Friday, 14 June 2024



For most of my life, I’ve been saying things like “everything you believe is complete bollocks”, and I’ve gotten kind of used to being one of the only ones saying it.

So this flat earth story is a new experience and I am quite enjoying it. As a child I traveled with my parents on a trip around the globe, I remember looking down out of the plane window as we passed over oceans and ice. And we traveled between places that wouldn’t have worked out so well if the earth was a flat disc.


As a teenager one of the things I studied at university was Geography – admittedly, like all university subjects it glossed over a few things, such as the fact that oil is not actually a fossil fuel, but is abiotic, but that will have to be another post! –


One of the areas that we mostly did cover pretty well in Geography was the physical structure of the planet. There are said to be many millions of planets and one thing they all have in common is that they are all spheres. They are not flat discs like dinner plates.

download (1).png

There is also another theory that the moon is actually a hollow alien made construct like a death-star. Some people say that idea is bollocks, and I agree, but compared to the flat earth story it sounds pretty reasonable.

There is a story that back in the 60’s the Americans sent men to the moon, and that is complete bollocks too, but many people seem to believe it. Not as many believe it in Russia, but it is still a very popular story in America.

A lot of people flying around the globe in planes have taken photos, and what the photos seem to show is a spherical planet just like all of the others. 

Admittedly the photos may all be fake, but at this point they seem more realistic than the pictures of a blue and green dinner plate with all the oceans pouring of the edge like a waterfall (or not, as the artist may choose).


When I said "the artist", the artist I really meant was David Dees (not Prince). I am a big fan of his work and it was mainly him that originally brought the flat earth con to my attention. Because he was right into it.


While I think David Dees was perceptive, open-minded, and the real deal, as well as being one of my favourite artists, I think in this case he was unfortunately doing work for the very people he was usually exposing, so what is the real purpose of this flat earth story? Basically to undermine the credibility of a bunch of other conspiracy theories, which unlike the fake mainstream news are actually the true bits.

This “religious” site is a good example, because along with a bunch of crap about flat earth, they also talk about the moon landing being fake – how better to undermine the credibility of  any questions to the official party line than by linking flat earth theory to fake moon landing?


This pattern of connecting the truth to utter crap has long been one of the favourite tactics of mind control organizations like the CIA.


For once I find myself in full agreement with the majority opinion about something (although I suspect many sheeple may disagree with me about the moon landing being fake), but what the hell, I’m quite enjoying being a conservative, mainstream, old fart on the flat earth issue.


So in summary, what I’m saying here is that BOTH the moon landing and flat earth are total bollocks…


Thursday, 13 June 2024


 This may not be an effective tactic at all, but it amuses me so I'm going to keep on doing it anyway whether it works or not.

I like playing around with found images, making them into art and memes, as well as editing my own photos and art. So I end up with hundreds of images that mostly end up sitting unseen in folders on my computer.

If I sign them with a whopping great "" URL they become digital billboards for my blog. It's likely very few people will notice them, let alone go to the trouble of typing out the address and actually visiting the blog, but too bad, I think blog posts look better with more images.

They are fairly varied images, but to keep a consistent style I'm doing them all in a 1x1 ratio which I just like the look of.

Wednesday, 12 June 2024


 911 is old news that has been done to death, but just to reiterate, there are always plenty of clues when the deep state are planning a psyop.


The Lone Gunmen first TV episode aired on March 4, 2001. Its title was Pilot. In the show, a computer hacker takes control of a Boeing 727 passenger plane and flies it towards the World Trade Center, with the specific intention of crashing the plane into one of the Twin Towers. It’s only at the very last moment that the Lone Gunmen are able to hack the hacker and avert disaster and death for those aboard the plane and those inside the World Trade Center.

The plot is all the work of a powerful, rogue group buried deep within the world of officialdom. The secret plan, had it worked, was to put the blame for the World Trade Center attacks on one or more foreign dictators who are “begging to be smart-bombed”

The Lone Gunmen was produced by Arnon Milchan, a dual citizen Israeli-American Mossad agent. Milchan also produced The Medusa Touch (1976), which had as its climactic scene an airline flying to a skyscraper. He also produced Fight Club (1999), which had as its final scene the controlled demolition of multiple financial corporation's skyscrapers.

Tuesday, 11 June 2024




If nuclear bombs don’t really exist that would be a good thing. Wouldn’t it? – it means all the nuclear Armageddon is all just moronic fudporn and we are not in any danger of being nuked.

The catch is it also means that pretty much everything else we have been told is fictional as well. And that really upsets people who like to believe the official narratives.

This 16 page document is a good intro to the fake nukes scam:

American school kids being indoctrinated in 1962:

My old blog post about hiroshima-and-nagasaki has some interesting photos

And this video does a great job of covering one of the major aspects of the hoax


See more nuclear content here:


As we are now being bombarded with a never ending stream of misinformation, almost nothing we are told by the mainstream or the "alternative" media is true, and we need to rapidly adapt in order to outwit the deep state and their attempts to program us. When they make mistakes we can pounce upon those mistakes and use them to our advantage.

A big mistake they are making right now is attempting to roll out AI as fast as they can, when AI is actually pretty hopeless and by no means up to the job. 

On a platform like YouTube, Google is using AI to create hundreds of millions of fake views, to write millions of comments that are endlessly recycling the previous comments, to promote any videos that push their agendas, and even to create and narrate increasingly crappy videos.

Many people are not consciously aware of any of this, but an increasing number of us can see it a mile away. On a platform like Facebook, the CIA is attempting to run all the censorship using AI and again, it is not up to the job. They are failing to block all the non approved content, so they are trying to bury it with mountains of AI created fake content.

The opportunity to post information exposing the deep state agendas and to mock their short comings on Facebook, the most deep state controlled of all the social media platforms, has never been greater.

And that is because the deep state are LAZY, GREEDY, PSYCHOPATHS who want to use AI to control us. But their AI sucks. That is another reason we can beat them.


Monday, 10 June 2024


This is a desktop wallpaper image of Paris - I wonder if many people notice the chemtrails? Probably not, most normies wouldn't notice if the deep state stuck a needle in them and injected them with poison. Oh yeah...

Saturday, 8 June 2024

Why is Greg Anderson still on Facebook?

Who on earth is Greg Anderson and why is he still on Facebook? - As recently as 2023 I was regularly using five social media platforms, (Facebook, Twitter, Hive, Blurt, & Bastyon), but like any addiction, I wasn’t exactly happy about it, so I finally gave up the lot, and went cold turkey for one month. At the end of the month I was only too pleased to have seen the arse end of four of them, but surprisingly, (and yes, I know it’s the most deep state platform of the lot), the only one I missed was Facebook.

I am a real person, but I update my online identities more often than Firefox changes versions, so I have to use a spreadsheet to remember them all. What I’m looking for on FB is interesting content from like minded people. If you have also come to the conclusion that nearly everything we have been programmed to believe is a lie, then we may be on the same page.
I live in Wellington, New Zealand, which I suspect is one of the most libtard cities in the entire world, and have offended more people online over the past two decades than I can shake a stick at. If you are a sensitive petal we are probably not on the same page. But I don’t take all this stuff super seriously on FB, and am more likely to briefly mock earnest woketards than engage in long winded disagreements with them.

Friday, 7 June 2024

Now this is TRIPPY!

 Pink Floyd in 1967 - they started out pretty odd

Then they got even odder

And then they took lots of ACID - this video is mind boggling

Thursday, 6 June 2024



I never use Twitter but I did set up an account there years ago to suss it out. I called my account "X" and used a white X logo on a black background. When they rebranded Twitter as "X" they also used a white X on a black background, and I was pretty astonished!


It's safe to say Twitter's moronic new name "X" went down like a lead balloon, just like Facebook's attempted switch to "Meta" but these globalist platforms don't seem to grasp that after building up a brand name for years (with the lucky choice of a memorable name being a big key to their past success), trying to swap those names for forgettable futuristic AI new world order names just won't work out well.

What is great to see is that these billion dollar globalist platforms are run by dickheads too clueless to understand basic principles of branding and marketing. Hopefully they fuck up all their other evil plans to this extent.
After Elon Musk (fake globalist puppet boy) claimed to be against censorship, "X"  started increasing it's censorship with a deranged new "X" censorship "woman" (Linda Yaccarino) who looks like a jewish tranny, acts like a Bond villain, and keeps saying "lawful but awful" content will be blocked.

So what will "lawful but awful" include?

One American commentator came up with this list:
1. criticizing/questioning jews, israel, or the hollowcost
2. criticizing blacks or BLM
3. criticizing/questioning the federal government
4. criticizing faggots/dykes/trannies
5. criticizing dei/esg in our schools and businesses
6. criticizing/questioning "the science"
7. criticizing the Ukraine
8. criticizing the medical and military industrial complexes
9. criticizing the illegal alien invasion and our porous borders
10. criticizing/questioning the agendas of the wef, the un, nato, etc.