Saturday 23 March 2024


It had been a long time since I posted anything on Instagram…

I  previously had an account – sift666 – that I used to post some photos on from 2013 to 2016, but after I stopped using it my login stopped working, and it’s been over seven years since I’ve posted on Instagram or even looked at it. I  set up a new account a few days ago to suss it out.

What got me started on this Instagram exploration? It was mainly from reading a blog post that said Instagram was still the forth most popular social media platform with over two billion active users. I hadn’t looked at it for seven years and was curious.

It’s really only #4 if you don’t count YouTube, but that is fair enough I think, YouTube is using AI to generate millions of views and comments, and it’s not really social media anyway. The active accounts number about 1.3 billion so two billion is a bit inaccurate. But Meta is every bit as “Alphabet” (CIA) as YouTube so I wonder how many accounts are AI on Instagram?

Looking back over my old account, I found there were 168 original images – mostly photos because that is pretty much all I used it for – and holy cow what a reminder of how different things were back then. Happier times. It was like a different world eight years ago and in many ways I wish I could go back to that world, but I guess it’s all part of the learning process.

This photo was the first post I did on Instagram, back in April 2013. I used to include a bunch of tags on all my posts so I’ll put them back here too, but tags don’t seem to be a thing on Instagram anymore. Tags were a total pain in the arse anyway so I won’t use them again.

#car, #purple, #coast, #nature, #new, #zealand, #frottage, #colorful, #animals, #mainecoon, #sifting, #cat, #sky, #clouds, #view, #frot, #wellington, #blue, #nice, #newzealand, #purplesky, #kilbirnie, #vivid, #colour, #sifty, #grafiti, #sift #graffiti

This was why I stopped using Instagram in August 2016 – I knew I was pissed off about something but couldn’t remember the details! Oh well, maybe eight years on I’m more inclined to work around these issues if the site could still be useful. I’ll keep that in mind and keep sussing it out.

This was a friendly horse I met long ago and posted his photo on Instagram in 2016. Clearly I used to be pretty obsessed with doing Polaroid style edits of my photos. I’m not really into that style anymore, but I do still like doing 1×1 edits of a lot of my photos and art, which works out well on Instagram and that is another part of why I’m testing out the platform again.

One of my all time favourite books is “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” – it was originally written one paragraph at a time using hundreds of library catalogue cards.

That is sort of what I’m aiming for here – a blog post about Instagram, using Instagram itself to write it one post at a time, each with an image and a line separating it.


Several posts that I tried to do wouldn’t upload and I started wondering if Instagram had already blocked me, but then it all started working again so I was just being paranoid!

PS. Facebook have banned some uses of the word “cow” – you can say cow, but if you call anyone a cow, the post is instantly blocked as hate speech. So just call them a “C0W” instead!


I had quite a few problems on Facebook until I got the hang of outsmarting the AI censorship. Is Instagram the same?

This is a bit trickier to check out because I only have one account and can’t just swap to a backup if I get blocked.

So I’ll be cautious and use the same tricks that work on FB.

New Zealand has still never had a female prime minister – all three of the f@ke ones were TR@NNIES, as well as TR@YTORS.

I did continue posting on Instagram for another week, but decided not to continue using the platform, because it's even more full of mind programmed zombies than Facebook, and that is really saying something!


Friday 22 March 2024


Posting this picture on Fakebook got my account suspended! Hitler is totally banned on FB - I know that - but that is an egg!

This is Hitler:


 When the New Zealand SELECTION was held last year, like many people I was looking around for any alternatives to the globalist puppet parties (Punch & Judy) who are always selected to continue carrying out the commands of their globalist masters, who are aiming to destroy our economy and our entire society so they can buy it up dirt cheap.

Like a lot of my friends I started out wondering if Liz Gunn (NZ Loyal) might be a genuine alternative. She seemed to be saying some good things. BUT she had just popped up out of nowhere at the last minute, and was effectively splitting the non-globalist vote. That is a tactic controlled opposition often do, particularly in Europe, so that made her actions very suspicious.

She is ex-mainstream media and has left a trail of interviews behind her. Seeing just part of this one was the final straw for me. It is sickening - here she was interviewing Helen Clarke's ex bendover boy Max Harris and she gushes all over this creepy little turd for TWO HOURS! 

In the hierarchy of globalist scum they don't come much lower than this maggot, so there was really no excuse for this performance. All my doubts about Liz Gunn evaporated after seeing part of this interview (& there are quite a few other similar ones). Sadly, she looks 100% fake to me, and I don't trust her an inch. How she loves to play the victim...

This may well be a harsh response and I was asked if I plan to share Liz Gunn's response to this video. Here it is:

My response to her response: She is good at covering herself, very pro, but really, she was nearly slobbing on Max Harris's knob (if he has one) and saying she used to be ignorant doesn't cover that appalling level of ignorance. That is not really all that long ago and many of us fully knew this stuff. It shows no foresight at all. Helen Clark is scum and that was obvious right from the start. I'm not certain if she is a tranny but I am certain she works for the most evil fuckers on the planet and that was her personal gimp that Liz Gunn was gushing on. Claiming ignorance is a real stretch there.

Yes we all have a past - but personally I knew full well the UN was pure evil 20+ years ago, and I knew about covid/corona/faking the flu as a pandemic back when it was called other names like Sars back in 2015 - that is really pretty entry level stuff. If Liz Gunn didn't know that stuff it's a red flag.

I really wanted Liz Gunn to be genuine, she seemed likeable alongside all the complete turds in politics, but by applying the same sort of questions I apply to anything, she comes up short, and looks like a shill.

Thursday 21 March 2024


 Facebook is cracking down on tranny posts again this month - I wonder why that might be?


Wednesday 20 March 2024


 While Mr E does tend to get carried away, calling just about every celeb in Hollywood a tranny, and pushing things way over the line as far as believability goes,  then adding religious fundamentalism and flat earth ravings into the mix to totally trash any remaining credibility, sometimes he really nails one.

In this video he says the actor Michael Pitt is Female To Male (FTM):

While I'm not entirely convinced about that, where it gets interesting is his ex "girlfriend", model Jamie Bochert (AKA "Francis Wolf") who is one of the most obvious trannies I've ever seen.

This is totally twisted! (100% fail for this one on any transvestigation!)

Tuesday 19 March 2024


 It amazes me that this song came out in 1990 and this performance was recorded nearly 34 years ago.

I remember hearing Jane's Addiction for the first time in 1991 and they blew my mind. This 10 minute epic is awesome, at their peak Jane's Addiction were one of the all time great bands, talented musicians & totally original.

Ritual de lo Habitual served as Jane's Addiction's breakthrough to the mainstream in 1990 (going gold and reaching the Top 20), and remains one of rock's all-time sprawling masterpieces. While its predecessor, 1988's Nothing's Shocking, served as a fine introduction to the group, Ritual de lo Habitual proved to be even more daring; few (if any) alt-rock bands have composed a pair of epics that totaled nearly 20 minutes, let alone put them back to back for full dramatic effect. While the cheerful ditty "Been Caught Stealing" is the album's best-known track, the opening "Stop!" is one of the band's best hard rock numbers, propelled by guitarist Dave Navarro's repetitive, trashy funk riff, while "Ain't No Right" remains explosive in its defiant and vicious nature. Jane's Addiction always had a knack for penning beautiful ballads with a ghostly edge, again proven by the album closer, "Classic Girl." But it's the aforementioned epics that are the album's cornerstone: "Three Days" and "Then She Did...." Although Perry Farrell has never truly admitted what the two songs are about lyrically, they appear to be about an autobiographical romantic tryst between three lovers, as each composition twists and turns musically through every imaginable mood. And while the tracks "No One's Leaving," "Obvious," and "Of Course" may not be as renowned as other selections, they prove integral in the makeup of the album.


Monday 18 March 2024


 About 20 years ago when you logged in to a website you usually clicked on a button saying either “login” or “enter”

Now most websites want you to “SUBMIT” This is no accident, it is part of the constant process of programming the masses to be submissive sheeple.

“Submit” means to yield or surrender to the will or authority of another.

Like wearing a face muzzle, constantly clicking on buttons that say “SUBMIT” helps to turn you into a mind controlled GIMP. Take note of these little things, they all contribute to the current totally fucked up situation we are in…

Bible thumpers really were the original sheeple – I suspect that ancestors of the same maggots who wrote Agenda 2030 originally wrote “the bible” – beginning thousands of years of SUBMISSION…



Sunday 17 March 2024



The Jab is not a Vaccine

The truth is all coming out now. Not in the wildest sense of the word could any of these death jabs be called a “vaccine” Not that "vaccines" actually exist, any more than "viruses" do. They are all a huge con.

The "COVID" (Certificate Of Vaccination ID) jabs contain graphene oxide mixed with WHAT?

How about some aluminium, and lead, or cadmium, or a bunch of other toxins – why not, they all sound great!

ALUMINIUM: Symptoms of aluminum toxicity may include the following: Anemia, Impaired iron absorption, Muscle weakness, Seizures, Impaired immunity, Bone pain, Non-healing fractures, Spinal deformities, Premature osteoporosis, Delayed growth in children, Altered mental status, Dementia

LEAD: Lead produces a spectrum of injuries across multiple body systems. In particular it affects children’s brain development resulting in reduced intelligence quotient (IQ), and behavioral changes such as reduced attention span and increased antisocial behavior. Lead exposure also causes anaemia, hypertension, renal impairment, immunotoxicity, and toxicity to the reproductive organs. The neurological and behavioural effects of lead are believed to be irreversible. There is no known ‘safe’ blood lead concentration; even blood lead concentrations as low as 5 µg/dL, may be associated with decreased intelligence in children, behavioral difficulties and learning problems. As lead exposure increases, the range and severity of symptoms and effects also increases.

CADMIUM: Cadmium (Cd) is a toxic metal that poses a health risk for both humans and animals. It is naturally occurring in the environment as a pollutant that is derived from agricultural and industrial sources. Exposure to cadmium primarily occurs through the ingestion of contaminated food and water and, to a significant extent, through inhalation and cigarette smoking. Cadmium accumulates in plants and animals with a long half-life of about 25-30 years. Cadmium exposure may be related to various types of cancer, including breast, lung, prostate, nasopharynx, pancreas, and kidney cancers.

If you would like to see in full what is in “THE JAB” check out these two links: