Showing posts with label trans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trans. Show all posts

Saturday 25 May 2024

Of course men should be able to compete as women


Anyone who complains about men competing as women is just a sexist bigot!

This is all perfectly fair and reasonable:

In 2018 a biological male who identifies as a transgender woman won a women’s world championship cycling event.

Rachel McKinnon, a professor at the College of Charleston, won the women’s sprint 35-39 age bracket at the 2018 UCI Masters Track Cycling World Championships in Los Angeles.

“Focusing on performance advantage is largely irrelevant because this is a rights issue. We shouldn’t be worried about trans people taking over the Olympics. We should be worried about their fairness and human rights instead.”

McKinnon also compared restrictions on biological males competing in women’s events to racial segregation.

“This is bigger than sports, and it’s about human rights,” McKinnon said to USA Today.

“By catering to cisgender people’s views, that furthers transgender people’s oppression. When it comes to extending rights to a minority population, why would we ask the majority? I bet a lot of white people were pissed off when we desegregated sports racially and allowed black people. But they had to deal with it.”

Sunday 19 May 2024

Growing Old Gracefully

Ageing can be very revealing…

Brooke Shields 


Patti Smith


Courtney Cox


Salma Hayek


Julia Roberts


Maria Shriver


Pamela Anderson


Hilary Swank


Melanie Griffith


Cindy Crawford


Sophia Loren


Lita Ford


JK Rowling


Carly Simon


Glenda Jackson




Jane Fonda


Celine Dion


Demi Moore


Joan Jett


Sarah Jessica Parker


Sandra Bernhard


Sandra Bullock


Mike Myers


Friday 17 May 2024

Ed Sheeran looks like a FTM

 Ed is an unlikely star with his round podgy face, small feminine features, gingery nerdmop haircut, sad beady eyes, dork glasses, small shapeless body, woke tatts, and thin low testosterone facial fluff. He looks like a female to male (FTM) tranny. He also looks like sombody’s pet gimp.

 Supposedly he is massively popular, and his fake Youtube hits certainly are extraordinary. The hits and comments on Youtube videos are legendary for being fake and manipulated, but even by Youtube standards these numbers are special. On one unbelievably lame video he has 3.3 BILLION views. Yes that is 33 as in the Masonic special number. And yes that is BILLIONS as in there are only supposed to be eight billion people on earth in total. (and that figure is rumoured to be grossly inflated, but that is another rabbit hole).


Saturday 4 May 2024


 A lot of people think this subject is stark raving mad, and to be honest I do think a lot of the "transvestigation" movement is just a deranged psyop. But in many cases there are very obvious males being presented as females, almost as if there is an agenda to see just how far this can pushed on a gullible public.

On the one hand some people are saying there are no trannies at all, when there is a clear history of males dressing up as females recorded back to Shakespearean performances and well beyond. In fact it has long been pretty widespread.

But on the other hand there are all sorts of totally fruitloops theories being deliberately associated with transvestingation in order to discredit the whole concept. Major ones being "flat earth", along with religious fundamentalism, and the "ALL celebs are inverts" extreme.

What makes this subject especially confusing is that over the past 50 years,ever deteriorating diets and huge intakes of pesticides and chemicals (especially those being injected under the guise of "vaccinations") have lead to males become feminized and females becoming masculinized.

In many cases, trying to pick who is a biological male and who is a female, involves some guess work. But frequently, all is not what it seems. In pro women's sport for example, many of the top "woman" athletes are clearly not female, but everyone is just going along with the lie. Once you see this stuff you can't unsee it. Like may aspects of the modern narratives, from the moon landing, to germ theory, to global warming, the widely accepted reality just falls to bits as soon as you actually start looking at it.

There are a set of around 20 fairly obvious measurements and markers that add up to indicate the real gender of any individual. For example shoulder to hip ratio. Any one of these measurements taken by itself means little (apart from females having a penis!), but in many cases we are looking at individuals with 18 out of 20 of these markers being "male" indicators, but because they have long hair and wear makeup and a dress it is widely accepted that they are females.


As with all "conspiracy theories" the main thing is to think for yourself and that was the intention behind this blog. I'm not saying every one of these people here is an invert, but I am saying there is a reoccurring pattern, something is not right, so pay attention and think for yourself!