Thursday 5 September 2024

This is what controlled chaos looks like

 “The two ‘sides’ of mainstream politics are not fighting against one another, they’re only fighting against you. Their only job is to keep you clapping along with the two-handed puppet show as they rob you blind and tighten your chains while your gaze is fixed on the performance.”—Caitlin Johnstone


Like everything else on the internet, much of the information posted about Linux is misinformation. When I was looking into the different distros I came across this example:

The 11 Best Debian-Based Linux Distributions

I know that compared to misinformation on the covidhoax or the death jabs for example, this is all pretty trivial, but I've been a bit of a geek  this week and that is what I've been looking at.
Linux review sites generally use pictures of the desktops of each of the distros they are featuring. They also tend to rank them in lists such as "Top 10". These are usually based on some sort of objective assessment and reasons are usually given.
In this case the "The 11 Best Debian-Based Linux Distributions" seems to be chosen entirely to make Ubuntu look good at #1 and Mint look bad at #11. I'm guessing they were paid some sort of kickback to do this. probably from Ubuntu who have been eclipsed by Mint now.
On Distrowatch Mint is currently ranked #2 and Ubuntu is at #5. Ubuntu hasn't been number #1 for about five years, and on many other lists Mint is #1.
In their desperate attempt to make Mint look bad they posted good screenshots of the first 10 distros, and then used a terrible picture for Mint in last place at #11 - very odd!

They would have actually have had to change a bunch of the default settings to make Mint look this bad, and they have even made Firefox look like Chrome for this screenshot.

Grudgingly they admit
"Linux Mint is a distro meant to be complete "out of the box", even more than Ubuntu, which it's based on"
In total contrast, this list is of "The 12 Best Debian-based Linux Distributions" is much better , but from reading the comments it appears it was originally a top 10, with no mention of Mint, that was later changed to a Top 12 with two versions of Mint included. And neither of these lists includes the Debian distro itself. Odder and Odder.




Wednesday 4 September 2024


In doing some research into Linux, I could see that that the requirements of a non tech user who just wants a working computer are very different from a geek who wants to tweek things all day.

The best distro for a low tech chump like me looks to be Mint, but if I was a geek I think I would go with Debian.

Debian was founded in 1993 by Ian Murdock, and the name "Debian" was formed from the first name of his then-girlfriend (later ex-wife) Debra Lynn and his own first name.

Debian is the source code language that distros like Mint & Ubuntu are based on, & it's also a distro in itself, aimed at geeks and tech heads


Tuesday 3 September 2024


 Like many people I'm a reluctant Windows user who hates Microscum, and does not want Kill Gate's evil fist up my rectum. So I have long wanted to escape and move to Linux.

In fact I did try to do that back in 2010, but I'm not very technically advanced and it was all just too difficult, so I gave up and went back to Windows XP. (A modified version called Last XP). At that time the programs I was mainly using were Microsoft Office, and Adobe Photoshop, neither of which work on Linux. I did a blog post my Linux experiment in 2010:

Now I've been using Libre Office for years, and all my email is done through Proton Mail rather than Outlook, so a big part of my software problem is already sorted. I'm still using an old version of Photoshop (CS6), but I can see that GIMP 2 can do everything I'm doing in Photoshop. Gimp 3 is due out soon, and that will probably be more advanced than the Photoshop version I'm using. So I'm now more motivated to learn Gimp.

Meanwhile the various Linux systems ("distros") have moved on a lot. So while Windows has been going backwards since Windows 7 (2014), Linux has been continued to slowly develop and improve over the past decade. 

One of the biggest roadblocks to new users switching to Linux is that it's all just too confusing. There are endless options, both for the distros, and the software as well. But nobody seems to want to give a straight answer about what is best. 

The website Distrowatch is probably the best source of Linux information, but the first thing you are confronted with there is that there are 272 distros. And most of them have multiple versions, which are constantly being updated. So there are actually thousands of distros! Here are the top 40:

What I wanted is for someone to tell me which ones are any good. And it turns out if you are a non tech user like me, there are only a handful of suitable choices.

Back in 2010 I tried about 10 distros, and ended up going with Ubuntu. But I never actually liked it or felt at home using it. And this may sound odd, but I also just didn't like the people it seemed to attract. There were lots of angry geeks mouthing off in forums, and it was all just a bad vibe. I later found that most of the other distros were friendly and helpful. 

 In 2010 the other distros I liked were PCLinuxOS, Puppy, and Mint. But with each one I had problems that stopped me using it. At that time Ubuntu seemed more advanced, and it was the number one distro, but it was about to start going backwards.

This time around, I only found two distros I liked enough to seriously consider, Mint and Zorin. I gave both a decent try, and found that although Zorin looks really cool, and is better sorted out of the box, once I started learning a bit more, I could get Mint looking and working how I wanted, while on Zorin I had a few things I couldn't get to work. I came to the conclusion Mint is more stable, has better support, and is fully sorted.

So now I'm gradually shifting over to using Linux Mint. It hasn't been a quick process, because I've been using Windows since the 90's and making changes is difficult. But looking at what Microsoft are up to, I can see there is no future there and I have to find an alternative. This is my Mint desktop so far:

Monday 2 September 2024

79 year old man in a wig

As many of us have known for years, Brigitte Macron, the former French "first lady" is a man in a wig. Two recent developments to this story are that he is now revealed to be a lot older than the official story suggests, and that the whole story is now being blown wide open.

Revealing this fact now could well all be another part of the big globalist psyop, but relatively mainstream commentators are now discussing this on YouTube. Here is a recent podcast by Candice Owens:


Saturday 31 August 2024


In a word, NO, not really! They are all gathering your data to some extent.

But firstly there is probably not even much point worrying about browser security if you are using Windows 10, and even more so, Windows 11, or Google, or Apple, because they are all full blown spyware. And around 98% of people are!  

Even just focusing on desktop users and leaving out the much bigger mobile market, around 95% of people are using a spyware operating system of some sort on their PC or laptop. Windows 7 which I am still using everyday, is spyware too, just not quite as full on as Win 10.

Because I'm swapping between Windows 7 and Linux Mint, and using three different browsers on each operating system, I've become a bit obsessed with browsers lately.

WHY SO MANY? – On Linux Mint Firefox is my default everyday browser, Vervaldi is for my first level alt accounts and any sites that work better on a Chromium based browser, and Floorp (a Japanese Firefox fork designed for privacy) is for my second level alt accounts and for when I'm attempting to be a bit more anon online.

I find it quicker to keep logged in to my different accounts on different browsers because it's much faster to open a browser than to log out and then back in to another account. 

My strange habit of using multiple alt accounts mostly dates back to when I was posting on multiple blockchain and social media platforms, and wanted to be able to jump back and forth between my alt accounts really quickly - to the point on occasion of appearing to have an argument with myself :) - These days I have given up using most of them and am mainly just using one account on Facebook of all places!

Almost all popular browsers are based on Chromium except for Firefox, and the Firefox forks like Waterfox, Floorp, & Librefox. I don't really like Chromium based browsers on the whole, and regard them all as spyware. 

Chrome is the worst for spying by a country mile, but of course it's also the most popular. My pick of the Chromium browsers is Vivaldi and it's the only one I actually like. I use Vivaldi as my default on my Android tablet. It has a lot of good features and if I used Windows 10 I'd probably also use it there as my default browser.

Out of the Firefox based browsers, Firefox itself is the slowest and the least secure, but it is the default browser on Linux Mint, where it works perfectly, and it's security can be improved by changing some of the settings.

Waterfox is probably the least secure of the popular Firefox forks, because it's now owned by an advertising agency, but it's the only browser I've found that runs well on both Windows 7 and Linux. Neither Librefox or Floorp will install on Windows 7, so that is why I use Waterfox as my default on Win 7. Waterfox still works on Windows 7 while Firefox itself seems to be getting gradually worse.

FINGERPRINTING – This is more insidious than cookies, which can be turned off. 

Tracking has moved toward browser fingerprinting while we are still being distracted by cookies. The idea behind fingerprinting is to collect information about the browser and its environment for the purpose of identification. This includes the browser type and version, operating system, language, time zone, active plugins, installed fonts, screen resolution, CPU class, device memory and various other settings. The attributes become the users fingerprint.

These fingerprints are unique in the majority of cases. You can see your own fingerprint at If a browser fingerprint happens to be non-unique, it can be made unique by combining it with the device’s IP address. In other words, browser fingerprints are capable of identifying users even when cookies are turned off.

Fingerprinting is actually remarkably easy to do - here is mine:


Friday 30 August 2024


Country music icon Dolly Parton made headlines in November and December 2020 when a vaccine she helped fund, developed by pharmaceutical company Moderna, became one of the first to prove promising in the fight against the devastating COVID-19 pandemic.

The headlines kicked up discussion that appears periodically online about Parton's personal life, namely the singer-songwriter's marriage to a husband who prefers to stay out of the spotlight. Parton said in a November 2020 interview with Entertainment Tonight that a lot of people have asked her over the years whether her husband, Carl Dean, is even real.

Thursday 29 August 2024


 Now I don't make this claim lightly - there are thousands of really bad music videos - but this one is not "bad" it is so horrendous it is actually good, a masterpiece of being terrible.

"Come To Daddy" by Aphex Twin combines some of the most horrible "music" ever recorded with a video so creepy it makes all other attempts at doing creepy, dark, or even satanic music videos look like Disney movies, they are all just a bunch of try hard satanic references hiding under a facade of being children's cartoons.

This video on the other hand is NASTY, to the extent that I find it really quite hard to watch for more than a minute or two, and even with the sound off it's still quite disturbing. But it's a really good example of whatever it is - in fact I'm pretty sure it's the best example of this sort of thing. The first 1:20 with no sound is morbidly fascinating but then the "music" kicks in and things get increasingly deranged from that point on.

There are only two channels on the AI mind programming YouTube platform that I have any interest in - Ozzy Man who is pretty funny sometimes, and Trash Theory who does some really interesting music documentaries.

This is the Trash Theory doco about Aphex Twin that lead to me revisiting the horrible "Come To Daddy" video again -