Wednesday 3 April 2024


SIS - Security Intelligence Services - they were set up as NZ's own deep state spy agency and they still exist, doing government/globalist dirty work - they may even be reading this post!

Back in the late 70's early 80's people were angry about their spying, but these days I don't think many sheeple care. They even have a libtard friendly PC Maori language website and are certainly not trying to hide:
 A crowd in the grounds of Parliament, Wellington, demonstrating against the proposed SIS Amendment Act, photographed on the 14th of October 1977

Tuesday 2 April 2024


In an attempt to explain the many levels of "conspiracy" research I often used to use the analogy of multiplayer online games - there are lots of levels, which ever one you get to there are more above it, and if you do ever get to the top one, another one will rapidly be created above it.

But then I had the thought, online games games have only been around for about 25 years, while "conspiracies" go back hundreds of years. And that is when I started thinking about chess.

Fantasy Chess Digital Art by Bruce Rolff

It is said a chess grand master can anticipate all the possible moves up to seven levels ahead. Whoever is pulling the strings globally would need to be able to do that as well.

It wasn't a major jump to start wondering who all the chess grand masters actually are. And sure enough, no surprises here!

Beersheba in Israel is the city with the most chess grand masters per capita in the world

Bobby Fischer, the highest rated player in history when he became world champion in 1972, is believed to have had two Jewish parents, although Fischer himself was "antisemitic" and strongly denied having a Jewish identity.

Many others would also try to hide the fact so the actual numbers would be higher, but this is the official list of "Outstanding Jewish Chess Players" on Jewish owned Wikipedia:

 Outstanding Jewish Chess Players

Monday 1 April 2024


 On April 8 the Russians are going to take down America with a solar eclipse attack.



Bleeding Aussie Roo Shaggers

As a Kiwi, sometimes I am horrified to be mistaken for an Aussie. Usually by Americans. So now I’m going to explain some key differences between Kiwis and Aussies.

People in other countries often assume that because we are neighbours, we are just like each other, and great mates as well. But nothing could be further from the truth. We are more like North and South Korea, Serbia and Croatia, or England and Ireland.

First the big issue, the elephant in the closet. Aussies shag Kangaroos. It is a bizarre obsession, and they do it constantly. In a desperate attempt to cover up this national embarrassment they have even made up a story that Kiwis shag sheep. So despite the fact that this has never happened, they always refer to us as “sheep shaggers”


And the next big one is that they can’t speak English properly. So again they have made up a story to cover up the embarrassing truth. Because there are some vowels they can’t pronounce, they claim that they have no issues with their own speech, and it’s Kiwis that are wrong.

The most famous example is “fish and chips” Aussies can’t pronounce either of these words so they say “feesh and cheeps”. Although anyone who can speak English properly can hear this obvious balls up, as a cover story they accuse Kiwis of saying “fush and chups”


Then there is the whole Rugby thing. Aussies are obsessed with Rugby, it’s their national sport, but they are not very good at it. In fact every time there is a NZ vs Aus test match they get totally spanked by the All Blacks, and have their arses handed to them on a plate.


So in typical Aussie fashion they have invented their own version of Rugby that no other country plays. It’s even called “Aussie Rules”. Odd looking men in tight shorts wrestle about in a homoerotic fashion in front of stadiums filled with drunken Aussies fantasizing that they are watching some public roo shagging.


Another issue of great contention is the Pavlova theft. Australia was originally set up by the English as a penal colony – a place to ship all their criminals to, and get rid of them once and for all. So Aussies, in between shagging kangaroos, like to steal things. It’s in their blood.

At some point they decided to steal our national pudding, claim they invented it, and then to add insult to injury, they now claim we stole it from them.


An area that Australia really is world famous for, is feminism. NZ was the first country in the world to give women the vote, and New Zealand is ranked number 4 behind Iceland, Norway and Sweden on the Women in Work Index.

Australia meanwhile, is just famous for its angry militant feminists.

An Aussie “feminist” called Clementine Ford regularly makes headlines for saying things like “Have you killed any men today? – If not, why not?” And the scary thing is that she is not a stand up comedienne taking the piss out of femnazis. She is a regular Aussie femnazi!


While these things are some of the more critical issues for any Kiwi to keep in mind, I suppose I had better add in another key fact for overseas readers. Australia is a vast desert with hardly any people in it, just millions of dingos and kangaroos. They have the most poisonous spiders and snakes of any country, their rivers are filled with crocodiles and the surrounding sea is filled with sharks.


New Zealand has no dangerous or poisonous animals. None at all. We just have millions of sheep and soft cuddly possums. Australia has possums too, but theirs are really ugly looking things. And that is an analogy for the whole NZ vs Aus thing. Yes we have similarities, but in every case NZ is totally superior.

A NZ possum – we have over 30 million of these cute animals, and they are treated like a national treasure

Australia has more than 30 creatures that can kill someone in less than the time it takes to post a Twitter status update “I’ve been swimming with some friendly jellyfeesh but now I feel a bit sheet so I’m going to…”


Both countries are well aware of these underlying truths, but only one has dedicated the past century to making up ever more deranged stories in a desperate attempt to disguise the fact that they can’t say “chips”


Sunday 31 March 2024




Converting big old 500cc two stroke motocross bikes to road legal

They pull wheelies when power-band kicks in every gear and geared up they do 190kph

With road tyres on wide rims and big discs they are said to really go like stink & blow away road bikes


  Instagram seems to be a site where people mainly just post photos and videos, rather than delving into life's mysteries, but I can do that too - one of my hobbies is taking photos of random strangers...


I was curious to see if Instagrammers do politics - I don’t usually dwell on the clown show that is politics, but I was checking things out...

Just in case anyone sees this picture and thinks I support the "green" party - NO I DON'T, but I suspect my Instagram account would get suspended if I said what I really thought of those morons so a pic of a green tranny will have to do.


 Having an account on Instagram could be a bit stressful for me because there are lots of Normies on Instagram, and I usually get along badly with Normies, they seem to think I'm wrong all the time...

And now for the elephant in the room - can the Instagram feed be seen in chronological order rather than a controlled algorithm based feed? That was the main reason I stopped using Instagram back in 2016 when they stopped the chronological feed.

I heard that could be changed as of 2022. But it turned out that is only on the mobile app, not on the website. So not much use to me.

While there are 441 apps for Instagram in Firefox, none give a chronological feed. Most of the extensions are just ways to work around Instagram's attempts to make it hard to download content.


The next elephant in the Instagram room is that it's really quite hard to find people or groups I have any desire to follow - it may have 1.3 billion active users but there are more w0ket@rds than you can shake a stick at.

There is lots of content being posted, but I was blown away by just how little questioning of the narratives is occurring on Instagram.


 So I did go back and have another look around, but no, Instagram is just not for me, and I have buggered off again - I might have another look in another eight years, maybe...



Thursday 28 March 2024


These are the official 2023 figures for Microsoft usage - it blows me away that over 96% of Microsoft users are using this crap!

Microsoft ends for me at Win 7 (I'll never use any Microsoft o/s newer) and I'm already using Linux Zorin & Mint to some extent - Linux is the future, Microsoft totally lost it after 7