SIFT TOP 5 MOST POPULAR BLOG POSTS THIS MONTH (Scroll down to see the latest posts)

Friday, 28 March 2025


Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich is married to a real heavy metal fan, a true head banger. She bangs her head so much she has developed a neck like a tree trunk, and big wide shoulders too.

 Back in the old days Jessica Miller had a different look, but was still very feminine. Not...

 Miller, 41, who was previously in a relationship with SYSTEM OF A DOWN guitarist Daron Malakian, was a professional model, and has appeared on the cover of various editions of Vogue magazine. She has also been a model for Gap, H&M and Chanel, among others. (Fashion magazines all pretty much only feature trannies on the covers, especially Vogue who make this very obvious)

Heavy Metal has always been the music of real men!



Thursday, 27 March 2025


A lot has happened this year, or at least it appears to have happened (but most of it is probably fake) and three months has seemingly gone by in the blink of an eye.

Here is a fake picture of the moon to signify something to do with quarters, or moons, or fake narratives, or something else meaningful:

The end of a month, and especially the end of a quarter of a year, seems like a good time to make changes, and today I feel like making some of them those.

Despite posting all sorts of things online, I usually try to avoid posting much personal information. I mostly stopped using my "real name" online back in 2021, because it was becoming increasingly clear during the covid hoax that anonymity would be a valuable asset in a mind controlled society. So this is about as personal as I get.

It wouldn't take Sherlock Holmes (another fictional character) to track down my real identity, but there is really no point making these things too easy for the ruling clowns. They are not really the "ruling elite", which is one of the grandiose terms they like to refer to themselves as, in reality they are a sad inbred cult of mentally ill perverts.

It's time for me to stop obsessing over the mass deception. In 2023 I mostly stopped looking at all social media, but I did continue using Facebook, because it can be quite entertaining sometimes, and being pretty much my only source of updates about popular mainstream narratives, it's the main thing that keeps me vaguely up to speed when I need to converse with normies about any of that crap.

Recently I've done a couple of posts saying that after a quarter of a century (another quarter) of posting about "conspiracies" online, I couldn't be arsed anymore, and it was time to pass on the baton, leaving exposing that stuff to others. 

So it was a bit of a surprise when one of the very few people I recommend and follow online, Jason Christoff, just said basically the same thing in an interview this week.

It is well worth seeing this interview. In it one of the things he is saying is that all the narratives we are being told are fake. As I previously grasped the extent of that, and realised just how few people are able to avoid being mind programmed, it slowly dawned on me that there is no point taking it all too seriously. 

Yes a bunch of satanic globalists really do seem to be controlling everything, and things are fairly fucked up. A massive crash is probably inevitable now. But going on about it all the time, is playing into their hands by assisting with their fudporn and doom and gloom mind programing.

I sort of get the contradiction but struggle with it sometimes. We are watching a giant circus show and nothing is what it seems. Almost all the things we have been told are lies, and nearly all the people telling us these things (on both "sides") are controlled puppets. There are very few exceptions, and I'm probably not one of them. 

I'm focusing too much of my attention on what is going wrong, and I have been for a long time. I need to let go and move on. So I'm going to have a crack at shifting my mental focus to things that are Positive, Inspiring, Necessary, or Entertaining (PINE). 

This is not the first time I've tried this, but if at first, you don't succeed, try again"

That is why I'm aiming to let go of a bunch of things, simplify where I can, and not take it all too seriously.

New Zealand is pretty messed up at the moment, but it's still an awesome place.

An overcast geoengineered day in sunny Wellington, New Zealand

Monday, 24 March 2025


 Now that I have two different versions of my SIFT blog battling it out with each other in the wild seas of the deep state controlled internet, each desperately trying to gain authentic hits in an endless stream of fake AI traffic, I'm back to my original existential battle of purple vs. black.

 My original from 1998 was purple and that was a fairly controversial choice, with one website reviewer saying my site was a garish abomination that burned out his eyeballs and left him a gibbering wreck.

For my second version in 2000 I switched to the more subdued and conservative black. At that point black websites were less common than they are now, and it had a certain dark and stylish menace about it. I liked the look and after that I tended to stick with black websites. 

Over the past few weeks as I've been switching back and forth from cool looking black to wild looking purple, it's made me appreciate the differences. Black is calming and works better as a backdrop to galleries of images. But purple stands out amongst so many colourless sites and really makes a bold statement. It says "This blog is purple". 

I'm not sure which is "better" but I have to say the purple one is growing on me. Both sites are gaining more traffic, and I'm going to continue posting the same content on them both and see what happens.

Here is a screenshot of my newer black SIFT blog with posts staring Jan 1 2025 (so only three months of posts). It is displayed here using the new FLOORP browser that I highly recommend, and which I use as my default desktop browser.  It is a Japanese privacy fork of the Firefox browser available for both Windows and Linux (but not Android)

And here is a screenshot of my older and now purple SIFT blog, with posts starting Jan 1 2024 (so there are nearly 18 months of posts now). It is displayed here using the BRAVE browser, that I do think is quite stylish once all the junk is removed, but it lacks some features that I like to have. For that reason Brave is my second choice of the Chromium based browsers, with my first choice being Vivaldi.

I'm still deciding which one to direct the URL to, at the moment it's pointing at the black blog. But the purple blog has been getting more hits, so I've been thinking about switching the URL back over to that instead. 

But posting on both blogs is a bit of a pain in the arse, mainly because I keep noticing typos in my posts later on, and having to go back and fix them twice. I'll continue posting on both up until the end of March, but then I'll choose one blog and stick with that from April the 1st.

So then, black or purple?... I've been wrestling with this life defining question for 27 years now and I still haven't resolved it. Maybe the answer is unknowable.

Sunday, 23 March 2025



I've been wasting my time blogging for years now. I started in 1998 and as recently as 2017 it was still an exciting and developing hobby, I was improving my writing, earning money, interacting online, & getting thousands of hits. 

By comparison it sometimes seems a bit lame now, because these days I'm grey-listed online, I have very little audience, the entire internet appears to be mainly AI, and all the blockchain platforms (Steemit, Hive, Flote, Blurt etc), are dead or dying, so realistically I had two choices, continue posting essentially just for myself without caring too much about hits, (because let's face it, I 'm not getting many), or quit altogether.

But I like blogging and I think it helps me to get my ideas in order, improves my writing, and posting online works like having a muse, so it potentially makes me more creative. So I'm continuing to blog but with a new approach. 

I'm using Blogger rather than WordPress because it's quick and simple, I'm posing a mixture of both short new content and updated re-posts of my old content, with very few new long posts. And I'm aiming to have fun and get my thoughts in order rather than to change the world.

To see some content that might change the world I highly recommend the websites of Joachim Bartoll or Jason Christoff


Saturday, 22 March 2025


In Cuba Street, Wellington, back in the 90’s, they probably did

When a friend said she remembered Cuba Street as being “bohemian” in 97, I laughed and said that by 97 it had already become a safe space for office dwellers to visit and pretend they were living dangerously.

Later I dug out my “Cuba Street 92” calendar from my treasure trove – all of these photos are from that calendar and were taken in 91. When we opened our bike shop “Cycle Services” in 1991, Cuba Street was not just where you went for a grunty coffee or some second hand stuff, it was also the first place to go to for drugs and prostitutes.

Now I’ll go on about drugs a bit here. I was new to all this scene, and to me “drugs” basically meant smoking some pot or maybe spotting some oil.

As a cyclist I was pretty familiar with ephedrine which was actually still legal in NZ in 91 and was very popular, used as a sort of everyday speed. When it was outlawed it just went underground like all the other drugs.

Most people use coffee for the same purpose now. And coffee in Cuba St was said to be some of the strongest in the world.

The first time I walked in on a drug deal my eyes nearly popped out of my head. A respectable looking man in a suit, with a large brief case, had it open and was discussing bulk pricing with a couple of our bike shop customers on the huge range of drugs that he had samples of.

Apart from pot, the popular one in Wellington in those days was acid. But you could buy anything you wanted really, including heroin. I was told the cocaine was a rip off in NZ, and that was why nobody here was much into it.

What Wellington was infamous for in 91 was glue sniffers. And sometimes Cuba St was like zombie dawn of the dead. Deranged glue sniffers everywhere, staggering about, holding their plastic bags and drooling.

Some of the people on the street were fairly tough, and just up the road was the BP’s (Black Power) who ran a tinny house ($20 foil wrapped servings of pretty average pot). But you didn’t take photos of the BP’s, you casually crossed the road when you saw them coming, so there are no photos of them here!

This was in the days before digital cameras, and mobile phones had only just come out. They cost $3000 and were the size of a brick. This next photo was taken in front of the second hand book shop next door to us (note our Cycles Peloton sign in the top left). And the poor guy in the photo was stabbed to death a few months later…

Our neighbours on the other side were Midnight Espresso, the legendary coffee shop, and this is a young Geoff Marsland (Havana Coffee Works) in our doorway

Although I did have a camera, I didn’t take many photos because buying film and developing it was expensive. Part of why I started taking thousands of photos when I got my first digital camera a decade later is because I knew just what I had missed getting photos of back in the early 90’s. And some of them would have been quite something.

I guess this is all looks like a window back to an old forgotten time now, but as a young and impressionable munter, this was the environment that shaped me. And even now I’m partly still a guy from old time Cuba St, rather than an over the hill computer addict.

When I hear millennials getting offended by lame bullshit I wish I could push a button and transplant them to Cuba Street in 91. It was an amazing place, but some of them might just have gotten their whingeing faggy heads smacked in…

Those were awesome times back in the days before computers.

And getting “offended” wasn’t that viable an option

All photos taken by Barry Thomas