SIFT TOP 5 MOST POPULAR BLOG POSTS (Scroll down to see the latest posts)

Friday, 21 February 2025


It's time for some LOLPICS on this blog. My first gallery is now up:


Posting lolpics is the most important use of the internet. There are some classics in there! (click on any of the images to see them full size)

Thursday, 20 February 2025


Nutrition and Physical Degeneration (1939)

If I had to pick just one nutrition, diet, and health book, it would be this one.


An epic study demonstrating the importance of whole food nutrition, and the degeneration and destruction that comes from a diet of processed foods.

For nearly 10 years, Weston Price and his wife traveled around the world in search of the secret to health. Instead of looking at people afflicted with disease symptoms, this highly-respected dentist and dental researcher chose to focus on healthy individuals, and challenged himself to understand how they achieved such amazing health. 
Dr. Price traveled to hundreds of cities in a total of 14 different countries in his search to find healthy people. He investigated some of the most remote areas in the world. He observed perfect dental arches, minimal tooth decay, high immunity to tuberculosis and overall excellent health in those groups of people who ate their indigenous foods. 
He found when these people were introduced to modernized foods, such as white flour, white sugar, refined vegetable oils and canned goods, signs of degeneration quickly became quite evident. Dental caries, deformed jaw structures, crooked teeth, arthritis and a low immunity to tuberculosis became rampant amongst them. Dr. Price documented this ancestral wisdom including hundreds of photos in his book, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration.

Nutrition and Physical Degeneration is available to read free online

Thanks to for sharing it


This is an interesting podcast from Tom Cowan, countering the misinformation from books like "Your Body's Many Cries For Water" that led so many fashion followers to constantly drink liters of water. No traditional societies ever did that and there are good reasons why.

Although very popular with teenage girls and yoga enthusiasts, the current fashion of guzzling down vast quantities of "water"  doesn't actually stand up well to scrutiny.


This best selling book was essentially complete misinformation:


Wednesday, 19 February 2025


To be honest I harbour no illusions that Candace Owens is exposing all this stuff out of the goodness of "her" heart or that "she" wants to stop the new world order, or anything idealistic like that.

In fact I think both Brigitte Macron and Candace Owens are mind controlled transvestite puppets owned and controlled by the Rothschilds. I fully expect this scandal to bring down the French government, but that is part of the globalist plan to roll out a one world "government" 

This latest episode exposes some real dirt:

Xavier Poussard is a French journalist who has been run out of France for investigating this story. Here are some points he raises in the interview:

‘Brigitte’ was born Jean-Michel Trogneux (JMT). He lived as a man until 1980 when he took on the fake identity of his actual younger sister, Brigitte. No photo has ever been shown of JMT as a young person being ‘Brigitte’. It is not known if this actual sister is still alive.

    In 2012, Macron was appointed as principal advisor to former PM Francois Hollande. Both Brigitte’s and Macron’s stories have always been full of inconsistencies. A narrative has been woven about the Trogneux family of Amiens, but all official biographies have problems.

    Their ages are problematic: first it was said he was 17 and she 36 when they met. Then it became 14 and 39. Finally, it is 14 and 47. At the age of 41, around 1980, is when JMT started to live under his sister’s identity. The real DOB of JMT is February 11, 1945. This case involves, as minimum, abuse of a minor and impersonation or identity theft.

French media have simply ignored or attacked all research. The view in Paris is that ‘Brigitte is untouchable’. Nobody seems to want to tackle the story, especially as it concerns the abuse of a minor. 

    Multiple theories exist about Macron, especially around a pedophile network involving a lot of French.  France’s Department of Justice is led by one Eric Dupond-Moretti, who got released the abusers of 12 children, victims of sex crimes. In another case, he advocated for organized crime and pedophile networks. There are many such people around Macron, e.g. Jack Lang, involved in the Epstein case and in pedophile cases. There is an aura of pedophilia around the French establishment. Journalists know but don’t say anything.

    Very little is known about Macron. The house he grew up in has been closed. There are no photos of him with his parents until the age of 25. Francoise Nogues is presented as his mother; she was in charge of a medical program at a transgender clinic, a fact which is never put into the media.

    Before being President, Macron was a banker at Rothschild & Co., but he doesn’t have the qualifications to be one. Brigitte is close to David de Rothschild, who is the godfather of Macron. de Rothschild is president of the World Jewish Congress (WJC), so anyone who brings up the topic of Macron and pedophilia gets accused of anti-semitism. 

 A global pedophile ring is protecting itself by labelling people anti-semitic. They’re not Jewish, but Satanic. They have used Judaism historically to hide behind.

 Tiphane Auxiere, legally the niece of JMT, lies to protect the family scandal. As to whether the real Brigitte Trogneux is still alive, both the Trogneux and Auxiere families are connected to French intelligence, making it difficult for anyone who wants to investigate them.

Tuesday, 31 December 2024


 This blog is now an archive, I was having some technical issues with it, so I've moved over to a brand new one - my new SIFT 2025 blog is HERE.

A year ago when I stopped posting on my old self hosted WordPress blog, I called the last post "THE END OF AN ERA" and after eight years of posting on that blog it certainly felt like it.

This Sift 2024 blog was much shorter lived. I started out the year saying I would post whatever and whenever, but soon became totally anal and ended up doing at least one blog post of some sort every day for the entire year. 

 That probably was a bit excessive for a blog that was only getting just over 100 hits a day, especially when I suspect many of those hits are bots of some sort anyway. But ironically the number of hits here on this now archived blog have increased in 2025 after I have stopped using it and moved over to my new blog, and they now seem to be increasing every day.

For 2025 I was considering quitting doing blog posts altogether, and only posting new pages from time to time. But I must admit to being a bit addicted to posting something every day, even if it's a bit crap. 

So I set up a new Blogger blog for 2025 where I plan to pretty much carry on just the same. Possibly one day I might set up another self hosted website with a bigger menu and more pages, but in the shorter term I'll keep things simple and continue using Blogger because it's quick and easy.