Tuesday, 9 January 2024

Why are we doing this?

At some point I think a lot of us who start to see the narratives for what they are - a load of bollocks,  start out with the intention of "waking people up", red pilling them, and we go to quite a bit of effort to do so, I know I did, but over much of the past 10 years I have increasingly felt like I was pushing shit up hill.

Sometimes I did blog posts for financial reward, and sometimes for interaction and even acclaim, and sometimes to learn stuff, or to clarify my own thoughts. But there was always the underlying ambition of exposing the lies and red pilling the masses.

It didn't happen quite as I hoped. In New Zealand about 80% of the sheeple got their death jabs, and now many of them are as sick as fuck. The things the covid hoax set in motion are done now, and I expect them to play out. The economy for example, is totally screwed.

And yes, like many "conspiracy theorists" I have lost interest in red pilling anyone - everything we predicted has either already happened or is now in motion.

Some of my blog posts from 2016 to 2021 were pretty good if I say so myself, but I'm less likely to put in the same level of effort now as I did back when I was earning payouts and seemed to have an engaged audience.

So what I'm really saying is that a lot of what I post online from this point is probably just going to be memes and random shitposts.

Listening to this audio from Amazing Polly resonated quite a bit because I'm having a lot of the same feelings.


Pretty much all the best bloggers I follow seem to have come to the point of saying "oh fuck it, the shit has hit the fan, this will play out now"

Yeah, I agree... I did my best, but if anyone hasn't grasped what has happened yet, sorry, but you are a thick cunt...

Monday, 8 January 2024


Blogging is a fun hobby, but having watched it's gradual decline from a creative peak around 2010, down to the state it's in now, I have to say that blogging in 2024 is at an all time low.


Last week I went through a bunch of my old blog bookmarks trying to find any current active blogs that I could include in a Blogroll here on this blog. Most of them were either totally inactive with the most recent post being from over five years ago, or the URL was not working at all, with an expired domain name or some other washed up shit going on.
OK, I'm living in the past I thought, it's time to find some new more up to date blogs, so I started having a dig around. And what did I find? Well it seems that like movies, music, books, magazines, and art, BLOGS IN 2024 ARE MOSTLY UTTER SHIT...

It's a good job I've turned over a new leaf for 2024 and am staying focused on the positive :)
The standard of writing and thinking is so low on most blogs these days that I'm seriously wondering if they are being done by AI like most of the comments on YouTube. So along with giving up caring if I have any audience, I think that in order to enjoy having a blog in this era of living in a creative black hole, I'll also have to give up caring if I can assemble a decent Blogroll. I've put the few current active blogs that I found on it, but it's certainly not the most exciting blogroll I've ever seen. In fact I've renamed it the BOGROLL.


Sunday, 7 January 2024


 I'm always finding new images so it would be easy and fun to do a quick "RANDOMS" post each week, and starting today that is my latest plan

I'll aim to do a post each week with about 10 random images and memes, along with a GIF and one of my epic works of art. That would be fun. I will start doing that on Sundays, as regular as clockwork!


Saturday, 6 January 2024


 I'm planning to do some more LOLPIC galleries, but here are a quick half dozen to set some balls rolling!


Friday, 5 January 2024



 Siouxsie Sioux has done a lot of great music, but she/he fails a transvestigation rather horribly, as do many singers. This is a very revealing video, well worth a look:



Now to see why she/he is highly regarded check out some of her/his music:




Thursday, 4 January 2024

Reverting to Blogger

The irony of this is not lost on me - after a decade of avoiding Google I have started posting on Google owned Blogger again because my WordPress blog is still to this day getting very little traffic since Google black listed it back in 2016, and I've become disillusioned with blockchain sites like Steemit, Hive, and Blurt over the past few years due to insider corruption and ever decreasing engagement and payouts...

My self hosted WordPress site is here: www.frot.co.nz - that is a large blog with thousands of pictures that I mostly won't be reposting here, but what the hell, in these stressful and complex times I feel like giving fast and easy Blogger another go.

I started out on Blogger long ago with this post, and I've always liked the way the platform works. After trying out every other platform under the sun since then, I have come around to thinking "Oh fuck it, I don't like Google, but I use Android every day, so maybe I'll step down from my righteous pedestal and start posting on Blogger again"

The first thing I found is that it hasn't changed at all, and it's still fun and easy to use. OK Google, you got me, it's a great blogging site for concentrating on creating content, and if you can manage to not censor me or shut the platform down I'll keep posting here.

Wednesday, 3 January 2024


On the last day of 2023 I did my final post on my old Wordpress.org blog www.frot.co.nz 

It's been online since January 1 2016, so it's eight years old now, and has over 750 posts. But it is heavily blacklisted, and the hits have dropped from a peak of over 2000 a day in 2017 to less than 100 a day in 2023, which isn't very inspiring.

WordPress seems to be getting endlessly more complex, and I wonder now if the whole WordPress platform is yet another deep state psyop, because let's face it, with over 455 million sites, or over 30% of all websites currently online using WordPress, it's highly unlikely that it isn't.

 From this point on I want to move to a much simpler blogging system, and let go of all my old ideas of "real" blogging, which seems to have become a never ending backlog of updates, combined with a sense that nothing I post online is as good as what I was posting before. That is probably true, but there is no point dwelling on my failures.

This past year I have started to see the entire internet as being very similar to the Steemit and Hive blockchains, totally controlled by corrupt insiders. It's safe to say I'm unlikely to ever again get 2000+ hits a day on any of my blog posts or earn $200+ for any blockchain posts. I did occasionally reach those heights in the past, but that was more than five years ago and the glory days of blogging seem to be long over.

So I've decided to quit posting new content on WordPress. It was probably about time to put the FROT blog out to pasture anyway, but I'll leave it online as an eight year record of my 750+ blog posts from January 2016 to December 2023.

From now on I'll only be posting my new content on www.sift.co.nz

Yes, that is a Blogger blog, and Blogger is owned by Google. But ultimately, Google seem to have censored the entire internet, and Blogger is easy to use and convenient. If my posts are going to get barely any traffic, I might as well use a convenient deep state platform (Blogger) rather than an inconvenient deep state platform (WordPress)

Tuesday, 2 January 2024


Last year I tried out two resolutions. To stop using all social media, and to focus on the positive. 

How did that all go? Well the social media part went OK, I did totally stop all use of social media for a solid two weeks and most of it I didn't miss at all. Watching the gradual demise of platforms I was on, like Bastyon and Blurt, has been uninspiring anyway, and I'd already mostly given up on them, so a full cold turkey was no problem, and I have happily left them behind.

The only one I had an urge to sneak back for a look at was Facebook. In many ways I dislike Facebook, so why was that? Mainly because I deliberately avoid all "news" and am no longer on any other social media sites, so I tend to get really out of touch with the hot topics of the week, and start wondering what the latest mind programming is. Facebook also shows a lot more New Zealand content than any of the of the other platforms, which tend to be mainly full of American crap. But it is really hard to use Facebook without two things happening.

Firstly it rapidly becomes a major time waster, scrolling through an endless stream of distractions. And secondly, it tends to make me feel slightly despondent. Not because of the content so much as seeing first hand so much mindless stupidity. 

Even though I do my best to avoid encountering "TARDS" of any kind by immediately blocking them, and by doing my best to only be friends with people who appear to know shit from chewed dates on at least some subjects, the level of interaction on FB is often head clutchingly moronic. As recently as just a few years ago there were some platforms (like Steemit in the early days, around 2016 -2018) where actual intelligent comments and interactions regularly took place. But not any more...


So I don't want to try to completely stop all use of FB because I have to admit, sometimes it has it's uses. But I do want to keep it under control.

1. From now on I won't argue or disagree with anything anyone posts. I will block them if so inclined but otherwise I won't say peep. My only reaction will be a thumbs up if I like or agree with something. And for the most part I won't comment because that takes too much time.

2. I'll mainly view FB on my PC or laptop using the FB Purity app so my feed is chronological and all ads are blocked. The feed on my tablet is bullshit. FB can jam their algorithms and sponsored posts up their arse.

And now the more difficult part - focusing on the positive.

There is not much point in continuing to point out what is fucked. Pretty much everything is fucked, and that is part of the globalist plan. Getting us to all constantly focus on how fucked everything is, is also part of the plan. I have been exposing this stuff online for nearly 20 years and to be brutally honest, I'm not convinced now that it has helped things much. In fact it may have made some things worse.

So I'm going to have a crack at stopping my focus on how fucked everything is, and instead focus on any glimmers of hope and positivity. That is not my natural inclination, but I feel like that is our best tactic and if the controlled platforms are all feeding us a sea of fudporn, then it is my natural inclination to focus on the opposite of that.

This could be challenging!



Monday, 1 January 2024


Well it is in New Zealand, & the rest of you will get there tomorrow. Remember to get out in the sun. OK, that may not be possible in NZ where summer has been canceled, but at least wave your balls in the air or something to celebrate.


 To celebrate my 25th anniversary of having a BLOG last year (and I don't even remember calling them "BLOGS" back in 1998, I think we just called them "WEBSITES"), I had a month off all online posting, avoiding all social media use as well. 

 My WordPress blog www.frot.co.nz had dropped off from a peak of 21.4 million hits in 2018, to only 579k hits four years later in 2022 (a 97% drop), which certainly wasn't encouraging.
Page Hits on www.frot.co.nz in 2018:
 Page Hits on www.frot.co.nz in 2022:



Shadow banning is a bit of a harsh spanking, but I've come to see the entire internet as a giant sea of controlled AI traffic, and I'm far from confident there is much I can do to work around this level of deep censorship. Basically, if anything is popular, that's probably because "THEY" want us to see it. Maybe, that is how it's always been, in one form or another, for hundreds of years.

So a question I ended up pondering is: "Is it worthwhile to keep posting content online if barely anyone ever sees it?" And there are two answers to that question, depending on how I look at. If I care whether it is seen by anyone, then probably not, but if it is mainly just for my own entertainment, then probably yes.

To just throw content out there, without a care in the world, would be more fun really. And like casting a message in a bottle out into the ocean, who knows where it might end up. The important thing is that I need to have no attachment to the outcome. My days of trying to "grow" any sort of audience are clearly over.


The Blogger platform is fairly well designed. Ignoring the censorship aspects and looking only at how convenient it is for knocking out quick blog posts, it's great in fact. I used to use it way back 20 years ago and it's still my favourite blogging front end. The fact that it hasn't changed for so long is a big part of that convenience. 

Although I hate Google and regard them as the enemy, if I use their Blogger platform (but also do a monthly backup copy of everything I post there, I guess I can have the convenience of a really easy to use daily blogging platform, combined with some level of censorship resistance.

Essentially, my use of the entire internet follows that same pattern. I realise the internet is owned and run by the deep state, but I still find some of it useful, and choose to keep using it despite knowing the deep sate set it up to program us. 

So as I have decided to continue posting stuff online mainly for my own entertainment, the Blogger platform is really handy, even if virtually nobody ever sees my shadowy little www.sift.co.nz  blog. That's too bad, but these days posting online is more like writing a personal diary entry than an onstage performance...

From now on I'll be marching to a different drum. Lately I've been coming round to thinking differently about quite a few things.

The alt media is just as fake as the mainstream media because "they" (the globalist/zionist/freemason/illuminati/satanist/bankers) play both sides.

The flows of traffic on the internet are mainly AI, so the hits are mostly imaginary, and popularity is just another illusion that is being used as a mind programming tactic.

All the commentators who appear to be popular are working for the globalist agenda, either promoting the narrative or resisting the narrative, but either way the content is always focusing on the narrative.

I no longer really care what other people think, I mainly care what is going on in my own mind. So if I post anything online, the primary audience is myself. And I'm no longer going to give a toss about hits, or the absence of them, they were probably mostly imaginary anyway, and I'm blogging for an audience of one (me).

My days of doing long blog posts are mostly over, now I feel more inclined to just do short posts with a few pictures. They will probably have more in common with shopping lists than novels.

If what I'm posting is more like a bunch of notes than a blog, and the only person reading any of them is myself, why impose strict rules? From this point I'm just going to post whatever takes my fancy. That may be lots of posts or it may not. Time will tell.


Like everyone who has been online since the dawn of time, (the nineties), I have left a trail if old content. Sometimes I think of it as my life's work. But it's time to move on, and the first thing I have to admit is that whatever audience I ever had is mostly long gone.

There are more than 800 old posts on my www.frot.co.nz blog, but I'm not generally reading them myself, and I don't really think anyone else is. Most of the hits on that blog are people (or bots) looking at a few galleries of trannies. Trannies can be a bit of a laugh sometimes, but in all honesty, going on about trannies is probably not my best work.

 And endlessly going on about the covidhoax, or 911, or any other deep state psyops, isn't much better really. My head has been full of all that crap for far too long, I'm long overdue for a mental clear out.

As part of my clear out, I've decided to go short and sharp. No more writing long blog posts, no more dicking around on social media or blockchains, and no more watching podcasts, I'm over all of it. If it can't be said in a few lines then we are just endlessly blathering on, and all that long winded verbosity could bore the legs off a donkey.

 To all the people who are just now realizing that he entire narrative is fake, you are starting out on an interesting ride. But I've been on it for over 25 years, and it's time for me to start a new ride. It may not be easy to do overnight, but I'm going to have a crack at making a big change this year. In 2024 I will be flipping a big mental switch!