Wednesday 27 March 2024


It’s very clear that for at least the past 20 years Hollywood has completely given up on the idea of providing entertainment or even of making profits, and just wants to shove WOKE propaganda down the throats of the masses. 

But what if a part of that programming, dating back well over 50 years, has been to get everyone used to looking at TRANNIES by constantly idolizing and normalizing men dressed up as women? As if…

Is there anything odd about these actresses as they age? I know some people will just say “They have just had bad plastic surgery because of patriarchal oppression forcing them to conform to societies unrealistic expectations” to which I would say “Bollocks, wake up, they look like aging men in drag”




Tuesday 26 March 2024


In the the 15th and 17th Centuries, gong farmers dug out human wastes from privies and cesspits. This job no longer exists, but the term GONG FARMER could be useful online!

 “Gong was Old English for both the fecal matter and medieval toilet repository, itself. Gong farmers were to work only at night. They emptied a castle’s collective cesspit every two years, but also accepted payment for individual privies, as well. They toiled for two shillings per ton — centuries before indoor plumbing arrived"


Monday 25 March 2024


 The alternative media is another hotbed of fudporn and mind programming, and the so called alt media is as corrupting as the mainstream.  Although I've been delving into this stuff for over 20 years now I've never been more uncertain about what is really going on with any of it - layer upon layer of mind programming - I'd like to do a blog post but I suspect I'm way behind all the layers.


I just re-watched the movie V for Vendetta a few days ago because I was being asked about it - what a can of worms! But that also applies to the original Matrix movie. Talk about play both sides...

 And a lot of people in the alt side of things don't seem to see any of the scam, not even at the Alex Jones level.


Sunday 24 March 2024






It’s widely agreed that Led Zeppelin invented heavy metal. But it’s not so widely known that they also invented the meaning of life, the universe, and everything.

Here are two short videos from 1969 that definitively prove the extent of just what Led Zeppelin created.

Firstly in this 2:15 video they redefine “cool” to such a level that they can be said to have invented it. Yes there were other cool musicians before them like the Rolling Stones and James Brown, but this Led Zep cool is a whole new thing.

And then in this video they not only invent heavy metal, they also invent punk (and rock music videos too). AT THE SAME TIME, AND IN 1969. This 2:25 video is clear proof.

In this day and age typing “Heartbreaker” (a Led Zep classic) into Youtube, actually brings up Justin Bieber videos. Clearly something is wrong with the world.

I suppose I could be grateful for Youtube because without these videos it would be easy to start thinking that all culture was erased at the turn of the century.

Apart from The White Stripes and The Yeah Yeah Yeahs

Sadly, rock music is no more… I guess it was replaced by Fakebook and Twitter, and by a bunch of talentless mind controlled eunuchs.

“You are an old fart who doesn’t appreciate modern music”, a bunch of generation zeders or whoever thinks they are the new generation will squawk.

But, no, sorry, music died out long ago, and it’s all utter shit now.




"Nobody can tell you who authorizes it because this information is kept secret and classified. Even doing an official information act request will not disclose this information as it is above govt pay grade. We have already tried. It can be kept classified as concerning "national security".
From all indications it is administered by US Military or US secret agencies. Also a considerable amount of weather modification (for NZ) appears to be done from off the coast of Queensland over the Tasman Sea. There is a joint Singapore/Australian military base in Rockhampton that had a $2 billion injection and it appears that may be responsible for this off coast weather modification. 
Over the years methods have changed and now I suspect the use of drones for a lot of it. The "cloud" then drifts down on airflows from there to NZ and is manipulated into location as and when required for the "desired effect" using EMF. The Nexrad radars, installed in Metservice locations around the country, may have some part in this EMF, albeit being operated remotely using back-engineering"
Nigel Antony Gray

Saturday 23 March 2024


Many years ago one of my friends decided to top himself with a drug overdose at the ripe old age of 23

After his funeral I rode my mountain bike up to the top of a local hill and sat looking out over the view. Strangely a voice in my head seemed to say "don't worry about it, there's no point worrying about anything - what is done is done"

I felt like a huge burden had just been lifted and his death had one good side effect. Downhill racing was a new sport back then but I was fully into it, so I let rip, with no worries whatsoever and had a very fast clean run back down the hill.

Later on when I first started blogging on the Steemit blockchain, I did a post about not worrying. It was probably one of my better posts, but it only got six votes and earned me zero cents. From that point every time I heard anyone bleating about how shit their payout was, I just thought "don't worry about it"

I guess, if we are lucky, one day we arrive at a point when we realise a lot of our friends are long gone, as our many of our heroes. Or maybe most of them...

And these days if I find myself living with a daily dose of pain from all the injuries I wasn't worried about getting back then, there is no point worrying about that either. I know what the alternative is...

Something I never usually do is mention personal stuff online, like voices in my head. But a voice in my head just said "post this and don't worry about any of that New World Order shit - you are not here to worry"