Wednesday, 14 August 2024


People sometimes ask why I keep going on about tyrannies - back in the first term of Barry and Mike in America they said I was fruitloops for saying Big Mike was a man...
Now there are people saying I'm making it up that there are men playing women's pro sports. So let's start with the basics. This is a photo of the Williams "sisters" with their father. If you can't see what is going on here it's not me who is fruitloops!

Yes this photo has probably been photoshopped to increase their heights but they are still two big butch men and they look like it in thousands of photos along with every video of every tennis match they play in - if people can't see it, then maybe some photoshopping is necessary to get people to look at what is really going on in women's sport.

 And "her" "husband" might be taller but he/she has all the signs of an INVERT. Are the Illuminati laughing at all the normies who believe these works of fiction?

Tuesday, 13 August 2024

Juliet Lewis is evolving

 Juliet Lewis is looking like an Olympic athlete these days🤩

"Queer as Folk" creator Stephen Dunn clearly knew what he was doing when choosing a name for the mother of non-binary teen-turned-drag queen Mingus (Fin Argus). Played by perennial gay icon Juliette Lewis, Judy is a fountain of unconditional love...



Monday, 12 August 2024

Why I never use Google search

Doing the same search: "deaths due to covid vaccinations" - searching on Google search engine vs Yandex search engine gives very different results:

Google says the death jabs have possibly killed 147 people, Yandex says they have killed at least 17 million, probably more.

Trust Google, they are safe and reliable...

While Russian based Yandex is probably a bit dodgy too, I would trust them over Google any day. It doesn't have a browser extension, and it's own browser is pretty hopeless unless you speak Russian, but pinning Yandex as a tab in your browser is a pretty good work around for not being able to make it the default search engine.


Lately I've also been using the French based search engine Qwant quite a bit, and at the start of this year it seemed pretty good.

It works well in English language, and it can be added to any browser as the default search using an extension, making it easy to replace the increasingly controlled Duckduckgo which is the only even half decent search available by default on most browsers.
But with past connections to both Microsoft and the globalist French government, it is unlikely to be the bastion of privacy it presents itself as, and it now seems to be giving increasingly controlled globalist search results. So sadly, like DuckDuckGo, it seems to have turned to the dark side. So back to Yandex I go.

Saturday, 10 August 2024

Petition Against Fluoride in NZ

The Stop Fluoridation Petition is live. Fluoride Free New Zealand launched a parliamentary petition on the 2nd of August 2024 to stop water fluoridation in New Zealand. Let's go big with this!

Although the NZ government is primarily focused on control rather than health, signing this petition may encourage them to stop poisoning us with fluoride, and it only takes a few seconds so we might as well give it a crack😵‍💫

Go to the link below and sign the petition:

Friday, 9 August 2024


As long as it's the American "women's" Olympic team who are bringing home truckloads of medals, everything is glorious and these courageous "ladies" are redefining the restrictive patriarchal ideas of beauty, but as soon as some other country (like China) starts getting some of the medals that America had their eyes on, all of sudden some awkward questions are being asked. Like "are those actually women?"


LOL, No, most of them are men in lipstick, but none more so than the American "women's" basketball and rugby sevens teams!


Thursday, 8 August 2024



Once in a while a really cool looking ride cruises by and I do my best to get a photo of it. New Zealand is not exactly awash with exotic cars. We are a right hand drive country, like England, Australia, India, South Africa and Japan, and most cars in NZ are Japanese. (Approx 34% of the world’s cars are right hand drive, but I’m not sure most people in America realise that)

There is no car industry to protect in NZ, so there is open importing of used Japanese cars. This works brilliantly, because Japan has regulations to encourage the export of all their car fleet when they reach five years old, which means that we get to buy all their mint condition five year old used cars dirt cheap. And that is why cars are cheaper here than in Australia.

When I’m on the look out for cars to take photos of, I’m usually more interested in the non Japanese ones because they are fairly rare. There are some flash European cars here, and even a few Aussie classics, but it’s the American ones that seem really rare and exotic. Especially if the steering wheel is on the wrong side.

Because they are not made by Subaru or Nissan I usually have no idea what they are, but if they sound grunty and look like a pimping ride, I get snapping. Here are a few cars I’ve noticed round the hood.

And now for some English class

Finally, for something totally different, here is a gratuitous shot of some German bling cruising downtown

Wednesday, 7 August 2024


They are really not trying to hide this are they?


When duct tape goes wrong:


Tuesday, 6 August 2024


Facebook has been around since early 2004, and recently turned 20. Despite what they might try to make out, it's reasonably well known that it was set up by the deep state for social programing purposes and Mark Zuckerburg is just an actor playing a role. In reality he is as clueless about what he's supposed to be doing as Elon Musk or Joe Biden.

The platform has a long history of trying to censor and control content, and I'm often asked why I would bother posting on a deep state controlled platform that is attempting to program everyone's minds.

Two big plus factors for me are that it's the biggest social media platform by miles, with three billion active users, and I also think it's the best designed all round social media platform - it's really well sorted. 

YouTube is ranked at #2 but it's not actually a social media platform - it's a heavily censored collection of videos with the vast majority of the traffic and comments being very obviously done by AI. Facebook also owns WhatsApp,  Instagram, and a bunch of other platforms..

Admittedly very few of those three billion users are using it on their computers like I am. Something like 98% of Facebook users are viewing it on a mobile phone, so they are seeing a controlled algorithm feed, with all the ads. I'm viewing it on my PC or laptop and seeing a chronological feed with a lot less "sponsored posts". In fact the feed I'm seeing is a surprisingly full on and mostly uncensored exposure of the deep state narrative.

 The majority of Facebook users are apparently Indians using mobile phones, but that is another thing about FB - it's like a vast ocean and you can pretty much stick to your own area, never knowing the rest even exists.

 I don't think I've ever interacted with an Indian on a mobile phone, but who knows, it's possible half my FB friends are actually Indian tech contractors employed by the CIA and pretending to be conspiracy theorists.