Sunday 25 February 2024


Over the past decade I have been suspended, blocked, banned, or shadow banned by many of the mainstream social media and blogging platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Mastodon and Medium. And I’ve been black listed on blockchain sites like Steemit & Hive. The few remaining ones I was allowed to post on uncensored have gone downhill to the point where there are barely any users left – Blurt, Bastyon, and Flote for example have all gone nowhere.

The only two platforms I’m still posting on as of 2024 are Blogger and Facebook. My real impediment to spreading the word, or any words, is being shadow banned by Google. That has taken the annual hits on my WordPress blog down from a peak in 2017 of over four million, down to an all time low of under 58k in 2022 – a decline of 98.5%!

Hits on my blog from 2006 to 2023 (the 2019 stats in grey appear to be a duplicate of 2018)

These days so few people are seeing anything I post I sometimes wonder, "is it worth bothering?" But then, almost as soon as that doubt creeps in, I get fired up again and think "YES IT IS, NEVER GIVE UP!"

So I'm continuing to post whatever I feel inclined to, as I always have, with my main change of attitude just being to ignore the hit counters, because I'm blogging for myself and it's just too bad if nobody sees anything I post!

If Google ever decide to ban me on Blogger, which they certainly could do (although I hope they don't, because it's still my favorite blogging platform in many ways - quick, convenient, and I like most aspects of the design), then, and only then, will I set up a new blog on a different platform and redirect the URL there instead. But unless that happens I plan to continue posting on Blogger, and ignore the fact that I'm using my enemies own platform. (But I do keep backups of all my posts)


Saturday 24 February 2024


 While the news reports about Gold tend to squawk about every minor rise or fall, when looked at over longer time spans, relative to fiat currencies, it goes steadily up.

The price of 1 oz of gold in US$ over the past 50 years

Friday 23 February 2024

It's great when men find their true selves!

 Former WWE Superstar Tyler Reks, now known as Gabbi Tufts, shared this photo of himself in October 2020 vs now! 

Thursday 22 February 2024


 Some days when we are being overwhelmed by talk of evil globalist satanic entities intent on enslaving and killing us, animal memes can be helpful!



Wednesday 21 February 2024

Monday 19 February 2024


 This GIF sums up life in the 20's really well. It is called "Bondage Kick Man in Balls" - and that could an excellent title for this decade so far as well...

Sunday 18 February 2024


 Often I wish I was an American, riding free on the railroads.


 Recently I've cut down the amount of time I'm spending on both blogging and social media.


Part of the reason for cutting back is that I suspect by posting information online I may be working against my own interests. A lot of what I am saying can be summarised as "everything is fucked".

 How this will all play out in the long term is hard to pick. It may be that a total melt down will eventually lead to a new and improved economy and society, or it may not, but either way, I don't think there is much chance of stopping the process now. That car has already left the road. 

Here in New Zealand we have been under the rule of a "government" of thieving, lying, globalist puppets for the past six years, but they were just the most obvious traitors in the past 40+ years of totally corrupt "governments" and it looks like NZ is now completely bankrupt. It is already in recession and a full blown depression looks inevitable.

I've long given up posting personal information online, but for personal reasons last month was a real kick in the guts for me. Watching loved ones dying is never easy.

Re-reading the book "Beyond Positive Thinking" by Robert Anthony, I'm reminded again that we tend to get what we believe we will get. So it's all a bit of a conflict, because I'd have to live in some sort of grand delusion to convince myself that things are about to go well over the next three months, but there is no point wallowing in misery.

We are all parts of a much bigger picture, and it seems there is not much point in continuing to warn people that the shit is going to hit the fan. It has already hit the fan, so now I’m probably better off to just keep my mouth shut and try to avoid eating any more shit.

So lets just have a bit of a LOL for now and leave it at that...