Saturday, 19 October 2024


As a music fan and a “conspiracy theorist” I've long been confused and conflicted about The Beatles. Maybe part of what keeps pulling me back to look at them is that I know I have never fully understood this story, but I suspect that it ties into almost every deep state cover up for the past 60 years.

And another aspect is that despite living on the opposite side of the globe (I’m not a flat earther), my mother is from Liverpool, and I spent some time there staying with relatives as a child. People I spoke to who lived there in the early 60’s never saw or heard of them back then, and were stunned when they became “bigger than Jesus” all around the world.


On the one hand I think they performed some of the greatest pop songs ever written. They have influenced most of my favourite bands – everyone from Split Enz to Joy Division. But my favourite Beatles track, “Rain” was never even on an album…


On the other hand I hate some of their music as much as any music I’ve ever heard. For example, I think the album “Sgt. Peppers Lonely Heart’s Club Band” is horrible – really creepy. And that is just based on the music, let alone the fact that it’s filled with satanic and deep state references from the cover to the final track.


They put out all sorts of amazing and really advanced music, but as soon as you start delving into the rabbit hole that is The Beatles, the cover ups and mismatched stories are endless.


There are so many conflicting theories it’s hard to know where to start. But here are three things I am certain of. There was more than one person playing the role of “Paul McCartney”, they did not write nor play all the music that is credited to them, and John Lennon was not assassinated in 1980.





Friday, 18 October 2024


This entire year has been a non stop circus show, but over the past few months the scripted events have really been cranked up. I feel like I need to stay more focused, and most of what I’m seeing on the internet is not assisting that. 

I seem to keep getting distracted by stuff I see on Facebook, which is the only social media platform I’m still using. Last October I had a month off all social media and at the end of it only ended up coming back to Facebook. 
I have to admit I find a lot of my FB feed quite fascinating. But this month the endless posts about the moronic American elections are constantly reminding me that I really don’t need to see this crap. 
I’m going to have another break, starting right now, and reassess things after Captain Chump is chosen to save America on Nov 5. If that predictable script doesn’t play out, I’ll be extremely surprised, but it all makes very little difference anyway.

So I'm going to retreat back to simpler times for a while...

Thursday, 17 October 2024


When I started this new blog at the start of 2024 I had the idea of making it all just short blog posts, but lately I've been wanting to post some longer articles - mainly because they are good summaries of information that I'm rereading and it's convenient to have a copy of them on my own blog.

So starting now in October 2024 I'm going to start adding some longer posts on here too - they will be in the  "PAGES" section and some will be my own old posts mostly from my blog, while others will be copy & paste copies of other people's work.

Here are two new pages I have just added today:




Wednesday, 16 October 2024


In this post I'll be referring to "GEEKS" quite a bit. This is not entirely disrespectful, I do appreciate all the work geeks put in, creating open source software. But like so many people transitioning from Windows to Linux I have come to view geeks as a bizarre sub-species of computer users who take a perverse pleasure in exerting their superiority over NEWBS (New Linux users - I am a newb)

Making the shift from Windows to Linux is neither massively difficult, nor is it entirely easy. It's a bit of both, but a lot of the information online is biased, or badly presented, or created by geeks who are sometimes making things harder than they need to be.

Possibly some computer geeks place a value on themselves that partly stems from being the only ones who understand the technology, so making them gatekeeper tech gods. Which they get a buzz out of. 

Unfortunately this tends to mean that rather than making things easier for newbs by giving them simple instructions, they often give out incomprehensible instructions like "Just enter this simple command in Terminal". Their condescending tone of "this is all really easy" is infuriating and one of the main reasons so many newbs give up.

Geeks seem to be unwilling to accept that about 90% of people using computers are not other geeks, but regular people who want to have most, or even everything they do accessible through buttons and menus that they can click on. 

Personally I like to do everything on my PC using my mouse, and am about as anti keyboard command as it's possible to be. The very word "type" totally turns me off. "Copy & paste" I can do if necessary, but not "type" What I actually want to see are the words "click on".

Life often plays out in strange ways, and I have brain damage to the left hemisphere of my brain, so am very right brain dominant, but I still use computers anyway, and even sometimes seem to end up trying to explain computer stuff to other non-geeks who just want some basic instructions. 

My perspective from being a right brain computer user is a bit different to most of the people who are usually commentating on this stuff, so I imagine any actual geeks who see my posts might view me as a clueless idiot. Which I sort of am.

During the process of transitioning from Windows 7 (Yes, I am still using Win 7 in 2024) to Linux Mint, it has struck me that a lot of the information online is confusing rather than helpful, and I wish I could have read (Yes READ, not viewed endless badly done videos) web-pages that explained things in a way that made sense to me.

Here I'm attempting to leave some notes for my friends who at some point will be wanting to escape the clutches of Microsoft. Windows 11 is likely to be the final straw for a lot of people with it's obvious and intrusive spyware, so the end of Windows for non sheeple is looming close on the horizon. Linux is the only real option for anyone who wants to continue using a computer without selling their soul to the deep state. (Yes, Apple & Google are spying too)

As I've found from sticking with Windows 7 and refusing to use Windows 8 or Windows 10, it is possible to soldier on for years with an unsupported operating system, and I expect I'll keep using Windows 7 on some of my old laptops for years to come. But installing Windows 7 on more modern hardware is a pig of a job, mainly because sorting out drivers can be really tricky, and there are ever increasing problems with software no longer working properly. 

I will probably do a post about some of the Win 7 work arounds, because Windows 7 is slowly gaining a cult following as the last relatively low spyware version of Windows. But Linux is the future and I think everyone who wants to use a computer with some degree of privacy is going to have to get the hang of it. So I'll do some more Linux posts attempting to clarify a few things.


Tuesday, 15 October 2024


 In the early days of the Corbett Report, James Corbett often used to do presentations with an FBI whisleblower called Sibel Edmonds.

 She was actually very smooth - sort of like a female James Bond - had me fooled too - but with hindsight she was a deep state set up right from the outset, and her news podcast was all a psyop.

None of this is what it seems, & I think James Corbett came to realise she was a shill but this was the official story:

Sibel Edmonds is a former contract translator for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the founder and editor-in-chief of the independent news website NewsBud.

The FBI hired her as a translator shortly after 9/11 but fired her after less than seven months. She identified herself as a whistleblower and challenged her termination; however, the courts dismissed her lawsuit for wrongful termination because the FBI would need to disclose privileged information. She accused a colleague of covering up illicit activity involving Turkish nationals, alleged serious security breaches and cover-ups and that intelligence had been deliberately suppressed, endangering national security.  Following her accusations, the US attorney-general imposed a state secrets privilege order on her, which prevents her from revealing more information about the FBI.[4] The PEN American Center awarded her the PEN/Newman's Own First Amendment Award in 2006 for her claims.[5] She published a memoir in March 2012, titled Classified Woman – The Sibel Edmonds Story.

Revisiting this story - even using Yandex I couldn't find any updates - the story is scrubbed from the internet - almost everything is gone



Monday, 14 October 2024


 The weather - dark grey sky, heavy rain and cold wind is not NORMAL. The vast number of sick people is not NORMAL. The entire country going bankrupt while incompetent councils and government puppets get hand outs from Blackrock is not NORMAL.