It amazes me that this song came out in 1990 and this performance was recorded nearly 34 years ago.
It amazes me that this song came out in 1990 and this performance was recorded nearly 34 years ago.
About 20 years ago when you logged in to a website you usually clicked on a button saying either “login” or “enter”
“Submit” means to yield or surrender to the will or authority of another.
Like wearing a face muzzle, constantly clicking on buttons that say “SUBMIT” helps to turn you into a mind controlled GIMP. Take note of these little things, they all contribute to the current totally fucked up situation we are in…
Bible thumpers really were the original sheeple – I suspect that ancestors of the same maggots who wrote Agenda 2030 originally wrote “the bible” – beginning thousands of years of SUBMISSION…
The truth is all coming out now. Not in the wildest sense of the word could any of these death jabs be called a “vaccine” Not that "vaccines" actually exist, any more than "viruses" do. They are all a huge con.
The "COVID" (Certificate Of Vaccination ID) jabs contain graphene oxide mixed with WHAT?
How about some aluminium, and lead, or cadmium, or a bunch of other toxins – why not, they all sound great!
ALUMINIUM: Symptoms of aluminum toxicity may include the following: Anemia, Impaired iron absorption, Muscle weakness, Seizures, Impaired immunity, Bone pain, Non-healing fractures, Spinal deformities, Premature osteoporosis, Delayed growth in children, Altered mental status, Dementia
LEAD: Lead produces a spectrum of injuries across multiple body systems. In particular it affects children’s brain development resulting in reduced intelligence quotient (IQ), and behavioral changes such as reduced attention span and increased antisocial behavior. Lead exposure also causes anaemia, hypertension, renal impairment, immunotoxicity, and toxicity to the reproductive organs. The neurological and behavioural effects of lead are believed to be irreversible. There is no known ‘safe’ blood lead concentration; even blood lead concentrations as low as 5 µg/dL, may be associated with decreased intelligence in children, behavioral difficulties and learning problems. As lead exposure increases, the range and severity of symptoms and effects also increases.
CADMIUM: Cadmium (Cd) is a toxic metal that poses a health risk for both humans and animals. It is naturally occurring in the environment as a pollutant that is derived from agricultural and industrial sources. Exposure to cadmium primarily occurs through the ingestion of contaminated food and water and, to a significant extent, through inhalation and cigarette smoking. Cadmium accumulates in plants and animals with a long half-life of about 25-30 years. Cadmium exposure may be related to various types of cancer, including breast, lung, prostate, nasopharynx, pancreas, and kidney cancers.
Cyclists these days seem to think disc brakes are essential. I was looking through some of my old photos recently and found this one - Over the years I had more than 50 bikes of my own and test rode at least 1500 different bikes - probably a lot more (I owned a bike shop and test riding repaired bikes was one of my regular jobs)
Banking is based on lending money that doesn’t exist to people and businesses in return for interest. This creates enormous debt for governments, businesses and the general population, and bankers therefore gain control. Vital to this has been to allow bankers to lend money they do not have.
It works like this. If you or I have a million dollars, we can lend a million dollars. But if a bank has a million dollars it can lend ten times that and more, and charge interest on it. If even fraction of the people who theoretically have ‘money’ deposited in the banks went to remove it, the banks would close because they don’t have it. Money in the bank is a myth, a confidence trick.
When you go to a bank and ask for a loan, the bank does not hand over any actual money. It merely types the amount of the loan into your account. From that moment you start paying interest to the bank, on what is no more than figures typed on a screen. However, if you fail to pay back that non-existent loan, the bank can come along and quite legally take your wealth that does exist, your home, land, car, possessions, to the estimated value of whatever figure was typed onto that sceen.
More than that, because money is not brought into circulation by governments, but by private banks making loans to customers, the banks control how much money is in circulation. The more loans they choose to make, the more money is in circulation. The only difference between an economic boom (posperity) and an economic depression (poverty) is the amount of money in circulation. And, through this system, the private banks decide how much money will be in circulation.
They can create booms and busts at will. The same with the stock-markets where they are moving trillions of dollars a day around the financial and banking markets, so deciding if they go up or down, soar or crash. Stock-market crashes don‘t just happen, they are made to happen.
Most of the ‘money’ in circulation is not physical money – cash and coins. It is represented as figures passing from one computer account to another electronically via money transfers, credit cards and cheque books. The more money, electronic otherwise, that is in circulation, the more economic activity can take place and therefore the more products are bought and sold, the more income people have and the more jobs that are available. A re-occuring pattern has been to create a boom by making lots of loans and then pulling the plug.
Economists say that boom and bust is part of a natural ‘economic cycle’. But really it is systematic manipulation in order to steal wealth. Businesses and people borrow more, because they are confident about their economic future. Then, at the most opportune moment, the bankers raise interest rates to suppress the demand for loans, and. they begin to call in loans already outstanding. They ensure they make far fewer loans than before.
This has the affect of taking money out of circulation, which suppresses demand for products and leaves fewer jobs because there is not enough money in circulation to generate the necessary economic activity. So people and businesses can no longer earn enough to repay their loans and they go bankrupt.
The banks then take over the real wealth of their possessions in return for non-repayment of a debt that was never more than figures typed on a screen. This has been going on over thousands of years, and especially in the last few centuries, and much of the real wealth world has been sucked into the hands of those who control the banking system.
The same applies to countries. Instead of creating their own interest free money, governments borrow it from private banking cartels and pay back both the interest and the capital by taxing the people. Most of the money paid in taxes goes straight to the banks to pay back loans which the governments could create themselves interest-free.
What we call ‘privatisation’ is the selling off of state assets to stave off bankruptcy caused by the bank-created debt. Countries are handing over control of their land and resources to the international bankers because they cannot pay back the vast loans made, on purpose, by the banks to create this very situation.
This is not one of those rhetorical questions where I immediately answer "Yes, obviously they have overplayed their hands because every last thing they say or do is utter bullshit, and it's so glaringly obvious that nobody will believe it". Yes, it's certainly true that everything they say is bullshit, but at the same time a large part of the population are either mind controlled or retarded, or both, to such an extent that it doesn't seem to matter how obvious the bullshit is, they will believe whatever they are told.
Which brings me to my next question - if they do roll out covidhoax round two, is it tactically better for us go hard out?. Last time, when asked where my mask was, I would say I had an exemption, but if this crap ever happens again I won't being doing anything as subservient as that.
It will be more a question of do I reply "I don't wear muzzles" or something aggressive like "Fuck off numbnuts" There are two opposing viewpoints on this, as with everything. They, the globalist scum, clearly aim to divide society, and getting us all in a constant state of war with each other helps with that. So should we take that into account and behave in a more zen like fashion?
Opposed to that line of thinking, is the fact that most of the submissive gimps who did what they were told last time, are spineless and will crack if put under intense and unwavering personal pressure. And like many people I'm wondering if it would have been better to tell more of them to get fucked last time. Does each step towards subservience bring us closer to enslavement? I'm inclined to think that if it happens again, there will be a bit of both, but if any fucker asks where my mask is, I may be a powder keg waiting to explode and bets are off how things will go.
The globalist scum are cunning, but they are always trying to out deceive each other. And that will hopefully lead to their demise. I'm picking whatever the next round is, it will be more heated that the last one. But we have an excellent opportunity right now to expose centuries of deceptions, so this could be a wild time. Let's do this.
Thankfully, this clown is dead now, but there are plenty more where he came from