Thursday, 14 November 2024


In times gone by, we used to read fiction to explore imaginary realities. Now we live in a reality so bizarre even Philip K Dick probably would have needed to up his drug intake to deal with it...

I once read a short story by Philip K Dick. It was called “The Martian Anal Division”, and it was about a parallel version of our world in which everything was run by and for the benefit of small but cunning Martian invaders.

“They live in tiny spaceships which they insert into their subjects anal passages. From deep within human anuses they emit their instructions, which their followers hear as a voice in their anus telling them what to do. These people are known as the Martian Anal Division (MAD).

One of the key symptoms of people who are controlled by Martians up their arses is that they not only want to do what the Martians tell them to, but that they also want to force everyone else to do it as well. They often revert to the phrase “for the greater good”, and want to bring in “laws” in the hope that they can force other people to “conform” to the wishes of the voices in their arses.

In an attempt to get a better handle on controlling the non-MAD population, they introduce social engineering such as water fluoridation (make the population sick and obedient), vaccinations (make them sick and infertile), fear of “terrorism” (submit to more laws and surveillance), fear of viruses, fear of various “global apocalypses” (submit to more restrictions and taxes), and wars (the ultimate control system)

They also direct everyone with an anal implant to watch more TV, where they can obsess over misinformation called “news”, listen to angry black men making guttural rhyming noises about hoes, yos, and bros, become jealous over the size of the breast implants of women who sing the things that the voices in their arses are saying, and enjoy watching stocky men in tight shorts battling each other over leather balls.

Luckily, for all their cunning, the Martians have some serious flaws in their evil plan. When they insert their micro spacecraft into their victim’s anal passages, it tends to block their elimination of waste matter. So their victims slowly fill up with shit.

Already pressurized to bursting point, when they are confronted by people who refuse to conform, they start to turn purple and run around in circles making squawking noises like a chicken having an epileptic fit. Sometimes the backed up gasses start to escape from their arse like a loud rumbling fart, while sometimes they just blow up like an American false flag terrorists bomb”

Wednesday, 13 November 2024


 And it even includes a contact email!


 Using the internet while displaying any sort of real identity online is a bit like walking down the street stark naked. I'd rather be completely anon, but I've been online for more than a quarter of a century and have revealed more than I can ever really take back now. But that is not to say I have to make things easy for "them" (the "government", or the deep state, or spammers, or stalkers) to track me down.

Until last week this blog has never had any sort of contact details on it, and I was going to leave it that way. But one of the other blogs I follow had added a link to my old blog, which didn't work because of a typo. Being a bit of a completionist I wanted to let them know, but it was difficult to find a contact email on their blog. Eventually I did find a contact and emailed them.

Engagement used to be a big part of blogging, and back when I was posting on blockchains like Steemit, Hive (PeakD), Blurt, Flote, and Bastyon, I used to sometimes get hundreds of comments and I tried to reply to most of them.  These days I have all comments turned off and pretty much just ignore everyone. But the experience of trying to find a contact email on someone elses's blog made me grudgingly admit that it might be a good thing to include a one on this blog.

I've had a lot of problems with spam in the past so don't want to include an actual link, but I figure if I just put an image of an email address that comes to me (but not my daily driver) that should do the job. So here it is - just type out the address in this image:

Tuesday, 12 November 2024


 A good blender can do wonders for your health, with a daily smoothie being transformative!

Monday, 11 November 2024


Signal is a popular messaging app that is widely regarded as being private, and compared to Messenger it is, but the big issue, the main reason it can never really be a privacy app, is that it requires a phone number to set up an account.
An alternative to Signal is Session, which is in many ways very similar to Signal, in fact it nearly looks identical because it's an open source hard fork based on the Signal code. But the big difference is that it doesn't require a phone number, so a Session account can actually be anonymous.
Session is not as popular as Signal yet because it's fairly new and not many people have heard of it. But it's easier to set up an account on Session than it is on Signal.  It doesn't require a phone number, and it doesn't ask anything about you. 
A new account can be rapidly set up not just on a phone, but also using a Laptop, a PC, or a tablet, running Windows, Android, Mac, or Linux operating systems.

To install it you can get it from any of the app stores, but better yet go directly to the Session website. This is preferable because by not logging into an app store you remain anonymous -
Initially Session had several drawbacks, but these have now been addressed.
It previously had a size limit of 10 on encrypted groups, but that has now been increased to 100 which is hopefully enough for most groups. 
It was originally set up in Australia which is considered a major security risk (as is NZ) but they have now moved to Switzerland - 
And Session also had a reputation for being buggy in 2023 when it was new, but it seems to have really improved in the past six months. I have had no problems with it so far, and in fact have found it works better for me than Signal, because I can be logged in with multiple Android devices with no account conflicts. 
The only issue I've had is that it won't install on Windows 7, which is only an issue for around 3% of desktop users these days, and I was expecting that to be the case anyway because it's based on Signal and Signal won't install on Win 7 either. But I've found it works really well on both Linux and Android.

There is really only one new thing to keep in mind when using Session - because unlike Signal it is not using your phone number or the phone numbers of your contacts, to set up the initial link you have to exchange your account ID for the first contact. This is the minor inconvenience that allows the whole platform to be totally private.
The account ID is a 72 character code that will look similar to this one (this is not an actual code but just an example):
Your account ID is not high security and it's OK to give that out to everyone you want to contact. You also get a recovery code which is a random generated series of 13 words, and that on the other hand needs to be kept private. Keep that code secure and don't share it with anyone.

Who is behind Session?

Session is part of the Loki Foundation, a non-profit organization without a permanent seat. The CEO is Simon Harman. Even though the project is not profit-oriented, he wants to monetize Session. Parts of the infrastructure are based on a block-chain network that mines its own currency, $LOKI.

The network provides important infrastructure for anonymizing its users, including an onion router to hide your IP address. Neither your counterpart nor the Loki Foundation can determine your location.

So if a state were to obtain a court order to inspect the session servers, investigators would find nothing but meaningless session IDs and TOR-IP addresses. None of this information would allow us to draw clear conclusions about the identity of the messenger app's users.

Privacy features of Session

    Users can generate a Session ID with a private key to start an account
    Session doesn’t require phone numbers.
    The chat platform doesn’t collect any data, and therefore a data breach is impossible.
    Messages go through an onion routing network, removing traceability.
    Session is an open-source program, so you can verify everything.
    It’s censorship resistant thanks to its decentralized network, therefore also harder to shut down
Here is a good review of Session on the Restore Privacy website. It answers a lot of questions, but keep in mind that it was written in April 2024, and  the concerns about Australian privacy are no longer an issue -

I have found Rob Braxman's Youtube channel really helpful for learning about privacy. Here is his video about Session, which he recommends highly.

Saturday, 9 November 2024


(New OIA Gov: 035284)
Compare this with the less than $150,000 paid out for ALL VACCINE INJURY (excluding Covid) each year, in 2018 and 2019
It's the NZ taxpayers footing this bill, while Phizer has complete INDEMNITY

Friday, 8 November 2024


Every once in a while a Miles Mathis essay totally nails it. This essay posted after the American fake election results were announced, includes all the things I wanted to say. It's all in there and I couldn't agree more with all of it! (I don't often say that...) great stuff!

 One of my favourite points is that the deep state ended up having to boost Kamala's vote count to give the illusion of a close fought election when in fact they had overplayed their hand and made a tactical error in nearly destroying what little credibility the demorats have left - that weakens the deep state position, because they need to maintain the illusion of having two parties. Trump winning was no surprise, but announcing it this quickly surprised me. I think they were panicking a bit and wanted to get this part of the circus show finished as quickly as possible before people started looking at the obviously manipulated figures

"We are expected to believe Harris won 47% of the popular vote, but I for one don't believe it. After the most disastrous four years in any of our lifetimes, even a qualified and charismatic candidate couldn't have won a third of the popular vote from the blue side. 
Harris, who didn't win any primaries and hardly campaigned, may be the least qualified and least charismatic candidate ever put forward by either party, making Dan Quayle and George Bush II look relatively brilliant in comparison. But she wasn't just weighed down by her own inability to speak or make sense, she was weighed down by a party platform that was clearly a big joke inserted from Langley. 
I can just see the writers sitting around a huge mahogany table smoking cigars, trying to one-up eachother with the craziest stuff they could come up with. Drag-queen story hours? Tranny promotion 24/7? Post-birth abortions/infanticides? Forced vaccinations? Holy wars in Israel and Ukraine? Institutionalized censorship and repealing the First Amendment? Repealing the Second Amendment? Repealing the Fourth Amendment? Packing the Supreme Court? Open borders? Men in women's sports? Reverse sexism and racism at top volume, with white men being attacked all the livelong day just for being born? Civil War reparations 155 years after the fact? January 6 is worse than 911 and Pearl Harbor? And they might as well have had rampant inflation and food shortages on their platform, since their policies had created that as well. 
Given all that, any sane person should find it amazing Harris got even
one vote, if she did"
The circus show:


Thursday, 7 November 2024


For the past six months I've been dabbling in Linux, mainly using it on my laptop, while still using Windows on my PC, but at the start of last month I made the switch and swapped to using Linux full time on my PC as well. 

My laptop is running Mint Cinnamon 21 (a two year old version from July 2022), while my PC is set up with the latest version, Mint 22, which was released in July 2024. Part of the Linux learning curve is choosing which software to use from a huge range of Free Open Source Software (FOSS) available on Linux. 

I'm trying out all sorts of programs and this is what my laptop looks like at the moment - so much cool software to try out! Once I decide which option I like best I uninstall most of the other options that I won't be using.

 I'm running a tighter ship on my PC and not installing or testing as much new software. There is really not much of a difference between Mint 21 & 22. One of the things I like about Mint is that they don't change much with each new release, just gradually refining things rather than trying to be spectacular.

Wednesday, 6 November 2024


I'm stunned how many people are being swept along with the fake US election - the betting odds are likely to be more accurate than the fake polls and fake vote count, but it all comes down to whether the globalist tactic now is to back the pressure off for a while, in which case they will install puppet trump, or to create a civil war in which case they will install the cackling witch - but either way the globalists are running America. 

I fully expect trump to "win" but it won't be because of votes. If they actually counted votes I think he would get about 80% of them, not because he is any good but because his opposition is deliberately chosen to be mind blowingly bad. This is all like WWF, a circus.


Tuesday, 5 November 2024


A few years ago I read a book called "Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man" by John Perkins (2005). On the one hand I thought it described very well the globalist techniques for taking over the world using indebtedness and treacherous deep state cunning, but on the other hand I wondered if it was deliberately only exposing the chain of command up to a certain point.

 While "American" corporations may really be running things, personally, I think they are not the top of the pyramid, but are themselves puppets being controlled by higher masters. 

The higher masters are very good at obscuring who they really are, and it's unlikely that many people grasp the full picture. I tend to think of them as elite Freemason, Jewish, Satanist, Globalist, Khazarian, Ashkenazi families such as the Rothschild's, but undoubtedly there are are layers of understanding I'm not getting here, because there always are.

Now I'm listening to an audio of the updated version of the book, The New Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man (2018), keeping in mind the way they carry out their plans on a long term (25 year) time frame, and thinking about many of the things going on in New Zealand.
I really hope there is something I'm not yet getting, because watching the abject lack of understanding of the vast majority of the population, this plan of slavery through indebtedness looks as easy to pull off as a covid hoax, or global warming, or a moon landing, or germ theory, or a fake election, for a few random examples.

The Red Flag - Although the book is interesting, there is a massive red flag. It is said that nobody ever really gets to leave a deep state agency. At least not alive. Once in, they are in for life. So that means it's very unlikely John Perkins has ever left, and most likely that he is a shill still working for the deep state but pretending to have gone rogue. 
If by some amazing luck he managed to leave without being suicided, what would be even more unlikely is that he would then go on to author a best selling book. And not just one, but an ongoing stream of them, all revealing more deep state secrets.
He mentions one or two corporations, but doesn't name any of the current major globalist corporations, like Blackrock. And even more telling, he implies that the corporations he is discussing are American owned, when in fact they are all Jewish owned with head offices in Israel. Like Google, or Apple, or Microsoft, or for that matter the American "government". 
He also seems to have increasingly moved towards embracing environmentalism, the next layer of the globalist scam. Fake "global warming" is one of the psyops being used to create indebtedness, through essentially the exact same process he is claiming to be exposing from the 70's.
So no, while I do think John Perkins exposes some dirt from decades ago, he is certainly not revealing what is going on right now.  A quick search on the internet using even the most censored of search engines (Google) reveals that not only has he not been scrubbed, he is top of the hits with pages and pages of search results.
Seldom have I ever seen so much information about anyone in an internet search. And it's all actually very positive, with even some possibly compromising aspects of his personal life neatly cleaned up. That is not how the modern deep state internet works, where we are fed what we are meant to see.
I'm calling shill on John Perkins!


Monday, 4 November 2024


 Gatekeeper shills are constantly faking being censored to gain extra cred. Here is a classic example in action - Joe Rogan being censored by Youtube...

At least according to The Brownstone Institute, Joe Rogan is being censored by Youtube. But in reality nothing could be further from the truth.

There is a lot going on here, and as usual this is a huge rabbit hole, but a couple of points to keep in mind: Yes, there is a lot of censorship and some backups are being deleted, but the insider gatekeepers shills are constantly using censorship to gain credibility, which is exactly what I found when looking into Candice Owens being banned from Australia last week. (She is another gatekeeper shill)

And secondly, Joe Rogan is one of the very worst examples of a gatekeeper shill, and this example of censorship is blatantly fake: "the Joe Rogan interview with Donald Trump racked up an astonishing 34 million views before YouTube and Google tweaked their search engines to make it hard to discover, while even presiding over a technical malfunction that disabled viewing for many people. Faced with this, Rogan went to the platform X to post all three hours."

I think X is one of the most obvious CIA psyop social media platforms, and it's particularly bad because so many people see it as some sort of free speech platform when it's the exact opposite.

 In reality, Joe Rogan isn't censored on YouTube at all, he has 18 million subscribers and all his interviews are on there including the one with trump -

They haven't even reset the hit counter - it currently shows 44m views - - Youtube constantly reset the hit counts on any content that is not deep state approved, so the fact that they are not reducing the hits on this interview indicates that they want it to look as popular as possible, and articles like the Brownstone Institute one are deliberately designed to give an illusion of censorship when there is actually none at all, in order to increase the traffic -anything "censored" becomes more popular if it isn't really censored. 

The deep state are said to be planning a massive internet crash on the day of the fake election - so that will be Wednesday here in NZ. During covid the Brownstone Institute was opposed to lock downs but made no attempt to look at germ theory, virology, vaccines, or whether covid actually existed, as all gate keepers did then and are still doing now.

Here they are talking about internet censorship but not even attempting to look at any of the key issues that are affecting America over the next 48 hours such as the fake election, or the total jewish control of American media & politics.  I have to say the Brownstone Institute are a classic example of controlled opposition so anything they say is probably a psyop.