Saturday, 28 December 2024


It’s often said that what makes fluoridation so harmful is that they use a chemical called hydrofluorosilicic acid rather than naturally occurring fluoride. However, the fact is all fluoride is toxic, even naturally occurring fluoride.

Fluoride is not a nutrient in any way. It is not like calcium or magnesium; it is much more like lead or arsenic.

In some parts of Africa, China, India and other parts of the world, the underground fluoride supplies have high amounts of fluoride. This causes huge problems. The children and adults suffer from skeletal fluorosis which causes crippling bone problems.

It is expensive to remove fluoride as most filters do not remove it. To remove all fluoride a reverse osmosis or distillation system is needed although in rural India they are developing some low cost filtration systems using lime.

A website called India Water Portal contains a lot of really interesting information regarding the harms of excess fluoride. The images of children with deformities and adults bed-ridden is heart breaking. There are also articles about what people are doing to try and remove fluoride and even remedy skeletal fluorosis through avoidance of fluoride and a nutrient dense diet.

It is true, though, that naturally occurring fluoride is generally not as toxic as the chemical fluoride added to New Zealand waters. Naturally occurring fluoride normally comes with high levels of calcium or magnesium which it binds to and makes less toxic. Also, fluoride is cumulative and even “low” levels can cause skeletal fluorosis. The first stage of skeletal fluorosis is identical to arthritis and doctors in New Zealand are not aware that patients presenting with arthritic-like symptoms may, in fact, have skeletal fluorosis.

Demanding that councils add a toxic substance like fluoride purposedly to people’s water, is absolutely crazy if the Director-General of Health’s aim is to improve the health of New Zealanders. And it is cowardly and ignorant of any mayor or councillor not to stand up to this craziness and tell the Direct-General of Health that they will not take any part in poisoning the community.