Monday, 7 October 2024


 Like many people I'm a reluctant Windows user who hates Microscum, and does not want Kill Gate's evil fist up my rectum. So I have long wanted to escape and move to Linux.

In fact I did try to do that back in 2010, but I'm not very technically advanced and it was all just too difficult, so I gave up and went back to Windows XP. (A modified version called Last XP). At that time the programs I was mainly using were Microsoft Office, and Adobe Photoshop, neither of which work on Linux. I did a blog post my Linux experiment in 2010:

Now I've been using Libre Office for years, and all my email is done through Proton Mail rather than Outlook, so a big part of my software problem is already sorted. I'm still using an old version of Photoshop (CS6), but I can see that GIMP 2 can do everything I'm doing in Photoshop. Gimp 3 is due out soon, and that will probably be more advanced than the Photoshop version I'm using. So I'm now more motivated to learn Gimp.

Meanwhile the various Linux systems ("distros") have moved on a lot. So while Windows has been going backwards since Windows 7 (2014), Linux has been continued to slowly develop and improve over the past decade. 

One of the biggest roadblocks to new users switching to Linux is that it's all just too confusing. There are endless options, both for the distros, and the software as well. But nobody seems to want to give a straight answer about what is best. 

The website Distrowatch is probably the best source of Linux information, but the first thing you are confronted with there is that there are 272 distros. And most of them have multiple versions, which are constantly being updated. So there are actually thousands of distros! Here are the current top 40:

What I wanted is for someone to tell me which ones are any good. And it turns out if you are a non tech user like me, there are only a handful of suitable choices.

Back in 2010 I tried about 10 distros, and ended up going with Ubuntu. But I never actually liked it or felt at home using it. And this may sound odd, but I also just didn't like the people it seemed to attract. There were lots of angry geeks mouthing off in forums, and it was all just a bad vibe. I later found that most of the other distros were friendly and helpful. 

 In 2010 the other distros I liked were PCLinuxOS, Puppy, and Mint. But with each one I had problems that stopped me using it. At that time Ubuntu seemed more advanced, and it was the number one distro, but it was about to start going backwards.

This time around, I only found two distros I liked enough to seriously consider, Mint and Zorin. I gave both a decent try, and found that although Zorin looks really cool, and is better sorted out of the box, once I started learning a bit more, I could get Mint looking and working how I wanted, while on Zorin I had a few things I couldn't get to work. I came to the conclusion Mint is more stable, has better support, and is fully sorted.

So now I'm gradually shifting over to using Linux Mint. It hasn't been a quick process, because I've been using Windows since the 90's and making changes is difficult. But looking at what Microsoft are up to, I can see there is no future there and I have to find an alternative. This is my Mint desktop so far:

Saturday, 5 October 2024


Like American first "ladies" and Hollywood actresses, "Bond Girls" are highly dubious. To put it bluntly, a lot of them look like trannies, starting with the very first one who appeared in "Dr No" (1962) - Ursula Andress.

But this is all just too much for most people to cope with, so let's look at one "Bond Girl" in particular. His name was Barry!


Some people think I'm just a fruitloop who makes all this stuff up. Maybe I am. But maybe I'm not...

Friday, 4 October 2024


Like everything else on the internet, much of the information posted about Linux is misinformation. When I was looking into the different distros I came across this example:

The 11 Best Debian-Based Linux Distributions

I know that compared to misinformation on the covidhoax or the death jabs for example, this is all pretty trivial, but I've been geeking out this week and that is what I've mostly been looking at.
Linux review sites generally use pictures of the desktops of each of the distros they are featuring. They also tend to rank them in lists such as "Top 10". These are usually based on some sort of objective assessment and reasons are usually given.
In this case the "The 11 Best Debian-Based Linux Distributions" seems to be chosen entirely to make Ubuntu look good at #1 and Mint look bad at #11. I'm guessing they were paid some sort of kickback to do this. probably from Ubuntu who have been eclipsed by Mint now.
On Distrowatch Mint is currently ranked #1 and Ubuntu is at #5. Ubuntu hasn't been number #1 for about five years, and it's popularity is slowly dropping.

In their desperate attempt to make Mint look bad they posted good screenshots of the first 10 distros, and then used a terrible picture for Mint in last place at #11 - very odd!

They would have actually have had to change a bunch of the default settings to make Mint look this bad, and they have even made Firefox look like Chrome for this screenshot.

Grudgingly they admit
"Linux Mint is a distro meant to be complete "out of the box", even more than Ubuntu, which it's based on"
In total contrast, this list is of "The 12 Best Debian-based Linux Distributions" is much better , but from reading the comments it appears it was originally a top 10, with no mention of Mint, that was later changed to a Top 12 with two versions of Mint included. And neither of these lists includes the Debian distro itself. Odder and Odder.




Thursday, 3 October 2024


Trump is ‘controlled opposition’, placed there to keep the populace confused and inactive.

‘Political analysts have been saying that Trump’s tilt for the presidency has been 30 years in the making. This makes more sense than they realise. 30 years ago members of the Rothschild family saved Trump from bankruptcy and took him under their wing. They recognised his potential as a “man of use” and “colourful front man” for a secretive organisation that prefers to keep itself in the shadows.

Consider how Trump built his wealth – and who supported him during his booms and busts.

“In 1987 Donald Trump purchased his first casino interests when he acquired 93% of the shares in Resorts International. Resorts International has a sordid history which began in the early 1950s when it evolved from a CIA and Mossad front company which had been established for the purpose of money laundering the profits from drug trafficking, gambling, and other illegal activities. On October 30, 1978, The Spotlight newspaper reported that the principal investors of Resorts International were Meyer Lansky, Tibor Rosenbaum, William Mellon Hitchcock, David Rockefeller, and one Baron Edmond de Rothschild.”

“In 1987, upon the death of longtime CIA front man James Crosby, the nominal head of Resorts International, up-and-coming young New York real estate tycoon Donald Trump stepped into the picture and bought Crosby’s interest in the gambling empire.”’



In 1987 Donald Trump purchased his first casino interests when he acquired 93% of the shares in Resorts International.

On 30 October 1978, it was reported that the principle investors of Resorts International were Meyer Lansky, Tibor Rosenbaum, William Mellon Hitchcock, David Rockefeller, and Baron Edmond de Rothschild:…trump-freepom/

When the casino went bankrupt, it was only with the assistance of Wilbur L. Ross Jr., senior managing director of Rothschild Inc., that Trump could “keep” the casinos. These days Wilbur Ross is Trump’s Secretary of Commerce.

Trump’s Private Commitments to Rothschild Disclosed by Researcher

Researcher, Jake Morphonios, discovers that, when Donald Trump was in bankruptcy after the US real estate crash of the 1980s, just before he was about to lose everything, he was bailed out by Rothschild Inc. and, thereafter, became social and personal friends of the Rothschild family.
Morphonios claims that Trump now is serving the financial interests of the Rothschild global enterprise, especially in the Middle East where the US engages in wars that, covertly, are waged to bring oil resources under the control of Rothschild oil companies. Wilbur Ross, a former senior managing director at Rothschild Inc., was appointed by President Trump to be the Director of the US Department of Commerce, a position that is a source of ‘suggestions’ for US policy in such matters.. 
If Morphonios is correct, this would be reminiscent of the maneuver by which the Rothschilds, acting through the Bank of England, bailed out J.P. Morgan during the Wall Street Panic of 1857 and, thereafter, became the hidden controllers of the Morgan banking dynasty. For that story, see Creature from Jekyll Island, pp. 407-419.


Wednesday, 2 October 2024


 Elon the pet gate keeper shill never seems to mention the main cause - DEATHJABS - but that is how shills roll...



Tuesday, 1 October 2024


 At the start of this year I shifted my attention to this blog and started things off with the post "A new approach to Blogging"

 Today is the first of October, and I like to make changes at the start of a new month. Each Sunday I've been doing a Random Images post and including one of my pictures with the URL. 

It's long been an idea in the back of my mind that although my pictures probably all disappear into the vast sea of the internet without trace, it's possible that one of them might end up being seen by someone who might type in the URL out of curiosity and who knows what might happen. I'm casting out messages in bottles.

So starting today I'll include a signed image on every blog post, and make more effort to spread them around. Some of them will undoubtedly be double ups, but too bad, I'm not going to be anal about this!

Monday, 30 September 2024


 If my blogging is to be more of a process of posting random snippets of information in a way that I can easily search through and find again later after I forget what it was I was going on about, or rapidly reshare online, then I need a simple system that works well, and fits in with my practice of switching between my PC and various laptops.

 It seems a bit ironic using sites that were set up by some of the most insidious deep state agencies, platforms that were specifically designed to distract, waste time, confuse, and mind program the masses, in my possibly misguided attempt to help expose and derail the "New World Order".


But those platforms were set up with essentially unlimited budgets, and some of them were actually done really well. Like Facebook for example, the largest social media platform, which supposedly has two billion accounts, and while that number is utter bollocks, simply because most of those accounts are either AI or just plain fake, it still has a huge number of real users.

I have tried a few different ways to fling out information online, and come to conclusion that obscure blockchain forks like Blurt or Bastion just are never going to work, even with the best intentions in the world, simply because they have no real audience. And meanwhile the larger blockchains like Steemit or Hive are every bit as deep state controlled and censored as the mainstream platforms.

The quickest and easiest way for me to record ideas, format them, add images, and post them online, is to do it on Blogger, which is owned by my sworn enemies, Google, but I've been using it forever and it works like a charm. And next I might as well share them on Facebook, which was set up by the CIA, but if bugger all people are going to see what I post anyway, I might as well go with what works most easily.

 So starting tomorrow, October 1st 2024, This will be my ultra low key simple blogging system:

1. Write brief posts (almost "tweets" rather than blog posts, but I loath X/Twatter), and publish them first on my Blogger blog

2. Share them around online a bit. At this stage that is mainly just going to be on Facebook, and for some of the posts, also extra copies on a couple of my own alt blogs, but who knows, I may get carried away and add a few other platforms back into the mix if I can do all this effortlessly enough.