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Tuesday, 18 February 2025


Yes Brigitte Macron is clearly a man, but maybe we also need to ask some questions about Candace Owens, because "she" is yet another transgender and illuminati rabbit hole.

This video delves right in - yes it's all a bit rough, but unlike Candace's videos it clearly doesn't have a huge production team or a multi million dollar budget:

"She" also fails most of the transvestigation measurements, and despite doing a fairly good job of acting the part, "she" just does not check out, as a legitimate female, nor as a Christian, or an independent reporter.

Here is a good summary of Candice Owen's very dubious background which includes some of the dirt on her father in law Baron Michael Stahel Farmer, who manages bullion for the Rothschild family of banks, JPMorgan Chase, HSBC, Barclays, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, Bank of China, Wells Fargo, Suisse Bank, Citibank, Bank for International Settlements, World Bank, & IMF. So he basically works for the Rothschilds.

Why is Candace going hard out on the French scandal right now?

Many of us have known for years that Brigitte Macron, the French "first lady" is a man in a wig. He is just as obvious as "Big Mike" the American "first lady". Two recent developments to this story are that he has been revealed to be older than the official story suggests, and that he has connections to the Rothschild family.

Brigitte Macron was born a man named Jean Michel Trogneux, lived as a man for 30 years, fathered 5 children, and transitioned at the age of 30 to become "Brigitte".

 “Brigitte” is unable to produce ANY PHOTOS of the first thirty years of her life, and there are NO photos of her with her brother at all,

Revealing this scandal now could well all be another part of the big globalist psyop, the main objective being to expose the total depravity and corruption of governments all around the world, priming the sheeple to accept a one world government.

 Candace Owens began with this expose of the French scandal late last year:

This year she has gone on to do an entire series of videos about the Macrons: 

This developing story is more mind boggling than just the part about Brigitte Macron being a man in a wig. It turns out he is also Emanuel Macron's biological father, as well as the mind controlled French president's handler and groomer. If this story becomes widely known it is certainly scandalous enough to bring down the French government