Friday, 8 November 2024


Every once in a while a Miles Mathis essay totally nails it. This essay posted after the American fake election results were announced, includes all the things I wanted to say. It's all in there and I couldn't agree more with all of it! (I don't often say that...) great stuff!

 One of my favourite points is that the deep state ended up having to boost Kamala's vote count to give the illusion of a close fought election when in fact they had overplayed their hand and made a tactical error in nearly destroying what little credibility the demorats have left - that weakens the deep state position, because they need to maintain the illusion of having two parties. Trump winning was no surprise, but announcing it this quickly surprised me. I think they were panicking a bit and wanted to get this part of the circus show finished as quickly as possible before people started looking at the obviously manipulated figures

"We are expected to believe Harris won 47% of the popular vote, but I for one don't believe it. After the most disastrous four years in any of our lifetimes, even a qualified and charismatic candidate couldn't have won a third of the popular vote from the blue side. 
Harris, who didn't win any primaries and hardly campaigned, may be the least qualified and least charismatic candidate ever put forward by either party, making Dan Quayle and George Bush II look relatively brilliant in comparison. But she wasn't just weighed down by her own inability to speak or make sense, she was weighed down by a party platform that was clearly a big joke inserted from Langley. 
I can just see the writers sitting around a huge mahogany table smoking cigars, trying to one-up eachother with the craziest stuff they could come up with. Drag-queen story hours? Tranny promotion 24/7? Post-birth abortions/infanticides? Forced vaccinations? Holy wars in Israel and Ukraine? Institutionalized censorship and repealing the First Amendment? Repealing the Second Amendment? Repealing the Fourth Amendment? Packing the Supreme Court? Open borders? Men in women's sports? Reverse sexism and racism at top volume, with white men being attacked all the livelong day just for being born? Civil War reparations 155 years after the fact? January 6 is worse than 911 and Pearl Harbor? And they might as well have had rampant inflation and food shortages on their platform, since their policies had created that as well. 
Given all that, any sane person should find it amazing Harris got even
one vote, if she did"
The circus show: