Tuesday 24 September 2024


The process of blogging, like all forms of internet use, is constantly changing. I won't say it's evolving because I'm far from convinced that is the case.

Back around 2016, which for me was the pinnacle of blogging, it seemed like much of the content was a lot better, and there were blockchain platforms like Steemit where I could earn rewards. Overall there seemed to be less censorship.

Now in 2024 the entire internet seems to be dominated by moronic video content, and most people seem to be illiterate, or AI, or both. Good blogs are a real rarity, and the flows of traffic throughout the internet are totally controlled. Content is not blatantly censored, but as on sites like Facebook, algorithms are grey listing any non approved content while promoting all the NWO programming.

My days of trying to write long original blog posts in the hope of building a large following, or earning any rewards, are long over. There is also not much point in copying and pasting other people's content, with the intent of building up a popular website that exposes content to wider audience, because that certainly isn't happening anymore.

So what I'm now aiming to do is make short summaries that can be shared around easily. Just a couple of pictures, a few links, and a brief paragraph or two. There is no point attempting to write "War and Peace" for an audience of semi literates running about like headless chickens with cell phones