Wednesday 17 January 2024

How to make Facebook useable

A way to make Facebook the platform more usable is to always view it in your browser with an app called F.B Purity – two key things this can do is make the feed chronological, as well as turning off all the crap (no side bars or notifications at all if you want rid of all the junk)


I’ve used it for years and still regard FB as totally unusable without it because they are controlling and manipulation the feed, ensuring you only see what they approve of. With the FB Purity app it works like a more honest social media site rather than a mind programing and propaganda feed.




FACEBOOK IMAGE GALLERY - See the full gallery with 40 images here:



index (2).jpg







Tuesday 16 January 2024


Wellington's newest and most environmentally friendly apartment complex is now being completed - secure your own minimalist micro home today - self contained apartments from just $420,000. Deposits are now being accepted, act now to avoid missing out. 

Monday 15 January 2024

Brigitte Nielsen looks a bit manny

In 1985, Brigitte Nielsen began her acting career in the fantasy film Red Sonja alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger. That same year, she married Sylvester Stallone; the couple acted in two films together (Rocky IV and Cobra) before divorcing in 1987.

In 1987, Nielsen played Karla Fry in the film Beverly Hills Cop II (1987), alongside Eddie Murphy. In 1991, she was cast as Jennifer Walters/She-Hulk in a planned but never-produced film based on She-Hulk. She posed for photos dressed both as Jennifer Walters and her alter-ego, She-Hulk, before the film was cancelled. 


COVID = Certificate Of Vaccination ID 

There are always multiple psyops going on, and I'm guessing the next really big push will be the man made "climate change" scam.

But the "covid" hoax will continue, and now that the mass injections phase is mainly done, we are up to the new phase of pushing the idea that everyone who has had the death jabs is about to die.

Much as I hate death jabs of any sort (aka "vaccinations"), this is a new mind game - if they actually gave a toss they would tell the poor gullible normies how to detox from the toxic injections, but they mostly don't mention that aspect, and by telling all the injected sheeple their days are over, they can attempt to kill them off quicker with a big dose of placebo effect. 

While it's true that the toxic jabs are extremely dangerous, blogs like this one are mainly aiming to get the fear ramping up: rather than to actually help or educate people at this late stage of the game.

None of them were saying peep in 2020 or 2021 when it really mattered, in fact many of these same commentators were going on about how dangerous "covid" was back then, but now that over 80% of the sheeple are jabbed to the gills, and that part of the psyop is over and done, they have suddenly found the courage to tell the injected that the jabs are going to kill them off rapidly!

Here in New Zealand Liz Gunn is going hard out on this! - she is right up there with Jabcinda for being fake and deceptive. In fact, if anything she is even better at it because she is a far better actress and doesn't have to keep stopping to wipe the coke off her nose.



Saturday 13 January 2024


This is HIS happy day and HE deserves the best weather, so all geoengineering has been temporally halted over the Hastings region, and the skies there this weekend are clear blue with not a chemtrail or HAARP cloud pattern to be seen. The skies over the rest of the country on the other hand are looking totally FUCKED UP today.

"WOMAN" - LOL... Part horse, part man, all globalist, that is not a woman... And unless we expose, mock, & take down traitors like this creature, they will keep on destroying our country so their globalists banker overlords can buy it up cheap.

Enjoy a guaranteed clear sunny day at the protest!


 In these times of humourless numpties all packing a sad about everything, there is nothing like a massive pile of LOLPICS to change the mood, so I've added two new Image Galleries to this blog

There are about 500 images in each gallery (but there are a bunch of double ups). Click on any image to see it full size, and download a copy if anything floats your boat!



Friday 12 January 2024

Sound of Freedom – Another fake psyop movie

Sound of Freedom – Tim Ballard – Jim Caviezel

This moronic movie was another example of a "truther" psyop. It was number one at the American box office for a while last year before disappearing without trace because “they” wanted you to watch this crap. It was controlled opposition, yet another psyop – stay awake sheeple…

Sound of Freedom was originally released at the Coronado film festival on 9/11/2022 (9th November)

The Coronado film festival is the marker for this decode, it is part of the Corona shitshow that has been in place since 2019; Coronavirus, Kobe and Corona del Mar, Charles and his Coronation on May 6th, along with him being Crowned in Scotland again today (July 5th) a day after Sound of Freedom was released. We had the Taxi explosion on Crown Street, at Liverpool Women’s Hospital and we saw the shooting of TikTok star Anthony Barajas in Corona, California, quickly followed by shootings in Corona, “Queens”, New York City (and so much more).

2019 saw the start of Solar cycle 25 and the start of Earth getting hit by some very big Coronal Mass Ejections (Aurora) – Coronado and the Sundance Film Festival
Leading up to Charles’ Coronation we were seeing things such as “Queen” guitarist Brian May being knighted, with Charles being crowned in May, after the Queen died.

Sound of Freedom was released officially on 4th July 2023, Independence Day and a date that reads 4/7 or 7/4 depending where you come from.
4/7 – 7/4 – even if you want this movie to be true, don’t be deploying cognitive dissonance all of a sudden and acting like you don’t know those numbers, it’s the reason it is Independence day to start with; the 47th prime, how a Mason squares his square (Jesus = 74 English Ordinal Gematria). America was built by Freemasons and every number used throughout its history clearly shows it, that being because they are well aware of this reality and how it plays out through cycles of time (Great Architect of the Universe)
Sound of Freedom was released on 9/11/2022 (9th November), a date that reads 9/11, and a date that leads us to 11th September and the Twin Towers that stood at coordinates of; 74° 0′ 45″ W
The One World Trade Centre now stands in place of the Twin Towers, a skyscraper that has an architectural height of 1776 ft, just like the 1776 year America gained independence (74° 0′ 48″ W)
74 days is 1776 hours (74 x 24 = 1776)
Twin Towers – 2 x Towers standing at 74 degrees = 148 (74 x 2 = 148)
There was a total of 2,996 people who died during 9/11 – 148 x 2 = 296 (148 x 12 = 1776)
296 and 269 we find very often (e.g; Titanic was 269 metres) and it’s being used here with Jim Caviezal who was born on 26th September (26/9), which is the 269th day of the year with 96 days remaining.

Caviezal and the related surnames are interesting – Ravenel, Cavill, Cavell, Cavener, Cavinder, Caveney, Cavern – all variations I know from my own family surname of Caveen from the Isle of Mann, the Crow Ravens of the Crovan Dynasty.
The One World Trade Centre stands at an architectural height of 1776 ft, with the tip of the spire reaching 1,792 ft; that’s because 7920 is Earth’s diameter (33 days = 792 hours) and we’re talking about a spire that is used to penetrate the Earth’s Aether, the spire, or the spear, spiritual energy harnessed by the spiral (coil).
Sound of Freedom was released at the Coronado film festival 1156 weeks after September 11 2001 (156th prime number = 911). 9/11 took place 15 weeks 6 days before the end of the year.

Sound of Freedom being released at the Coronado Film Festival on 9th November (9/11) in 2022 means it was released on World Freedom Day and that is the real freedom we should be fighting for; I get how easy it is for people to get wrapped up in the heroics of this stuff, especially when it is actually a truly worthy and valiant cause but humanity is enslaved in the mind, that is the real problem and until that changes nothing else will, and that includes our children being safe and secure because the same people who create these movies are the same people running the stage show and shaping the mindset through programming (A Clockwork Orange). People who have been a part of a film industry that is well known for Paedophilia, that being actors associated with Hollywood, which was very openly joked about by Ricky Gervais at the 2020 Golden Globes, like it’s even laughable? What is funny about children suffering at the hands of monsters?

It’s laughable to people who are trying to normalise it I guess. Both sides are being played and when i see this situation turned into a film, I can’t help but feel it’s another way of normalising a situation, a film of suspense and horrific details that pull on those heart strings, something vile turned into entertainment for the big screen film makers; people will claim it is for awareness but awareness has been there for a very long time, never more than since 2020 when all the save the children hashtags started to flood the internet and what happened from that movement? Nothing, if anything we have actually saw nothing but more and more mockery as time goes by, it’s 2023 and no real action has been taken yet, and it won’t, and if it was then Tim Ballard would have done it long before releasing this film which has been in the making since the script was penned in 2015 – the script (World is a stage).

This film is all about emotional shock.
World Freedom Day – On November 8, 2016, President Barack Obama proclaimed World Freedom Day as November 9, 2016. On November 8, 2017, President Donald Trump proclaimed November 9, 2017, as World Freedom Day
8th November – 8/11
9th November – 9/11
The Knights Templar were founded in the year 1118, they became officially established as an order the following year in 1119
Sound of Freedom was originally released at the Coronado Film Festival on 9th November, the official release date comes 33 weeks laters (+ 6 days) on 4th July.
Sound; sound is creation, sound equates to vibration and it’s the speed of sound where we find the real secrets to Masonry, or Masonic to be more specific, with the sonic speed of sound. When I use comparisons to Masonry I’m not using it as something or someone to blame, I’m using Masonry to show where the knowledge of this information is stored.
“The source of a sound vibrates, bumping into nearby air molecules which in turn bump into their neighbours, and so forth. This results in a wave of vibrations travelling through the air to the eardrum, which in turn also vibrates”

The Speed of sound in air is 343 m/s and this number is found with things such as the 343 firefighters who died on 9/11, or another good example are the 343 characters painted on the ceiling of the sistine chapel – 7x7x7 = 343 – Diana died under the 777 km Seine River (Sine Wave).
1776 is basically just 777 as well, all we do is move the 1 along to the 6 and you get 777, this same kind of maths occurs when you multiply any 3 digit number by 999, for example;
343 x 999 = 342,657 (342 + 657 = 999)
481 x 999 = 480,519 (480 + 519 = 999)
When sound vibrates in water it travels 4 x as fast as in air, at 1,481 m/s and this is one of the bottom line reasons we see this number used so often, soundwaves and frequencies are key to understanding how this construct is formed.
I know the coding they are using, it’s the same coding I share every single day on my page and have done for a long time, so it can’t be contrived in any way can it?
“Ballard personally requested that Jim Caviezel portray him, even though the actor does not resemble him. Ballard said that he was affected by Caviezel’s role in The Count of Monte Cristo (2002).”

Monte Cristo – Mona the Crystal Quartz Mountain, coded with Christos (4081 – Christos = 1480 Greek Isopsephy Gematria)
“The Count of Monte Cristo is a 2002 American historical adventure film, which is an adaptation of the 1844 novel of the same name by Alexandre Dumas”
Jim Caviezel played Jesus Christ in Mel Gibson’s Passion of the Christ, which is set to see its sequel released next year. The Passion of the Christ earned $612 million worldwide, it made headlines for its controversies depicting the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, some calling for the film to be banned, with Israeli distributors even refusing to distribute it in the country and this is when you know a film is getting major publicity, when you see the organisations such as the Catholic Church and countries such as Israel calling for it to be banned. Negative publicity can sometimes be the best when it is surrounded in controversy, it gets people talking and word of mouth is the greatest form of promotion; we saw the same thing happen with Dan Brown’s version of the Da Vinci Code and it’s done to stop people finding the truth. Mel Gibson’s version of the Passion of the Christ is nothing but more religious indoctrination and the exact story that religious organisations want promoting, it was the same with Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code, the Church loved all the publicity that came with it, it brings revenue but I don’t see any of them pushing the true astrotheological aspects of Jesus’ story, and they never will because they never want the truth to be known.
Sound of Freedom is directed by Alejandro Gómez Monteverde and his surname is what Mona is, Earth’s green mountains – Monte = Mountain – Verde = Green – Mounds, Mountains, Marilyns and Munro’s.
Alejandro Gómez Monteverde – Green Mountain – he won top prize at the 2006 Tor-onto film festival for his film, Bella.
Alejandro Gómez Monteverde was married on 8th April 2006, the date of next years Great American Eclipse; Sound of Freedom was released 279 days before 8th April (279 – 792)
More interestingly though, the date that Sound of Freedom was released in 2022, 9th November is the date Alejandro’s fathers killers were arrested in 2015
“His father, Juan Manuel Gómez Fernández, and brother, Juan Manuel Gómez Monteverde, were found dead with fatal head wounds in Pueblo Viejo, in the Mexican state of Veracruz, on September 19, 2015, approximately two weeks after they were kidnapped from their home in nearby Tamaulipas. On November 9, 2015, six people were arrested for the kidnapping and murder of Gómez Fernández and Gómez Monteverde.”
Sound of Freedom is being released 84 months after the date Alejandro’s fathers killers were arrested, which is equal to 61,368 hours (3168)
Lord Jezus Christ = 3168 Greek Gematria (Lord = 800 – Jezus = 888 – Christos = 1480)
Gematria is Geometry, it means Earth measure – Earth’s Mass = 1.31668×1025 lb (mass is measured)
This is all Jesus related stuff, and it has been from the start of the shit show in 2019, because “The Book” is being fulfilled, everything is symbolic in nature and allegorical and you see it play out through this entire decode and you see them publicising it when they recently shown Mel Gibson with a O.U.R hat on in a Helicopter, because he is getting ready to promote his Jesus film with Jim Caviezel, the “Star” of Sound of Freedom.
Tim Ballard also serves as CEO of The Nazarene Fund – Nazareth is the cradle of Christianity, Jesus of Nazareth is Jesus of the Mazzaroth though, a term that literally means “Constellations”, which is why we find the Bible coded full of astrological details and numerology, such as New Jerusalem and the 12,000 furlongs equalling 792,000 foot (Earth diameter = 7920 miles).
Jim Caviezel played Jesus Christ in Passion of the Christ. MM Maia Morgenstern played Mother Mary and Mona “Monica” Belluci played Mary Magdalene
Liberation, deliverance, emancipation, none but ourselves can free our minds!

This is the lead ACTOR from the new movie “sound of freedom” that everyone is talking about and just like I always show you, signs and symbols rule this world and you will ALWAYS know them by their fruit! Satan owns and runs the entertainment industry! Don’t think for a second that any of these people in Hollywood are on your side! They’re ALL in on it! Open your eyes ladies and gentlemen. This movie is being played in theaters because they want you to watch it. Just another perfect example of controlled opposition! 


Thursday 11 January 2024


THE WHEELS ARE FALLING OFF MANY STORIES, and as more of us are realising that pretty much everything we have been told is part of an ever accelerating false official narrative that goes back hundreds, if not thousands of years, more and more new topics are becoming sucked into the vortex of subjects now open for discussion. Having been looking into into "conspiracy theories" for many years I tend to forget what a buzz it is watching a brand new pile of bollocks imploding.

Only a few days ago I had never really given much thought to how much jet fuel commercial airliners actually use. But then some greentards started going on about Boeing 747's using 300000 liters of fuel per flight, and I thought "hang on a minute, how much would that weigh, and where on earth would they put it?"

It was no problem to find some figures online (although these do all seem to vary a bit depending on which website they are from):

A Boeing 747-400 (a popular large passenger plane for 30 years from 1990 to 2020) has an empty weight of 181,000 kg and a maximum takeoff weight of 397,000 kg. (an Airbus A380 is even bigger)

Jet fuel weighs 0.8kg per liter.

A 747-400's fuel capacity is 216,840 liters (so not really 300,000) which would weigh  216,840 x 0.8 = 173,472 kg

The combined empty weight plus fuel would come to 181,000 + 173,472 = 354,472 kg

But that is without any passengers, crew, or cargo. A 747-400 holds between 416 to 524 passengers, and typically has around 20 crew members (this varies by airline, many have more)

A typical average passenger weight including carry-on luggage is 84 kg, so with 416 passengers that would come to 416 x 84 = 34944 kg

So with no crew, and no cargo, just the weight of the bare plane plus fuel and passengers, weighs 389,416 kg - THAT IS ALREADY CLOSE TO THE MAXIMUM TAKE OFF WEIGHT OF 397,000 kg

Now let's estimate the crew members are slightly lighter than the passengers, averaging 75 kg each including their carry on bags, and with no heavy extra luggage, so they would only add another 20 x 75 = 1500 kg

But then we get to cargo - each of those 416 passengers has luggage which averages (depending on who is weighing it) around 15 - 20 kg per passenger, so it's at least 416 x 15 = 6240 kg

Now we are up to Plane 181,000 kg + Fuel 173,472 kg + Passengers 34944 kg + Crew 1500 kg + Luggage 6240 kg = 397,156 kg


What is going on here?

These short videos are entertaining intros to the rabbit hole of how jet engines really work

I have no idea what is "true" here, but there are a bunch of suspicious red flags about fuel usage, including the way the engines are mounted forward of the wings, and the fact that the wings on crashed airliners are often intact.

eg. This is a picture of the wreckage of Nigeria Airways Flight 2120, which crashed July, 1991 on its way from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, to Sokoto, Nigeria. 

Is something strange going on here?