Saturday 31 August 2024


In a word, NO, not really! They are all gathering your data to some extent.

But firstly there is probably not even much point worrying about browser security if you are using Windows 10, and even more so, Windows 11, or Google, or Apple, because they are all full blown spyware. And around 98% of people are!  

Even just focusing on desktop users and leaving out the much bigger mobile market, around 95% of people are using a spyware operating system of some sort on their PC or laptop. Windows 7 which I am still using everyday, is spyware too, just not quite as full on as Win 10.

Because I'm swapping between Windows 7 and Linux Mint, and using three different browsers on each operating system, I've become a bit obsessed with browsers lately.

WHY SO MANY? – On Linux Mint Firefox is my default everyday browser, Vervaldi is for my first level alt accounts and any sites that work better on a Chromium based browser, and Floorp (a Japanese Firefox fork designed for privacy) is for my second level alt accounts and for when I'm attempting to be a bit more anon online.

I find it quicker to keep logged in to my different accounts on different browsers because it's much faster to open a browser than to log out and then back in to another account. 

My strange habit of using multiple alt accounts mostly dates back to when I was posting on multiple blockchain and social media platforms, and wanted to be able to jump back and forth between my alt accounts really quickly - to the point on occasion of appearing to have an argument with myself :) - These days I have given up using most of them and am mainly just using one account on Facebook of all places!

Almost all popular browsers are based on Chromium except for Firefox, and the Firefox forks like Waterfox, Floorp, & Librefox. I don't really like Chromium based browsers on the whole, and regard them all as spyware. 

Chrome is the worst for spying by a country mile, but of course it's also the most popular. My pick of the Chromium browsers is Vivaldi and it's the only one I actually like. I use Vivaldi as my default on my Android tablet. It has a lot of good features and if I used Windows 10 I'd probably also use it there as my default browser.

Out of the Firefox based browsers, Firefox itself is the slowest and the least secure, but it is the default browser on Linux Mint, where it works perfectly, and it's security can be improved by changing some of the settings.

Waterfox is probably the least secure of the popular Firefox forks, because it's now owned by an advertising agency, but it's the only browser I've found that runs well on both Windows 7 and Linux. Neither Librefox or Floorp will install on Windows 7, so that is why I use Waterfox as my default on Win 7. Waterfox still works on Windows 7 while Firefox itself seems to be getting gradually worse.

FINGERPRINTING – This is more insidious than cookies, which can be turned off. 

Tracking has moved toward browser fingerprinting while we are still being distracted by cookies. The idea behind fingerprinting is to collect information about the browser and its environment for the purpose of identification. This includes the browser type and version, operating system, language, time zone, active plugins, installed fonts, screen resolution, CPU class, device memory and various other settings. The attributes become the users fingerprint.

These fingerprints are unique in the majority of cases. You can see your own fingerprint at If a browser fingerprint happens to be non-unique, it can be made unique by combining it with the device’s IP address. In other words, browser fingerprints are capable of identifying users even when cookies are turned off.

Fingerprinting is actually remarkably easy to do - here is mine:


Friday 30 August 2024


Country music icon Dolly Parton made headlines in November and December 2020 when a vaccine she helped fund, developed by pharmaceutical company Moderna, became one of the first to prove promising in the fight against the devastating COVID-19 pandemic.

The headlines kicked up discussion that appears periodically online about Parton's personal life, namely the singer-songwriter's marriage to a husband who prefers to stay out of the spotlight. Parton said in a November 2020 interview with Entertainment Tonight that a lot of people have asked her over the years whether her husband, Carl Dean, is even real.

Thursday 29 August 2024


 Now I don't make this claim lightly - there are thousands of really bad music videos - but this one is not "bad" it is so horrendous it is actually good, a masterpiece of being terrible.

"Come To Daddy" by Aphex Twin combines some of the most horrible "music" ever recorded with a video so creepy it makes all other attempts at doing creepy, dark, or even satanic music videos look like Disney movies, they are all just a bunch of try hard satanic references hiding under a facade of being children's cartoons.

This video on the other hand is NASTY, to the extent that I find it really quite hard to watch for more than a minute or two, and even with the sound off it's still quite disturbing. But it's a really good example of whatever it is - in fact I'm pretty sure it's the best example of this sort of thing. The first 1:20 with no sound is morbidly fascinating but then the "music" kicks in and things get increasingly deranged from that point on.

There are only two channels on the AI mind programming YouTube platform that I have any interest in - Ozzy Man who is pretty funny sometimes, and Trash Theory who does some really interesting music documentaries.

This is the Trash Theory doco about Aphex Twin that lead to me revisiting the horrible "Come To Daddy" video again -

Wednesday 28 August 2024


I used to get really pissed off with Facebook but then I thought, OK it's a controlled platform, but it works better than any other social media platform, what can I do on it? - So I learned how to spell like a retared and take more care about what images I posted, and I've been having a good time on it this year. It's the only social media I'm still using now which saves time too!



Tuesday 27 August 2024


This year I have cut right back on sending emails because we all seem to be in a constant state of information overload, and also my email systems took a real pounding last year, so I ending up ditching all my old accounts and shifted to only using Proton Mail. 

It's all a bit primitive compared to the email set up I used to have, but my new account is fairly anon with no real history, so I'm not getting 600 spam emails a day. Yes, my combined inbox really did get that much spam last year! Thankfully I'm getting pretty much no spam any more.

When I gave up using cell phones 22 years ago it was no big deal, but back in 2002 they weren't considered all that essential. These days refusing to use a cell phone is seen as pretty odd, but I think they are ghastly things. I actually do have one, and although I don't generally look at it, I do rack up about two minutes a month on it.

This year has been a year of letting go of things, especially computer stuff. As well as moving over to Proton Mail, at the end of last year I stopped using my WordPress blog

It's still there as an archive but I have now switched to a new smaller blog

Here is a post about that swap over: The end of an era

And I also quit using all social media except Facebook where I still have several accounts to circumvent any censorship:

Who on earth is Greg Anderson and why is he still on Facebook? - As recently as 2023 I was regularly using five social media platforms, but like any addiction, I wasn’t exactly happy about it, so I finally gave up the lot, and went cold turkey for a month. At the end of the month I was only too pleased to have seen the arse end of four of them, but surprisingly, (and yes, I know it’s deep state), the only one I missed was Facebook.

I am a real person, but I update my online identities more often than Firefox changes versions, so I have to use a spreadsheet to remember them all. What I’m looking for on FB is interesting content from like minded people. If you have also come to the conclusion that nearly everything we have been programmed to believe is a lie, then we may be on the same page.

I live in Wellington, New Zealand, which I suspect is one of the most libtard cities in the entire world, and have offended more people online over the past two decades than I can shake a stick at. If you are a sensitive petal we are probably not on the same page. But I don’t take all this stuff super seriously on FB, and am more likely to briefly mock earnest woketards than engage in long winded disagreements with them. 

Monday 26 August 2024


Dave Navaro's new look (he was the guitarist from Jane's Addiction) - along with all the tatts that is a Freemason hand sign

It's a shame to see him posing like this, they were a great band once! - - and yes this song is about a tranny! - "have you seen my wig around?" :)

Saturday 24 August 2024


 I have collected up some of my favourite music videos, mostly from the golden age of rock music, 1967-1997 - Perfect for playing on random while reading all the awesome posts here on this blog. Included in the bookmarks menu at the right.


Friday 23 August 2024


There are not many supercars in New Zealand, probably because they are a bit on the expensive side, and our ever deteriorating roads would totally munt them in no time flat. But I started wondering, if I was filthy rich, and in the market for some racy looking bling, how much would a new 2024 Bugatti Chiron Super Sport Red Dragon cost?

It turns out the Bugatti Chiron Super Sport Red Dragon 2024 Price in New Zealand is NZ$ 9,020,000 (US$5,500,000)
 "Bugatti has just unwrapped its latest masterpiece, the bespoke Chiron Super Sport named ’Red Dragon,’ and it’s an absolute showstopper. Adorned in a mesmerizing red-hued carbon fiber finish, Bugatti has spared no effort in ensuring that every inch of this hypercar exudes sheer luxury and opulence.

The Red Dragon flaunts subtle Nocturne exterior accents, accompanied by sleek black-painted lightweight five-spoke wheels that seamlessly blend with the understated Super Sport stripes, cleverly concealing vibrant red brake calipers. The exterior is a symphony of design, a testament to Bugatti’s commitment to perfection.

Inside the cockpit, the elegance continues with Blanc (white) seats and door panels harmoniously paired with meticulously handstitched Hot Spur contrasting details and Beluga Black carpets. This meticulous attention to detail extends to the dash and door tops, creating a visually striking and athletically inspired contrast that elevates the interior to a level of unmatched sophistication.

The Red Dragon isn’t Bugatti’s first venture into the world of red-tinted carbon fiber; a similar aesthetic was employed in the Pur Sport Grand Prix unveiled just last year. The integrated headrests boast contrasting ’Chiron Super Sport’ embroidery, and even the rear-view mirror is color-matched to the striking exterior hue. Overall, it stands as one of the most captivating Super Sports to date, a remarkable feat considering the array of jaw-dropping releases from Bugatti in recent months.

Underneath its bespoke exterior, the Red Dragon retains the powerhouse that is the 8.0-liter W16 quad-turbo motor, delivering an astonishing 1,578 horsepower and a tire-shredding 1,180 lb-ft of torque. The elongated rear end, 9.84 inches longer than a regular Chiron, not only contributes to a more graceful aesthetic but also enhances stability at high speeds, achieving a 40% reduction in aerodynamic stall. Consequently, the Super Sport effortlessly reaches a top speed of 273 mph, an impressive feat by any measure.

In the case of the Red Dragon and similar bespoke Bugatti creations, customers collaborate with the Sur Mesure department to tailor every detail to their precise preferences. The exclusivity of Bugatti is highlighted by instances like a wealthy couple commissioning matching Super Sports. However, for those who haven’t secured their Chiron yet, the window has closed, with all units spoken for. Yet, for the less discerning, the secondhand market may still unveil opportunities, such as the recent discovery of a rare Super Sport 300+, expected to fetch a staggering $5.5 million. Bugatti has capped the production of Super Sports at 80 units, while the even more exclusive Super Sport 300+ is limited to just 30 units, ensuring that these automotive masterpieces remain rare gems on the roads." 

Thursday 22 August 2024

The Most Dangerous Superstition

This is a book that I haven't read yet but am planning to read very soon. As a reminder, Dr Tom Cowan recommended it in his latest podcast this week. 
Something I often think about when reading posts by people who want to try to get "the government" to change things, is that I have no faith whatsoever in "government" or in the process of trying to change anything by attempting to work within their systems. 
I think the NZ "government" is just a lowly division of the globalist scum, who run everything entirely in their interests, against the interests of NZ. But we have all been programmed to believe that we must have a "government", and that we must submit to it. And that is the Dangerous Superstition.

The Most Dangerous Superstition (2011) - by Larken Rose

"When someone looks out at the world and sees all manner of suffering and injustice, stretching back for thousands of years and continuing today, he invariably blames such problems on someone else's hatred, greed, or stupidity. Rarely will someone consider the possibility that his own belief system is the cause of the pain and suffering he sees around him. But in most cases, it is. The root cause of most of society's ills--the main source of man's inhumanity to man--is neither malice nor negligence, but a mere superstition--an unquestioned assumption which has been accepted on faith by nearly everyone, of all ages, races, religions, education and income levels. If people were to recognize that one belief for what it is--an utterly irrational, self-contradictory, and horribly destructive myth--most of the violence, oppression and injustice in the world would cease. But that will happen only when people dare to honestly and objectively re-examine their belief systems. "The Most Dangerous Superstition" exposes the myth for what it is, showing how nearly everyone, as a result of one particular unquestioned assumption, is directly contributing to violence and oppression without even realizing it. If you imagine yourself to be a compassionate, peace-loving, civilized human being, you must read this book."


Wednesday 21 August 2024


Two books that expose the fictional story of atomic bombs:


Hiroshima Revisited by Michael Palmer (2020)

This book examines the scientific and medical evidence to determine whether the conventional story of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki can be true. It concludes that
1. no nuclear detonations took place,
2. the cities were destroyed with conventional explosives and napalm,
3. the victims were killed not with radiation but with mustard gas, and also with napalm.

While most of the book deals with the medical and the physical evidence, the final two chapters also examine the wider historic and political implications.

Death Object: Exploding the Nuclear Weapons Hoax by Akio Nakatani (2017)

Trickery is the way of war - as it always been. But the nuclear trick is the biggest, boldest and baddest-ass scam in all of mankind's ancient and eternal quest for power and profit through mass slaughter. DEATH OBJECT takes you behind the curtain and reveals the empty sound stage. The science, the history, the misery, the mystery - the full hoax is covered.