Saturday, 13 July 2024


 What nature of scam is this? The official story is that Mt. Gox was a bitcoin exchange based in Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan, that was launched in 2010.

It is said to have been handling over 70% of all Bitcoin (BTC) buys/sells worldwide by February 2014, when it suspended trading, closed its website and exchange service, and filed for bankruptcy protection from creditors. 

It claimed that hundreds of thousands of bitcoin—back then worth around $400 million, now worth $45 billion had been stolen in an elaborate heist. It had practically no remaining funds with which to process withdrawals.

Moving on 10 years and the story is that the Mt. Gox estate is now sitting on 200,000 bitcoin that has been recovered from a “forgotten” wallet, previously assumed by the exchange to be empty, but that had not been drained by the hackers. 

A rehabilitation plan was approved by the Tokyo courts in June 2023 and the final date for customers to be repaid was set for October 31, 2024.

Like most official stories, it's unlikely that any of this is true, so I won't even get into any of that side of things. What is interesting is the effect that this upcoming mass dumping of Bitcoin is having on the market right now in July 2024. 

Not surprisingly the entire crypto market has had a big drop. I have long suspected that crypto markets are being constantly manipulated up and down by big investors like Blackrock with the goal of enabling them to buy low and sell high. 

Or, given that they know in advance when each rise or fall will be, they don't even need to do that, because they can profit on the drops as well. As they are manipulating all the rises and falls, they always know what is coming.

This entire story sounds to me about as legitimate as the moon landing, or 911, or covid. But it makes no difference, the crypto markets are getting spanked right now. 

Friday, 12 July 2024

Fluoride is absorbed through the skin

Fluoride is also absorbed through the skin so unless you have full household filtration you are absorbing it every time you shower...


Some facts about fluoride

– Fluoride is a waste by-product of the fertilizer and aluminum industry and it’s also a Part II Poison under the UK Poisons Act 1972.

Fluoride is one of the basic ingredients in both PROZAC (FLUoxetene Hydrochloride) and Sarin nerve gas (Isopropyl-Methyl-Phosphoryl FLUoride).

– 97% of western Europe has rejected fluoridated water due to the known health risks, however most New Zealander's are being forced to drink it and the NZ government is trying to fast track the fluoridation of the entire country’s water supply.

– In Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg fluoridation of water was rejected because it was classified as compulsive medication against the subject’s will and therefore violated fundamental human rights.

– In November of 2006, the American Dental Association (ADA) advised that parents should avoid giving babies fluoridated water.

– Other sources of fluoride include: fluoride dental products, fluoride pesticides, fluoridated pharmaceuticals, processed foods made with fluoridated water, and tea.

Remembering Ian Curtis

 Yesterday I posted a link to a Joy Division playing their song "Transmission" on a friends Facebook timeline - I described it as "The tightest performance of all time"

Later that day I was passing through Newtown, past the Ian Curtis memorial. I took a snapshot from the bus.

That monument has been there for most of my life, and it's one of the few monuments that have always really meant something to me. I'm always a bit stunned when people don't know who Ian Curtis was.

Unknown Pleasures by Joy Division

It even looks like something classic, beyond its time or place of origin even as it was a clear product of both -- one of Peter Saville's earliest and best designs, a transcription of a signal showing a star going nova, on a black embossed sleeve. If that were all Unknown Pleasures was, it wouldn't be discussed so much, but the ten songs inside, quite simply, are stone-cold landmarks, the whole album a monument to passion, energy, and cathartic despair.

The quantum leap from the earliest thrashy singles to Unknown Pleasures can be heard through every note, with Martin Hannett's deservedly famous production -- emphasizing space in the most revelatory way since the dawn of dub -- as much a hallmark as the music itself. Songs fade in behind furtive noises of motion and activity, glass breaks with the force and clarity of doom, and minimal keyboard lines add to an air of looming disaster -- something, somehow, seems to wait or lurk beyond the edge of hearing.

But even though this is Hannett's album as much as anyone's, the songs and performances are the true key. Bernard Sumner redefined heavy metal sludge as chilling feedback fear and explosive energy, Peter Hook's instantly recognizable bass work was at once warm and forbidding, and Stephen Morris' drumming smacked through the speakers above all else. Ian Curtis synthesizes and purifies every last impulse, his voice shot through with the desire first and foremost to connect, only connect -- as "Candidate" plaintively states, "I tried to get to you/You treat me like this."

Pick any song: the nervous death dance of "She's Lost Control"; the harrowing call for release "New Dawn Fades," all four members in perfect sync; the romance in hell of "Shadowplay"; "Insight" and its nervous drive toward some sort of apocalypse. All visceral, all emotional, all theatrical, all perfect -- one of the best albums ever.  




Thursday, 11 July 2024

Fluoride Stupidity & Population Control

Sodium fluoride, a hazardous-waste by-product from the manufacture of aluminum, is a common ingredient in rat and cockroach poisons, anesthetics, hypnotics, psychiatric drugs, and military nerve gas. It’s historically been quite expensive to properly dispose of, until some aluminum industries with an overabundance of the stuff sold the public on the insane but highly profitable idea of selling it at a 20,000% markup, injecting it into our water supplies, and then forcing the public to DRINK it.

Fluoride is injected into our drinking water supply at approx. 1 part-per-million (ppm), but since we only drink 0.5% of the total water supply, the remaining 99.5% literally goes down the drain as a free hazardous-waste disposal for the chemical industry

Independent scientific evidence repeatedly showing up over the past 50 years reveals that fluoride shortens our life span, promotes cancer and various mental disturbances, accelerates osteoporosis and broken hips in old folks, and makes us stupid, docile, and subservient.

There are reports of aluminum in the brain being a causative factor in Alzheimer’s Disease, and evidence points towards fluoride’s strong affinity for aluminum and also its ability to “trick” the blood-brain barrier by looking like the hydrogen ion, and thus allowing chemical access to brain tissue.

Wednesday, 10 July 2024

Winning the Fluoride Fight

James Corbett talks to Michael Connett, lead attorney for the plaintiffs’ in the #FluorideLawsuit. They discuss the history of the lawsuit, what’s at stake, and how people who are concerned about the fluoridation of the water supply can get involved in the fight against this uncontrolled medical intervention.

The council is mocking us

The joke is on the ratepayers - The Wellington city council is mocking us...
Today some workmen are doing something to the footpath over the road from us - there is one guy doing all the work, with 7 guys standing there watching, and 52 road cones - for real, I counted them!
They even have a wheelchair ramp on both sides of the road just in case, with an extra dozen road cones and a guy in charge of the two ramps!
Road cones are breeding and taking over the country...



 Question for today - Would you wear these sunglasses if they could guarantee to make you 0.000000001% more aerodynamic in the Tour de France, or would you be fearful that they may cause people to laugh uncontrollably and call you a numpty?


Tuesday, 9 July 2024

Fluoridated Toothpaste – Toxic and bad for teeth too

Most toothpastes contain fluoride, supposedly to prevent tooth decay. Sadly, the majority of consumers fall for this con and poison themselves even further by applying it to their teeth.

The fluoride in toothpaste is not an organic trace mineral found in the ground. It’s an industrial waste chemical that has been deceivingly and incorrectly called “fluoride”. It is inorganic, very toxic, and more poisonous than lead.

Any amount of fluoride in water exceeding 2 ppm (parts per million) would be considered unsafe. But fluoridated toothpastes have been found to contain levels of up to 7000 ppm. Even the U.S. FDA now regards fluoride in toothpaste as a potential toxic drug.

One of the most common symptoms of excess fluoride is “dental fluorosis”. You will see chalky white patches on the teeth making teeth “spotty”. Enamels can also become more porous with use of fluoridated toothpaste leading to discoloration of the teeth and pitting of the enamel.

Young children tend to apply lots toothpaste to their toothbrush, and then swallow plenty of it. (Swallowing half a tube of fluoride toothpaste in one go can be fatal)

Fluoride in the mouth is absorbed through our mucous lining and accumulates in our bodies just like fluoride that has been swallowed. The accumulated fluoride is carcinogenic and harmful to our metabolic systems. It leads to increased hip fractures, osteoporosis, arthritis and lowered brain function.

Another harmful ingredient in toothpaste is sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) – a foam building substance known to be cancer causing.

And in addition, virtually all toothpastes contain glycerine. Glycerine coats the teeth, so that they can’t remineralise to heal tooth decay

The basic requirements for remineralising teeth are:

A nutrient dense, whole food, Weston A Price type diet, including:

Bone broths & marrow
  Cod liver oil
  Butter oil, or lots of good quality butter
  Good quality animal foods
  Fermented foods
Fluoride free water

 A fluoride free, glycerine free tooth cleaner


Monday, 8 July 2024

There Are Multiple Toxins Added To NZ Tap Water

 Tap water in NZ is toxic because it contains fluoride, chlorine, aluminium (alum), and in some cases (where there are old water pipes) asbestos as well

It’s not just drinking the tap water that’s a problem – bathing and showering in it leads to fluoride and chlorine absorption too.

A good household carbon filter will take out chlorine, asbestos, and aluminium, but it will not take out fluoride. This can be done, but it requires a much more expensive filtration system (around NZ$2000-4000) to sort out your water for bathing and showering.

Reverse osmosis filters and distillers will get most of the fluoride out for drinking, but they remove the good minerals too, and this may cause other problems.

If you are unable to obtain water free from a good source, and have to buy bottled water, keep in mind that some bottled water is just tap water that’s been filtered to get rid of the chlorine taste, while some bottled spring water is good quality.

In Wellington, clean drinking water is freely available directly from the Petone Aquifer

And there is another aquifer at the Dowse Art Museum taps in Lower Hutt


For smaller amounts, and they ask customers not to take more than 2L at a time so it's not the spot for filling up a few hundred liters of bottles, there is also an artesian fountain at the Moore Wilson's store corner of Tory & College Streets Wellington.

Sunday, 7 July 2024


Fluoride causes behavioural problems in children

New US Study finds fluoridated water is causing behavioral problems in children

Pre-natal fluoride exposure has serious consequences for mental health, according to another major study just published in the prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).
According to Tracy Bastain, senior author of the study and an associate professor of clinical population and public health science “Our results showed that higher fluoride levels in mother’s urine were associated with significantly increased neurodevelopmental problems in their three-year-old children, especially for internalizing problems like depression and anxiety…These results are very concerning from a public health perspective, given that the majority of U.S. communities have fluoridated water.”
This was reported in Newsweek, which went on to say “In their study, Bastain and colleagues found that a 0.68 milligram per liter increase in maternal fluoride exposure was associated with a near-doubling increase in their child’s risk of developing neurobehavioral problems, including emotional reactivity, headaches, anxiety and symptoms linked to autism.”
And the Los Angeles Times reported on the study confirming fluoride exposure was associated with “an increased risk of neurobehavioral problems at age 3, including symptoms that characterize autism spectrum disorder. The association was seen among women who consumed fluoride in amounts that are considered typical in Los Angeles and across the country.”
The study was conducted on mother-child pairs in Los Angeles, and found significant increases in psychological problem scores for both internal (e.g. depression and anxiety) and external (e.g. autism) conditions.
This latest US study is the first study of its kind carried out in the US but is on top of a growing number of US Government-funded studies from Canada and Mexico. It also comes after a major six year review carried out by the US Government’s National Toxicology Program that reviewed all fluoride IQ studies and found that fluoride “with moderate confidence, that higher fluoride exposure … is consistently associated with lower IQ in children.”
This study suggests that fluoridation is likely to be one of the reasons New Zealand children are suffering from record levels of anxiety and depression.
The fluoridation level recommended by the NZ Ministry of Health is 0.85ppm (midrange between 0.7 and 1ppm). This is 21% higher than the maximum target of 0.7ppm in the USA.
US scientists are calling for a warning that pregnant women should avoid fluoridated water. In 2018 the NZ Supreme Court held that once fluoride was in the water it was almost impossible to avoid completely and is “compulsory medical treatment”.

Saturday, 6 July 2024

Fluoridation causes an average 5% drop in children's IQ

A major US government study on fluoride damage to the brain should have ended fluoridation in New Zealand.

To summarize the key finding: Children born to mothers drinking the standard levels of fluoride used in NZ would have on average a 5 POINT LOWER IQ than children not exposed to fluoride poisoning.
The study published by the US Government’s Environmental Health Perspectives found that children born to mothers exposed to fluoride while pregnant, had significantly lower IQ scores. This is particularly relevant to New Zealand where most of the population is currently subjected to fluoridation.
It measured fluoride in urine and found the average level of fluoride in urine was 0.9mg/L (mg/L = parts per million). To relate this to water fluoride concentration, a separate study found that pregnant women in an area with 0.4 to 0.8 ppm water fluoride only had slightly lower urine fluoride than the average participants in this study. The NZ Ministry of Health recommends fluoride chemicals be added to the water at 0.85ppm.
Pregnant women in New Zealand in fluoridated areas likely have similar levels of urine fluoride as those in the American study. Urine fluoride reflects total fluoride intake from all sources, not just fluoridated water. The paper also reports that in the USA, which is 70% fluoridated, urine fluoride ranges from about 0.5 to 1.5 mg/L.
The child of a mother who was drinking water with 0.85ppm fluoride would be predicted to have 5 lower IQ points than if the mother had drunk water with close to zero fluoride in it. This obviously has huge consequences for New Zealand children.
The Ministry of Health recommended 1ppm until the 1990s when it reduced to a range from 0.7ppm to 1ppm, with a target of 0.85ppm. The US Human and Health Services have directed a maximum of 0.7ppm for fluoridation.
This study was very carefully done by a group of researchers who have produced over 50 papers on the cognitive health of children in relationship to environmental exposures. It was funded by the US Government’s National Institute of Health and was a multi-million dollar study. This was the group’s first study of fluoride – their other studies mostly dealing with lead, mercury and other environmental neurotoxicants.
The study controlled for a wide range of potential factors that might have skewed the results and produced a false effect. It was able to largely rule out confounding effects by these other factors. The factors ruled out included lead, mercury, socio-economic status, smoking, alcohol use, and health problems during pregnancy.
This study offers confirmation of previous studies in Mexico, China and elsewhere. Some of those studies had higher fluoride exposures than are commonly found in fluoridating countries, but many did not. 
The sole study in a country with artificial water fluoridation was by Dunedin (NZ) dentist Jonathan Broadbent. That study found no association between water fluoridation and IQ and was trumpeted by fluoridation defenders. But that study was shown to have almost no difference in TOTAL fluoride intake between the children with fluoridated water and those with non-fluoridated water, since at least half of the children in the non-fluoridated area were given fluoride supplements. This left only a small proportion of the study children without substantial fluoride exposure. 
Nor did this study look at maternal fluoride exposure during pregnancy, which could be the most vulnerable time of exposure.
The study authors were cautious in their conclusions, but the implications of this study are enormous. There have been 58 other human studies looking at fluoride exposure and harm to the brain – 51 of them have found an association.

Friday, 5 July 2024


Reducing tooth decay is the excuse the globalist governments use when poisoning the water supply. That lie falls apart as soon as any real research is done.


Fluorides and dental fluorosis are actually associated with increased tooth decay. The most comprehensive US review was carried out by the National Institute of Dental Research on 39,000 school children aged 5-17 years. It showed no significant differences in terms of DMF (decayed, missing and filled teeth).

What it did show was that high decay cities (66.5-87.5 percent) have 9.34 percent more decay in the children who drink fluoridated water. Furthermore, a 5.4 percent increase in students with decay was observed when 1 ppm fluoride was added to the water supply. Nine fluoridated cities with high decay had 10 percent more decay than nine equivalent non-fluoridated cities.

The world’s largest study on dental caries, which looked at 400,000 students, revealed that decay increased 27 percent with a 1ppm fluoride increase in drinking water. In Japan, fluoridation caused decay increases of 7 percent in 22,000 students,while in the US a decay increase of 43 percent occurred in 29,000 students when 1ppm fluoride was added to drinking water.




Thursday, 4 July 2024

NZ Foods are poisoned with fluoride

 The European Court of Justice ruled in 2009 that fluoridated water must be treated as a medicine, and cannot be used to prepare foods, so Europe could technically block foods imported from Australia, NZ, USA and Ireland at any time.

Wednesday, 3 July 2024

Which countries poison their citizens with Fluoride?

 After decades of pro-fluoride propaganda in the New Zealand media, there are a lot of people here who still think that fluoridation is widespread. But outside of America, the practice is rare. In most countries it is illegal.

· Approximately 4% of the world’s population are being poisoned with a fluoridated water supply.
· There are more people drinking fluoridated water in the USA than the rest of the world combined.
24 countries are still poisoning their citizens with water fluoridation, but most of these countries have a low percentage of their population consuming fluoridated water, although NZ's percentage has climbed significantly as our globalist governments have made it "mandatory":

Peru – 2%
Serbia – 3%
Vietnam – 4%
Papua New Guinea – 6%
South Korea – 6%
Spain – 11%
United Kingdom – 11%
Guatemala – 13%
Panama – 15%
Argentina – 19%
Libya – 21%
Fiji – 36%
Brazil – 41%
Canada – 45% *
New Zealand – 58%
Guyana – 62%
USA – 64%
Chile – 70%
Southern Ireland – 73%
Malaysia – 75%
Australia – 75% **
Brunei – 95%
Hong Kong – 100%
Singapore – 100%


Tuesday, 2 July 2024


Dr Diana Sarfati is the globalist puppet who is forcing NZ councils to poison their residents.

Director General of Health, Dr Diana Sarfati, is forcing all NZ councils to fluoridate their residents or face a fine of $200,000 plus $10,000 per day, amounting to over $3,000,000 via their rates if they do not do what she says.
This is why we need to expose this mass poisoning.

Fluoride Free Awareness Month

For the first time, FLUORIDE FREE NZ are embarking on a Fluoride Free Awareness Month.


We hope to enlist as many people as possible to commit to posting one item about fluoride on any social media outlet every day for the whole month. By having a concerted effort to spread the evidence about water fluoridation, more people will become informed and concerned about it.

It turns out that Dr Diana Sarfati's (Director-General of Health) threats to enforce huge fines on councils who don't comply to her unlawful demand to add fluoridation chemicals to local water supplies may have been nothing more than HOT AIR.


In a court hearing on Wednesday, the lawyer for the DG advised the judge that there was no indication the DG was intending to enforce any fines on non-compliant councils. We believe this is a tacit commitment from Sarfati not to embark on enforcement, at least not until the Bill of Rights analysis has been completed. Even after that we do not believe that she would be able to enforce any fines until the legal case by New Health New Zealand has been completed.


See the FFNZ press release for more detail. 

Monday, 1 July 2024

July is Fluoride Free Awareness Month

 Today is is the first of July and as well as the Tour de France having just started, July is Fluoride Free Awareness Month, so let's see if we can use social media to wake up a few sheeple to the fact that it's not only chemtrails that are being used to poison us -

 For the first time, Fluoride Free NZ are embarking on a Fluoride Free Awareness Month. 

We hope to enlist as many people as possible to commit to posting one item about fluoride on any social media outlet every day for the whole month.
We hope that by having a concerted effort to spread the evidence about fluoridation, that many more people will become informed and concerned all at once.

To make change in New Zealand we need a groundswell of visible opposition. Politicians will not act until they know there is public support.

If everyone in New Zealand knew that the fluoridation chemicals added to water were toxic waste from the phosphate fertiliser industry, or that there were ten U.S. Government funded studies published since 2017 that have found an association with fluoridation and brain damage, fluoridation would stop as the weight of public opinion would be too great for politicians to bear.