Showing posts with label nwo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nwo. Show all posts

Monday 22 January 2024


 For anyone who wants to keep up to date with how the weather is being geoengineered in New Zealand, I highly recommend the Facebook group Geoengineering Watch NZ - every day there are photos being posted from all around New Zealand showing the man made skies. 

Now that the powers that shouldn't be have carried out phase one of the covidiot hoax, I think their next plan is to rack up the "glob@l w@rming" scam and try to use that to continue bringing in even more oppressive measures. But more people are gradually waking up to what is going on, and just because "they" have a plan doesn't mean they will succeed.
We have a plan as well, there are more of us, and we are not all just a bunch of degenerate inbred psychopath perverts like "they" are!

 This picture taken in Christchurch on Friday is my favorite recent post on GWNZ:


Tuesday 9 January 2024

Vampires die in the light


The globalist push for a “new world order” is a double edged sword that could very well end up annihilating them.

Vampires must make the rest of the world a dark place before leaving the shadows, or they risk dying in the light of day.

As they attempt to initiate their reset agenda, they become more and more exposed; they can no longer lurk in the safety of the shadows and there is no going back once the process is started.

Once the globalists become widely known, they must either swiftly take control through engineered chaos and collapse, or face retribution that could eliminate a cabal that took them centuries to build.

Saturday 30 December 2023


For any sheeple who seriously think all those white lines in the sky are "contrails", I can say with the certainty of living with a view of New Zealand's third busiest airport (Wellington) that regular planes in summer do not leave any trails, not even for five seconds - none! 

Chemtrails on the other hand, stay in the sky all day, gradually spreading out...

This is probably my best chemtrail photo - I've got a whole folder of them dating back to 2007, but as I was watching this one plane doing repeated passes over Picton, leaving a parallel white line each time, it was very obvious that it wasn't a regular plane flying somewhere!

Meanwhile as I was standing on the top deck of the ferry watching the action, more than 50 other passengers were all staring at their phones, and not a single one looked up...

Friday 29 December 2023


Neither of these guys is coming to save you. And the numpty on the right is more dangerous than it looks... Watch out for strange looking ginge numpties America! 

Friday 1 December 2023


 During October I had a it of a break from blogging and social media. I then bounced back and started posting again in November, but I've really cut down the amount of time I'm spending online.

Part of the reason for cutting back is that I suspect by posting online I may be working against my own interests. A lot of what I am saying can be summarised as "everything is fucked" How this will all play out in the long term is hard to pick. It may be that a total melt down will eventually lead to a new and improved economy and society, or it may not, but either way, I don't think there is much chance of stopping the process now. That car has already left the road. 

Here in New Zealand we have been under the rule of a "government" of thieving, lying, globalist puppets for the past six years, but they were just the most obvious traitors in the past 40+ years of totally corrupt "governments" and it looks like NZ is now completely bankrupt. It is already in recession and a full blown depression looks inevitable.

I've long given up posting personal information online, but for personal reasons 2023 has all been a bit of a kick in the guts for me, and as with the economy, and I think it's pretty inevitable that I'll be getting a few more good hard kicks in the guts in the next few months. Watching loved ones dying is never easy.

Re-reading the book "Beyond Positive Thinking" by Robert Anthony, I'm reminded again that we tend to get what we believe we will get. So it's all a bit of a conflict, because I'd have to live in some sort of grand delusion to convince myself that things are about to go well over the next three months, but there is no point wallowing in misery.

We are all parts of a much bigger picture, and it seems there is not much point in continuing to warn people that the shit is going to hit the fan. It has already hit the fan, so now I’m probably better off to just keep my mouth shut and try to avoid eating any more shit.

So lets just have a bit of a LOL for now and leave it at that...

Wednesday 29 November 2023


 For the first time in six years all the people of New Zealand who are not libtard, woketard, or retard, have some glimmer of hope that things might potentially get slightly better rather than unendingly worse. 

But given that NZ is bankrupt and the world now appears to be plunging into a global depression, that hope is quite slim, although it's better than nothing.

At last we now have a new "government" and the horse faced tranny and it's pet muppet, Gimpkins, are both over and out. 

The new "government" is supposedly led by Christopher Luxton (National) but it's a coalition between the National, ACT, & NZ First parties, and in reality the politician with the upper hand in that is Winston Peters (NZ First) who is smarter that the other two coalition leaders and now enjoying his position of power and is milking them for all they are worth.

He's doing a pretty good job at this point - check out what he's extracted from those witless tools so far:

Here are some details from the new coalition documents between National, New Zealand First and ACT. You can read both of the agreements here as well as the full list of cabinet positions:

  • Ensure a 'National Interest Test' is undertaken before New Zealand accepts any agreements from the UN and its agencies that limit national decision-making and reconfirm that New Zealand's domestic law holds primacy over any international agreements.
  • As part of the above, by December 1 2023, reserve against proposed amendments to WHO health regulations to allow the incoming Government to consider these against a "National Interest Test."
  • Refocus the curriculum on academic achievement and not ideology, including removing and replacing the gender, sexuality, and relationship-based education guidelines.
  • End all Covid-19 vaccine mandates still in operation.
  • Ensure, as a matter of urgency in establishment and completion, a full-scale, wide-ranging, independent inquiry conducted publicly with local and international experts into how the Covid pandemic was handled in New Zealand.
  • Protect freedom of speech by ruling out the introduction of hate speech legislation and stopping the Law Commission's work on hate speech legislation.
  • Ensure all public service departments have their primary names in English, except those specifically related to Maori.
  • Legislate to make English an official language of New Zealand.
  • Ensure publicly funded sporting bodies support fair competition that is not compromised by rules relating to gender.
  • Abolish the Māori Health Authority.
  • Repeal the Therapeutic Products Act 2023.
  • Commit that in the absence of a referendum, our Government will not change the official name of New Zealand.
  • Cancel Auckland Light Rail and Let's Get Wellington Moving and reduce cycleway expenditure.
  • Investigate the strategic opportunities in New Zealand's mineral resources.
  • Ensure that climate change policies are aligned and do not undermine national energy security.
  • The Coalition Government will work to improve outcomes for all New Zealanders, and will not advance policies that seek to ascribe different rights and responsibilities to New Zealanders on the basis of their race or ancestry.
  • Stop all work on He Puapua.
  • Confirm that the Coalition Government does not recognise the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) as having any binding legal effect on New Zealand.

That is a reversal of a large slice of the bullshit the Labour Party FUCKWITS have done over the past six years so it's great to see. Winston is getting a lot of support from Voices For Freedon (VFF) and he knows who is buttering his bread.

Saturday 21 October 2023


 This is easy - always USE CASH, and refuse to trade with any business that doesn't take cash. It may be easy but it is also really important. So DO IT!

Thursday 28 September 2023


 A big protest is underway right now here in Wellington New Zealand. The weak lying globalist puppet corporation illegally claiming to be a "government", is instructing their propaganda media to lie even more than usual, spreading fear of violence in the streets and telling everyone to stay home and hide, just like they did for the imaginary v1rus. EVERY DAY THESE CL0WNS LOOK WEAKER as more people wake up to their lies.


Saturday 23 September 2023


Although this post is directed at New Zealanders it applies to pretty much all "democracies" 


Why your vote in next months NZ selections in meaningless.

If you think your ‘vote’ matters, you are kidding yourself. Voting is not what you think it is...
Did you know, that the organisation that claims it is an elected body, representing the people, known as the Government of New Zealand is an incorporated company? With ministers being the shareholders/Directors?
Did you know that politicians are ‘appointed’ to office?
Did you know, that within corporations, only shareholders get to vote, not the stock?
Did you know that by giving your vote (voice) you give them power of attorney to do whatever they want on your behalf?
Did you know that under the laws of war they are an occupying force?
Did you know that by identifying as one of theirs you lose all your inalienable rights?
Did you know that entities claiming to be governments with jurisdiction over you and me, are liars. Flat out liars, thieves and fraudsters?
Did you know you can claim back your power of attorney and inalienable rights?

Sunday 17 September 2023


 With New Zealand's next SELECTION coming up next month, like many people I was looking around for any alternatives to the globalist puppet parties (Punch & Judy) who will be selected to continue carrying out the commands of their globalist masters, who are aiming to destroy our economy and entire society so they can buy it up dirt cheap.

Like a lot of my friends I had recently started wondering if Liz Gunn (NZ Loyal) might be a genuine alternative. She seemed to be saying some good things. BUT she had just popped up out of nowhere at the last minute, and was effectively splitting the non-globalist vote. That is a tactic controlled opposition often do, particularly in Europe, so that made her actions suspicious.

She is ex-mainstream media and has left a trail of interviews behind her. Seeing just part of this one was the final straw for me. It is sickening - here she was interviewing Helen Clarke's ex bendover boy Max Harris and she gushes all over this creepy little turd for TWO HOURS! 

In the hierarchy of globalist scum they don't come much lower than this maggot, so there is really no excuse for this performance. All my doubts about Liz Gunn have now gone after seeing this interview (& there are quite a few other similar ones) - sadly, she looks 100% fake to me.

This may well be a harsh response and I was asked if I plan to share Liz Gunn's response to this video. Here it is:

My response to her response: She is good at covering herself, very pro, but really, she was nearly slobbing on Max Harris's knob (if he has one) and saying she used to be ignorant doesn't cover that appalling level of ignorance. That is not really all that long ago and many of us fully knew this stuff. It shows no foresight at all. Helen Clark is scum and that was obvious right from the start. I'm not certain if she is a tranny but I am certain she works for the most evil fuckers on the planet and that was her personal gimp Liz Gunn was gushing on. Claiming ignorance is a real stretch there.

Yes we all have a past - but personally I knew full well the UN was pure evil 20+ years ago, and I knew about covid/corona/faking the flu as a pandemic back when it was called other names like Sars back in 2015 - that is really entry level stuff. If Liz Gunn didn't know that stuff it's a red flag.

I really want Liz Gunn to be genuine, she seems likeable alongside all the complete turds in politics, but so far, applying the same sort of questions I apply to anything, she is coming up short, and at this point her likely effect on the outcome of the next Selection appears likely to be unhelpful.

At this point I'm tossing up between voting for Winnie or not voting at all. Truth is I don't think it will make much difference, but Winnie has such a massive ego that he may refuse to play to the script, and so might weaken the puppet government's position. That might be good, but even that is a difficult guess given that the globalists WANT NZ to collapse, and that might help that aim.