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Thursday, 6 March 2025


This is a photo of some graffiti I took in Newtown yesterday. Scary thing is that the person who wrote that can spell both capitalism and fascism, but apparently not understand what either word means. They are probably a transgender university student...
Alongside that "hikoi" poster, I think it nearly encapsulates what is wrong with this country. Just add a gay pride flag, and that would just about cover it. Woketardism...
No, UP is not DOWN, and BLACK is not WHITE. The following definition is not 100% accurate at this point in time, but in theory, capitalism and fascism are opposite extremes:
"Capitalism is based on the principles of free market competition and private ownership of the means of production, allowing individuals to pursue their own economic interests. 
In contrast, Fascism is a totalitarian ideology that emphasizes state control over the economy and strict regulation of individual behavior."

Wednesday, 5 March 2025


Pink - another guy we are all supposed to pretend is female

 The worst of modern "music" is captured unspectacularly by a guy going by the name of "Pink"

(AKA. Alecia Beth Moore Hart, born September 8, 1979)

According to trustworthy Wikipedia, Pink has been described as "pop royalty" for his distinctive raspy voice and acrobatic stage presence, and he has sold over 135 million records.

"Records" sounds highly unlikely, but I guess it sounds better than "units"

Just how bad is this crap? In a word, lame - Unless you are into cheesy 80's aerobic music introduced by Cher & Jamie Lee Curtis (two other obvious dudes). In which case you might think this video rocks!

Tuesday, 4 March 2025


An ongoing pattern of the flat earther movement is that they always seem to apply the claim "This proves the earth is flat" to whatever they are presenting. A typical example is this video, which queries a number of unusual airline flight paths: 

It gets off to a bad start, making a false claim right from the outset, and blowing what little credibility it had in the first 15 seconds.

It starts with off with the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor - but even the official story doesn't claim that any planes flew from Japan to attack Hawaii - they were said to have come across on six aircraft carriers. The alternative story is that America did the attack on themselves as a false flag to bring America into the war - so another example of their usual tactics, but either way the first example in the video is rubbish.


Meanwhile they are playing a horrible remake of a SIMPLE MINDS song. Why? - I'd say to distract attention from the fact that there is no narration to explain the supposed significance of the flight paths. They are assumed to be significant but are they? And secondly maybe it's to mock the viewers by implying they have simple minds (again the deep state love to do that sort of inside joke but it usually goes unnoticed)

Every single one of the flight paths they have chosen is an obscure low passenger volume flight, and the unspoken assumption is that flights always take the most direct route. There are thousands of popular flight paths that do, but what these low volume ones are doing is connecting to transport hubs. 
By rattling through 25 of them at hyper pace they leave no time for anyone to actually think about the flight paths, and by slapping together a four minute montage with no narration it is implied that those flights prove the earth is flat. But they prove nothing other than flight paths don't always take the most direct route, and from that I would conclude that there is more involved in planning flight paths than just total distance. Like passenger numbers.

 Auckland to Mexico city huh? - Yeah, that route is pumping!

After viewing the video I had to go and watch the original Simple Minds song to get that awful remake out of my mind :)

And then a quick look on line revealed that Antarctica is considered a prime adventure tourism destination with around 100,000 visitors a year. It was only difficult to go there during the covid lockdowns. Most tourists go by boat rather than plane and they mainly depart from South America rather than NZ or Tasmania because it's closer.

There was heaps of exploration of the entire continent up until Shackleton's expedition finished mapping the coast in 1922, and there have been heaps of plane flights over it with thousands of photos taken since.

The idea that people are banned from going to Antarctica or flying over it doesn't check out at all - but there does seem to be a cover up in that the extent of the antarctic ice is increasing while the deep state is claiming that it's melting, with massive quantities of propaganda online, so they are trying to keep that quiet as part of the "global warming" psyop. Yes, the planet is actually cooling, but again, that does not prove the earth is flat.

Monday, 3 March 2025


As an example of just how confusing the deep state's psyops can be, I’ll mention Miles Mathis again. For the past few years I’ve been regularly reading his essays – there are hundreds of them, dating back over a decade, and some are really interesting.

At first I thought I’d found an amazing source of information, but it slowly dawned on me that it’s unlikely just one person could do all that research or write all those essays. 

Then I read this essay outing him as a Tavistock shill: An Open Letter to Miles Mathis. When I first read it, I thought it was long, sloppily written, and badly presented, and I wasn’t fully convinced. 

But in 2023 “Miles Mathis” did several papers about subjects I’ve done a lot of research on, and I could see straight away that they were deliberate distractions, filled with misinformation, and the penny finally started to drop. 

“Miles Mathis” does indeed appear to be an entire team of deep state contractors. The really tricky part is that about half of what they post does check out, and is often very revealing. But the other half sometimes doesn’t check out at all, and is often utter crap. Leading to the question WHAT ON EARTH ARE THEY UP TO? 

Yet again I realised I’m not at the top of the information pecking order. As I eventually always seem to do…

And that is why I have a page about Miles Mathis on my blog. He's certainly not as obvious as Alex Jones, but yes, "he" is another gatekeeper psyop

“Miles Mathis” – his art sucks and his website is amateurish, disorganized and ugly, but for some reason I thought he was revealing deep state conspiracies that nobody else would touch.

What comes next I don’t know, that is about as far as I’ve got. The world will continue to change with or without any input from me. So while changing the world might be an exciting idea in theory, in practice I’m beginning to understand why all those zen guru teachers say you can only change yourself.

Sunday, 2 March 2025


As long as it's American "women" who are bringing home the medals, everything is glorious and those courageous "ladies" are redefining the restrictive patriarchal ideas of beauty, but as soon as some other countries (like China) start getting some of the medals that America had their eyes on, all of sudden some awkward questions are asked. Like "are those actually women?"

 LOL, No, or course not, many pro "women" athletes are men in lipstick, and probably none more so than the American "women's" basketball and rugby sevens teams at last years's 2024 Satanic Games!

 Did anyone ever really believe those guys were females? Or that it's only the Americans who are fielding teams of men in lipstick at women's sports events?