Saturday 16 September 2023


  Instagram seems to be a site where people mainly just post photos and videos, rather than delving into life's mysteries, but I can do that too - one of my hobbies is taking photos of random strangers...


I was curious to see if Instagrammers do politics - I don’t usually dwell on the clown show that is politics, but here in New Zealand we have a puppet selection coming up shortly so I was checking things out...

Now just in case anyone sees this picture and thinks I support the "green" party - NO I DON'T, but I suspect my Instagram account would get suspended if I said what I really thought of those morons so a pic of a green tranny will have to do.


 Having an account on Instagram could be a bit stressful for me because there are lots of Normies on Instagram, and I usually get along badly with Normies, they seem to think I'm wrong all the time...

And now for the elephant in the room - can the Instagram feed be seen in chronological order rather than a controlled algorithm based feed? That was the main reason I stopped using Instagram back in 2016 when they stopped the chronological feed.

I heard that could be changed as of 2022. But it turned out that is only on the mobile app, not on the website. So not much use to me.

While there are 441 apps for Instagram in Firefox, none give a chronological feed. Most of the extensions are just ways to work around Instagram's attempts to make it hard to download content.


The next elephant in the Instagram room is that it's really quite hard to find people or groups I have any desire to follow - it may have 1.3 billion active users but there are more w0ket@rds than you can shake a stick at.

There is lots of content being posted, but I was blown away by just how little questioning of the narratives is occurring on Instagram.


 So I went back and had another look around, but no, Instagram is just not for me, and I have buggered off again - I might have another look in seven years, maybe...