Tuesday, 27 August 2024


This year I have cut right back on sending emails because we all seem to be in a constant state of information overload, and also my email systems took a real pounding last year, so I ending up ditching all my old accounts and shifted to only using Proton Mail. 

It's all a bit primitive compared to the email set up I used to have, but my new account is fairly anon with no real history, so I'm not getting 600 spam emails a day. Yes, my combined inbox really did get that much spam last year! Thankfully I'm getting pretty much no spam any more.

When I gave up using cell phones 22 years ago it was no big deal, but back in 2002 they weren't considered all that essential. These days refusing to use a cell phone is seen as pretty odd, but I think they are ghastly things. I actually do have one, and although I don't generally look at it, I do rack up about two minutes a month on it.

This year has been a year of letting go of things, especially computer stuff. As well as moving over to Proton Mail, at the end of last year I stopped using my WordPress blog www.frot.co.nz

It's still there as an archive but I have now switched to a new smaller blog www.sift.co.nz

Here is a post about that swap over: The end of an era

And I also quit using all social media except Facebook where I still have several accounts to circumvent any censorship:

Who on earth is Greg Anderson and why is he still on Facebook? - As recently as 2023 I was regularly using five social media platforms, but like any addiction, I wasn’t exactly happy about it, so I finally gave up the lot, and went cold turkey for a month. At the end of the month I was only too pleased to have seen the arse end of four of them, but surprisingly, (and yes, I know it’s deep state), the only one I missed was Facebook.

I am a real person, but I update my online identities more often than Firefox changes versions, so I have to use a spreadsheet to remember them all. What I’m looking for on FB is interesting content from like minded people. If you have also come to the conclusion that nearly everything we have been programmed to believe is a lie, then we may be on the same page.

I live in Wellington, New Zealand, which I suspect is one of the most libtard cities in the entire world, and have offended more people online over the past two decades than I can shake a stick at. If you are a sensitive petal we are probably not on the same page. But I don’t take all this stuff super seriously on FB, and am more likely to briefly mock earnest woketards than engage in long winded disagreements with them.
