where the homepage displays each post in full, and you can scroll down an endless stream of posts that all seem to merge into one.

Two major drawbacks of Blogger are that all these short posts go pretty much unseen in search engines so it's unlikely many people will ever see them, and because Blogger is owned by Google there is always the risk that they will one day blacklist the blog or even delete it altogether.

But nevertheless I decided to stop doing new posts on my WordPress blog and just make it an archive from the start of 2024. Now I'm doing mostly short posts (siftings) on this dodgy Googled owned Blogger platform. 

But I'm not going to call them "shitposts" because everything I post online is awesome, or "tweets" because Elon Musk is a dickhead and Twatter sucks anyway, so I'm tagging my short posts "SIFTINGS".

And that is the cunning plan behind my "siftings" tag.