Tuesday 1 October 2024


 At the start of this year I shifted my attention to this www.sift.co.nz blog and started things off with the post "A new approach to Blogging"

 Today is the first of October, and I like to make changes at the start of a new month. Each Sunday I've been doing a Random Images post and including one of my pictures with the www.sift.co.nz URL. 

It's long been an idea in the back of my mind that although my pictures probably all disappear into the vast sea of the internet without trace, it's possible that one of them might end up being seen by someone who might type in the URL out of curiosity and who knows what might happen. I'm casting out messages in bottles.

So starting today I'll include a signed image on every blog post, and make more effort to spread them around. Some of them will undoubtedly be double ups, but too bad, I'm not going to be anal about this!